Newspaper shooter ties to ALT R

How soon they forget Charlottesville. "Some are fine people".

yes, some were

some of the protestors against moving the statues, some of the protestors against leaving the statues, were good people.

Some, not all, were good people.

Shame so many on both sides only see black and white on an issue
No one marching with torch bearing nazis is a decent person

But trump trolls wouldn’t know that, eh?

No one physically attacking them is a good person either, partisan girl.

Some were there to prevent the statues from being moved.

but someone as partisan as you wouldn't admit that, will you?

A good many were there to rally around a white supremacist message that had clear anti-semitic and racist overtones...something Trump should have condemned but couldn't.

Here's the question for today: Has Trump ever said "and some of them are fine people" about Muslims?

I wish the video wasn't chopped up this much, but yes, he is not anti Muslim, he is anti ISLAMIST. Which is a huge difference, and point that the MSM lies about at every opportunity.

Islam+ financial business for Trump= friend. Remember the Seychelles Islands? Depends on who's taking business to Trump. Remember Kushner? White House investigating $500 million in loans to Jared Kushner's family firm Friends + business= no travel ban!
How many Congress people have trump supporters shot?
Are you trying to imply that liberals support shooting congressmen? You know that's goofy, don't you?

No, I'm stating that PROGRESSIVES are supporting shooting people....

Michael Moore Believes America Is A Liberal Country

Michael Moore: We Have to ‘Put Our Bodies on the Line’ to Stop Trump
no they are not...neither is michael moore!!!!!!

Oh, he's just there to not foment unrest, amirite?
CIVIL unrest, CIVIL disobedience.... Moore made that very clear in both the links provided....

And you ALL, claiming and spreading around that the people like Moore are spreading violence, is YOU promoting volence and getting your troops riled...locked and loaded.

so KNOCK IT off, please.

Alex Jones, one of President Trump’s favorite broadcasters, is calling for civil war
In his radio show, on YouTube and on his Infowars website, Jones—who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like and who has pushed the notion that Sandy Hook was faked—has been announcing that the United States is on the verge of a bloody second civil war. Like the radio DJs in Rwanda, Jones has been egging on his conservative listeners and viewers—an estimated 2.7 million people monthly—to kill more liberal fellow citizens over their political differences.

This kind of rhetoric needs to be actively opposed regardless of what side it's on - it's ginning up the politics of fear and there are always nuts waiting in the wings to act on it.
All it takes for Trump cultists, is an Alex Jones.
Are you trying to imply that liberals support shooting congressmen? You know that's goofy, don't you?

No, I'm stating that PROGRESSIVES are supporting shooting people....

Michael Moore Believes America Is A Liberal Country

Michael Moore: We Have to ‘Put Our Bodies on the Line’ to Stop Trump



You mean like CONSERVATIVES are supporting shooting people....?
Milo Yiannopoulos Defends 'Gunning Journalists Down' Comment

milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."

The point is we have plenty of whackos advocating this - it's by no means just or even primarily one side.
no they are not...neither is michael moore!!!!!!

Oh, he's just there to not foment unrest, amirite?
CIVIL unrest, CIVIL disobedience.... Moore made that very clear in both the links provided....

And you ALL, claiming and spreading around that the people like Moore are spreading violence, is YOU promoting volence and getting your troops riled...locked and loaded.

so KNOCK IT off, please.

And when he actually is talking he speaks of "we're going to have to put our bodies on the line", That is a call for violent action, Care. You're simply wrong.
I disagree, he was talking about getting out to vote, and getting out to protest... not violence....

and most importantly, he's never, in his whole life, called for violence, and is not a violent man.... he is just trying to get people to participate.... get out to vote, make yourself count....get off your butt, and let your voices be heard, get off your lazy asses and vote.

He's using SPEECH not guns or rods or molotov cocktails...

I don't see how anyone could make that in to calling for violence? Because it is NOT doing that, at all....?

You are wrong. "Putting our bodies on the line" is not an act of voting, Care, that is a call for violent action. Until the non extremist lefty's admit that the progressive leadership IS calling for violence there will be a continuing escalation until there IS real, active violence. I don't want to see that happen because I know how bad it will be. You folks don't. You have never lived in a country that is being ripped apart. i have. It sucks. And the death toll would be enormous.

The progressive leadership is desperate to remove trump. They will do anything in their power to do so, and they don't care how many innocents are killed to obtain their goal.
Alex Jones, one of President Trump’s favorite broadcasters, is calling for civil war
In his radio show, on YouTube and on his Infowars website, Jones—who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like and who has pushed the notion that Sandy Hook was faked—has been announcing that the United States is on the verge of a bloody second civil war. Like the radio DJs in Rwanda, Jones has been egging on his conservative listeners and viewers—an estimated 2.7 million people monthly—to kill more liberal fellow citizens over their political differences.

