Newsweek: "Obama First Gay President"

Gays nor anti americans have NO BUSINESS serving in our armed forces.does the left have to lower our integrity in every fucking thing?
for the sake of impressionism of children...
no they shouldnt adopt either.
im sorry an alternative lifestyle is fine and dandy for those who live it.
but crosses the line when your pisspoor life chouce affects others
especially children.
Is it only me, but I think that every time liberals want to insult a conservative they label him gay. As in the totally unsubstantiated case of Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann's husband. You know the "gay" father of five children.

On the other hand, when they want to praise a liberal they consider gay a compliment.

Yes. McGreevey of NJ is a martyr to gaydom, even though he was being blackmailed by his gay lover. Never mind he was cheating on hsi wife, etc etc. You never heard a single word of criticism from the left.
Larry Craig was not gay but had some weird accusation or other and was pilloried by the media.

No double standard there.
Gays nor anti americans have NO BUSINESS serving in our armed forces.does the left have to lower our integrity in every fucking thing?
for the sake of impressionism of children...
no they shouldnt adopt either.
im sorry an alternative lifestyle is fine and dandy for those who live it.
but crosses the line when your pisspoor life chouce affects others
especially children.

Wow, is that cute or what. You actually compared being gay to people who commit acts of treason.

I can't remember the quote, but somebody did acknowledge that gays have been serving in the military since the days of the roman armies, and it's ridiculous to claim they shouldn't be able to.

Of course, in my estimation it's ridiculous that they can serve their country.

They can die for their country.

They just can't get legally wed to their dearly beloved in their country.

That's just 17 kinds of bullshit, right there.
You mean the father of five adopted children?

You mean gay people cannot have children?

You mean that there are no gays in the closet?

You mean there's no such thing as gaydar?

Did the Navy have functioning gaydars on their ships?

Many ships have gaydar operating quite well, yes.

If, as you lefties claim, gays are no different than anyone else, then a "gaydar" would be useless as how could it detect someone who is no different than anyone else?

We can spot our own quite successfully. Kind of like black people were able to spot those who "passed" quite well.

Wow. Typical lefty talk. "Our own". Are you all just like us, and deserving of the exact same treatment, or are you in fact different? You can't hold yourselves as a unique, different sub-group, but then demand everyone else look upon you no differently than all others.

To try to compare the issues of the gay community with what blacks went through is disgusting.

And lastly, if the Navy does have a great gaydar on it's ships, then I wonder, does the military consider it's laws and policies to be legitimate and justly enforced, or does the military pick and choose which ones to follow and which ones they'll ignore? In particular officers. Just a curiosity question.
Gays nor anti americans have NO BUSINESS serving in our armed forces.does the left have to lower our integrity in every fucking thing?
for the sake of impressionism of children...
no they shouldnt adopt either.
im sorry an alternative lifestyle is fine and dandy for those who live it.
but crosses the line when your pisspoor life chouce affects others
especially children.

Ed –

Considering the tens of thousands of brave gay American men and women soldiers who have GIVEN THEIR LIVES fighting for this country over the past 200+ years or so, I regard your comment as one of the most sickening and offensive posts I’ve ever come across so far here at USMB.

Given your 2nd grade spelling level, and your inability to form full sentences, I’m going to just assume that you're too stupid to realize the full gravity of how disgraceful your comment was. No American could knowingly be that hateful, right?

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You mean the father of five adopted children?

You mean gay people cannot have children?

You mean that there are no gays in the closet?

You mean there's no such thing as gaydar?

Did the Navy have functioning gaydars on their ships?

If, as you lefties claim, gays are no different than anyone else, then a "gaydar" would be useless as how could it detect someone who is no different than anyone else?

Actually, Democrats say that the ONLY difference between straight people and gay people is their sexual preference, which is the reason why the “Gaydar” – a sophisticated device that can detect whether or not a man or a woman is attracted to members of the same-sex in a sexual fashion – was invented.

Note too that it is customary (as Bodecea also confirmed) for at least 1 Gaydar to be installed on every large scale military vehicle – including most mid to large scale Navy ships.


And some may say the ONLY difference between a normal human being and a pedophile is sexual preference. Or someone who is into beastiality. Now, I'm in NO WAY comparing the two things to a gay person. But saying somone is absolutely just like others in all things except sexual preference is inaccurate.

I, for one, thing there is a big difference if a child grows up in our socity with 2 dads, 2 moms, or a normal nuclear family. I'm not pointing to better, worse, etc. Just different. The kid with 2 dads may in fact grow up to be just fine and a wonderful person, but he will experience a vastly different childhood than most kids. He'll wonder about Mothers Day. He'll wonder when his teachers say "Have your mom sign this permission slip", or when kids ask why he has 2 dads. Lots of little things.

Again, may not hurt him at all, he may end up being better off than many kids raised in normal families. But he will NOT grow up in a family that is ONLY different because a penis is hanging off both parents.
Sorry boop.
time for integrity and standards again.
if it were up to you lefties.
Sex with children and animals would be legal,too.
hell yall have a POTUS that eats them.
Gays nor anti americans have NO BUSINESS serving in our armed forces.does the left have to lower our integrity in every fucking thing?
for the sake of impressionism of children...
no they shouldnt adopt either.
im sorry an alternative lifestyle is fine and dandy for those who live it.
but crosses the line when your pisspoor life chouce affects others
especially children.

Ed –

Considering the thousands of thousands of brave gay American men and women soldiers who have GIVEN THEIR LIVES fighting for this country over the past 200+ years or so, I regard your comment as one of the most sickening and offensive posts I’ve ever come across so far here at USMB.

Given your apparent 2nd grade level spelling ability and inability to form completely sentences, I’m going to just assume that you don’t realize the full gravity of how disgraceful your comment was. No American could possibly be that hateful, right?


I agree. Gays in the military is fine to me. But I understand why it must not be open, at least in heavy combat units. On a ship or airfield in the US, it doesn't matter much.
Is it only me, but I think that every time liberals want to insult a conservative they label him gay. As in the totally unsubstantiated case of Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann's husband. You know the "gay" father of five children.

On the other hand, when they want to praise a liberal they consider gay a compliment.

You mean the father of five adopted children?

You mean gay people cannot have children?

You mean that there are no gays in the closet?

You mean there's no such thing as gaydar?

The Bachmanns are parents of five children of their own and 23 adopted children.

No, gay people can NOT have children in any natural way, only adopted. Mind you, looking at people like Barney Frank one must wonder if he came into this world through his favorite orifice.

If being gay is such a glorious thing, why are they still in the closet?
But,realize,when you are in the armed forces.
BECAUSE OF THE LEFT AND ITS LACK OF STANDARDS...we arent taken seriously as the leader of the free world anymore.
And im tired of alternative lifestyles and habits destroying our nations fabric through the appeasement of such.
keep alternative lifestyles....ALTERNATIVE...
If people of alternative lifestyles were really seeking the equality they already have as american citizens,they wouldnt have created self identification and divisioning of themselves from society to seek attention and special treatment.
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If people of alternative lifestyles were really seeking the equality they already have as american citizens,they wouldnt have created self identification and divisioning of themselves from siciety to seek attention and special treatment.

You are a fool. Gays did not separate themselves, they were separated from society by society and have been treated unequally ever since.

Please tell all of us the "special treatment" gays are asking for. This should be really good.

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