Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​
No I disagree. Dog shit usually dries up and blows away much sooner. The only thing Obama can do is be careful where the dog shits him.
I don't know about that.

There are already boots on the ground in Syria. This quagmire has already started. Obama built ISIS. That isn't going away anytime soon, neither is this mess in Syria.

Anytime we hear about shit going wrong in Ukraine or Syria, we'll have to think about Obama.
does it bother any of you trump bots that obama signed less executive orders than almost any president including Clinton and both Bushes?

Obama quoted Trump saying that Obama will go down in history as one of the worst presidents. Then, he said that at least he - Obama - will be remembered as "PRESIDENT" implying that Trump would never be.

Nothing in life is sweeter than the humiliation of useless waste of oxygen.
does it bother any of you trump bots that obama signed less executive orders than almost any president including Clinton and both Bushes?


Then you guys have nothing to worry about in terms of anything meaningful being reversed.
His legacy will be the damage he did to the American people by exacerbating racial and net worth division, behaving like royalty, blaming the USA for everything wrong in the world, remarkably poor work ethic and an utter lack of genuine concern for our country and people as shown by such gems as Fast and Furious and abetting illegal criminals like the one who killed Kate Steinle. His legacy will be many dead or driven from their homes all over the world thanks to his bungled handling of foreign affairs. Islamo wackos ought to send him a Thank You card.
does it bother any of you trump bots that obama signed less executive orders than almost any president including Clinton and both Bushes?


It's the content of the order,not the number.
yeah thats gotta be it right?

So in your mind the guy with 20 parking tickets is a bigger criminal than a guy with one murder conviction?
Whatever you need to convince yourself of to sleep at night
does it bother any of you trump bots that obama signed less executive orders than almost any president including Clinton and both Bushes?


Then you guys have nothing to worry about in terms of anything meaningful being reversed.
Then you guys have nothing to be happy about in terms of anything meaningful being reversed

Ok, you roll with that. Lol.
Can you even name a single executive order you dont like? (without googling)

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