Newt hits Romney hard on Bain Capital

I would much rather take all the bankers who drove the country into a ditch, put them on trial, and put them in prison to be sodomized by a serial killer.

That would make me feel a lot better.

This isn't about making money at this point for me. I'm just happy to get by. But I want to see those responsible pay for what they did.

I'm kind of vengeful, you see. I think our real problem is we don't get revenge enough in society as an object lesson.

The problem with the bankers and the speculators is that they screwed it up, the rest of us paid for it once with the economic downturn they caused, and again with the government sponsored bailout they demanded.

Capitalize reward, socialize Risk. It ain't a left right thing, man.

You are clearly whining because you lost money. That is very, very obvious. So you want a scapegoat to satisfy you own loss since you lost and others didn't.

That's pretty pathetic.

Sounds like he's a failed house flipper who flipped too late and flopped. :eusa_whistle:
I want them punished for the wrong they did.

Just like I would want a guy who broke into my house and took my TV punished.

When did losing money become a crime?

Do you really think that if we appointed a special prosecutor with unlimited subpeona power, we wouldn't have some of these SCUMWADS going to jail?

Which was exactly what SHOULD have happened. But didn't, because they said that if they were investigated, it would slow down the recovery. Just give us our bailout, bitches.

Why are you defending this, exactly?
How many jobs did Romeny CREATE?

One would think, given the way he touts himself as a job creator, that number would be right there up front for all to see.

Why isn't it?

I suspect its because, in aggregate Bain probably oversaw the end of more jobs than it ever created.

If I'm wrong, I am sure one of you conservative, pro Mitt supporters will be able to show us the REAL numbers, right?
How many jobs did Romeny CREATE?

One would think, given the way he touts himself as a job creator, that number would be right there up front for all to see.

Why isn't it?

I suspect its because, in aggregate Bain probably oversaw the end of more jobs than it ever created.

If I'm wrong, I am sure one of you conservative, pro Mitt supporters will be able to show us the REAL numbers, right?

Hey, he created a bunch of minimum wage retail jobs at Staples... with no benefits.

That's more than making up for the thousands of good paying union jobs he destroyed.
I would much rather take all the bankers who drove the country into a ditch, put them on trial, and put them in prison to be sodomized by a serial killer.

That would make me feel a lot better.

This isn't about making money at this point for me. I'm just happy to get by. But I want to see those responsible pay for what they did.

I'm kind of vengeful, you see. I think our real problem is we don't get revenge enough in society as an object lesson.

The problem with the bankers and the speculators is that they screwed it up, the rest of us paid for it once with the economic downturn they caused, and again with the government sponsored bailout they demanded.

Capitalize reward, socialize Risk. It ain't a left right thing, man.

You are clearly whining because you lost money. That is very, very obvious. So you want a scapegoat to satisfy you own loss since you lost and others didn't.

That's pretty pathetic.

Sounds like he's a failed house flipper who flipped too late and flopped. :eusa_whistle:

Nope, just an American who moved into a nice neighborhood that is now turning into crap because of all the foreclosures.

Because the "houseflippers" who can't flip now are just renting to any lowlife who can come up with $700.00 a month.
Joeb I used to have q bit of respect for your opinions but no longer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not big on Romney but you're completely irrational hatred for the man is mind boggling.
[ame=]C-SPAN Trolled By Callers Asking About Mitt Romney's Penis - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]New Factor in the Republican Race: Mitt Romney's Penis - YouTube[/ame]
I want them punished for the wrong they did.

Just like I would want a guy who broke into my house and took my TV punished.

When did losing money become a crime?

Do you really think that if we appointed a special prosecutor with unlimited subpeona power, we wouldn't have some of these SCUMWADS going to jail?

Which was exactly what SHOULD have happened. But didn't, because they said that if they were investigated, it would slow down the recovery. Just give us our bailout, bitches.

Why are you defending this, exactly?

From what I have digested everyone in the know claims that no one broke any laws. I know! Hard to believe. Maybe some whistle blower will come up with some e-mails or phone conversations that will show evidense that the collapse was pre meditated and created within the law but intentionally. Still makes one wonder how congress can justify stonewalling regulations and legislation to prevent it happening again. Have I mentioned lately how much I hate these people?
You are clearly whining because you lost money. That is very, very obvious. So you want a scapegoat to satisfy you own loss since you lost and others didn't.

That's pretty pathetic.

Sounds like he's a failed house flipper who flipped too late and flopped. :eusa_whistle:

Nope, just an American who moved into a nice neighborhood that is now turning into crap because of all the foreclosures.

