Newt Gingrich on "Meet the Press" - GOP handed two big gifts

I never claimed any republican gave a shit about the disadvantaged, you guys revel in being dickholes.

Did I claim to be a Republican? No, I'm one of those evil "right-wingers", guess how many guns I keep in the trunk of my car, and you'll win a prize.

But historically speaking, it was after all the Republicans who freed the slaves, gave the women the right to vote, and passed the Civil Rights Act. I will say that much for them.
Right wingers never did anything good for anyone except themselves. Republicans only ever did good things when they had liberals in their party.

That's really funny. Clinton never did anything good for this country until Newt led Congress. Unfortunately, Obama has no conservatives in his party, so he'll go down in history as an abject failure.
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner over so many things that only the very smartest ones see what an ideological trap they have made for themselves trying to appeal to people like you. There are signs that the GOP has grown weary of the libertarian tea baggers and the social conservatives but it is much too late to salvage things. If the republican party was ever anything good it is now ancient history.
Can you tell us what is in the Tea Party platform that causes Liberal Progressive Democrat pukes to go apeshit at the thought of "Tea Party?"
Here's a clue from 1-10.


I don't think I would proudly post something that the Tea Party has failed so completely at as that list.
Just finish watching meet the press. Newt said the Supreme Court, when it upheld Obamacare, saved the GOP from the headache of trying to provide healthcare for millions of people.

He said that Gay Marriage was a gift (paraphrasing) that took away the discussion of the GOP hatred of gays just in time for 2016.

Now, he has Bobby Jindal saying again and again that the Bible says marriage is between one man and one woman. Anyone who has actually read the Bible knows that Bible marriages are between one man and multiple women and one of the only marriages involving one man and one woman was Adam and Eve. And they were NEVER married.

Newt as usual, was right. By leaving Obamacare intact, eventually the people are going to find out just how bad of a clusterfuck it really is. Eventually the blame will come down on the Democrats.
Keep dreaming the dream. If republicans want to gain the moral high ground on the health care issue then they need some better ideas rather than just this blind urge to vandalize and destroy the health care law. Right now they look like a bunch of assholes who would have turned somersaults joy if millions of people in their states had just lost coverage if the court had ruled in their favor.

Do you think I'd shed a single tear if millions of people lost their welfare checks, food stamps, and Obamaphones?

Look at my eyes. :banana:
Not even if the majority were other Republicans. We know.
Just finish watching meet the press. Newt said the Supreme Court, when it upheld Obamacare, saved the GOP from the headache of trying to provide healthcare for millions of people.

He said that Gay Marriage was a gift (paraphrasing) that took away the discussion of the GOP hatred of gays just in time for 2016.

Now, he has Bobby Jindal saying again and again that the Bible says marriage is between one man and one woman. Anyone who has actually read the Bible knows that Bible marriages are between one man and multiple women and one of the only marriages involving one man and one woman was Adam and Eve. And they were NEVER married.

Newt as usual, was right. By leaving Obamacare intact, eventually the people are going to find out just how bad of a clusterfuck it really is. Eventually the blame will come down on the Democrats.
yeah because it was modeled on Romneycare(R) which was dreamed up at The Heritage Foundation which everyone knows is a bastion of Progressivism. :rolleyes-41: JGalt
Right wingers never did anything good for anyone except themselves. Republicans only ever did good things when they had liberals in their party.

That's really funny. Clinton never did anything good for this country until Newt led Congress. Unfortunately, Obama has no conservatives in his party, so he'll go down in history as an abject failure.
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner over so many things that only the very smartest ones see what an ideological trap they have made for themselves trying to appeal to people like you. There are signs that the GOP has grown weary of the libertarian tea baggers and the social conservatives but it is much too late to salvage things. If the republican party was ever anything good it is now ancient history.
Can you tell us what is in the Tea Party platform that causes Liberal Progressive Democrat pukes to go apeshit at the thought of "Tea Party?"
Here's a clue from 1-10.

What they say they want is a lie. What they do and say in less guarded moments is better indication of what they stand for: Social conservatism, racial scapegoating, plutocracy and total destruction of the social safety net no matter the misery it might cause.
I belong to the Tea Party, receive all their literatature, bulletins, E-mails and have attended meetings and have never heard any bullshit like that. If I had I would drop them like a bad habit. We always talk about the 10 points of the platform. That's why I have hate and fear of the Liberal Progressive Democrats. A pox on everyone of the evil bastards and may they all rot in hell.
Republicans and Tea Party members have got to stop saying "I never heard that position before".
How many times have I repeated right wing positions and USMB Republicans said they never heard that before? On everything from their terrible support of BP to "let him die" to , well, just about everything. This determined ignorance is old and no longer an excuse.
So Newt is basically saying on two of the most important issues Republicans pushed against (especially ACA)....The Republicans were dead wrong and the public was against them, so the Supreme Court saved the party from looking like a bunch of a$$hats.

The only problem with his theory is there are another dozen or so other policy stances Republicans take that make them look like a$$hats as well, so dropping 2 of them won't do as much as he hopes.
The public had nothing to do with upholding either ACA or gay marriage. The public remains against obamacare and is just now getting a taste of where legalized perversion will go.
Did I claim to be a Republican? No, I'm one of those evil "right-wingers", guess how many guns I keep in the trunk of my car, and you'll win a prize.

