Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
Democratic socialism then, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur functional moron.

Ok. I'll let the Democratic Socialists of America define that one:

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

They want government to control society and the economy. To "run" them. Start dancing.
They are not saying that they want government to control society or the economy.

Doesn’t socialism mean that the government will own and run everything?
Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect.

Today, corporate executives who answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people. Resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.

Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.

Democratic socialists have long rejected the belief that the whole economy should be centrally planned. While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

Fine...and how EXACTLY are you going to do that? And exactly which institutions are you referring to and which ones will be exempt (if any)?
The Democratic Socialist Party is just like the Democratic Party, it's 4 all Americans, not just the rich and no lying at all. Socialism is no longer communism, brainwashed functional morons, not a little bit.
This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
Democratic socialism then, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur functional moron.

Ok. I'll let the Democratic Socialists of America define that one:

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

They want government to control society and the economy. To "run" them. Start dancing.
They are not saying that they want government to control society or the economy.

Doesn’t socialism mean that the government will own and run everything?
Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect.

Today, corporate executives who answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people. Resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.

Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.

Democratic socialists have long rejected the belief that the whole economy should be centrally planned. While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

Fine...and how EXACTLY are you going to do that? And exactly which institutions are you referring to and which ones will be exempt (if any)?
I'm not affiliated with the DSA. I'm not familiar with the specifics of their plan.
Quality of life, human dignity, and the values we hold cannot and should not be measured in dollars and cents. I did not say that we shouldn't be the best, however. My position is better distilled as being a declaration that we don't need to have the most.

Great, you don't want the most, most Americans do, and I'm fine with that.
This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
Democratic socialism then, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur functional moron.

Ok. I'll let the Democratic Socialists of America define that one:

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

They want government to control society and the economy. To "run" them. Start dancing.
They are not saying that they want government to control society or the economy.

Doesn’t socialism mean that the government will own and run everything?
Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect.

Today, corporate executives who answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people. Resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.

Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.

Democratic socialists have long rejected the belief that the whole economy should be centrally planned. While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

Fine...and how EXACTLY are you going to do that? And exactly which institutions are you referring to and which ones will be exempt (if any)?
I'm not affiliated with the DSA. I'm not familiar with the specifics of their plan.
They're just like socialists and Democratic Socialist everywhere in the modern world. They want well-regulated faire capitalism with a good safety net. Why are we the only country in the modern world without a living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leave, good vacations and infrastructure, cheap college and training, and ID card to end illegal immigration, and taxing the rich more than the rest and their fair share.
Only America because of dupes like you people.
This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
Democratic socialism then, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur functional moron.

Ok. I'll let the Democratic Socialists of America define that one:

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

They want government to control society and the economy. To "run" them. Start dancing.
They are not saying that they want government to control society or the economy.

Doesn’t socialism mean that the government will own and run everything?
Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect.

Today, corporate executives who answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people. Resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.

Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.

Democratic socialists have long rejected the belief that the whole economy should be centrally planned. While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

Fine...and how EXACTLY are you going to do that? And exactly which institutions are you referring to and which ones will be exempt (if any)?
The Democratic Socialist Party is just like the Democratic Party, it's 4 all Americans, not just the rich and no lying at all. Socialism is no longer communism, brainwashed functional morons, not a little bit.

Well, that does not in ANY WAY answer my question.

But whatever.
This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
Democratic socialism then, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur functional moron.

Ok. I'll let the Democratic Socialists of America define that one:

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

They want government to control society and the economy. To "run" them. Start dancing.
They are not saying that they want government to control society or the economy.

Doesn’t socialism mean that the government will own and run everything?
Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect.

Today, corporate executives who answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people. Resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.

Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.

Democratic socialists have long rejected the belief that the whole economy should be centrally planned. While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

Fine...and how EXACTLY are you going to do that? And exactly which institutions are you referring to and which ones will be exempt (if any)?
I'm not affiliated with the DSA. I'm not familiar with the specifics of their plan.

Then why post it?

Or do you often post things that you do not understand/are familiar with?
So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

Oh and who is it that I voted for that makes me 'stupid'?

Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?
No I think that definition is a good one owned or regulated. When it just says owned I smell GOP propaganda and brainwashing and corruption...

What's the big difference?

Either way it spells the complete and total death of free enterprise.

Why should the government be able to tell me how many pencils I can produce, who I can distribute it to and how much I can charge for it?

