Newtie to Run for President

But not his bluster.

And he's still a cluster.

But he's all the wingnuts can muster.

If he runs, he'll go down like Custer.

Take it from me, Buster!

Cute Meaningless Rhyme. Pointless as MOST of your posts.
Should we expect more from him?

He's a youngin'.......Probably never had his dick wet........He amuses the piss out of me.
For all anyone knows, he is already cheating on her with one of his employees.
And for all we know, Obama is praying towards Mecca.

There is no history of Obama praying toward Mecca. There is plenty of history of Newtie cheating on his wives.

You're right. His history is in the pews of a racist church. No wonder he continually bashes white people.....Fuckin' scumbag.

And I sure hope that unearned Nobel Prize money helped offset the loss of the money Blago was supposed to earn for him.
He did it yesterday on "Meet the Press"

Newt came out in support of ObamaCare, labeled reform to the defacto bankrupt Medicare System as "right-wing social engineering"

Adios, Newt and take your AGW models with you

"White House hopeful Newt Gingrich called the House Republican plan for Medicare "right-wing social engineering," injecting a discordant GOP voice into the party's efforts to reshape both entitlements and the broader budget debate.

In the same interview Sunday, on NBC's "Meet the Press," Mr. Gingrich backed a requirement that all Americans buy health insurance, complicating a Republican line of attack on President Barack Obama's health law."

Gingrich Knocks GOP Proposal for Medicare -

Maybe Newt and McCain can challenge Obama for the Dem nomination?
Didn't you disagree with me when I said Newt was his own worst enemy?
I may well be mistaken, but I know some right wingers on here did.

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