Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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Ask them how well capitalism was doing in 1929.
I guess you don't know how the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was doing in 1929, eh?

Goddam, the ignorance around here is fucking ridiculous!
Fear of the word socialism here is what's hilarious.
I'm not the one who keeps bumping this thread up sfb.

It's not the word that frightens me. It's the core conception of government that the word represents. Essentially, socialism co-opts economic power in the same way theocracy co-opts religious power. And both are dangerous for the same reason: they give government too much power.
If Venezuela has become part of America we should ask them to create their own nation. As for socialism, America has always had streaks of it and continues to have streaks, as do many nations.
Would America have survived the Great Depression without the government helping people via forms of socialism?
WW2 was a fast cure as will be WW3
When people are hungry for ten years, a war may not be fast enough. Is that the Republican cure for Depressions, world Wars? Won't be long until Hitler is given credit for curing the Great Depression.

War is not a cure for anything. I would avoid war as much as possible. War is result of other people, being a threat or danger.

Depressions and recessions are cured by removing whatever bad policy caused them. The economy will naturally recover on it's own.

It's like cancer. Once you cut the cancer out of the body, you don't need to go force the body to heal. It will do that naturally once the cancer is removed.

In the 1920s, there was a deep recession, deeper than even the 2008 recession. The government simply cut spending, and cut taxes, and the economy recovered into what was the roaring 20s.

Back to the post several ago..... yes American has had streaks of socialism... and it is exactly those areas that have all the problems.
We have socialism today unless Social Security is no longer considered socialism by conservatives.

Yeah, and it's going broke, oppressive to the poor, and leads people to poverty.

Do you realize that if every single person had the freedom to invest that money into private retirement funds, that nearly every single retired person in this country, would be a millionaire or close to it?

Have you seen how people who live on social security live? Object poverty. Hopeless. It's terrible. I remember reading about a lady that was eating dog food... actual dog food, because she was living on social security, and that's what she could afford.

Social Security is the biggest pro-poverty program in this country. No other program has left more people hopeless and in poverty for the rest of their life, than socials security.

Why do you think so many old people are working at McDonald's and being Walmart greeters? Because they believed the lie, didn't save for retirement, and now are impoverished.

What do you think all that was about back under Obama, where Obama said if they didn't increase borrowing, that social security would have to be cut? That wasn't a joke. That was real life.
For several years, if the government spent zero on the military, and courts and security, we would still be running a deficit because Social Security. That's why the cost keeps going up, and benefits keep getting cut. Soon, they'll raise the retirement age to 70.

Like I said, all the socialized areas of our economy, are where the problems are.
If Venezuela has become part of America we should ask them to create their own nation. As for socialism, America has always had streaks of it and continues to have streaks, as do many nations.
Would America have survived the Great Depression without the government helping people via forms of socialism?
Government interference turned a recession into the Great Depression.

Socialism has no positive aspects. None.
So now we are supposed to blame a Republican president, Hoover, for the Great Depression, and I have to agree with you. But there was also Coolidge and Harding that led us into America's biggest depression, and they deserve much of the blame. I guess they are blamed in the historical ratings of the presidents.
It's not the word that frightens me. It's the core conception of government that the word represents. Essentially, socialism co-opts economic power in the same way theocracy co-opts religious power. And both are dangerous for the same reason: they give government too much power.
The corporate overthrow of our government essentially already happened, which means we the people have less power than ever, THAT's the danger you are ignoring when you try blaming the poor citizens who just want - a fair shake--some form of equality and democracy.

We're the country with the most billionaires, but we're also the developed country with the most homeless. Something is wrong.
It's not the word that frightens me. It's the core conception of government that the word represents. Essentially, socialism co-opts economic power in the same way theocracy co-opts religious power. And both are dangerous for the same reason: they give government too much power.
The corporate overthrow of our government essentially already happened, which means we the people have less power than ever, THAT's the danger you are ignoring when you try blaming the poor citizens who just want - a fair shake--some form of equality and democracy.

We're the country with the most billionaires, but we're also the developed country with the most homeless. Something is wrong.
What they want is a big chunk of my paycheck.

They can go fuck themselves.
If Walmart stopped collecting their "subsidy" by firing all the food stamp recipients, would government food stamp spending increase or decrease?

I would eliminate food stamps so the Pentagon can have gold-plated toilet seats.
That's my main goal.
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It's not the word that frightens me. It's the core conception of government that the word represents. Essentially, socialism co-opts economic power in the same way theocracy co-opts religious power. And both are dangerous for the same reason: they give government too much power.
The corporate overthrow of our government essentially already happened, which means we the people have less power than ever, THAT's the danger you are ignoring when you try blaming the poor citizens who just want - a fair shake--some form of equality and democracy.
WTF??? You're making shit up. I'm not blaming poor citizens. They're not the people pushing for socialism.

We're the country with the most billionaires, but we're also the developed country with the most homeless. Something is wrong.
It sure is. But it's not a lack of socialism.
It's not the word that frightens me. It's the core conception of government that the word represents. Essentially, socialism co-opts economic power in the same way theocracy co-opts religious power. And both are dangerous for the same reason: they give government too much power.
The corporate overthrow of our government essentially already happened, which means we the people have less power than ever, THAT's the danger you are ignoring when you try blaming the poor citizens who just want - a fair shake--some form of equality and democracy.
WTF??? You're making shit up. I'm not blaming poor citizens. They're not the people pushing for socialism.

We're the country with the most billionaires, but we're also the developed country with the most homeless. Something is wrong.
It sure is. But it's not a lack of socialism.
Actually nobody is.
What is being spun as socialism is average Americans who realized they've been fucked over 4 decades wanting economic justice.
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It's not the word that frightens me. It's the core conception of government that the word represents. Essentially, socialism co-opts economic power in the same way theocracy co-opts religious power. And both are dangerous for the same reason: they give government too much power.
The corporate overthrow of our government essentially already happened, which means we the people have less power than ever, THAT's the danger you are ignoring when you try blaming the poor citizens who just want - a fair shake--some form of equality and democracy.
WTF??? You're making shit up. I'm not blaming poor citizens. They're not the people pushing for socialism.

We're the country with the most billionaires, but we're also the developed country with the most homeless. Something is wrong.
It sure is. But it's not a lack of socialism.
Actually nobody is.
What is being spun as socialism is average Americans who realized they've been fucked over 4 decades wanting economic justice.

"economic justice"? How is that different from ordinary justice?
"economic justice"? How is that different from ordinary justice?
That depends whether you're in the top 10% doing well in the rigged system, or somewhere in the bottom 90% , many
working 3 jobs and saddled with debt.
It's not the word that frightens me. It's the core conception of government that the word represents. Essentially, socialism co-opts economic power in the same way theocracy co-opts religious power. And both are dangerous for the same reason: they give government too much power.
The corporate overthrow of our government essentially already happened, which means we the people have less power than ever, THAT's the danger you are ignoring when you try blaming the poor citizens who just want - a fair shake--some form of equality and democracy.
WTF??? You're making shit up. I'm not blaming poor citizens. They're not the people pushing for socialism.

We're the country with the most billionaires, but we're also the developed country with the most homeless. Something is wrong.
It sure is. But it's not a lack of socialism.
Actually nobody is.
What is being spun as socialism is average Americans who realized they've been fucked over 4 decades wanting economic justice.

Economic justice, like in Cuba?
Providing affordable higher education and healthcare or food assistance is a far cry from "socialism".
Especially not in the wealthiest nation on the planet.
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