Newt To Force Brokered Convention So Palin Can Enter And Take Nomination From Mitt


Mar 4, 2012
That appears to be the strategy and we are starting to see Palin get involved a lot lately in this race. What I do remember is back in October she said this would be the most unconventional presidential race we have ever seen. I believe what has been happening is that she has been sitting back and plotting strategy so she can enter the race at a brokered convention. Newt has said he will go all the way to the convention. That hurts Romney and Santorum both delegate wise. Palin sees this. Mitt just can't pull away as a true front runner. Palin does have one hell of a grass roots base with the Tea Party and they do have influence. She is letting the current crop fight amongst each other and the media is fueling it. Lately there have been talks of a brokered convention everywhere and from what I heard the other morning on a prominent radio talk show, many people were calling in saying Palin is the one with enough passion and love for her country with guts to hit Obama hard on the issues and they were hoping she would enter. They were displeased with Romney, Gingrich and Santorum. I believe the callers to be right.

The current crop of GOP candidates don't spark enthusiasm or excitement or passion as Palin does. They don't attack Obama head on viciously like she does. Palins CPAC speech was phenomenal and the crowd gave her a standing ovation multiple times but the other candidates never get that type of response in their speeches. One thing is true. Team Obama are insecure about Palin. The proof was when they made a campaign attack ad last weekend against her, a civilian who isn't running for office as of now. All she did was voice her opinion about him not being vetted by the media. That is unheard of from a sitting president. Palin this whole time has been pushing Newt to stay in the race and promoting him as well as Ron Pauls domestic policies.

The woman is clever and smart. She used strategy without heavy financial assets to take on 2 prominent well seasoned political veteran politicians in the form of Gov Tony Knowles and Gov Frank Murkowski for the governorship of Alaska. She debated them 3 times on foreign policy, fiscal reforms, fishing industry, oil and gas energy and health care and beat them both and they out sourced her 5 to 1 money wise. She became the 14th person in our nations history to unseat a incumbent governor and endured a 90% approval rating. That's telling. As President Clinton stated a few weeks before the mid term elections when Palin was campaigning for her endorsements hitting democrat candidates and Obama hard on the issues, he went on national tv and warned democratic voters and candidates by saying "Don't underestimate this woman. She is resilient like me". He was right. She scored many victories with her endorsements and helped unseat several incumbents. I personally believe from what I am seeing and hearing that a brokered convention will happen and she will enter. Romney or Santorum are doomed if this happens. Palin will suck the air right out of their campaigns and take their delegates.

Tampa Tempest - Robert Costa - National Review Online

Sarah Palin | Brokered Convention | Sarah Palin tips her hand | The Daily Caller

Newt on Gov Palin. A must watch:
[ame=]Newt Gingrich on Sarah Palin and Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]
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If true,im in all the way. It would be good that we exercise our ability to scheme not just the commie extremists.
Actually, The Plan is a brokered convention to appease the Texan Political Crime Syndicate and Nominate, JEB BUSH.
Actually, The Plan is a brokered convention to appease the Texan Political Crime Syndicate and Nominate, JEB BUSH.

Yeah, that must be it.

It'll be the Texas "crime sydicate" versus the Chicago crime syndicate in November. Should be a real "shoot out".
Unlikely. If Romney fails to get 1144, he'll offer the veep position to Santorum and that will be that.

Probably be the best move he can make at that point, as it will help him with working folks, Evangelicals and in Rust belt states.

They'll still lose to Obama, though.
That appears to be the strategy and we are starting to see Palin get involved a lot lately in this race. What I do remember is back in October she said this would be the most unconventional presidential race we have ever seen. I believe what has been happening is that she has been sitting back and plotting strategy so she can enter the race at a brokered convention. Newt has said he will go all the way to the convention. That hurts Romney and Santorum both delegate wise. Palin sees this. Mitt just can't pull away as a true front runner. Palin does have one hell of a grass roots base with the Tea Party and they do have influence. She is letting the current crop fight amongst each other and the media is fueling it. Lately there have been talks of a brokered convention everywhere and from what I heard the other morning on a prominent radio talk show, many people were calling in saying Palin is the one with enough passion and love for her country with guts to hit Obama hard on the issues and they were hoping she would enter. They were displeased with Romney, Gingrich and Santorum. I believe the callers to be right.

The current crop of GOP candidates don't spark enthusiasm or excitement or passion as Palin does. They don't attack Obama head on viciously like she does. Palins CPAC speech was phenomenal and the crowd gave her a standing ovation multiple times but the other candidates never get that type of response in their speeches. One thing is true. Team Obama are insecure about Palin. The proof was when they made a campaign attack ad last weekend against her, a civilian who isn't running for office as of now. All she did was voice her opinion about him not being vetted by the media. That is unheard of from a sitting president. Palin this whole time has been pushing Newt to stay in the race and promoting him as well as Ron Pauls domestic policies.

