Newsweek Lies Again, Says Trump Golfing While He was Actually Visiting the Troops

Just because they issue a correction doesn’t make it ok they lied in the initial headline.
Just because they issue a correction doesn’t make it ok they lied in the initial headline.

The headline purpose was to to make Trump looks bad, even if that means pulling it out of their asses.

It's an ongoing competition in between leftists loons, not just in media, but in Congress too.

Once they got caught, they just move to another topic. Correction or not, damage was already done and it served the purpose to feed their shills who will repeat it endlessly on message boards and elsewhere.

For instance, it doesn't matter what Mueller said in his report, left made up their minds long before it was out, and they're still going with "collusion" even they have nothing on it anymore.
I just saw a guest on Chris Matthews compare Trump supporters to ISIS. Of course Chris got a tingle up his leg and immediately congratulated the guest on his statement. Woohoo Matthews sets a new low for himself. :113:

I guess supporting a President that is pro-America is just like supporting a group that lops the heads off of innocent people.
Hey, Pogo, here's your cue to passionately defend something else you didn't see and don't care about!

Isn't it funny how dumbass fucking liberals can come in here and relentlessly defend an article they say they both knew nothing about and care nothing about?

And then in the same breath say that Newsweek didn't lie because they "substantially edited" their article to actually reflect the truth only hours and hours AFTER they were called out on it? LOL

Is there any level a liberal won't stoop to to defend liberal rags like newsweek and dailyKOS?

I neither READ the Newsweek article nor "said they didn't lie", dishonest hack.

Prove me wrong.

Right here. You said they didn't lie dumbfuck. Saying I didn't read too "gud" and that it's right there in the headline, with pictures. You're just too stupid to fucking realize what you saw was the HIGHLY EDITED tabloid. Not the original.

Newsweek Lies Again, Says Trump Golfing While He was Actually Visiting the Troops

You gave a detailed example of why you thought they didn't lie. Dumbfuck.

Don't try to outsmart me. You'll lose your ass and embarrass yourself.

Apparently you STILL don't reed two gud, because here is the ENTIRE post you linked:

Apparently you don't reed two gud.

Your first link is dated yesterday - Thanksgiving day. And it says, quote, HOW DID TRUMP SPEND THANKSGIVING? TWEETING, GOLFING—AND SURPRISING U.S. TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN

It's right there in the headline. With pictures.

You're second link is "Washington Examiner" :lmao: Yeah I don't think so, nice try.

Where does it say "they didn't lie", Dumbass? READ MUCH?
I just saw a guest on Chris Matthews compare Trump supporters to ISIS. Of course Chris got a tingle up his leg and immediately congratulated the guest on his statement. Woohoo Matthews sets a new low for himself. :113:

I guess supporting a President that is pro-America is just like supporting a group that lops the heads off of innocent people.
Hey, Pogo, here's your cue to passionately defend something else you didn't see and don't care about!

Isn't it funny how dumbass fucking liberals can come in here and relentlessly defend an article they say they both knew nothing about and care nothing about?

And then in the same breath say that Newsweek didn't lie because they "substantially edited" their article to actually reflect the truth only hours and hours AFTER they were called out on it? LOL

Is there any level a liberal won't stoop to to defend liberal rags like newsweek and dailyKOS?

I neither READ the Newsweek article nor "said they didn't lie", dishonest hack.

Prove me wrong.

Right here. You said they didn't lie dumbfuck. Saying I didn't read too "gud" and that it's right there in the headline, with pictures. You're just too stupid to fucking realize what you saw was the HIGHLY EDITED tabloid. Not the original.

Newsweek Lies Again, Says Trump Golfing While He was Actually Visiting the Troops

You gave a detailed example of why you thought they didn't lie. Dumbfuck.

Don't try to outsmart me. You'll lose your ass and embarrass yourself.

Apparently you STILL don't reed two gud, because here is the ENTIRE post you linked:

Apparently you don't reed two gud.

Your first link is dated yesterday - Thanksgiving day. And it says, quote, HOW DID TRUMP SPEND THANKSGIVING? TWEETING, GOLFING—AND SURPRISING U.S. TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN

It's right there in the headline. With pictures.

