Newt Gingrich Changes Views on Gay-Marriage, Says 'Deal with Reality'

I remember how disappointed New's gay sister has been over his positions and many marriages. How Republicans feel comfortable fucking over their own siblings is beyond me. What a bunch of odious people. Even worse are parents throwing their children out and disowning them. Scumbags.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter | World news

Because Dems are so innocent?
That's just politicians for you. They look out for #1 and fuck the rest of 'em if it hurts their image, even if that means damaging the country.

Politicians use their own families as political tools. That's what sickening.
I remember how disappointed New's gay sister has been over his positions and many marriages. How Republicans feel comfortable fucking over their own siblings is beyond me. What a bunch of odious people. Even worse are parents throwing their children out and disowning them. Scumbags.

Republican disowns lesbian daughter | World news

Because Dems are so innocent?
That's just politicians for you. They look out for #1 and fuck the rest of 'em if it hurts their image, even if that means damaging the country.

Politicians use their own families as political tools. That's what sickening.

I didn't see your link. Oh, because there isn't one. Grow up.
You might like 18, some others like 10.

Rethinking the age of consent.

Rethinking the age of sexual consent. - Slate Magazine

The problem with that is that we've proven that children are not mature enough to make responsible decisions about sex, so that argument is invalid.

That's why children need to be educated. You know, in the Texas Republican Party platform, they say they don't want "critical thinking" taught to children. Because if children think for themselves, right wing indoctrination won't "take".

Texas GOP rejects teaching critical thinking skills to children. - The Washington Post

The Terrifying Texas GOP Platform - Forbes
Marriage has always been between man, and women - Adam, and Eve, not Adam an Steve. The queers
wan't to usurp, to commandeer the term to apply normalcy to their demented lifestyle. Marriage is made in heaven - the Holy Bible makes it chrystal clear that homosexuality is abominable!
Newt is concerned about power, and wealth - his maneuver is political; at odds with Jezebel!
right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house

Don't believe in gay marriage...don't go to a gay wedding, don't have a gay marriage.

Don't do business with a gay person. Don't bake them wedding cakes, officiate at ceremonies take their picture, paint their portrait, counsel them or rent to them. Don't let your children associate with their children, don't go to their homes, don't invite them to parties. Don't hire them, don't befriend them, let them live their lives as they wish and you live yours as you wish.

Now we have freedom.
right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house

Do you have a rational reason why it's "wrong" other than "It makes my Imaginary Friend in the Sky sad"?
right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house

Don't believe in gay marriage...don't go to a gay wedding, don't have a gay marriage.

Don't do business with a gay person. Don't bake them wedding cakes, officiate at ceremonies take their picture, paint their portrait, counsel them or rent to them. Don't let your children associate with their children, don't go to their homes, don't invite them to parties. Don't hire them, don't befriend them, let them live their lives as they wish and you live yours as you wish.

Now we have freedom.

As long as you don't mind having a business, that's fine with me.

In 50 years, people are going to look back at people like you and ask WTF?
The point Gingrich was making was, although he wouldn't want it put in these words,

...inevitably, over time, conservatism loses and progress wins. Progress is natural; conservatism is the abnormal.
right now the safe course is to be on the Lord's side of the line. Every single person in a society could believe in gay marriage but that don't make it right.
If the gop chooses to go the ways of the world they will definitely lose the house

Don't believe in gay marriage...don't go to a gay wedding, don't have a gay marriage.

Don't do business with a gay person. Don't bake them wedding cakes, officiate at ceremonies take their picture, paint their portrait, counsel them or rent to them. Don't let your children associate with their children, don't go to their homes, don't invite them to parties. Don't hire them, don't befriend them, let them live their lives as they wish and you live yours as you wish.

Now we have freedom.

All except the no hire are not free to discriminate as an employer.
Don't believe in gay marriage...don't go to a gay wedding, don't have a gay marriage.

Don't do business with a gay person. Don't bake them wedding cakes, officiate at ceremonies take their picture, paint their portrait, counsel them or rent to them. Don't let your children associate with their children, don't go to their homes, don't invite them to parties. Don't hire them, don't befriend them, let them live their lives as they wish and you live yours as you wish.

Now we have freedom.

As long as you don't mind having a business, that's fine with me.

In 50 years, people are going to look back at people like you and ask WTF?

It wasn't that long ago that the marriage battle was interracial marriage, yes or no?

Conservatives were mostly on the 'no' side.
Don't really have anything to add here... just want to know what you all think.

It’s hard to say with Gingrich, if he’s indeed seen the light of reason and justice.