But historically speaking, it was after all the Republicans who freed the slaves, gave the women the right to vote, and passed the Civil Rights Act. I will say that much for them.
Right wingers never did anything good for anyone except themselves. Republicans only ever did good things when they had liberals in their party.

That's really funny. Clinton never did anything good for this country until Newt led Congress. Unfortunately, Obama has no conservatives in his party, so he'll go down in history as an abject failure.
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner over so many things that only the very smartest ones see what an ideological trap they have made for themselves trying to appeal to people like you. There are signs that the GOP has grown weary of the libertarian tea baggers and the social conservatives but it is much too late to salvage things. If the republican party was ever anything good it is now ancient history.
Can you tell us what is in the Tea Party platform that causes Liberal Progressive Democrat pukes to go apeshit at the thought of "Tea Party?"
Here's a clue from 1-10.


I don't think I would proudly post something that the Tea Party has failed so completely at as that list.
That list is what the Democrats are fighting in order to destroy the USA and turn it into part of the Caliphate for the Obama Cartel.
That's really funny. Clinton never did anything good for this country until Newt led Congress. Unfortunately, Obama has no conservatives in his party, so he'll go down in history as an abject failure.
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner over so many things that only the very smartest ones see what an ideological trap they have made for themselves trying to appeal to people like you. There are signs that the GOP has grown weary of the libertarian tea baggers and the social conservatives but it is much too late to salvage things. If the republican party was ever anything good it is now ancient history.
Can you tell us what is in the Tea Party platform that causes Liberal Progressive Democrat pukes to go apeshit at the thought of "Tea Party?"
Here's a clue from 1-10.

What they say they want is a lie. What they do and say in less guarded moments is better indication of what they stand for: Social conservatism, racial scapegoating, plutocracy and total destruction of the social safety net no matter the misery it might cause.
I belong to the Tea Party, receive all their literatature, bulletins, E-mails and have attended meetings and have never heard any bullshit like that. If I had I would drop them like a bad habit. We always talk about the 10 points of the platform. That's why I have hate and fear of the Liberal Progressive Democrats. A pox on everyone of the evil bastards and may they all rot in hell.
Republicans and Tea Party members have got to stop saying "I never heard that position before".
How many times have I repeated right wing positions and USMB Republicans said they never heard that before? On everything from their terrible support of BP to "let him die" to , well, just about everything. This determined ignorance is old and no longer an excuse.
Simply drop into a Tea Party meeting and record and film the proceedings and post it here. Of course you won't because you think Dorothy will throw water on you.
Right wingers never did anything good for anyone except themselves. Republicans only ever did good things when they had liberals in their party.

That's really funny. Clinton never did anything good for this country until Newt led Congress. Unfortunately, Obama has no conservatives in his party, so he'll go down in history as an abject failure.
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner over so many things that only the very smartest ones see what an ideological trap they have made for themselves trying to appeal to people like you. There are signs that the GOP has grown weary of the libertarian tea baggers and the social conservatives but it is much too late to salvage things. If the republican party was ever anything good it is now ancient history.
Can you tell us what is in the Tea Party platform that causes Liberal Progressive Democrat pukes to go apeshit at the thought of "Tea Party?"
Here's a clue from 1-10.


I don't think I would proudly post something that the Tea Party has failed so completely at as that list.
That list is what the Democrats are fighting in order to destroy the USA and turn it into part of the Caliphate for the Obama Cartel.

No, it's still a bunch of lies, just like the other 5,000 times you posted the same nonsense.
Just finish watching meet the press. Newt said the Supreme Court, when it upheld Obamacare, saved the GOP from the headache of trying to provide healthcare for millions of people.

He said that Gay Marriage was a gift (paraphrasing) that took away the discussion of the GOP hatred of gays just in time for 2016.

Now, he has Bobby Jindal saying again and again that the Bible says marriage is between one man and one woman. Anyone who has actually read the Bible knows that Bible marriages are between one man and multiple women and one of the only marriages involving one man and one woman was Adam and Eve. And they were NEVER married.
Newt was right, and especially with the gay marriage ruling. The Republicans will have their bench Candidates, Jindal, Huckabee, etc, harp about it just to keep Republicans from getting depressed, and the Tier 1 candidates will keep relatively quiet about it.

That's just going to be for the primaries. When the general election comes around, repealing Obamacare will be a big issue, and you will hear whatever Republican candidate wins the nomination say crap like "I will uphold the law", and that's it
I think they will stop talking about Healthcare unless one gets into office. Republicans have no problem screwing over millions of Americans. We've see it in the last three Republican presidents. Why? Because they are elitists. The GOP definition of elitist.

Not like BO care will be screwing millions of americans.
Right wingers never did anything good for anyone except themselves. Republicans only ever did good things when they had liberals in their party.