You're second link is "Washington Examiner" :lmao: Yeah I don't think so, nice try.

Where does it say "they didn't lie", Dumbass? READ MUCH?

If you think they lied why would you post a paragraph explaining why you didn't think they did? Trump didn't use the words "Investigate Biden or you don't get the money" and you're accusing him of saying exactly that. Dumb fucking liberals.

Dumbfuck. Like I said don't try to outsmart me motherfucker. I'll kick your dumb ass six ways from Tuesday.
Suck my ass. I BITE BACK, deal with it.

Need I remind you of the total ass kicking I gave you when you lied about Kavanaugh? You don’t bite, you whine and hide. Throwing out a lot of gay innuendo. Looks like somebody is insecure. So GFY.

Need I remind you you're making shit up again? Go ahead, quote it. Follow the example of Daveward Gunnerhands ---- oh wait, he lost that one.

Go ahead and GFY loser. You claimed Kavanaugh was never smeared as a serial rapist.


No, guess not. Dishonest HACK.

Stop asking for pictures of my link you idiot. You want to keep lying and denying YOUR CLAIMS go right ahead. You’re nothing but a lying POS anyway. Now whine some more about something you claim you don’t care about. Consider yourself bitch slapped again.

In other words YET AGAIN you can't back up your claim, ergo you're a liar.

Thought I already said that last week. I guess summa y'all are slow.
Hey, Pogo, here's your cue to passionately defend something else you didn't see and don't care about!

Isn't it funny how dumbass fucking liberals can come in here and relentlessly defend an article they say they both knew nothing about and care nothing about?

And then in the same breath say that Newsweek didn't lie because they "substantially edited" their article to actually reflect the truth only hours and hours AFTER they were called out on it? LOL

Is there any level a liberal won't stoop to to defend liberal rags like newsweek and dailyKOS?

I neither READ the Newsweek article nor "said they didn't lie", dishonest hack.

Prove me wrong.

Right here. You said they didn't lie dumbfuck. Saying I didn't read too "gud" and that it's right there in the headline, with pictures. You're just too stupid to fucking realize what you saw was the HIGHLY EDITED tabloid. Not the original.

Newsweek Lies Again, Says Trump Golfing While He was Actually Visiting the Troops

You gave a detailed example of why you thought they didn't lie. Dumbfuck.

Don't try to outsmart me. You'll lose your ass and embarrass yourself.

Apparently you STILL don't reed two gud, because here is the ENTIRE post you linked:

Apparently you don't reed two gud.

Your first link is dated yesterday - Thanksgiving day. And it says, quote, HOW DID TRUMP SPEND THANKSGIVING? TWEETING, GOLFING—AND SURPRISING U.S. TROOPS IN AFGHANISTAN

It's right there in the headline. With pictures.

You're second link is "Washington Examiner" :lmao: Yeah I don't think so, nice try.

Where does it say "they didn't lie", Dumbass? READ MUCH?

If you think they lied why would you post a paragraph explaining why you didn't think they did?

Once AGAIN --- what you claimed is NOT THERE. PERIOD. YOU LOSE.

Trump didn't use the words "Investigate Biden or you don't get the money" and you're accusing him of saying exactly that.

Aaaaaaaaand here we go AGAIN. LINK??

This kind of learning curve, and you wanna work on PLANES?
Need I remind you of the total ass kicking I gave you when you lied about Kavanaugh? You don’t bite, you whine and hide. Throwing out a lot of gay innuendo. Looks like somebody is insecure. So GFY.

Need I remind you you're making shit up again? Go ahead, quote it. Follow the example of Daveward Gunnerhands ---- oh wait, he lost that one.

Go ahead and GFY loser. You claimed Kavanaugh was never smeared as a serial rapist.


No, guess not. Dishonest HACK.

Stop asking for pictures of my link you idiot. You want to keep lying and denying YOUR CLAIMS go right ahead. You’re nothing but a lying POS anyway. Now whine some more about something you claim you don’t care about. Consider yourself bitch slapped again.

