Newt Gingrich: Kamala Harris is probably the worst vice president in American history

if you say so ... but from what i understand, virginia's gubernatorial race went right along with their historical trend & sure - it's a wake up call to the (D)S, but it really shouldn't have come as a surprise; but on the other hand - NJ's gov race bucked it.
VA went fully RED...and NJ almost did too where NJ has 1mil more registered Democrats. The incumbent (D) in NJ who led the state senate for 20 yrs lost to a (R) Truck Driver who spent $2k on his campaign. These are deep blue states. Wait til we see elections in swings states. The Democratic Party went too far left. You disagree and that is your right but most agree with me. It will only get worse as Capt. Potted Plant and his awful VP continue to ruin this country.
VA went fully RED...and NJ almost did too where NJ has 1mil more registered Democrats. The incumbent (D) in NJ who led the state senate for 20 yrs lost to a (R) Truck Driver who spent $2k on his campaign. These are deep blue states. Wait til we see elections in swings states. The Democratic Party went too far left. You disagree and that is your right but most agree with me. It will only get worse as Capt. Potted Plant and his awful VP continue to ruin this country.
2022 could be a better year than we've had lately ---- :fingerscrossed:
VA went fully RED...and NJ almost did too where NJ has 1mil more registered Democrats. The incumbent (D) in NJ who led the state senate for 20 yrs lost to a (R) Truck Driver who spent $2k on his campaign. These are deep blue states. Wait til we see elections in swings states. The Democratic Party went too far left. You disagree and that is your right but most agree with me. It will only get worse as Capt. Potted Plant and his awful VP continue to ruin this country.

the dude that truck driver beat - was an arrogant prick from what i understand & probably got what he deserved.

there's a year b4 the midterms & as more comes out about jan 6 ... indisputable evidence about how deep it went & who was involved - then *you* won't be so cocky.

AND as more states start picking away at roe v wade - you'll see mobilization all right.
the dude that truck driver beat - was an arrogant prick from what i understand & probably got what he deserved.

there's a year b4 the midterms & as more comes out about jan 6 ... indisputable evidence about how deep it went & who was involved - then *you* won't be so cocky.

AND as more states start picking away at roe v wade - you'll see mobilization all right.
You do have an infinite amount of excuses. Let's see what happens. 20% want their vote back after seeing what Biden has done. As I said, the Democratic Party has moved too far left. Bill Maher a true Democrat agrees. You don't and that's your right. FBI said Jan 6th was not an insurrection. My wife who never voted just began in 2020 as Democrats began messing with our kids in her view. She isn't the only one. Gender neutral bathrooms and locker rooms, CRT being taught in classrooms, mask mandates. It has woken up the suburban housewives...and they aren't voting blue for the most part. Yes, your kids are grown and you don't care but I do!
You do have an infinite amount of excuses.


Let's see what happens.

okey dokey, pokey

20% want their vote back after seeing what Biden has done.

80% don't. i'll bet more than 20% regretted voting for donny in 2016. hence the formation of '(R)s against trump' & the lincoln project members & supporters.

As I said, the Democratic Party has moved too far left. Bill Maher a true Democrat agrees.

n'eh ... the corporate & moderates are still in the majority. bill maher - has always descriibed himself as a libertarian & is becoming more & more nutty re: covid.

You don't and that's your right.

well tanx, professor zogerino.

FBI said Jan 6th was not an insurrection.

the FBI hasn't concluded all of their investigations. neither has the select committee.

My wife who never voted just began in 2020 as Democrats began messing with our kids in her view.

the (R)s sure are wanting to mess with yer kids in the future.

bounties anyone?

She isn't the only one. Gender neutral bathrooms and locker rooms,

ya ya i know....

CRT being taught in classrooms,

it's not. unless you wanna take a specialized course in law school.

mask mandates.
<pfffft> if kids can go trick or treating wearing a mask, they can wear one in school. & wearing a mask isn't harming kids' psyches when they have to practice active shooter drills.

It has woken up the suburban housewives...and they aren't voting blue for the most part.

uh-huh. least call 'em homemakers.

Yes, your kids are grown and you don't care but I do!

one kid. yep, he's grown & a male ... but i care about yer young girls' futures more than you think.

okey dokey, pokey

80% don't. i'll bet more than 20% regretted voting for donny in 2016. hence the formation of '(R)s against trump' & the lincoln project members & supporters.

n'eh ... the corporate & moderates are still in the majority. bill maher - has always descriibed himself as a libertarian & is becoming more & more nutty re: covid.

well tanx, professor zogerino.

the FBI hasn't concluded all of their investigations. neither has the select committee.

the (R)s sure are wanting to mess with yer kids in the future.

bounties anyone?

ya ya i know....

it's not. unless you wanna take a specialized course in law school.

