Newtie to Run for President

Didn't you disagree with me when I said Newt was his own worst enemy?
I may well be mistaken, but I know some right wingers on here did.

Wasn't me.

Newt stayed too long in DC and he's been bodysnatched by Pelosi, Reid & Obama
Newt is right about Ryan's plan for Medicare ( 80 % of the public agrees with Newt about Medicare) but wrong about requiring everyone to have health care insurance (most people don't want mandated health care insurance).
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George Will predicted Newt would be one of the first to drop out of the Repub primaries for obvious reasons. Wonder how much $ he'll end up spending?
Newt has a bad habit of undermining Conservative values and ideals sometimes at the worst possible times. There is something about his timing that is very suspicious.
I'm going to wait for some clarification on this. If Newt still backs a mandate i will withdraw my support and won't back him in any primary. Probobly gravitate towards Cain.
Newt has a bad habit of undermining Conservative values and ideals sometimes at the worst possible times. There is something about his timing that is very suspicious.

Newt reads the polls and he's running for prez. Every poll shows strong resistance to privatizing Medicare by huge margins. Most of the conservatives who voted for Ryan's plan are now back-peddling in the face of public out-roar.
Newt has a bad habit of undermining Conservative values and ideals sometimes at the worst possible times. There is something about his timing that is very suspicious.

Newt reads the polls and he's running for prez. Every poll shows strong resistance to privatizing Medicare by huge margins. Most of the conservatives who voted for Ryan's plan are now back-peddling in the face of public out-roar.

I think it's more than that. I sense that he is a one world government Marionette. Sometimes anyway. One thing on the outside and another substance within. :eek: :lol:
Sorry to inform you once again Samson that I am not attracted to you. I am straight. Please quit stalking me every time I post.
I am a 56 year old former football player, straight, married for 35 years with 3 grown children.
Do not mean to upset you but please find some other man that is fond of your attention. Good luck to you. You will find a man here somewhere that is interested in you.

What does being a "Former football player" have to do with being gay or straight?

Do you really think that there aren't just as many gay football players as the rest of the population?


Good point.
He did it yesterday on "Meet the Press"

Newt came out in support of ObamaCare, labeled reform to the defacto bankrupt Medicare System as "right-wing social engineering"

Adios, Newt and take your AGW models with you

"White House hopeful Newt Gingrich called the House Republican plan for Medicare "right-wing social engineering," injecting a discordant GOP voice into the party's efforts to reshape both entitlements and the broader budget debate.

In the same interview Sunday, on NBC's "Meet the Press," Mr. Gingrich backed a requirement that all Americans buy health insurance, complicating a Republican line of attack on President Barack Obama's health law."

Gingrich Knocks GOP Proposal for Medicare -

Maybe Newt and McCain can challenge Obama for the Dem nomination?
Boy, you guys even lie through your teeth about your OWN side! That's some crazy shit!

Newtie was shown a clip from MTP from the early 1990s where he supported a mandated purchase. You represent it as if he came out with that yesterday on MTP.

Keep on pushing your party to the extreme fringe, and watch the Democrats win crushing majorities in 2012!
He did it yesterday on "Meet the Press"

Newt came out in support of ObamaCare, labeled reform to the defacto bankrupt Medicare System as "right-wing social engineering"

Adios, Newt and take your AGW models with you

"White House hopeful Newt Gingrich called the House Republican plan for Medicare "right-wing social engineering," injecting a discordant GOP voice into the party's efforts to reshape both entitlements and the broader budget debate.

In the same interview Sunday, on NBC's "Meet the Press," Mr. Gingrich backed a requirement that all Americans buy health insurance, complicating a Republican line of attack on President Barack Obama's health law."

Gingrich Knocks GOP Proposal for Medicare -

Maybe Newt and McCain can challenge Obama for the Dem nomination?
Boy, you guys even lie through your teeth about your OWN side! That's some crazy shit!

Newtie was shown a clip from MTP from the early 1990s where he supported a mandated purchase. You represent it as if he came out with that yesterday on MTP.

Keep on pushing your party to the extreme fringe, and watch the Democrats win crushing majorities in 2012!

I think we did OK in '09 and 2010 and hope to do even better in 2012
I'm going to wait for some clarification on this. If Newt still backs a mandate i will withdraw my support and won't back him in any primary. Probobly gravitate towards Cain.

Gingrich: Anti-RyanCare, pro-individual mandate - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post
He was on MTP ystrdy
I know, and what he actually said can be understood several different ways. I'll wait for clarification from him, I don't need the media or any pundits to sift through it and tell me what to think.
Newt has a bad habit of undermining Conservative values and ideals sometimes at the worst possible times. There is something about his timing that is very suspicious.

He'll learn not to.

I know he's too smart for Obama and would tie him in knots during a debate.

Rush has been trashing Newt all morning so I think I like him.

If it's Obama or Newt I'll take Newt.
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I'm going to wait for some clarification on this. If Newt still backs a mandate i will withdraw my support and won't back him in any primary. Probobly gravitate towards Cain.

Gingrich: Anti-RyanCare, pro-individual mandate - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post
He was on MTP ystrdy
I know, and what he actually said can be understood several different ways. I'll wait for clarification from him, I don't need the media or any pundits to sift through it and tell me what to think.

Wait a minute - you can't discern what he said from his actual words? He was quite clear in everything he said.

Or is "clarification from him" just code for "I'll wait until he walks it back and then defend THAT"?
I'm going to wait for some clarification on this. If Newt still backs a mandate i will withdraw my support and won't back him in any primary. Probobly gravitate towards Cain.

I heard Newt on Hannity's afternoon radio-show.

He said there will be no mandates. That is the mistake Obama made.

He's going to bring together people in the field and hold commissions and hearings on what is the best way to go.

He said that he will not impose mandates. That is an invention of the media to get blockheads like Rush to go off on.

He said we need to work out the details after he's said first where we need to go and get experts to put the details together. This is how he got us to a surplus that the left keeps bragging about under Clinton.

Brit Hume is lying as at this writing about what Gingrich said.

I think the powers that be see Newt as a threat. They want some milk-toast piece of shit running against Obama so he can skate to an easy victory.

Warning: Don't trust anyone telling you what Newt said. Listen to him without their lies and deceptions. Shut this crap down because it's all a fucken scam.
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I'm going to wait for some clarification on this. If Newt still backs a mandate i will withdraw my support and won't back him in any primary. Probobly gravitate towards Cain.

I heard Newt on Hannity's afternoon radio-show.

He said there will be no mandates. That is the mistake Obama made.

He's going to bring together people in the field and hold commissions and hearings on what is the best way to go.

He said that he will not impose mandates. That is an invention of the media to get blockheads like Rush to go off on.

He said we need to work out the details after he's said first where we need to go and get experts to put the details together. This is how he got us to a surplus that the left keeps bragging about under Clinton.

Brit Hume is lying as at this writing about what Gingrich said.

I think the powers that be see Newt as a threat. They want some milk-toast piece of shit running against Obama so he can skate to an easy victory.

Warning: Don't trust anyone telling you what Newt said. Listen to him without their lies and deceptions. Shut this crap down because it's all a fucken scam.

Newt was FOR individual mandates before he was against them.

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