This kind of rhetoric needs to be actively opposed regardless of what side it's on - it's ginning up the politics of fear and there are always nuts waiting in the wings to act on it.
All it takes for Trump cultists, is an Alex Jones.

And he has a big following - that is what is disturbing.



You mean like CONSERVATIVES are supporting shooting people....?
Milo Yiannopoulos Defends 'Gunning Journalists Down' Comment

milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."

The point is we have plenty of whackos advocating this - it's by no means just or even primarily one side.

That is true, but the left wing is far more active, and they are the only ones who travel to places away from where they live to attack people. That is a very disturbing thing Coyote.
Alex Jones, one of President Trump’s favorite broadcasters, is calling for civil war
In his radio show, on YouTube and on his Infowars website, Jones—who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like and who has pushed the notion that Sandy Hook was faked—has been announcing that the United States is on the verge of a bloody second civil war. Like the radio DJs in Rwanda, Jones has been egging on his conservative listeners and viewers—an estimated 2.7 million people monthly—to kill more liberal fellow citizens over their political differences.

This kind of rhetoric needs to be actively opposed regardless of what side it's on - it's ginning up the politics of fear and there are always nuts waiting in the wings to act on it.
All it takes for Trump cultists, is an Alex Jones.

And he has a big following - that is what is disturbing.

But his people aren't travelling out of state to attack people. That is only antifa who is doing that.
no they are not...neither is michael moore!!!!!!

Oh, he's just there to not foment unrest, amirite?
CIVIL unrest, CIVIL disobedience.... Moore made that very clear in both the links provided....

And you ALL, claiming and spreading around that the people like Moore are spreading violence, is YOU promoting volence and getting your troops riled...locked and loaded.

so KNOCK IT off, please.

And when he actually is talking he speaks of "we're going to have to put our bodies on the line", That is a call for violent action, Care. You're simply wrong.
I disagree, he was talking about getting out to vote, and getting out to protest... not violence....

and most importantly, he's never, in his whole life, called for violence, and is not a violent man.... he is just trying to get people to participate.... get out to vote, make yourself count....get off your butt, and let your voices be heard, get off your lazy asses and vote.

He's using SPEECH not guns or rods or molotov cocktails...

I don't see how anyone could make that in to calling for violence? Because it is NOT doing that, at all....?

You are wrong. "Putting our bodies on the line" is not an act of voting, Care, that is a call for violent action. Until the non extremist lefty's admit that the progressive leadership IS calling for violence there will be a continuing escalation until there IS real, active violence. I don't want to see that happen because I know how bad it will be. You folks don't. You have never lived in a country that is being ripped apart. i have. It sucks. And the death toll would be enormous.

The progressive leadership is desperate to remove trump. They will do anything in their power to do so, and they don't care how many innocents are killed to obtain their goal.

Putting our bodies on the line is civil disobedience - a time honored tactic - like other protestors - form a human chain, get arrested, get beaten up by the police - get out of the comfy armchair and put down the mouse and get out in public and demonstrate.
How many Congress people have trump supporters shot?
Are you trying to imply that liberals support shooting congressmen? You know that's goofy, don't you?

No, I'm stating that PROGRESSIVES are supporting shooting people....

Michael Moore Believes America Is A Liberal Country

Michael Moore: We Have to ‘Put Our Bodies on the Line’ to Stop Trump



You mean like CONSERVATIVES are supporting shooting people....?
Milo Yiannopoulos Defends 'Gunning Journalists Down' Comment

milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."
And where is the coward Nugent? Has he stood up yet? Has he shot someone yet? No! Because he is a coward. He's calling on other Trump cultists to do it. Nugent is a celebrity coward who talks shit.
Are you trying to imply that liberals support shooting congressmen? You know that's goofy, don't you?

No, I'm stating that PROGRESSIVES are supporting shooting people....

Michael Moore Believes America Is A Liberal Country

Michael Moore: We Have to ‘Put Our Bodies on the Line’ to Stop Trump



You mean like CONSERVATIVES are supporting shooting people....?
Milo Yiannopoulos Defends 'Gunning Journalists Down' Comment

milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."
And where is the coward Nugent? Has he stood up yet? Has he shot someone yet? No! Because he is a coward. he's calling on other Trump cultists to do it. Nugent is a celebrity coward who talks shit.

Ummmm, I hate to break it to you, but if nugent went out and shot someone that would be called MURDER, you dolt.
Oh, he's just there to not foment unrest, amirite?
CIVIL unrest, CIVIL disobedience.... Moore made that very clear in both the links provided....

And you ALL, claiming and spreading around that the people like Moore are spreading violence, is YOU promoting volence and getting your troops riled...locked and loaded.

so KNOCK IT off, please.