<pfffft> if kids can go trick or treating wearing a mask, they can wear one in school. & wearing a mask isn't harming kids' psyches when they have to practice active shooter drills.

uh-huh. least call 'em homemakers.

one kid. yep, he's grown & a male ... but i care about yer young girls' futures more than you think.
They are being taught CRT...just under different names. Feel free to PM me and I can explain how. They do have gender neutral bathrooms and do play sports vs. trans girls. Not cool

We have had both the worst worst president and worst vice president at the same time.
They are being taught CRT...just under different names. Feel free to PM me and I can explain how.

thanx for the offer, zog - but i'll pass because you don't even believe that there is still institutional racism in this here country. learning the true history of this nation, it's ugliness included should not be banned because it might make some people feel bad about their own 'race', which is ridiculous from the start. america allowed people to own people & laws enacted to overcome what's in this country's DNA doesn't automatically equate to being over it.

They do have gender neutral bathrooms

i realize that & i am not sure how to feel about it. i get your side, i get the side of those who don't feel normal with the sexual assignment/body parts they were born into. i do think gender nuetral/ family bathrooms in public buildings should be allowed though.

and do play sports vs. trans girls. Not cool

again, i see both sides. it's a tough one for sure, & i am not totally dismissing your reasoning on the matter.
thanx for the offer, zog - but i'll pass because you don't even believe that there is still institutional racism in this here country. learning the true history of this nation, it's ugliness included should not be banned because it might make some people feel bad about their own 'race', which is ridiculous from the start. america allowed people to own people & laws enacted to overcome what's in this country's DNA doesn't automatically equate to being over it.

i realize that & i am not sure how to feel about it. i get your side, i get the side of those who don't feel normal in the sexual assignment/body parts they were born into. i do think gender nuetral/ family bathrooms in public buildings should be allowed though.

again, i see both sides. it's a tough one for sure, & i am not totally dismissing your reasoning on the matter.
There is no institutional or systemic racism in America. Everyone born here has the same exact legal rights. In fact Asians are the wealthiest race and earn the most. Jews do well too. There are racist people of course but institutions are not racist.

I know you see my points but your leftist leanings are so strong that you would rather lie to a trans woman and call her a woman rather than tell that man that he is mentally ill.
There is no institutional or systemic racism in America.


Everyone born here has the same exact legal rights.

yep. but that's not what institutional racism means.

In fact Asians are the wealthiest race and earn the most. Jews do well too. There are racist people of course but institutions are not racist.

crack vs cocaine arrests/incarcerations.

how many women of color do you hear about that are kidnapped/raped/killed & the story is splashed on the TV 24/7 for weeks?

I know you see my points but your leftist leanings are so strong that you would rather lie to a trans woman and call her a woman rather than tell that man that he is mentally ill.

the one thing i don't think they are is mentally ill. that is a non starter.

you do realize that for the first 6 weeks or so after conception - you were female... right?

yep. but that's not what institutional racism means.

crack vs cocaine arrests/incarcerations.

how many women of color do you hear about that are kidnapped/raped/killed & the story is splashed on the TV 24/7 for weeks?

the one thing i don't think they are is mentally ill. that is a non starter.

you do realize that for the first 6 weeks or so after conception - you were female... right?
Based on your thinking I could be killed at 6 weeks without any repercussions. They are mentally ill. Can you describe what a woman is to me without using the word "woman"?

The fact that our media sucks doesn't make our systems racist. Look at the George Floyd case. Jacob Blake? Both vile human beings but treated like heroes. Again our media sucks.
well, it doesn't mean someone who can give birth. take away bodily functions & what you gave is the brain & the way it thinks, process'... FEELS.
So then do it. What is a woman? Please describe that person to me but don't use the word "woman".
So then do it. What is a woman? Please describe that person to me but don't use the word "woman".

i just did. but ok - physical attributes aside, a person that tends to have more insight emotionally, has greater tenderness & softness in character
( which is not the same as weakness ) & thinks & behaves in a more feminine way tends to be a female.
i just did. but ok - physical attributes aside, a person that tends to have more insight emotionally, has greater tenderness & softness in character
( which is not the same as weakness ) & thinks & behaves in a more feminine way tends to be a female.
So men cannot be emotional and tender? Doesn't really describe a woman to me. My wife has a much harder character than I do. Don't use the words "woman" or "female"....describe a woman/female to an alien.

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