Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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Andylusion's illusion is worth a critique of this schizoid capitalist stock idea.
Boom and bust? Don't you like electric lights? Don't you like produce in the stores from around the world? Don't you like beautiful homes or apartments furnished to the nines for your family to enjoy?

I saw some interesting buildings with narrow windows in a town on the Baltic sea once. They housed many people in living quarters. The width of the rooms was 9 meters, and they were 10 meters long. The city quit building new homes two centuries ago. So the thought of cooking food 3 meters from the toilet excites you? Best of all the country those homes were in will never have to worry about capitalism being their problem.

Without this nation's capitalism, if you don't like your neighbors, you do not have to plot their murder. You can move to a bigger, better neighborhood where people are friendlier and dance through life without bad neighbors whose snores go through the walls and you instantly know when they're having a bowel movement because you can smell it.

When you throw out capitalism, it's a little like throwing the baby out with its bathwater. Of course, I guess scatological smells turn some people on. :rolleyes:

After WW2 we had somewhat of a democratic republic in which capitalism and socialism were working for us until the ones with the most 'capital' decided to turn it into a corporatocracy ( oligarchy, monarchy, it whatever) which is what we fought the Revolutionary War against.

Now we've come almost full circle back to the drawing board trying to decide which historic lessons can be best learned from before we approach the next fork in the road.

I believe we need to demilitarize and shift to manufacturing stuff that isn't military. In the 50's and 60's, instead of building our democracy, we thought is was more important to spread ourselves thin and try to stop communism 6000 miles away instead. And look at us $22 trillion in debt 60 years later.

Bull crap. You are just wrong. The vast majority of manufacturing is not military. And we did need to stop socialism. It as a massive problem throughout the world. Why do you think the places that we helped avoid socialism, have consistently done better than those we did not help? Why was Hong Kong a 1st world country, while China was a 3rd world dictatorship? Why was South Korea a 1st world country, and North Korea has mass graves? Why was Cuba a 1st world country, until it became socialistic, and turned into a 3rd world country where they don't have aspirin?

Socialism has never worked for the good of the people, but rather the good of the elite. Always.
Andylusion's illusion is worth a critique of this schizoid capitalist stock idea.

Feel free to prove me wrong.

I currently own stock in Berkshire Hathaway, Facebook, Google, Amazon, United Health, Netflix, and more.

Which of the dozens of stocks, does not provide me wealth? Which stock is being being boasted by buy-backs, that I am not benefiting from?
Feel free to prove me wrong.

I currently own stock in Berkshire Hathaway, Facebook, Google, Amazon, United Health, Netflix, and more.

Which of the dozens of stocks, does not provide me wealth? Which stock is being being boasted by buy-backs, that I am not benefiting from?
2008 on steroids coming. You better invest in land and guns for when the SHTF Huckleberry.
To qualify as socialist, that is the opinion of socialists around the world it appears. But we are one hell of a ripoff by the rich GOP greedy idiots.... Our benefits suck. That is basically what's socialism is benefits that we deserve as workers. Living wage Health Care daycare paid parental leav good vacations good infrastructure etc.

Quote for me the section in the Constitution that guarantees you the right to any of that please. . . .
when the right wing shows us the war on crime, drugs, and terror clause.
So you don't think the government has the right to pass laws and that those laws must pass Constitutional muster before being enacted?

IF that's what you think then you must want to dissolve the house and the senate because their main duty as outlined in the Constitution is to pass legislation

Sure, sounds good.

It isn't working anymore anyhow.

This is so dumb.... we have extremely fast internet. I don't know anyone anywhere, that doesn't have high speed, and I see many people that have fiber connections.

Health care is the result of socialist programs. Prices are sky high, because we have pushed them that way using government.

We have the most expensive government run education system in the world, and every time someone tries to reform it, the left-wing freaks out against it.

1 in 5 children born into poverty? You people don't even know what poverty is. You see people sleeping on fire escapes on the side of a building in other countries, and you see people raising a family inside a refrigerator box, and then here in the US cry that they can't afford a smart phone with unlimited data, and cry that's poverty.

Yet another entirely ignorant left-wing video. That video illustrates why things do not improve in this country. It isn't money buying influence, it's mindless morons watching that video who believe the solution is more government control that caused all these problems to begin with.
Yet another entirely ignorant left-wing video. That video illustrates why things do not improve in this country. It isn't money buying influence, it's mindless morons watching that video who believe the solution is more government control that caused all these problems to begin with.
Anonymous troll calling me a mindless moron.
How brave of him.
Feel free to prove me wrong.