And when he actually is talking he speaks of "we're going to have to put our bodies on the line", That is a call for violent action, Care. You're simply wrong.
I disagree, he was talking about getting out to vote, and getting out to protest... not violence....

and most importantly, he's never, in his whole life, called for violence, and is not a violent man.... he is just trying to get people to participate.... get out to vote, make yourself count....get off your butt, and let your voices be heard, get off your lazy asses and vote.

He's using SPEECH not guns or rods or molotov cocktails...

I don't see how anyone could make that in to calling for violence? Because it is NOT doing that, at all....?

You are wrong. "Putting our bodies on the line" is not an act of voting, Care, that is a call for violent action. Until the non extremist lefty's admit that the progressive leadership IS calling for violence there will be a continuing escalation until there IS real, active violence. I don't want to see that happen because I know how bad it will be. You folks don't. You have never lived in a country that is being ripped apart. i have. It sucks. And the death toll would be enormous.

The progressive leadership is desperate to remove trump. They will do anything in their power to do so, and they don't care how many innocents are killed to obtain their goal.

Putting our bodies on the line is civil disobedience - a time honored tactic - like other protestors - form a human chain, get arrested, get beaten up by the police - get out of the comfy armchair and put down the mouse and get out in public and demonstrate.

What these people are calling for is not in the same genre as Vietnam war protests, sorry.

It's kicked up about 5-6 notches. More like the SLA trying to overthrow America is what it amounts to. You remember the SLA? Yeah, this is them, or like them.

Just to be clear, I am talking about the Symbionese Liberation Army.
Oh, he's just there to not foment unrest, amirite?
CIVIL unrest, CIVIL disobedience.... Moore made that very clear in both the links provided....

And you ALL, claiming and spreading around that the people like Moore are spreading violence, is YOU promoting volence and getting your troops riled...locked and loaded.

so KNOCK IT off, please.

And when he actually is talking he speaks of "we're going to have to put our bodies on the line", That is a call for violent action, Care. You're simply wrong.
I disagree, he was talking about getting out to vote, and getting out to protest... not violence....

and most importantly, he's never, in his whole life, called for violence, and is not a violent man.... he is just trying to get people to participate.... get out to vote, make yourself count....get off your butt, and let your voices be heard, get off your lazy asses and vote.

He's using SPEECH not guns or rods or molotov cocktails...

I don't see how anyone could make that in to calling for violence? Because it is NOT doing that, at all....?

You are wrong. "Putting our bodies on the line" is not an act of voting, Care, that is a call for violent action. Until the non extremist lefty's admit that the progressive leadership IS calling for violence there will be a continuing escalation until there IS real, active violence. I don't want to see that happen because I know how bad it will be. You folks don't. You have never lived in a country that is being ripped apart. i have. It sucks. And the death toll would be enormous.

The progressive leadership is desperate to remove trump. They will do anything in their power to do so, and they don't care how many innocents are killed to obtain their goal.

Putting our bodies on the line is civil disobedience - a time honored tactic - like other protestors - form a human chain, get arrested, get beaten up by the police - get out of the comfy armchair and put down the mouse and get out in public and demonstrate.

Everything that you describe does not put you at risk of harm. This ain't the 1960's where it did. Today everything you describe leads to an inconvenience if you happen to get arrested. A couple of hours in a cell and you are free to go do it again. No where near what it was like in the 1960's.
Alex Jones, one of President Trump’s favorite broadcasters, is calling for civil war
In his radio show, on YouTube and on his Infowars website, Jones—who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like and who has pushed the notion that Sandy Hook was faked—has been announcing that the United States is on the verge of a bloody second civil war. Like the radio DJs in Rwanda, Jones has been egging on his conservative listeners and viewers—an estimated 2.7 million people monthly—to kill more liberal fellow citizens over their political differences.

This kind of rhetoric needs to be actively opposed regardless of what side it's on - it's ginning up the politics of fear and there are always nuts waiting in the wings to act on it.
All it takes for Trump cultists, is an Alex Jones.

And he has a big following - that is what is disturbing.

But his people aren't travelling out of state to attack people. That is only antifa who is doing that.
Where did the Charlottesville KKK come from? We're they all from Charlottesville? Lol!
Alex Jones, one of President Trump’s favorite broadcasters, is calling for civil war
In his radio show, on YouTube and on his Infowars website, Jones—who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like and who has pushed the notion that Sandy Hook was faked—has been announcing that the United States is on the verge of a bloody second civil war. Like the radio DJs in Rwanda, Jones has been egging on his conservative listeners and viewers—an estimated 2.7 million people monthly—to kill more liberal fellow citizens over their political differences.

