Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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Socialism is where business and industry is owned (communism) or regulated by the community...

"We are all socialists now!"--Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...
People who want socialism don't understand the scope of that either.

So I'll expand

Socialism means the government owns every single factory in the country , every single farm and every single store, every single hospital, every single plane train and truck used to distribute goods every single bank every single printing press, every single TV and radio station etc etc
That is communism, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur ignoramus GOP Super Dupe. LOL. As opposed to always Democratic socialism everywhere but GOP dupe world... Join the 21st century...

Another one who doesn't know the definition of socialism

so·cial·ism | \ ˈsō-shə-ˌli-zəm \
Definition of socialism

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Every Socialist Party in the modern world is democratic Fair capitalism. Marx was always wrong about everything but the plight of the proletariat, then the USSR turned out to be a scam too, neither Democratic in any way. The Cold War is over, it's time to let Socialists decide what socialists are and I don't mean communists!!!
'socialism (sōˈshə-lĭzˌəm)
  • n.
    Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.'
socialism - definition and meaning

You progressives had better come up with a different means of describing your agenda than 'socialism' because the ACTUAL MEANING of it will NOT be accepted by the vast majority of Americans when it is voting time.

There is NO WAY that average Americans are going to agree to the government deciding how the economy should be run and how the nation's money supply should be divided.

Instead of stupid dictionary definitions, super duper, ask any socialist in any successful modern country. The definition used to say business and industry owned or regulated by the community. That would be owned in a communist country, and regulated in a socialist country. You are the stupidest voters in the modern world by far.... And brainwashed to boot.... Now our country is being run by Rush Limbaugh on Sean hannity, and the ridiculous orange clown. Try learning something.
"We are all socialists now"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed...

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

Oh and who is it that I voted for that makes me 'stupid'?

Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?
Well let me put it a different way. The (mostly republican) obsession with being #1 globally strikes me as the same sort of emotionally driven nebular trap as the obsession (mostly democratic) with income inequality. America is falling behind sounds to me the same as the working class is falling behind. It doesn't seem to be inherently problematic unless we have something more tangible and practical to work toward. I make what I make regardless of what Bill Gates makes or somebody in China is making. I do not see our quality of living worse off as a whole than it was a generation ago. Arguably it is better. Chasing data point seems superfluous to me.

Good to see a brave Progressive coming out and saying "WE DON'T WANT TO BE THE BEST". Way to go Dekster! Very impressive!

If you watched the FACTS, instead of your beloved far left sources, you'd know that the low and middle-income folks wages are increasing at a good rate.

Quality of life, human dignity, and the values we hold cannot and should not be measured in dollars and cents. I did not say that we shouldn't be the best, however. My position is better distilled as being a declaration that we don't need to have the most.
OP, we criticize socialism because we have learned (unlike OP) that socialism, after reaching a certain point, is impossible. That is why Bernie represented the middle tine of the impossible trident (or blivit), which is a perceptual illusion, not just on a printed surface (see wiki), but in the Sanders election media against the Chappaqua Blue Racer as a symbol of this impossibility. Indeed, it is capitalism or communism in the long run, so Trump's alignment with Chinese trade deals offsets somewhat its communist tendency, whilst Russia is morphing more toward its own (Asiatic) rendition of capitalism.
'socialism (sōˈshə-lĭzˌəm)
  • n.
    Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.'
socialism - definition and meaning

You progressives had better come up with a different means of describing your agenda than 'socialism' because the ACTUAL MEANING of it will NOT be accepted by the vast majority of Americans when it is voting time.

There is NO WAY that average Americans are going to agree to the government deciding how the economy should be run and how the nation's money supply should be divided.

Instead of stupid dictionary definitions, super duper, ask any socialist in any successful modern country. The definition used to say business and industry owned or regulated by the community. That would be owned in a communist country, and regulated in a socialist country. You are the stupidest voters in the modern world by far.... And brainwashed to boot.... Now our country is being run by Rush Limbaugh on Sean hannity, and the ridiculous orange clown. Try learning something.
"We are all socialists now"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed...

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

Oh and who is it that I voted for that makes me 'stupid'?

Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?
No I think that definition is a good one owned or regulated. When it just says owned I smell GOP propaganda and brainwashing and corruption...
OP, we criticize socialism because we have learned (unlike OP) that socialism, after reaching a certain point, is impossible. That is why Bernie represented the middle tine of the impossible trident (or blivit), which is a perceptual illusion, not just on a printed surface (see wiki), but in the Sanders election media against the Chappaqua Blue Racer as a symbol of this impossibility. Indeed, it is capitalism or communism in the long run, so Trump's alignment with Chinese trade deals offsets somewhat its communist tendency, whilst Russia is morphing more toward its own (Asiatic) rendition of capitalism.
every modern country in the world is socialist or Democratic Socialist if you insist on the Cold War definition.... Except us. Why, because our capitalism is not fair and there is no safety net... We are the only successful rich country without Health Care daycare paid parental leav living wage cheap college and training, good vacations and infrastructure, an ID card to end illegal immigration and taxing the rich their fair share. Congratulations scumbag GOP and silly Chumps like you... That would be Australia New Zealand Canada Japan France Germany Scandinavia etc....
'socialism (sōˈshə-lĭzˌəm)
  • n.
    Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.'
socialism - definition and meaning

You progressives had better come up with a different means of describing your agenda than 'socialism' because the ACTUAL MEANING of it will NOT be accepted by the vast majority of Americans when it is voting time.

There is NO WAY that average Americans are going to agree to the government deciding how the economy should be run and how the nation's money supply should be divided.