That's really funny. Clinton never did anything good for this country until Newt led Congress. Unfortunately, Obama has no conservatives in his party, so he'll go down in history as an abject failure.
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner over so many things that only the very smartest ones see what an ideological trap they have made for themselves trying to appeal to people like you. There are signs that the GOP has grown weary of the libertarian tea baggers and the social conservatives but it is much too late to salvage things. If the republican party was ever anything good it is now ancient history.
Can you tell us what is in the Tea Party platform that causes Liberal Progressive Democrat pukes to go apeshit at the thought of "Tea Party?"
Here's a clue from 1-10.

What they say they want is a lie. What they do and say in less guarded moments is better indication of what they stand for: Social conservatism, racial scapegoating, plutocracy and total destruction of the social safety net no matter the misery it might cause.
I belong to the Tea Party, receive all their literatature, bulletins, E-mails and have attended meetings and have never heard any bullshit like that. If I had I would drop them like a bad habit. We always talk about the 10 points of the platform. That's why I have hate and fear of the Liberal Progressive Democrats. A pox on everyone of the evil bastards and may they all rot in hell.
Hate and fear are extremely powerful levers for a political movement. Any political movement that uses them as their primary source of support is up to no good, you can bet on it.
So Newt is basically saying on two of the most important issues Republicans pushed against (especially ACA)....The Republicans were dead wrong and the public was against them, so the Supreme Court saved the party from looking like a bunch of a$$hats.

The only problem with his theory is there are another dozen or so other policy stances Republicans take that make them look like a$$hats as well, so dropping 2 of them won't do as much as he hopes.
The public had nothing to do with upholding either ACA or gay marriage. The public remains against obamacare and is just now getting a taste of where legalized perversion will go.

So you're saying Newt is wrong and the GOP should continue their agenda against ACA and gay marriage into 2016?
That's really funny. Clinton never did anything good for this country until Newt led Congress. Unfortunately, Obama has no conservatives in his party, so he'll go down in history as an abject failure.
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner over so many things that only the very smartest ones see what an ideological trap they have made for themselves trying to appeal to people like you. There are signs that the GOP has grown weary of the libertarian tea baggers and the social conservatives but it is much too late to salvage things. If the republican party was ever anything good it is now ancient history.
Can you tell us what is in the Tea Party platform that causes Liberal Progressive Democrat pukes to go apeshit at the thought of "Tea Party?"
Here's a clue from 1-10.


I don't think I would proudly post something that the Tea Party has failed so completely at as that list.
That list is what the Democrats are fighting in order to destroy the USA and turn it into part of the Caliphate for the Obama Cartel.

No, it's still a bunch of lies, just like the other 5,000 times you posted the same nonsense.
Let me know where the Tea Party meetings you attend are being held and I promise to have those speakers removed who are doing the lying bit. Oh, and would you please post your personal recordings and videos here? We would have a better understanding of your charges rather than your informal reporting. Thanx.
That's really funny. Clinton never did anything good for this country until Newt led Congress. Unfortunately, Obama has no conservatives in his party, so he'll go down in history as an abject failure.
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner over so many things that only the very smartest ones see what an ideological trap they have made for themselves trying to appeal to people like you. There are signs that the GOP has grown weary of the libertarian tea baggers and the social conservatives but it is much too late to salvage things. If the republican party was ever anything good it is now ancient history.
Can you tell us what is in the Tea Party platform that causes Liberal Progressive Democrat pukes to go apeshit at the thought of "Tea Party?"
Here's a clue from 1-10.

What they say they want is a lie. What they do and say in less guarded moments is better indication of what they stand for: Social conservatism, racial scapegoating, plutocracy and total destruction of the social safety net no matter the misery it might cause.
I belong to the Tea Party, receive all their literatature, bulletins, E-mails and have attended meetings and have never heard any bullshit like that. If I had I would drop them like a bad habit. We always talk about the 10 points of the platform. That's why I have hate and fear of the Liberal Progressive Democrats. A pox on everyone of the evil bastards and may they all rot in hell.
Republicans and Tea Party members have got to stop saying "I never heard that position before".
How many times have I repeated right wing positions and USMB Republicans said they never heard that before? On everything from their terrible support of BP to "let him die" to , well, just about everything. This determined ignorance is old and no longer an excuse.
This determined ignorance is old
so are your repetitious i hate republican threads.....
That's really funny. Clinton never did anything good for this country until Newt led Congress. Unfortunately, Obama has no conservatives in his party, so he'll go down in history as an abject failure.
Conservatives have painted themselves into a corner over so many things that only the very smartest ones see what an ideological trap they have made for themselves trying to appeal to people like you. There are signs that the GOP has grown weary of the libertarian tea baggers and the social conservatives but it is much too late to salvage things. If the republican party was ever anything good it is now ancient history.
Can you tell us what is in the Tea Party platform that causes Liberal Progressive Democrat pukes to go apeshit at the thought of "Tea Party?"
Here's a clue from 1-10.


I don't think I would proudly post something that the Tea Party has failed so completely at as that list.
That list is what the Democrats are fighting in order to destroy the USA and turn it into part of the Caliphate for the Obama Cartel.

No, it's still a bunch of lies, just like the other 5,000 times you posted the same nonsense.
how do you know you just got here?......

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