In other words YET AGAIN you can't back up your claim, ergo you're a liar.

Thought I already said that last week. I guess summa y'all are slow.

It's Official: Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

Consider yourself exposed as a lying POS. See post 91. Your claim that Kavanaugh was never smeared in post 95. My bitch slapping of you in post 97. You ran away and wouldn’t even respond. Spin that asshole. Now GFY.
Need I remind you you're making shit up again? Go ahead, quote it. Follow the example of Daveward Gunnerhands ---- oh wait, he lost that one.

Go ahead and GFY loser. You claimed Kavanaugh was never smeared as a serial rapist.


No, guess not. Dishonest HACK.

Stop asking for pictures of my link you idiot. You want to keep lying and denying YOUR CLAIMS go right ahead. You’re nothing but a lying POS anyway. Now whine some more about something you claim you don’t care about. Consider yourself bitch slapped again.

In other words YET AGAIN you can't back up your claim, ergo you're a liar.

Thought I already said that last week. I guess summa y'all are slow.

It's Official: Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

Consider yourself exposed as a lying POS. See post 91. Your claim that Kavanaugh was never smeared in post 95. My bitch slapping of you in post 97. You ran away and wouldn’t even respond. Spin that asshole. Now GFY.

GFY yourself. You just linked to a post where YOU had claimed, QUOTE:

Did you have any problem with Kavanaugh's name being drug through the mud by the mainstream media without evidence? They accused him of being a gang rapist with nothing but hearsay.

To which I THEN REPLIED, :"Link?"

And you COULDN'T DO IT. You posted three reports of a woman or women making a claim of gang rape; you posted NOTHING about "the mainstream media accusing him of" it.

Which I knew you couldn't do, and that's why I trapped you. Because assklowns who make fake claims need to get called out on them. So I did. Now you're all butthurt because you got caught.

You're not real good with words are ya.
Go ahead and GFY loser. You claimed Kavanaugh was never smeared as a serial rapist.


No, guess not. Dishonest HACK.

Stop asking for pictures of my link you idiot. You want to keep lying and denying YOUR CLAIMS go right ahead. You’re nothing but a lying POS anyway. Now whine some more about something you claim you don’t care about. Consider yourself bitch slapped again.

In other words YET AGAIN you can't back up your claim, ergo you're a liar.

Thought I already said that last week. I guess summa y'all are slow.

It's Official: Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

Consider yourself exposed as a lying POS. See post 91. Your claim that Kavanaugh was never smeared in post 95. My bitch slapping of you in post 97. You ran away and wouldn’t even respond. Spin that asshole. Now GFY.

GFY yourself. You just linked to a post where YOU had claimed, QUOTE:

Did you have any problem with Kavanaugh's name being drug through the mud by the mainstream media without evidence? They accused him of being a gang rapist with nothing but hearsay.

To which I THEN REPLIED, :"Link?"

And you COULDN'T DO IT. You posted three reports of a woman or women making a claim of gang rape; you posted NOTHING about "the mainstream media accusing him of" it.

Which I knew you couldn't do, and that's why I trapped you. Because assklowns who make fake claims need to get called out on them. So I did. Now you're all butthurt because you got caught.

You're not real good with words are ya.

You are so ignorant you should be arrested. Women’s claims AS PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA ASSHOLE! I got caught at one thing. Exposing you as the lying asshole you are. The only one proving she has no education is YOU. By the way asshole, you replied to a previous comment NOT MINE. Caught lying once again. Bitch slapping you is just too easy. Now cry some more about things you claim not to care about. You never tire of being exposed as a POS.
was secretly traveling to Afghanistan to visit deployed American troops.

Do you know what secretly means. No one lies more than tramp. Its not Newsweek fault that Tramp is normally tweeting and golfing, is it??

If tramps mouth is moving, out pops a lie.

If Newsweek believed the Whitehouse for saying Trump was golfing, it is their fault

No, guess not. Dishonest HACK.

Stop asking for pictures of my link you idiot. You want to keep lying and denying YOUR CLAIMS go right ahead. You’re nothing but a lying POS anyway. Now whine some more about something you claim you don’t care about. Consider yourself bitch slapped again.

