Newtie to Run for President

Interesting? No, pretty much not at all.

How many innocent sons and grandchildren died in the Iraq war so far Jester? Thousands? Tens of Thousands?

And you're getting your underwear in a bunch about one of each?

And you think Obama "timed" the Bin Laden killing to "Cover" that??
Yeah, and you lib's have been cackling about Iraq for years now....Where's the cackling from you lib's now that Obama helped go to war for no reason whatsoever, and that there are innocents dying as we speak, thanks to our ordinance?

I'll ask again, what immediate threat was Ghadafi?

Was he continually shooting at our planes?

Was he constantly rattling his sword?

Was he purposely faking his WMD program, and constantly throwing out inspectors?

Was he more of a threat to his citizens than Sadaam was?

Why the liberal hypocrisy?

Oh, yeah, that's right........never mind.

Once again laughing at the rights feeble attempts to equate Libya with Iraq

How many soldiers were killed in Libya?
Doesn't matter......Fact is, innocents are being killed as we speak, by our ordinace, too include cruise missiles fired by us......Where's the outrage?

We went in on far less grounds than Iraq.....Where's the outrage?

Iraq supposedly wasn't a threat, but Ghadafi somehow is.......Please explain.

According to you cackling lib's, Sadaam's threat to his own people was none of our business, but Ghadafi's threat is somehow all of a sudden our business.....Please explain.

The hypocrisy is a fuckin' joke.
Man, I would love to see Obungo and Newt go one on one in a debate. That would be the highest ratings in decades for any debate I think.

Yes it would and Newt would wipe the floor with him. Experience and a history background are powerful tools. Too bad, Newt doesn't have the charisma to win though..imo.
He likely won't get the nomination. But now that people are paying attention, he'll damn sure have a chance to chip away at Obama's abject failings, and false aura...And they are many.

I'm looking at him as the set up pitcher, before the closer takes the mound.
He HELPED start a war, based on a lie.

He's also got blood on his hands for the wanton killing of an innocent son and grandchild.

Interesting the Bin Laden was taken out just as the media was was starting to seriously question the need to kill two innocent civilians........Convenient political timing?.......You betcha!


Interesting? No, pretty much not at all.

How many innocent sons and grandchildren died in the Iraq war so far Jester? Thousands? Tens of Thousands?

And you're getting your underwear in a bunch about one of each?

And you think Obama "timed" the Bin Laden killing to "Cover" that??
Yeah, and you lib's have been cackling about Iraq for years now....Where's the cackling from you lib's now that Obama helped go to war for no reason whatsoever, and that there are innocents dying as we speak, thanks to our ordinance?

I'll ask again, what immediate threat was Ghadafi?

Was he continually shooting at our planes?

Was he constantly rattling his sword?

Was he purposely faking his WMD program, and constantly throwing out inspectors?

Was he more of a threat to his citizens than Sadaam was?

Why the liberal hypocrisy?

Oh, yeah, that's right........never mind.

[ame=]YouTube - Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission'?[/ame]
Yeah, and you lib's have been cackling about Iraq for years now....Where's the cackling from you lib's now that Obama helped go to war for no reason whatsoever, and that there are innocents dying as we speak, thanks to our ordinance?

I'll ask again, what immediate threat was Ghadafi?

Was he continually shooting at our planes?

Was he constantly rattling his sword?

Was he purposely faking his WMD program, and constantly throwing out inspectors?

Was he more of a threat to his citizens than Sadaam was?

Why the liberal hypocrisy?

Oh, yeah, that's right........never mind.

Way to try to change the subject.

Tell me, why did Reagan bomb Qaddafi first? Did you complain when he did it?
Yeah, and you lib's have been cackling about Iraq for years now....Where's the cackling from you lib's now that Obama helped go to war for no reason whatsoever, and that there are innocents dying as we speak, thanks to our ordinance?

I'll ask again, what immediate threat was Ghadafi?

Was he continually shooting at our planes?

Was he constantly rattling his sword?

Was he purposely faking his WMD program, and constantly throwing out inspectors?

Was he more of a threat to his citizens than Sadaam was?

Why the liberal hypocrisy?

Oh, yeah, that's right........never mind.

Once again laughing at the rights feeble attempts to equate Libya with Iraq

How many soldiers were killed in Libya?
Doesn't matter......Fact is, innocents are being killed as we speak, by our ordinace, too include cruise missiles fired by us......Where's the outrage?

We went in on far less grounds than Iraq.....Where's the outrage?

