Newspeak In The 21st Century: How To Become A Model Citizen In The New Era Of Domestic Warfare


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Newspeak In The 21st Century:
How To Become A Model Citizen In The New Era Of Domestic Warfare

Newspeak in the 21st Century: How to Become a Model Citizen in the New Era of Domestic Warfare — Strategic Culture (
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Cynthia Chung

War will continue under the Old Cold War doctrine. War will always be present, and yet will never be seen by the majority of our citizens, Cynthia Chung writes.
With President Biden’s inauguration many feel that they can finally breathe a deep sigh of relief. At last sanity has been restored and we can all go back to our predictable lives knowing that the future can only get better during these next four years.
Well…not quite.
There still remains the problem that everybody may not be on board with the progressive changes that Biden’s Administration plans to push through. This, of course, is wholly unacceptable.
Disagreement has become an extremely sensitive issue lately; it was once thought that debate was an essential component to a strong and healthy democracy, however, we are now told that it is extremely dangerous, in fact, it may soon be categorised as a form of domestic terrorism.
As early as mid-Nov 2020, Biden was already discussing the need to pass further laws against domestic terrorism. This is interesting since under the 2001 Patriot Act (which was meant to be a temporary enforcement in reaction to 9/11, however, is still in place 19 years later), domestic terrorism is already defined as;
“activities that (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the U.S. or of any state; (B) appear to be intended (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the U.S.”
So, the question begs, what else needs to be added to the Patriot Act, which was recognised at the time of its enforcement as something that should only be temporary since it was understood that it infringed upon civil liberties? Come to think of it, why is the Patriot Act still in place, which allows for the indefinite continuation of human rights violations such as warrantless wiretapping; illegal torture, kidnapping, and detention; mass surveillance; government secrecy; Real ID; no-fly list; political spying; abuse of material witness statutes; and attacks on academic freedom?
As Glenn Greenwald wrote in his formidable paper The New Domestic War on Terror is Coming, “what needs to be criminalized that is not already a crime?”, keeping in mind that as of June 2020, the United States has the highest prisoner rate in the world, followed by El Salvador, Turkmenistan, Thailand and Palau.
Well, the answer is apparently simple and as always for our own good. We have come to a point in time where the enemy is not some radicalized ideology, it is not some foreign despot, it is not even the threat of war (whether it be economic, cyber or nuclear), but rather it is ourselves. We, the people, are the new enemies of the State.
21st Century Newspeak
The first alteration that will need to take place is freedom of thought. It has been shown through peer-review studies that individual thoughts are susceptible to forming erroneous beliefs and can lead to dangerous behaviours such as refusal to integrate into a community standard.
Once an individual refuses to integrate into its designated community, it is only a matter of time before this individual shows opposition and even antagonism towards said community. Thus failure to integrate is one of the first signs that an individual is on the path to becoming a domestic terrorist.
Because the individual mind is flawed, it can no longer be trusted to be the standard of its own judgement of what is right and wrong. It is for this reason that we are introducing groupthink. This concept is not new, however, the difference is from now on the individual’s environment will only be allowed to reciprocate the values of groupthink, and all other thoughts outside of groupthink are to be banned and punishable under the new laws.
In effect, the model citizen will perceive the past as dead and the future as unimaginable. The future is unimaginable because it is impossible to think of an alternative to the present, in fact, the mere act of thinking of an alternative to the present is considered a challenge to the status quo of the present, and thus is a challenge to groupthink, and thus is a form of domestic terrorism, which we will call from now on thoughtcrime.
Thoughtcrime is essentially any thought pertaining to memory, judgement of right and wrong, thoughts of an alternative reality, and self-reflection, which are now all deemed forms of thoughtcrime. If an individual is to engage in any of these sorts of thoughts, it is only a matter of time before they will come into conflict with groupthink and the Party line, thus private thoughts are banned and punished under the new laws.
In order for us to achieve this, our economy will have to go through stagnation, we will need to decrease the amount of land used for cultivation, we will no longer add capital equipment needed for industrial growth and great blocks of the population will be prevented from working and will be kept half alive by State charity. The wheels of industry cannot be allowed to turn so as to increase the real wealth of the world. Goods must be produced, but they must not be distributed, and in practice the only way of achieving this is by continuous warfare.
So long as the masses believe that they are entitled to freedom of thought, our endeavours cannot succeed.
The individual must voluntarily relinquish this. It cannot be taken from them no matter the degree of control and no matter the threat of physical harm. An individual’s mind is theirs and cannot be taken, instead, the individual must be led to believe that it is in their best interest to relinquish their mind.
Let us do our best then to convince the individual that they are no longer fit to use their mind and let us pray that we are successful, for if we fail, our entire system of control fails with it.