In other words YET AGAIN you can't back up your claim, ergo you're a liar.

Thought I already said that last week. I guess summa y'all are slow.

It's Official: Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

Consider yourself exposed as a lying POS. See post 91. Your claim that Kavanaugh was never smeared in post 95. My bitch slapping of you in post 97. You ran away and wouldn’t even respond. Spin that asshole. Now GFY.

GFY yourself. You just linked to a post where YOU had claimed, QUOTE:

Did you have any problem with Kavanaugh's name being drug through the mud by the mainstream media without evidence? They accused him of being a gang rapist with nothing but hearsay.

To which I THEN REPLIED, :"Link?"

And you COULDN'T DO IT. You posted three reports of a woman or women making a claim of gang rape; you posted NOTHING about "the mainstream media accusing him of" it.

Which I knew you couldn't do, and that's why I trapped you. Because assklowns who make fake claims need to get called out on them. So I did. Now you're all butthurt because you got caught.

You're not real good with words are ya.

You are so ignorant you should be arrested. Women’s claims AS PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA ASSHOLE! I got caught at one thing. Exposing you as the lying asshole you are. The only one proving she has no education is YOU. By the way asshole, you replied to a previous comment NOT MINE. Caught lying once again. Bitch slapping you is just too easy. Now cry some more about things you claim not to care about. You never tire of being exposed as a POS.

Read your own post, Dipweed. Let's quote the relevant part:


---- WHO made the claims? GIANT HINT: it's the word right before "\claims".

Think about it until your tiny little brain hurts. Take frequent breaks.

What a stupid post.

YOU LOST, Hunior. You made a claim and you CAN'T BACK IT UP. DEAL with it.
The Media lies more than a moldy Persian rug.

Donald Trump Mocks Newsweek for Fake Thanksgiving Headline

President Donald Trump mocked Newsweek after they reported Thursday he spent Thanksgiving golfing and tweeting. In fact, the president was secretly traveling to Afghanistan to visit deployed American troops.

“I thought Newsweek was out of business?” Trump wrote on Twitter, sharing a screenshot of the article and photos of him with the troops in Afghanistan posted by his son Donald Trump Jr.​

It's an understandable mistake. Good and tweet are two of his main activities. Plus they took pains to hide the trip. I heard the confiscated phones to keep it from.leaking.
Good idea. Wouldn't want leftist "journalists" warning their Taliban pals.
Stop asking for pictures of my link you idiot. You want to keep lying and denying YOUR CLAIMS go right ahead. You’re nothing but a lying POS anyway. Now whine some more about something you claim you don’t care about. Consider yourself bitch slapped again.

In other words YET AGAIN you can't back up your claim, ergo you're a liar.

Thought I already said that last week. I guess summa y'all are slow.

It's Official: Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

Consider yourself exposed as a lying POS. See post 91. Your claim that Kavanaugh was never smeared in post 95. My bitch slapping of you in post 97. You ran away and wouldn’t even respond. Spin that asshole. Now GFY.

GFY yourself. You just linked to a post where YOU had claimed, QUOTE:

Did you have any problem with Kavanaugh's name being drug through the mud by the mainstream media without evidence? They accused him of being a gang rapist with nothing but hearsay.

To which I THEN REPLIED, :"Link?"

And you COULDN'T DO IT. You posted three reports of a woman or women making a claim of gang rape; you posted NOTHING about "the mainstream media accusing him of" it.

Which I knew you couldn't do, and that's why I trapped you. Because assklowns who make fake claims need to get called out on them. So I did. Now you're all butthurt because you got caught.

You're not real good with words are ya.

You are so ignorant you should be arrested. Women’s claims AS PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA ASSHOLE! I got caught at one thing. Exposing you as the lying asshole you are. The only one proving she has no education is YOU. By the way asshole, you replied to a previous comment NOT MINE. Caught lying once again. Bitch slapping you is just too easy. Now cry some more about things you claim not to care about. You never tire of being exposed as a POS.

Read your own post, Dipweed. Let's quote the relevant part:


---- WHO made the claims? GIANT HINT: it's the word right before "\claims".