Iraq supposedly wasn't a threat, but Ghadafi somehow is.......Please explain.

According to you cackling lib's, Sadaam's threat to his own people was none of our business, but Ghadafi's threat is somehow all of a sudden our business.....Please explain.

The hypocrisy is a fuckin' joke.

100,000 innocents killed in Iraq. Show me how Libya is the same
The LAST person he wants to see get the GOP nomination.

Is that because Newt supported mandated health insurance for everyone?

Newt Gingrich Was More Supportive Of Individual Mandates Than Mitt Romney

WASHINGTON -- Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) is set to defend his state's health care law from conservative critics in a high-profile speech on Thursday. But Romney is far from being the potential 2012 Republican presidential contender with the most politically problematic record on health care.

That title likely belongs to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), who announced his White House aspirations a day prior to Romney's address.

In his post-congressional life, Gingrich has been a vocal champion for mandated insurance coverage -- the very provision of President Obama's health care legislation that the Republican Party now decries as fundamentally unconstitutional.

Newt Gingrich Was More Supportive Of Individual Mandates Than Mitt Romney

Obama care was the Republican counter idea in the 90s to oppose Hillarycare. It's just another example of Republican hypocrisy.
The LAST person he wants to see get the GOP nomination.

Is that because Newt supported mandated health insurance for everyone?

Newt Gingrich Was More Supportive Of Individual Mandates Than Mitt Romney

WASHINGTON -- Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney (R) is set to defend his state's health care law from conservative critics in a high-profile speech on Thursday. But Romney is far from being the potential 2012 Republican presidential contender with the most politically problematic record on health care.

That title likely belongs to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), who announced his White House aspirations a day prior to Romney's address.

In his post-congressional life, Gingrich has been a vocal champion for mandated insurance coverage -- the very provision of President Obama's health care legislation that the Republican Party now decries as fundamentally unconstitutional.

Newt Gingrich Was More Supportive Of Individual Mandates Than Mitt Romney

Obama care was the Republican counter idea in the 90s to oppose Hillarycare. It's just another example of Republican hypocrisy.

It shows just how FAR right the GOP has gone in recent years.
Is that because Newt supported mandated health insurance for everyone?

Newt Gingrich Was More Supportive Of Individual Mandates Than Mitt Romney

Newt Gingrich Was More Supportive Of Individual Mandates Than Mitt Romney

Obama care was the Republican counter idea in the 90s to oppose Hillarycare. It's just another example of Republican hypocrisy.

It shows just how FAR right the GOP has gone in recent years.

As opposed to how far LEFT the Democrats have turned?
Interesting? No, pretty much not at all.

How many innocent sons and grandchildren died in the Iraq war so far Jester? Thousands? Tens of Thousands?

And you're getting your underwear in a bunch about one of each?

And you think Obama "timed" the Bin Laden killing to "Cover" that??
Yeah, and you lib's have been cackling about Iraq for years now....Where's the cackling from you lib's now that Obama helped go to war for no reason whatsoever, and that there are innocents dying as we speak, thanks to our ordinance?

I'll ask again, what immediate threat was Ghadafi?

Was he continually shooting at our planes?

Was he constantly rattling his sword?

Was he purposely faking his WMD program, and constantly throwing out inspectors?

Was he more of a threat to his citizens than Sadaam was?

Why the liberal hypocrisy?

Oh, yeah, that's right........never mind.

Once again laughing at the rights feeble attempts to equate Libya with Iraq

How many soldiers were killed in Libya?

The same number killed in's horrible, isn't it?
That's because there are damned few good qualities of that little weasel....But he's not the one currently occupying 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and running the nation into the ground right now, so it only follows that the current occupant of that abode should have as many threads about him on a political site.

Sheeeeeesh! :rolleyes:

Finally...ONE of you RWers has the guts to admit that Newt is joke fodder.

BTW...don't you get tired of bashing Obama ALL the time?

Seems a bit...oh, I dunno...OBSESSIVE to me.


To my knowledge Oddball is not a RW republican, he's a liberalitarian more in line with Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich.
"He’s been out of elective office for 12 years. … Newt Gingrich’s problems are so far beyond just his multiple marriages and all that. His ethanol love affair right now. ON the 7th of March he said, “Let’s go Qaddafi.” On the 23rd of he says, “I never favored intervention.” He did it on television. … He’s one of these people who says that to understand Barack Obama you need to understand his “Kenyan anti-colonial mentality.” This is just not a serious candidate."


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