Miss Chung is a brilliant writer,
Progressive Marxist/DSA Demoacrat Leftists have convinced our school children that "you will own nothing and be happy" The rest is masks, drugs, needles, Climate Change, regret and a few ruling oligarchs.

“You would not make the act of submission which is the price of sanity…Reality exists only in the human mind, nowhere else. Not in the individual mind, which can make mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal. Whatever the Party holds to be truth, is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party.” – O’Brien in George Orwell’s “1984”
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
Are you talking to yourself or us?
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
Are you talking to yourself or us?
To you. I know many here will dismiss it.

Let me know the next time you have an original idea.
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
Are you talking to yourself or us?
To you. I know many here will dismiss it.

Let me know the next time you have an original idea.
Spoken like a true Progressive cultist.

You know, the group with all the original ideas and the only group that speaks the truth. You tell us this every day.
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
Are you talking to yourself or us?
To you. I know many here will dismiss it.

Let me know the next time you have an original idea.
Spoken like a true Progressive cultist.

You know, the group with all the original ideas and the only group that speaks the truth. You tell us this every day.
Quote me, please. You guys never seem to be able to do that.

This is the kind of binary thinking that is killing us.
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
Are you talking to yourself or us?
To you. I know many here will dismiss it.

Let me know the next time you have an original idea.
Spoken like a true Progressive cultist.

You know, the group with all the original ideas and the only group that speaks the truth. You tell us this every day.
Quote me, please. You guys never seem to be able to do that.

This is the kind of binary thinking that is killing us.

Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
Are you talking to yourself or us?
To you. I know many here will dismiss it.

Let me know the next time you have an original idea.
Spoken like a true Progressive cultist.

You know, the group with all the original ideas and the only group that speaks the truth. You tell us this every day.
Quote me, please. You guys never seem to be able to do that.

This is the kind of binary thinking that is killing us.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Commie NewSpeak.....

Diversity = Differences in appearance
Diversity is a word that refers to variety. It has an inclusive connotation and in a social context means the inclusion of multiple races and ethnicities - black, white, Asian, Hispanic etc. For Leftists, what the word does not include is any variation in thought. Leftist diversity only extends as far as appearances - it does not tolerate any variety of opinions. Leftism is tyrannical in its demands for conformity to its politically correct left-wing narrative of moral relativism and historical revisionism it does not include any conservative opinions or ideas.

Freedom of speech = Approved speech

Freedom of speech is the foundation for democracy. Without freedom of speech there is no other freedom which is why tyrants always eliminate freedom of speech first. Leftists in America are determined to eliminate freedom of speech by enforcing their own code of political correctness which labels any opposing speech as hate speech. Speakers with conservative points of view are disinvited or intimidated through organized boycotts and violent protests. It is unAmerican to disallow the expression of opposing views but Leftists are tyrannical in their demand for conformity to their approved rhetoric.

Global warming/climate change = Redistribution of wealth
In 1992 UN scientists on The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated: “It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.” Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on June 24, 2014 that:
“Extremely likely” is not a scientific term but rather a judgment, as in a court of law. The IPCC defines “extremely likely” as a ‘95-100% probability.’ But upon further examination it is clear that these numbers are not the result of any mathematical calculation or statistical analysis. They have been ‘invented’ as a construct within the IPCC report to express ‘expert judgment,’ as determined by the IPCC contributors.”​
Climate change is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on industrialized countries to transfer their wealth to non-industrialized countries. The United Nations is committed to globalization and one-world government and is supported worldwide by Leftists with the same objective.
In Doublespeak freedom of speech means freedom of approved speech.

Resistance = Anarchy

Resistance is the refusal to accept or comply with something. In a democracy there are laws and elections designed for citizens to legally and peacefully express their discontent at the voting booth. When Leftists speak of resistance they are fomenting the overthrow of the government.
In Doublespeak resistance means anarchy/insurrection.
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
Are you talking to yourself or us?
To you. I know many here will dismiss it.

Let me know the next time you have an original idea.
Spoken like a true Progressive cultist.

You know, the group with all the original ideas and the only group that speaks the truth. You tell us this every day.
Quote me, please. You guys never seem to be able to do that.