Think about it until your tiny little brain hurts. Take frequent breaks.

What a stupid post.

YOU LOST, Hunior. You made a claim and you CAN'T BACK IT UP. DEAL with it.

Watching you melt down is just funny. See asshole, when the media publishes anything, the6 are liable for what they say. Look asshole, you claimed your NEVER made claims that Kavanaugh wasn’t smeared. I already proved you a liar. Now you’re just throwing a tantrum after getting bitch slapped again. Face facts. You are a loser who will never be right about anything. Don’t challenge me boy. You’ll just get slapped down again and again. It’s fun making you cry about something you claim to not care about.
In other words YET AGAIN you can't back up your claim, ergo you're a liar.

Thought I already said that last week. I guess summa y'all are slow.

It's Official: Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

Consider yourself exposed as a lying POS. See post 91. Your claim that Kavanaugh was never smeared in post 95. My bitch slapping of you in post 97. You ran away and wouldn’t even respond. Spin that asshole. Now GFY.

GFY yourself. You just linked to a post where YOU had claimed, QUOTE:

Did you have any problem with Kavanaugh's name being drug through the mud by the mainstream media without evidence? They accused him of being a gang rapist with nothing but hearsay.

To which I THEN REPLIED, :"Link?"

And you COULDN'T DO IT. You posted three reports of a woman or women making a claim of gang rape; you posted NOTHING about "the mainstream media accusing him of" it.

Which I knew you couldn't do, and that's why I trapped you. Because assklowns who make fake claims need to get called out on them. So I did. Now you're all butthurt because you got caught.

You're not real good with words are ya.

You are so ignorant you should be arrested. Women’s claims AS PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA ASSHOLE! I got caught at one thing. Exposing you as the lying asshole you are. The only one proving she has no education is YOU. By the way asshole, you replied to a previous comment NOT MINE. Caught lying once again. Bitch slapping you is just too easy. Now cry some more about things you claim not to care about. You never tire of being exposed as a POS.

Read your own post, Dipweed. Let's quote the relevant part:


---- WHO made the claims? GIANT HINT: it's the word right before "\claims".

Think about it until your tiny little brain hurts. Take frequent breaks.

What a stupid post.

YOU LOST, Hunior. You made a claim and you CAN'T BACK IT UP. DEAL with it.

Watching you melt down is just funny. See asshole, when the media publishes anything, the6 are liable for what they say. Look asshole, you claimed your NEVER made claims that Kavanaugh wasn’t smeared. I already proved you a liar. Now you’re just throwing a tantrum after getting bitch slapped again. Face facts. You are a loser who will never be right about anything. Don’t challenge me boy. You’ll just get slapped down again and again. It’s fun making you cry about something you claim to not care about.

You "proved" fuck-all, Jackwagon.l You gave us links to where some media REPORTED that some woman/women made a cliam.


Not only did you FAIL to prove your ass-sertion, you came back to draw more attention to the fact that you FAILED.

You're as clueless as the Sean Spicer lawyer who started blustering that they were gonna "sue" the Associated Press for REPORTING that a guy came to Spicer's book signing and heckled him. WHICH HE DID. IT'S ON VIDEO.

FUCK outta here, Dimbulb.
It's Official: Donald Trump Jr. Tweets Name Of Whistleblower

Consider yourself exposed as a lying POS. See post 91. Your claim that Kavanaugh was never smeared in post 95. My bitch slapping of you in post 97. You ran away and wouldn’t even respond. Spin that asshole. Now GFY.

GFY yourself. You just linked to a post where YOU had claimed, QUOTE:

Did you have any problem with Kavanaugh's name being drug through the mud by the mainstream media without evidence? They accused him of being a gang rapist with nothing but hearsay.

To which I THEN REPLIED, :"Link?"

And you COULDN'T DO IT. You posted three reports of a woman or women making a claim of gang rape; you posted NOTHING about "the mainstream media accusing him of" it.

Which I knew you couldn't do, and that's why I trapped you. Because assklowns who make fake claims need to get called out on them. So I did. Now you're all butthurt because you got caught.