I currently own stock in Berkshire Hathaway, Facebook, Google, Amazon, United Health, Netflix, and more.

Which of the dozens of stocks, does not provide me wealth? Which stock is being being boasted by buy-backs, that I am not benefiting from?
2008 on steroids coming. You better invest in land and guns for when the SHTF Huckleberry.


Want to know when I started investing? 2007. Right before the market dropped, I was buying stock. In 2008, I was buying stock. IN 2009, I was buying stock. In 2010, I was buying stock.
I have continued to buy stock for over a decade.

You want to know what terrible things happened to me when the market crash?

I doubled my investment.

Do you have any idea what it means to an investor when the market dives? Do you even understand how that works?

It means the stocks are on sale. If Walmart stock drops 50%.... it means Walmart stock is on sale. It means I can buy a ton more stocks, for a much lower price.

So all during those years, I was buying up tons of stocks that were really cheap. When the market recovered, all those stocks I bought cheap, got really expensive.

Right now, my entire portfolio is worth 250% of how much money I put into it. More than double the money.

So spare me your scary videos, and dooms day predictions. If the market dives again, I'll snap up a ton more stocks for discount prices.
Yet another entirely ignorant left-wing video. That video illustrates why things do not improve in this country. It isn't money buying influence, it's mindless morons watching that video who believe the solution is more government control that caused all these problems to begin with.
Anonymous troll calling me a mindless moron.
How brave of him.

It was a video for the ignorant. When you don't understand that your own positions drive up health care costs, and then you want to blame everyone else for your incompetent policies.... then that alone proves it's a video for stupid people.

Brave or not, I don't care. No one cares. This as internet forum.

It is the facts. Bad government policies, like Obama-Care, drive up health care costs. Stop blaming everyone else for bad policies.
Do you have any idea what it means to an investor when the market dives? Do you even understand how that works?

I know what an Internet troll is.
Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

Weaponizing the Term « Conspiracy Theory »: Disinformation Agents and the CIA | Mondialisation - Centre de Recherche sur la Mondialisation
Do you have any idea what it means to an investor when the market dives? Do you even understand how that works?

I know what an Internet troll is.
Internet troll: A person, usually operating under a pseudonym, who posts deliberately provocative messages to a newsgroup or message board with the intention of provoking maximum disruption and argument. They are often paid by nefarious sources but sometime are motivated to do so for their own amusement. They often try to provoke dissension and doubt by writing dis-informational letters to the editors of newspapers.

Another good definition of an internet troll: A person who purposely and deliberately starts an online or media argument in a manner which attacks others on a forum without in any way listening to the arguments proposed by other commenters. He will often use ad hominem attacks.

Weaponizing the Term « Conspiracy Theory »: Disinformation Agents and the CIA | Mondialisation - Centre de Recherche sur la Mondialisation

You can't prove a single thing I said wrong, so now you are crying troll.

How childish.
If you have nothing really to add, you can spare us the spamming of videos.
So your rules apply to my thread that you're currently trolling on ? Sorry're the spammer here.
Now run along and polish your fake gold coins and count your little Monsanto dividends while the rest of us peasants pretend to have a normal discussion.
I had already provided a link, but i suppose is par for the course for the reading impaired.
The average tax refund is down 8 percent this year, meaning that people are paying more tax overall. There is no tax cut for normal people.
It doesn't mean that necessarily

If less taxes were taken out of a person's pay then they overpaid a smaller amount therefore the refund will be smaller

A tax refund is the poorest of all ways to determine the total tax paid as all a refund reflects is the over payment of taxes due.
And it doesn't account for what should be the high-dollar taxes ( at this point ) like capital gains and estate
and all the loopholes around those. If Koch Industries profits $10 billion a year it doesn't matter-- Charles and David can set their income levels low in order to pay less, and have a team of full-time lawyers to pull it off..

It isn't a "loophole". Anyone that does any worth while investing, can take advantage of the lower tax rates on capital gains.

Doesn't matter if you earn $20,000 a year, or $20 Billion a year. Everyone can enjoy the benefits of lower taxes on capital gains.

Moreover, this is what is known as "wise". People that are not greed driven envy filled scum, understand that investment is a benefit to absolutely everyone. Investment is why everything exists. Investment is the defacto driving force behind every economy that exists.

Investment being such an important, if not vital part of every economy, should be supported and promoted, and lowering the taxes on returns from investment is an important part of motivating investment.

Therefore, this is a good thing.

Instead of whining and crying about lower taxes on investment... how about you do some investing yourself.
So you're suggesting anyone can get rich in this rigged system where the already wealthy are driving up their own stock prices in share buy-backs ?