Government is socialism. The People are represented in Government. The problem is, the right wing merely uses the word socialism for appeals to emotion not better solutions at lower cost.
why do you say that?

See, there is such a thing as a stupid question.

The government has no authority to tell anyone how much they can have
why do you say that?

Where does the constitution grant that power to the government?
Article the First, Section the Eighth.

Quote it

I already gave you a site that says the government has no re-distributive powers
I already gave you the Article and Section where it is found in our Constitution and supreme law of the land.
'socialism (sōˈshə-lĭzˌəm)
  • n.
    Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.'
socialism - definition and meaning

You progressives had better come up with a different means of describing your agenda than 'socialism' because the ACTUAL MEANING of it will NOT be accepted by the vast majority of Americans when it is voting time.

There is NO WAY that average Americans are going to agree to the government deciding how the economy should be run and how the nation's money supply should be divided.

Instead of stupid dictionary definitions, super duper, ask any socialist in any successful modern country. The definition used to say business and industry owned or regulated by the community. That would be owned in a communist country, and regulated in a socialist country. You are the stupidest voters in the modern world by far.... And brainwashed to boot.... Now our country is being run by Rush Limbaugh on Sean hannity, and the ridiculous orange clown. Try learning something.
"We are all socialists now"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed...

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

Oh and who is it that I voted for that makes me 'stupid'?
who is paying for the wall? Government socialism.
'socialism (sōˈshə-lĭzˌəm)
  • n.
    Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.'
socialism - definition and meaning

You progressives had better come up with a different means of describing your agenda than 'socialism' because the ACTUAL MEANING of it will NOT be accepted by the vast majority of Americans when it is voting time.

There is NO WAY that average Americans are going to agree to the government deciding how the economy should be run and how the nation's money supply should be divided.

Instead of stupid dictionary definitions, super duper, ask any socialist in any successful modern country. The definition used to say business and industry owned or regulated by the community. That would be owned in a communist country, and regulated in a socialist country. You are the stupidest voters in the modern world by far.... And brainwashed to boot.... Now our country is being run by Rush Limbaugh on Sean hannity, and the ridiculous orange clown. Try learning something.
"We are all socialists now"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed...

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

Oh and who is it that I voted for that makes me 'stupid'?

Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
'socialism (sōˈshə-lĭzˌəm)
  • n.
    Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.'
socialism - definition and meaning

You progressives had better come up with a different means of describing your agenda than 'socialism' because the ACTUAL MEANING of it will NOT be accepted by the vast majority of Americans when it is voting time.

There is NO WAY that average Americans are going to agree to the government deciding how the economy should be run and how the nation's money supply should be divided.

Instead of stupid dictionary definitions, super duper, ask any socialist in any successful modern country. The definition used to say business and industry owned or regulated by the community. That would be owned in a communist country, and regulated in a socialist country. You are the stupidest voters in the modern world by far.... And brainwashed to boot.... Now our country is being run by Rush Limbaugh on Sean hannity, and the ridiculous orange clown. Try learning something.
"We are all socialists now"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed...

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

Oh and who is it that I voted for that makes me 'stupid'?

Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
political jargon invented for the right wing; for the Cold War.
Instead of stupid dictionary definitions, super duper, ask any socialist in any successful modern country. The definition used to say business and industry owned or regulated by the community. That would be owned in a communist country, and regulated in a socialist country. You are the stupidest voters in the modern world by far.... And brainwashed to boot.... Now our country is being run by Rush Limbaugh on Sean hannity, and the ridiculous orange clown. Try learning something.
"We are all socialists now"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed...

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

Oh and who is it that I voted for that makes me 'stupid'?

Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
political jargon invented for the right wing; for the Cold War.

Piss off troll.
It’s even more fun to watch Democrats try to choose a bathroom or deny Michele Obama has a penis

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

Oh and who is it that I voted for that makes me 'stupid'?

Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
political jargon invented for the right wing; for the Cold War.

Piss off troll.
So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

Oh and who is it that I voted for that makes me 'stupid'?

Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
political jargon invented for the right wing; for the Cold War.

Piss off troll.
political jargon gibberish.
Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
political jargon invented for the right wing; for the Cold War.

Piss off troll.
political jargon gibberish.
Piss off troll.
'socialism (sōˈshə-lĭzˌəm)
  • n.
    Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.'
socialism - definition and meaning

You progressives had better come up with a different means of describing your agenda than 'socialism' because the ACTUAL MEANING of it will NOT be accepted by the vast majority of Americans when it is voting time.

There is NO WAY that average Americans are going to agree to the government deciding how the economy should be run and how the nation's money supply should be divided.

Instead of stupid dictionary definitions, super duper, ask any socialist in any successful modern country. The definition used to say business and industry owned or regulated by the community. That would be owned in a communist country, and regulated in a socialist country. You are the stupidest voters in the modern world by far.... And brainwashed to boot.... Now our country is being run by Rush Limbaugh on Sean hannity, and the ridiculous orange clown. Try learning something.
"We are all socialists now"--Finland prime minister when ACA passed...

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

Oh and who is it that I voted for that makes me 'stupid'?

Owned or regulated, communism or socialism? Any Republican ever.

I have never voted for a Rep (or a Dem) in my life.

And you dodged the obvious:

So dictionary definitions are stupid? Really?

Is that ALL definitions? Or just the ones that don't say what you want them to say?

This is the definition of 'socialism' from one of the most, respected dictionaries in the world - the Oxford Dictionary:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

So are they 'stupid' as well?
Yes or No, please?

This is an obvious strategy by Democrats to undermine criticism of socialism by undermining the meaning of the word itself.
Democratic socialism then, brainwashed Cold War dinosaur functional moron.
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