You're not real good with words are ya.

You are so ignorant you should be arrested. Women’s claims AS PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA ASSHOLE! I got caught at one thing. Exposing you as the lying asshole you are. The only one proving she has no education is YOU. By the way asshole, you replied to a previous comment NOT MINE. Caught lying once again. Bitch slapping you is just too easy. Now cry some more about things you claim not to care about. You never tire of being exposed as a POS.

Read your own post, Dipweed. Let's quote the relevant part:


---- WHO made the claims? GIANT HINT: it's the word right before "\claims".

Think about it until your tiny little brain hurts. Take frequent breaks.

What a stupid post.

YOU LOST, Hunior. You made a claim and you CAN'T BACK IT UP. DEAL with it.

Watching you melt down is just funny. See asshole, when the media publishes anything, the6 are liable for what they say. Look asshole, you claimed your NEVER made claims that Kavanaugh wasn’t smeared. I already proved you a liar. Now you’re just throwing a tantrum after getting bitch slapped again. Face facts. You are a loser who will never be right about anything. Don’t challenge me boy. You’ll just get slapped down again and again. It’s fun making you cry about something you claim to not care about.

You "proved" fuck-all, Jackwagon.l You gave us links to where some media REPORTED that some woman/women made a cliam.


Not only did you FAIL to prove your ass-sertion, you came back to draw more attention to the fact that you FAILED.

You're as clueless as the Sean Spicer lawyer who started blustering that they were gonna "sue" the Associated Press for REPORTING that a guy came to Spicer's book signing and heckled him. WHICH HE DID. IT'S ON VIDEO.

FUCK outta here, Dimbulb.

Go fuck yourself asshole. Your tantrum and now running to Spicer just proves you are a lying hack with ZERO knowledge of anything. Poor little asshat, YOU claimed you never said what you said, got called out on it, and you proceed to throw your usual tantrum. You are a failure at life. It’s fun triggering a tard like you. You don’t care yet you’ve been here for page after page getting your ass handed to you. I win. You lose. PERIOD asshole. Now GFY. :fu:
GFY yourself. You just linked to a post where YOU had claimed, QUOTE:

To which I THEN REPLIED, :"Link?"

And you COULDN'T DO IT. You posted three reports of a woman or women making a claim of gang rape; you posted NOTHING about "the mainstream media accusing him of" it.

Which I knew you couldn't do, and that's why I trapped you. Because assklowns who make fake claims need to get called out on them. So I did. Now you're all butthurt because you got caught.

You're not real good with words are ya.

You are so ignorant you should be arrested. Women’s claims AS PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA ASSHOLE! I got caught at one thing. Exposing you as the lying asshole you are. The only one proving she has no education is YOU. By the way asshole, you replied to a previous comment NOT MINE. Caught lying once again. Bitch slapping you is just too easy. Now cry some more about things you claim not to care about. You never tire of being exposed as a POS.

Read your own post, Dipweed. Let's quote the relevant part:


---- WHO made the claims? GIANT HINT: it's the word right before "\claims".

Think about it until your tiny little brain hurts. Take frequent breaks.

What a stupid post.

YOU LOST, Hunior. You made a claim and you CAN'T BACK IT UP. DEAL with it.

Watching you melt down is just funny. See asshole, when the media publishes anything, the6 are liable for what they say. Look asshole, you claimed your NEVER made claims that Kavanaugh wasn’t smeared. I already proved you a liar. Now you’re just throwing a tantrum after getting bitch slapped again. Face facts. You are a loser who will never be right about anything. Don’t challenge me boy. You’ll just get slapped down again and again. It’s fun making you cry about something you claim to not care about.

You "proved" fuck-all, Jackwagon.l You gave us links to where some media REPORTED that some woman/women made a cliam.


Not only did you FAIL to prove your ass-sertion, you came back to draw more attention to the fact that you FAILED.

You're as clueless as the Sean Spicer lawyer who started blustering that they were gonna "sue" the Associated Press for REPORTING that a guy came to Spicer's book signing and heckled him. WHICH HE DID. IT'S ON VIDEO.