Yes absolutely.

By the way... you can buy a share in any of those companies.

So if you buy stock in a company, where the "wealthy are driving up their own stock prices in share buy-backs", then would that not make you wealthy too, since you own stock in those companies?

Do you want me to list off all the companies I own stock in?

This is what is baffling to me. You personally, can buy stock in all those companies. So instead of crying about how they have share buy-backs that drive up stock prices.... buy stock.... then they are driving up the value of your own stock.

Not a hard concept. Stop crying, start investing.

By the way... you can buy a share in any of those companies.

That would require personal action.....and money.
Both are a stranger to him.
If you have nothing really to add, you can spare us the spamming of videos.
So your rules apply to my thread that you're currently trolling on ? Sorry're the spammer here.
Now run along and polish your fake gold coins and count your little dividends while the rest of us peasants pretend to have a normal discussion.

Yeah, as if you randomly posting childish videos, without having a single relevant thing to say yourself.... is having a normal discussion?

And then attacking everyone who posts contradictory information to your idiotic claims that no one can get wealthy because the rich are doing some-such-whatever, is a normal 'discussion'?

If this is your idea of a normal discussion, you are even more childish than I originally thought.

Janitor secretly amassed an $8 million fortune, left most of it to library and hospital

Janitor retires with over $8 Million. If only he had known the rich were doing stock buy backs, and preventing him from being wealthy......

I had already provided a link, but i suppose is par for the course for the reading impaired.
The average tax refund is down 8 percent this year, meaning that people are paying more tax overall. There is no tax cut for normal people.
It doesn't mean that necessarily

If less taxes were taken out of a person's pay then they overpaid a smaller amount therefore the refund will be smaller

A tax refund is the poorest of all ways to determine the total tax paid as all a refund reflects is the over payment of taxes due.
And it doesn't account for what should be the high-dollar taxes ( at this point ) like capital gains and estate
and all the loopholes around those. If Koch Industries profits $10 billion a year it doesn't matter-- Charles and David can set their income levels low in order to pay less, and have a team of full-time lawyers to pull it off..

It isn't a "loophole". Anyone that does any worth while investing, can take advantage of the lower tax rates on capital gains.

Doesn't matter if you earn $20,000 a year, or $20 Billion a year. Everyone can enjoy the benefits of lower taxes on capital gains.

Moreover, this is what is known as "wise". People that are not greed driven envy filled scum, understand that investment is a benefit to absolutely everyone. Investment is why everything exists. Investment is the defacto driving force behind every economy that exists.

Investment being such an important, if not vital part of every economy, should be supported and promoted, and lowering the taxes on returns from investment is an important part of motivating investment.

Therefore, this is a good thing.

Instead of whining and crying about lower taxes on investment... how about you do some investing yourself.
So you're suggesting anyone can get rich in this rigged system where the already wealthy are driving up their own stock prices in share buy-backs ?

Yes absolutely.

By the way... you can buy a share in any of those companies.

So if you buy stock in a company, where the "wealthy are driving up their own stock prices in share buy-backs", then would that not make you wealthy too, since you own stock in those companies?

Do you want me to list off all the companies I own stock in?

This is what is baffling to me. You personally, can buy stock in all those companies. So instead of crying about how they have share buy-backs that drive up stock prices.... buy stock.... then they are driving up the value of your own stock.

Not a hard concept. Stop crying, start investing.

By the way... you can buy a share in any of those companies.

That would require personal action.....and money.
Both are a stranger to him.

No kidding. Much easier to whiny and cry that life isn't fair, than buy some stock, and start saving like my parents taught me to do. Makes me wonder what kind of home people grow up in, that they end up this pathetic.
That would require personal action.....and money.
Both are a stranger to him.
Not that it's any of your 'personal' business, but I own 38 acres of mostly woods, my own water, 80% off the grid and maybe I have 50 pounds of gold buried that I got for $250,000 17 years ago. We grow most of own food and we both work ( my wife and I who just celebrated 31 years together) . I'm happy. And I want
others to enjoy life too, unlike you, who couldn't care less about one other person here.
That would require personal action.....and money.
Both are a stranger to him.
Not that it's any of your 'personal' business, but I own 38 acres of mostly woods, my own water, 80% off the grid and maybe I have 50 pounds of gold buried that I got for $250,000 17 years ago. We grow most of own food and we both work ( my wife and I who just celebrated 31 years together) . I'm happy. And I want
others to enjoy life too, unlike you, who couldn't care less about one other person here.

For someone so wealthy and independent, you sure whine like a little bitch.
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