Assuming he’s sincere, this will place more pressure on social conservatives as they see more republicans accept the Constitutional requirement to allow same-sex couples access to marriage.

I'm not sure if Newt has that much influence at this point. Many on the right blame him for bleeding Romney durng the primaries.

the Republicans are kind of in a trick bag here.

They can't win their own primaries without supporting the bigots, but they can't win general elections by sucking up to them.

History is passing them by.
Don't believe in gay marriage...don't go to a gay wedding, don't have a gay marriage.

Don't do business with a gay person. Don't bake them wedding cakes, officiate at ceremonies take their picture, paint their portrait, counsel them or rent to them. Don't let your children associate with their children, don't go to their homes, don't invite them to parties. Don't hire them, don't befriend them, let them live their lives as they wish and you live yours as you wish.

Now we have freedom.

As long as you don't mind having a business, that's fine with me.

In 50 years, people are going to look back at people like you and ask WTF?

In 50 years there won't be any such thing as same sex marriage rights. That's the way it has always gone. Historically the same path is followed each and every time.
If I'm not mistaken Newt also said that he would have done better against Obama in the election than Romney did.
Don't believe in gay marriage...don't go to a gay wedding, don't have a gay marriage.

Don't do business with a gay person. Don't bake them wedding cakes, officiate at ceremonies take their picture, paint their portrait, counsel them or rent to them. Don't let your children associate with their children, don't go to their homes, don't invite them to parties. Don't hire them, don't befriend them, let them live their lives as they wish and you live yours as you wish.

Now we have freedom.

All except the no hire are not free to discriminate as an employer.

The a la carte version of the Constitution allows discrimination. That's Katzdogz preferred version.
Gingrich is right. Gay marriage will be legal everywhere within a decade. The sooner the GOP drops its opposition to it, the better it will be for the party.

Take heart friend Toro, the Republicans are coming around slowly but surely. If not for Republicans, gay marriage would not have passed in NY state. It is Republican Ted Olsen that is spearheading the case to get Prop 8 overturned.

Marriage equality isn't a partisan issue, but a human one. More and more people know someone who is gay and it's awfully hard to look a family member or loved one in the face and say "I love you, but you don't deserve the same rights as me".

It's very hard for a family member to look a loved one in the face and say I love you but there are circumstances in life that just don't apply to you.

That's all right, more and more people are realizing they don't need to look a loved one in the face and tell them that there is no reason to deny same-sex couples equal treatment under the law. We can tell them that Civil Marriage does apply and the laws are changing.

[Don't do business with a gay person. Don't bake them wedding cakes, officiate at ceremonies take their picture, paint their portrait, counsel them or rent to them. Don't let your children associate with their children, don't go to their homes, don't invite them to parties. Don't hire them, don't befriend them, let them live their lives as they wish and you live yours as you wish.

Now we have freedom.

Those have nothing to do with Same-sex Civil Marriage which is a function of government. They all have to do with Public Accommodation laws and many states even without same-sex Civil Marriage don't allow for discrimination based on sexual orientation in terms of Public Accommodation.

And Yes, I support the repeal of Public Accommodation laws so that private entities are free to discriminate in terms of the customers they choose (nor not choose) to serve and that applies to race, national origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

Don't believe in gay marriage...don't go to a gay wedding, don't have a gay marriage.

Don't do business with a gay person. Don't bake them wedding cakes, officiate at ceremonies take their picture, paint their portrait, counsel them or rent to them. Don't let your children associate with their children, don't go to their homes, don't invite them to parties. Don't hire them, don't befriend them, let them live their lives as they wish and you live yours as you wish.

Now we have freedom.

All except the no hire are not free to discriminate as an employer.

Pretty much every state has Public Accommodation laws and many have sexual orientation included, you are in violation of the law by refusing to provide normal services/products to homosexuals - beyond employment.

Don't do business with a gay person. Don't bake them wedding cakes, officiate at ceremonies take their picture, paint their portrait, counsel them or rent to them. Don't let your children associate with their children, don't go to their homes, don't invite them to parties. Don't hire them, don't befriend them, let them live their lives as they wish and you live yours as you wish.

Now we have freedom.

As long as you don't mind having a business, that's fine with me.

In 50 years, people are going to look back at people like you and ask WTF?

In 50 years there won't be any such thing as same sex marriage rights. That's the way it has always gone. Historically the same path is followed each and every time.

You are right, in 50-years there won't be same-sex Civil Marriage rights. There will be no need to designate them any different then different sex couples as both will have equal access to equal treatment under the law.


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