This kind of rhetoric needs to be actively opposed regardless of what side it's on - it's ginning up the politics of fear and there are always nuts waiting in the wings to act on it.
All it takes for Trump cultists, is an Alex Jones.

And he has a big following - that is what is disturbing.

But his people aren't travelling out of state to attack people. That is only antifa who is doing that.
Where did the Charlottesville KKK come from? We're they all from Charlottesville? Lol!

Who cares? Fuck the KKK. There's more pertinent issues.
Alex Jones, one of President Trump’s favorite broadcasters, is calling for civil war
In his radio show, on YouTube and on his Infowars website, Jones—who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like and who has pushed the notion that Sandy Hook was faked—has been announcing that the United States is on the verge of a bloody second civil war. Like the radio DJs in Rwanda, Jones has been egging on his conservative listeners and viewers—an estimated 2.7 million people monthly—to kill more liberal fellow citizens over their political differences.

This kind of rhetoric needs to be actively opposed regardless of what side it's on - it's ginning up the politics of fear and there are always nuts waiting in the wings to act on it.
All it takes for Trump cultists, is an Alex Jones.

And he has a big following - that is what is disturbing.

But his people aren't travelling out of state to attack people. That is only antifa who is doing that.
Where did the Charlottesville KKK come from? We're they all from Charlottesville? Lol!

Yes, they were mostly all from the surrounding area. I guess you're not to educated on the KKK. They are pretty much worthless toads. Most of them don't have a pot to piss in, let alone pay for travel. There was one university punk from Reno who traveled back there and he made national news for doing so.


You mean like CONSERVATIVES are supporting shooting people....?
Milo Yiannopoulos Defends 'Gunning Journalists Down' Comment

milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."

The point is we have plenty of whackos advocating this - it's by no means just or even primarily one side.

That is true, but the left wing is far more active, and they are the only ones who travel to places away from where they live to attack people. That is a very disturbing thing Coyote.

I disagree they are far more active Westwall. The past few years saw a massive increase in rightwing extremist violence, that people are unwilling to acknowledge even exists - 2017 alone Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017

On the protestors mown down by a car in Charlottesville (we should have taken a page from UK on this one America's neo-fascists have revived a tactic long abandoned by their counterparts in Europe). Just like we did with the Westboro Baptists - populate them out.

The way I see it is leftwing radicals tend to commit more property damage in their acts, but the rightwing extremists tend to take more lives. Neither is good and neither should tolerated or excused.
Are you trying to imply that liberals support shooting congressmen? You know that's goofy, don't you?

No, I'm stating that PROGRESSIVES are supporting shooting people....

Michael Moore Believes America Is A Liberal Country

Michael Moore: We Have to ‘Put Our Bodies on the Line’ to Stop Trump



You mean like CONSERVATIVES are supporting shooting people....?
Milo Yiannopoulos Defends 'Gunning Journalists Down' Comment

milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."
And where is the coward Nugent? Has he stood up yet? Has he shot someone yet? No! Because he is a coward. He's calling on other Trump cultists to do it. Nugent is a celebrity coward who talks shit.

Yup and that's what a lot of these people really are.
milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."

The point is we have plenty of whackos advocating this - it's by no means just or even primarily one side.

That is true, but the left wing is far more active, and they are the only ones who travel to places away from where they live to attack people. That is a very disturbing thing Coyote.

I disagree they are far more active Westwall. The past few years saw a massive increase in rightwing extremist violence, that people are unwilling to acknowledge even exists - 2017 alone Murder and Extremism in the United States in 2017

On the protestors mown down by a car in Charlottesville (we should have taken a page from UK on this one America's neo-fascists have revived a tactic long abandoned by their counterparts in Europe). Just like we did with the Westboro Baptists - populate them out.

The way I see it is leftwing radicals tend to commit more property damage in their acts, but the rightwing extremists tend to take more lives. Neither is good and neither should tolerated or excused.

And you post this just after Antifa ambushes a prayer march? With* the police stepping down.
Alex Jones, one of President Trump’s favorite broadcasters, is calling for civil war
In his radio show, on YouTube and on his Infowars website, Jones—who never met a conspiracy theory he didn’t like and who has pushed the notion that Sandy Hook was faked—has been announcing that the United States is on the verge of a bloody second civil war. Like the radio DJs in Rwanda, Jones has been egging on his conservative listeners and viewers—an estimated 2.7 million people monthly—to kill more liberal fellow citizens over their political differences.

This kind of rhetoric needs to be actively opposed regardless of what side it's on - it's ginning up the politics of fear and there are always nuts waiting in the wings to act on it.
All it takes for Trump cultists, is an Alex Jones.

And he has a big following - that is what is disturbing.

But his people aren't travelling out of state to attack people. That is only antifa who is doing that.

Where'd all the people come from for the rally in Charlottesville?

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