Unlimited power to 'regulate' is functionally equivalent to owning.
natural rights cannot be irrelevant in any State of our Union.

we should hold our representatives to government accountable at every opportunity.
Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?
No I think that definition is a good one owned or regulated. When it just says owned I smell GOP propaganda and brainwashing and corruption...

What's the big difference?

Either way it spells the complete and total death of free enterprise.

Why should the government be able to tell me how many pencils I can produce, who I can distribute it to and how much I can charge for it?

Unlimited power to 'regulate' is functionally equivalent to owning.
We regulate all businesses and Industry. Duh. We need Healthcare to be socialists.... Barely. Like Canada France Australia New Zealand Scandinavia UK Japan, numbskull. Any of those countries has a Socialist Party, it is as I define it and the rest of the world does outside your bubble of garbage.
some on the left are advancing the concept of solving for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

what could be more market friendly than ensuring any given adult wishing to participate in our markets has recourse to some minimum form of income.
Democratic socialism then, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur functional moron.

Ok. I'll let the Democratic Socialists of America define that one:

Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.

They want government to control society and the economy. To "run" them. Start dancing.
They are not saying that they want government to control society or the economy.

Doesn’t socialism mean that the government will own and run everything?
Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect.

Today, corporate executives who answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people. Resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.

Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.

Democratic socialists have long rejected the belief that the whole economy should be centrally planned. While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

Fine...and how EXACTLY are you going to do that? And exactly which institutions are you referring to and which ones will be exempt (if any)?
I'm not affiliated with the DSA. I'm not familiar with the specifics of their plan.

Then why post it?

Or do you often post things that you do not understand/are familiar with?
I posted it because their position was unfairly characterized by the poster I was responding to. By posting it, I meant to set the record straight.

If you want my opinion as to which economic institution needs to be democratically controlled by we the people, I would say the bank.
Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?
No I think that definition is a good one owned or regulated. When it just says owned I smell GOP propaganda and brainwashing and corruption...

What's the big difference?

Either way it spells the complete and total death of free enterprise.

Why should the government be able to tell me how many pencils I can produce, who I can distribute it to and how much I can charge for it?

Unlimited power to 'regulate' is functionally equivalent to owning.
natural rights cannot be irrelevant in any State of our Union.

we should hold our representatives to government accountable at every opportunity.
Piss off troll.
I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?
No I think that definition is a good one owned or regulated. When it just says owned I smell GOP propaganda and brainwashing and corruption...

What's the big difference?

Either way it spells the complete and total death of free enterprise.

Why should the government be able to tell me how many pencils I can produce, who I can distribute it to and how much I can charge for it?

Unlimited power to 'regulate' is functionally equivalent to owning.
natural rights cannot be irrelevant in any State of our Union.

we should hold our representatives to government accountable at every opportunity.
Piss off troll.
upset, bro?
No I think that definition is a good one owned or regulated. When it just says owned I smell GOP propaganda and brainwashing and corruption...

What's the big difference?

Either way it spells the complete and total death of free enterprise.

Why should the government be able to tell me how many pencils I can produce, who I can distribute it to and how much I can charge for it?

Unlimited power to 'regulate' is functionally equivalent to owning.
natural rights cannot be irrelevant in any State of our Union.

we should hold our representatives to government accountable at every opportunity.
Piss off troll.
upset, bro?
Piss off troll.
Ok. I'll let the Democratic Socialists of America define that one:

They want government to control society and the economy. To "run" them. Start dancing.
They are not saying that they want government to control society or the economy.

Doesn’t socialism mean that the government will own and run everything?
Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect.

Today, corporate executives who answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people. Resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.

Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.

Democratic socialists have long rejected the belief that the whole economy should be centrally planned. While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

Fine...and how EXACTLY are you going to do that? And exactly which institutions are you referring to and which ones will be exempt (if any)?
I'm not affiliated with the DSA. I'm not familiar with the specifics of their plan.

Then why post it?

Or do you often post things that you do not understand/are familiar with?
I posted it because their position was unfairly characterized by the poster I was responding to. By posting it, I meant to set the record straight.

If you want my opinion as to which economic institution needs to be democratically controlled by we the people, I would say the bank.
banks are already regulated not enough and with bad oversight by the GOP when they are in. The country is dying for the Democrats really in control, and not in the middle of another typical corrupt GOP economic bubble and bust Scandal depression... Our infrastructure and middle-class have Been going to hell the last 35 years, all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.
What's the big difference?