FUCK outta here, Dimbulb.

Go fuck yourself asshole. Your tantrum and now running to Spicer just proves you are a lying hack with ZERO knowledge of anything. Poor little asshat, YOU claimed you never said what you said, got called out on it, and you proceed to throw your usual tantrum. You are a failure at life. It’s fun triggering a tard like you. You don’t care yet you’ve been here for page after page getting your ass handed to you. I win. You lose. PERIOD asshole. Now GFY. :fu:

Once AGAIN for the Illiterati ------------------------ you've demonstrated NOTHING but your own dishonesty.

I'm not seeing any quote at all from my posting "claiming" whatever. I'm not seeing any link to mainstream media "dragging" whatever. I'm not seeing anything at all but a bloviating human fart who makes specious claims and then runs away claiming LOOKA ME, I'M DANTH.

And you got caught. That's what happens to FAILURES. Don't wanna be a FAILURE? Then quit posting BULLSHIT. I('s just not that complex. But do it again and you'll get busted again. Again ---- not that complex.
You are so ignorant you should be arrested. Women’s claims AS PUBLISHED BY THE MEDIA ASSHOLE! I got caught at one thing. Exposing you as the lying asshole you are. The only one proving she has no education is YOU. By the way asshole, you replied to a previous comment NOT MINE. Caught lying once again. Bitch slapping you is just too easy. Now cry some more about things you claim not to care about. You never tire of being exposed as a POS.

Read your own post, Dipweed. Let's quote the relevant part:


---- WHO made the claims? GIANT HINT: it's the word right before "\claims".

Think about it until your tiny little brain hurts. Take frequent breaks.

What a stupid post.

YOU LOST, Hunior. You made a claim and you CAN'T BACK IT UP. DEAL with it.

Watching you melt down is just funny. See asshole, when the media publishes anything, the6 are liable for what they say. Look asshole, you claimed your NEVER made claims that Kavanaugh wasn’t smeared. I already proved you a liar. Now you’re just throwing a tantrum after getting bitch slapped again. Face facts. You are a loser who will never be right about anything. Don’t challenge me boy. You’ll just get slapped down again and again. It’s fun making you cry about something you claim to not care about.

You "proved" fuck-all, Jackwagon.l You gave us links to where some media REPORTED that some woman/women made a cliam.


Not only did you FAIL to prove your ass-sertion, you came back to draw more attention to the fact that you FAILED.

You're as clueless as the Sean Spicer lawyer who started blustering that they were gonna "sue" the Associated Press for REPORTING that a guy came to Spicer's book signing and heckled him. WHICH HE DID. IT'S ON VIDEO.

FUCK outta here, Dimbulb.

Go fuck yourself asshole. Your tantrum and now running to Spicer just proves you are a lying hack with ZERO knowledge of anything. Poor little asshat, YOU claimed you never said what you said, got called out on it, and you proceed to throw your usual tantrum. You are a failure at life. It’s fun triggering a tard like you. You don’t care yet you’ve been here for page after page getting your ass handed to you. I win. You lose. PERIOD asshole. Now GFY. :fu:

Once AGAIN for the Illiterati ------------------------ you've demonstrated NOTHING but your own dishonesty.

I'm not seeing any quote at all from my posting "claiming" whatever. I'm not seeing any link to mainstream media "dragging" whatever. I'm not seeing anything at all but a bloviating human fart who makes specious claims and then runs away claiming LOOKA ME, I'M DANTH.

And you got caught. That's what happens to FAILURES. Don't wanna be a FAILURE? Then quit posting BULLSHIT. I('s just not that complex. But do it again and you'll get busted again. Again ---- not that complex.

Yes you are a failure you illiterate dipshit. Again, YOU got caught in a blatant lie. YOU got busted. YOU are throwing a tantrum. I have beaten you AGAIN. YOU are a joke. YOU can’t bust anybody because you’re an uneducated, dishonest, triggered little snowflake who can’t hang with anybody here. It’s so easy making you cry. One would think you would get tired of embarrassing yourself on a daily basis. SO again GFY loser.

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