This is the kind of binary thinking that is killing us.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Commie NewSpeak.....

Diversity = Differences in appearance
Diversity is a word that refers to variety. It has an inclusive connotation and in a social context means the inclusion of multiple races and ethnicities - black, white, Asian, Hispanic etc. For Leftists, what the word does not include is any variation in thought. Leftist diversity only extends as far as appearances - it does not tolerate any variety of opinions. Leftism is tyrannical in its demands for conformity to its politically correct left-wing narrative of moral relativism and historical revisionism it does not include any conservative opinions or ideas.

Freedom of speech = Approved speech
Freedom of speech is the foundation for democracy. Without freedom of speech there is no other freedom which is why tyrants always eliminate freedom of speech first. Leftists in America are determined to eliminate freedom of speech by enforcing their own code of political correctness which labels any opposing speech as hate speech. Speakers with conservative points of view are disinvited or intimidated through organized boycotts and violent protests. It is unAmerican to disallow the expression of opposing views but Leftists are tyrannical in their demand for conformity to their approved rhetoric.

Global warming/climate change = Redistribution of wealth
In 1992 UN scientists on The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated: “It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century.” Greenpeace founder Patrick Moore testified before the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on June 24, 2014 that:
“Extremely likely” is not a scientific term but rather a judgment, as in a court of law. The IPCC defines “extremely likely” as a ‘95-100% probability.’ But upon further examination it is clear that these numbers are not the result of any mathematical calculation or statistical analysis. They have been ‘invented’ as a construct within the IPCC report to express ‘expert judgment,’ as determined by the IPCC contributors.”​
Climate change is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on industrialized countries to transfer their wealth to non-industrialized countries. The United Nations is committed to globalization and one-world government and is supported worldwide by Leftists with the same objective.
In Doublespeak freedom of speech means freedom of approved speech.

Resistance = Anarchy

Resistance is the refusal to accept or comply with something. In a democracy there are laws and elections designed for citizens to legally and peacefully express their discontent at the voting booth. When Leftists speak of resistance they are fomenting the overthrow of the government.
In Doublespeak resistance means anarchy/insurrection.
So you couldn't quote me, after making an accusation.

If you have to lie to make a "point", maybe your "point" isn't very strong.
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
The media and government feeds us disinformation constantly. Fauci is a perfect example of it.
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
The media and government feeds us disinformation constantly. Fauci is a perfect example of it.
In your world, not mine.
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
The media and government feeds us disinformation constantly. Fauci is a perfect example of it.
In your world, not mine.
You are insulated. Practically everything on TV warms the cackles of your heart. I am telling you. There is going to be a boomerang. The Prog Party is its own living entity and its subjects expendable..
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
The media and government feeds us disinformation constantly. Fauci is a perfect example of it.
In your world, not mine.
You are insulated. Practically everything on TV warms the cackles of your heart. I am telling you. There is going to be a boomerang. The Prog Party is its own living entity and its subjects expendable..
Yes, and Trumpsters see the whole picture.

Got it.
Or, stop listening only to those voices who validate your opinions. Search out the opinions, experiences, perspectives, priorities and ideas of those who don't exist within your narrow worldview. Be curious and drop the ego. Recognize and take advantage of the value of collaboration the innovation it provides.

Consider the possibility that, instead of you "winning" or "losing", collaboration and innovation can create something all new, into which everyone has input and for which we all have responsibility. Like, say, our Constitution.

That might be a idea, too.
The media and government feeds us disinformation constantly. Fauci is a perfect example of it.
In your world, not mine.
You are insulated. Practically everything on TV warms the cackles of your heart. I am telling you. There is going to be a boomerang. The Prog Party is its own living entity and its subjects expendable..
Yes, and Trumpsters see the whole picture.

Got it.
Revenues eventually peak out and then decline. Local areas have to constantly incrementally raise taxes more then the wages go up. We are also getting more stupid. A quarter century ago, the United States had the smartest kids in the world from 3 to 5 years of age. It was when they went to school where others in the world surpassed them. Several years ago that changed and taxes have been raised to compensate as to send kids to daycare mostly from single parents. Cities have lower prices for homes and center city cores. But many are hollowed out in residential areas with a permanent social welfare class and working poor. In fact, poverty has been institutionalized in our nation with a poverty/poverty service complex. Not unlike the military/industrial complex. And it is expensive.

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