Either way it spells the complete and total death of free enterprise.

Why should the government be able to tell me how many pencils I can produce, who I can distribute it to and how much I can charge for it?

Unlimited power to 'regulate' is functionally equivalent to owning.
natural rights cannot be irrelevant in any State of our Union.

we should hold our representatives to government accountable at every opportunity.
Piss off troll.
upset, bro?
Piss off troll.
why no argument; just the fallacy of an ad hominem?
If you want my opinion as to which economic institution needs to be democratically controlled by we the people, I would say the bank.

Do you mean "controlled by the people", or "controlled by the government"? They're not the same thing.
Unlimited power to 'regulate' is functionally equivalent to owning.
natural rights cannot be irrelevant in any State of our Union.

we should hold our representatives to government accountable at every opportunity.
Piss off troll.
upset, bro?
Piss off troll.
why no argument; just the fallacy of an ad hominem?
Piss off troll.
If you want my opinion as to which economic institution needs to be democratically controlled by we the people, I would say the bank.

Do you mean "controlled by the people", or "controlled by the government"? They're not the same thing.
I said controlled by we the people. That is what I meant.

Our government is an institution that operates at the behest of the ruling class. The idea is to take it back.
If you want my opinion as to which economic institution needs to be democratically controlled by we the people, I would say the bank.

Do you mean "controlled by the people", or "controlled by the government"? They're not the same thing.
I said controlled by we the people. That is what I meant.

Yes. And what DID you mean? I assume you meant, "controlled by a majority of the people via government". If you didn't, please elaborate (but kindly avoid all the marxist equivocation).
Ok. I'll let the Democratic Socialists of America define that one:

They want government to control society and the economy. To "run" them. Start dancing.
They are not saying that they want government to control society or the economy.

Doesn’t socialism mean that the government will own and run everything?
Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect.

Today, corporate executives who answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people. Resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.

Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.

Democratic socialists have long rejected the belief that the whole economy should be centrally planned. While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

Fine...and how EXACTLY are you going to do that? And exactly which institutions are you referring to and which ones will be exempt (if any)?
I'm not affiliated with the DSA. I'm not familiar with the specifics of their plan.

Then why post it?

Or do you often post things that you do not understand/are familiar with?
I posted it because their position was unfairly characterized by the poster I was responding to. By posting it, I meant to set the record straight.

If you want my opinion as to which economic institution needs to be democratically controlled by we the people, I would say the bank.

Fair enough...thanks.
They are not saying that they want government to control society or the economy.

Doesn’t socialism mean that the government will own and run everything?
Democratic socialists do not want to create an all-powerful government bureaucracy. But we do not want big corporate bureaucracies to control our society either. Rather, we believe that social and economic decisions should be made by those whom they most affect.

Today, corporate executives who answer only to themselves and a few wealthy stockholders make basic economic decisions affecting millions of people. Resources are used to make money for capitalists rather than to meet human needs. We believe that the workers and consumers who are affected by economic institutions should own and control them.

Social ownership could take many forms, such as worker-owned cooperatives or publicly owned enterprises managed by workers and consumer representatives. Democratic socialists favor as much decentralization as possible. While the large concentrations of capital in industries such as energy and steel may necessitate some form of state ownership, many consumer-goods industries might be best run as cooperatives.

Democratic socialists have long rejected the belief that the whole economy should be centrally planned. While we believe that democratic planning can shape major social investments like mass transit, housing, and energy, market mechanisms are needed to determine the demand for many consumer goods.

What is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)

Fine...and how EXACTLY are you going to do that? And exactly which institutions are you referring to and which ones will be exempt (if any)?
I'm not affiliated with the DSA. I'm not familiar with the specifics of their plan.

Then why post it?

Or do you often post things that you do not understand/are familiar with?
I posted it because their position was unfairly characterized by the poster I was responding to. By posting it, I meant to set the record straight.

If you want my opinion as to which economic institution needs to be democratically controlled by we the people, I would say the bank.
banks are already regulated not enough and with bad oversight by the GOP when they are in. The country is dying for the Democrats really in control, and not in the middle of another typical corrupt GOP economic bubble and bust Scandal depression... Our infrastructure and middle-class have Been going to hell the last 35 years, all to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share.

And you think that even more government control of the economy/monetary ownership is the answer?
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