Because the "houseflippers" who can't flip now are just renting to any lowlife who can come up with $700.00 a month.

No, only the houseflippers who got in too late. :)
Sounds like he's a failed house flipper who flipped too late and flopped. :eusa_whistle:

Nope, just an American who moved into a nice neighborhood that is now turning into crap because of all the foreclosures.

Because the "houseflippers" who can't flip now are just renting to any lowlife who can come up with $700.00 a month.

No, only the houseflippers who got in too late. :)

If you really think the "I got mine, Screw you" platform is going to work in November, you are going to be in for the rudest awakening since Alf Landon.
Just because you came in late. :)

Yup, how dare I do the responsible thing. I pay my mortgage, pay my taxes, served my country in the armed forces when called upon to do so. Go to my job and work hard every day.

How dare I expect that I have some protection from people manipulating markets and ripping me off.

When the poor steal, it's called crime, and when the rich steal, it's called Profits.
Newts spending about 3 mill on adds going after Romney for his job killing career at Bain Capital. I'm sure someone can find the ad but.....

Is Newt against what Romney did at Bain? Because while he complains I don't believe there are any conservatives (including Newt) who are against companies like Bain. Are they? I thought Newt would like the free market but the ads suggest...he...disagrees?

find the ad? DNC has it. :eusa_clap:

Willard Mitt Romney
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"Bain Capital was nothing more than a bunch of rich guys who figured out clever ways to drain companies dry and walk away leaving the employees with nothing." Newt Gingrich 2012
This attack, like every other attack against Romney, will fall flat. Voters want someone that can beat Obama. Newt is not that guy. He'd make a good cabinet member, or even VEEP....

About HALF the voters want someone who can beat Obama.

That doesn't necessarily mean they want to choose Mitt "I like to be able to fire people" Romney.

If the Republicans don't broach this issue now, Obama will in the fall.

I said back in 2008, you don't win over an electorate afraid of losing their jobs with a guy who made his money by firing people from their jobs. This, along with his crazy religion, makes Romney unelectable, but you clowns keep insisting on nominating him anyway.

"I like to be able to fire people that work for me to provide a service and don't do that job, like lawn mowers" Don't take apart a sentence. He was talking about his lawn service! Anyone would want to fire their own l;awn service if they weren't doing the job properly.
I really think the Obamacrats should continue running with this Bain thing instead of talking about what he has done and will do if re-elected

you go guys
This attack, like every other attack against Romney, will fall flat. Voters want someone that can beat Obama. Newt is not that guy. He'd make a good cabinet member, or even VEEP....

About HALF the voters want someone who can beat Obama.

That doesn't necessarily mean they want to choose Mitt "I like to be able to fire people" Romney.

If the Republicans don't broach this issue now, Obama will in the fall.

I said back in 2008, you don't win over an electorate afraid of losing their jobs with a guy who made his money by firing people from their jobs. This, along with his crazy religion, makes Romney unelectable, but you clowns keep insisting on nominating him anyway.

"I like to be able to fire people that work for me to provide a service and don't do that job, like lawn mowers" Don't take apart a sentence. He was talking about his lawn service! Anyone would want to fire their own l;awn service if they weren't doing the job properly.

Actually, no, he was talking about his insurance provider. Not that most of us have the option to fire our insurance provider. But the whole "I like to be able to fire people' shows a mindset.

"I'm a rich douchebag and I can push people around".

Pretty much the story of this guys entire life.
I really think the Obamacrats should continue running with this Bain thing instead of talking about what he has done and will do if re-elected

you go guys

That's exactly what is going on. Even after it's been debunked by every fact check and investigative entity. They are pandering to the clueless, their base who are less intelligent and not following along.
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I really think the Obamacrats should continue running with this Bain thing instead of talking about what he has done and will do if re-elected

you go guys

That's exactly what is going on. Even after it's been debunked by every fact check and investigative entity. They are pandering to the clueless, their base who are less intelligent and not following along.

Caveats aside, what Bain did to working people is actually pretty disgusting, and it resonates with average working folks.
I really think the Obamacrats should continue running with this Bain thing instead of talking about what he has done and will do if re-elected

you go guys

That's exactly what is going on. Even after it's been debunked by every fact check and investigative entity. They are pandering to the clueless, their base who are less intelligent and not following along.

Caveats aside, what Bain did to working people is actually pretty disgusting, and it resonates with average working folks.

What Bain did was saved companies and opened up jobs in the companies that Romney saved before he went to the Olympics. If some companies couldn't be saved, that was happening all over America. And we have to see which were under Romney's management.

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