The woman is clever and smart. She used strategy without heavy financial assets to take on 2 prominent well seasoned political veteran politicians in the form of Gov Tony Knowles and Gov Frank Murkowski for the governorship of Alaska. She debated them 3 times on foreign policy, fiscal reforms, fishing industry, oil and gas energy and health care and beat them both and they out sourced her 5 to 1 money wise. She became the 14th person in our nations history to unseat a incumbent governor and endured a 90% approval rating. That's telling. As President Clinton stated a few weeks before the mid term elections when Palin was campaigning for her endorsements hitting democrat candidates and Obama hard on the issues, he went on national tv and warned democratic voters and candidates by saying "Don't underestimate this woman. She is resilient like me". He was right. She scored many victories with her endorsements and helped unseat several incumbents. I personally believe from what I am seeing and hearing that a brokered convention will happen and she will enter. Romney or Santorum are doomed if this happens. Palin will suck the air right out of their campaigns and take their delegates.

Gingrich says he's staying in the race 'til the end' (6:54) - The Washington Post

Tampa Tempest - Robert Costa - National Review Online

Sarah Palin | Brokered Convention | Sarah Palin tips her hand | The Daily Caller

Newt on Gov Palin. A must watch:
Newt Gingrich on Sarah Palin and Barack Obama - YouTube

Sarah has as much of chance at taking the nomination as Schumer has at taking the GOP nod.
That appears to be the strategy and we are starting to see Palin get involved a lot lately in this race. What I do remember is back in October she said this would be the most unconventional presidential race we have ever seen. I believe what has been happening is that she has been sitting back and plotting strategy so she can enter the race at a brokered convention. Newt has said he will go all the way to the convention. That hurts Romney and Santorum both delegate wise. Palin sees this. Mitt just can't pull away as a true front runner. Palin does have one hell of a grass roots base with the Tea Party and they do have influence. She is letting the current crop fight amongst each other and the media is fueling it. Lately there have been talks of a brokered convention everywhere and from what I heard the other morning on a prominent radio talk show, many people were calling in saying Palin is the one with enough passion and love for her country with guts to hit Obama hard on the issues and they were hoping she would enter. They were displeased with Romney, Gingrich and Santorum. I believe the callers to be right.

The current crop of GOP candidates don't spark enthusiasm or excitement or passion as Palin does. They don't attack Obama head on viciously like she does. Palins CPAC speech was phenomenal and the crowd gave her a standing ovation multiple times but the other candidates never get that type of response in their speeches. One thing is true. Team Obama are insecure about Palin. The proof was when they made a campaign attack ad last weekend against her, a civilian who isn't running for office as of now. All she did was voice her opinion about him not being vetted by the media. That is unheard of from a sitting president. Palin this whole time has been pushing Newt to stay in the race and promoting him as well as Ron Pauls domestic policies.

The woman is clever and smart. She used strategy without heavy financial assets to take on 2 prominent well seasoned political veteran politicians in the form of Gov Tony Knowles and Gov Frank Murkowski for the governorship of Alaska. She debated them 3 times on foreign policy, fiscal reforms, fishing industry, oil and gas energy and health care and beat them both and they out sourced her 5 to 1 money wise. She became the 14th person in our nations history to unseat a incumbent governor and endured a 90% approval rating. That's telling. As President Clinton stated a few weeks before the mid term elections when Palin was campaigning for her endorsements hitting democrat candidates and Obama hard on the issues, he went on national tv and warned democratic voters and candidates by saying "Don't underestimate this woman. She is resilient like me". He was right. She scored many victories with her endorsements and helped unseat several incumbents. I personally believe from what I am seeing and hearing that a brokered convention will happen and she will enter. Romney or Santorum are doomed if this happens. Palin will suck the air right out of their campaigns and take their delegates.

Gingrich says he's staying in the race 'til the end' (6:54) - The Washington Post

Tampa Tempest - Robert Costa - National Review Online

Sarah Palin | Brokered Convention | Sarah Palin tips her hand | The Daily Caller

Newt on Gov Palin. A must watch:
Newt Gingrich on Sarah Palin and Barack Obama - YouTube

Sarah has as much of chance at taking the nomination as Schumer has at taking the GOP nod.

Was there a full moon last night?
As amusing as it would be to see Palin get the nomination I very much hope it doesn't happen, for two reasons: First, America deserves a decent choice in November (at least those of us who don't simply vote based on the letter after the candidate's name) and this would pretty much rule that out; second, isn't there some kind of minimum level of dignity we want to keep? I don't need Einstein's intellect in there, but I'd think the GOP would want to run someone who has at least a reasonable level of demonstrable intelligence and articulateness.

These are serious times, I don't need someone up there using phrases like "you betcha" and "lame-stream media". And, if you're going to defend her, let's try to avoid the predictable, diversionary "yeah, but look at Obama" crap. Palin should not be in this, she's just not the right material, I don't care who she'd run against. That is not the point.

Surely cooler heads in the GOP would prevail. Surely they wouldn't put her on the ballot. I just don't believe it.


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