Next crisis at hand

I thought Obama claimed everything was perfect in Iraq....

He did indeed.

Here he is saying some nonsense about the extraordinary achievement he is leaving behind in Iraq

[ame=]Flashback » Obama: 'We're Leaving Behind A Sovereign, Stable And Self-Reliant Iraq' - YouTube[/ame]
What wen't wrong in Iraq is we took the country as a whole and tried to bring them all along equally. That was a mistake. We need to divide these nations up like they do into tribes and areas.

Saddam's big move was taking Kuwait. Much like ISIS they want land and people under their control. After being forced to go back and finish the job we should have done two things differently. First we leave Saddam crippled but in place. Second we should have taken part of his country for Kurdistan and worked with more like minded people and fuck the rest. Leave them to their tin pot dictator but help those we can. Establish friendly democratic area's where we can but let the rest just kill themselves off. Stop helping people that don't want or can't be helped.
Does anyone but me believe that this is the most horrible time that they've lived in? The horror is overwhelming.

It is horrible! beyond horrible.... the beheadings .... the horror... unhinged fanatic savages!
Does anyone but me believe that this is the most horrible time that they've lived in? The horror is overwhelming.

The horror of the early 1940s was pretty stunning ...but now we see it in living color as it happens...all over the world...I feel your emotion.
If Obama follows his usual pattern he will speak in generalities talk about applying international pressure wait for the media to lose interest in the story then do nothing and move on.
You know obama is just creaming his mom jeans over all those Christians getting killed.
Does anyone but me believe that this is the most horrible time that they've lived in? The horror is overwhelming.

On one hand yes, on the other no...or maybe.

I grew up in grade school with nuclear attack drills so today'ss kids aren't doing that thanks to Reagan so that's better. However we also didn't have our own government handing Iran nuclear bomb capabilities either so that's worse. So once they have nukes do we go back to teaching children to hide under a desk and simply kiss their ass good bye? And if we do then it's our own fault for letting it get that far.

That's just nuclear war stuff. Add in uncontrolled borders with criminals coming in. Muslim freaks and a party of democrats not wanting to do anything about either and maybe it is worse now. But we have gay marriage and co-ed bathrooms written into law so that should save us all some worries.
Clinton cut and ran when Moghadisu warlords ambushed Rangers who were distributing food and abandoned the mission. Hussein learned a lesson. Drop the stuff by air and hope it reaches the intended targets and get the hell out of Dodge.

I've got sad news for ya'

Hell will freeze over before Hussein Obama bombs any of his Islamic terrorists brothers.... it's not in his nature to do so.

Tell me something. Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today? Obama has been bombing Muslims since he was inaugurated.


All he has done since day one is to apologize to the Arab world for America! Apologize and kiss ass ! that's all he has done.
That and playing golf, of course.

Makes anyone sick!
Exactly what is dropping humanitarian aid supposed to accomplish? I ask this because it will run out you can't keep dropping it forever and the crisis will continue as long as the reason for the crisis in this case ISIS continues to run unchecked across the region. Until the cause of the crisis is dealt with your accomplishing nothing.
I say we take all the Ebola patients and air drop them in western Syria and northern Iraq.
I've got sad news for ya'

Hell will freeze over before Hussein Obama bombs any of his Islamic terrorists brothers.... it's not in his nature to do so.

Tell me something. Are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today? Obama has been bombing Muslims since he was inaugurated.


All he has done since day one is to apologize to the Arab world for America! Apologize and kiss ass ! that's all he has done.
That and playing golf, of course.

Makes anyone sick!

I'm sure the 2400+ people killed in drone strikes would disagree with you.
General Macinerney calling for 24/7 bombing of ISIS, loose ROE and arming the Peshmerga...all of this will have to be explained to the CINC as he vacations in MV...
Exactly what is dropping humanitarian aid supposed to accomplish? I ask this because it will run out you can't keep dropping it forever and the crisis will continue as long as the reason for the crisis in this case ISIS continues to run unchecked across the region. Until the cause of the crisis is dealt with your accomplishing nothing.

Exactly. After all these years we need to define the problem. Pinpoint the responsible parties. Exterminate them.
Exactly what is dropping humanitarian aid supposed to accomplish? I ask this because it will run out you can't keep dropping it forever and the crisis will continue as long as the reason for the crisis in this case ISIS continues to run unchecked across the region. Until the cause of the crisis is dealt with your accomplishing nothing.

Exactly. After all these years we need to define the problem. Pinpoint the responsible parties. Exterminate them.

Protect pipeline and oil fields.

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