Next up for Jan 6 panel…….Mike Pence

Haha, that's not what you meant. And that is stupid, too. So embarrassing.
It’s exactly what I meant since I was replying to your poorly formed faux question, mocking you in the process and causing you to come back with further stupidity (which you did) so I could mock your mindlessness some more. Thanks for being so plodding and predictable by the way. 😎

You should feel embarrassed. 👍
Pence would have gone down in history as a mundane VP who placated Trumps excesses as President

After Jan 6 he will go down as a Vice President who stood up for Democracy
Indeed. I can’t stand Pence at all but will be forever thankful for his principled stand on that day.
It’s exactly what I meant since I was replying to your poorly formed faux question, mocking you in the process and causing you to come back with further stupidity (which you did) so I could mock your mindlessness some more. Thanks for being so plodding and predictable by the way. 😎

You should feel embarrassed. 👍
No, you just confused yourself again, while predictably misrepresenting others and avoiding topics that terrify your tiny, cultist mind.

I see you are about ready for a new sock acount and are ramping things up a bit.
Indeed. I can’t stand Pence at all but will be forever thankful for his principled stand on that day.
It was not principled. It was done out of pure self interest, and only done after Pence called everyone who would listen to ask if there was a way he could do it legally.

I.E., if Pence could have received assurances that Pence wasn't going to prison, then Pence would have thrown the country right under the bus.
No, you just confused yourself again, while predictably misrepresenting others and avoiding topics that terrify your tiny, cultist mind.

I see you are about ready for a new sock acount and are ramping things up a bit.
Your denial is just another lie because you are rightfully embarrassed. You can’t handle the fact that you vapidity was underscored, yet again. 😂
No. It’s called “succession.”

But your fraudulent question kind of slides by the real point. Of course. I’ll help you out.

What do you call it when the ones victimized by cheating get to deny any benefit to the cheaters’ illicit efforts and the ones who would have been cheated instead claim the victory to which they are entitled?

Oh yes. Justice.
Biden was the duly elected president. He won the popular vote and the electoral college.
All fifty states certified their elections and sent their electoral votes to Washington accordingly.

That is the very definition of being duly elected.

There is no legal way to disrupt, reverse or replace that process or it’s participants just because one feels “victimized”.
Do you think it damaged America? Are we better off because of the violence of January 6th?

Absolutely an improvement.

Congress have been criminal most of the time, for centuries.
This is the first time they were threatened, and should be threatened much more often, on a regular basis.
The fact the election likely was wrong to complain about, is irrelevant.
We likely should have burned down Congress over the illegal use of force in Vietnam, 1953 Iran, Panama, Nicaragua, Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Egypt, Syria, etc., as well as the War on Drug, mandated sentences, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, etc.
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Biden was the duly elected president. He won the popular vote and the electoral college.
All fifty states certified their elections and sent their electoral votes to Washington accordingly.

That is the very definition of being duly elected.

There is no legal way to disrupt, reverse or replace that process or it’s participants just because one feels “victimized”.

If there had been significant fraud, and I do not think there was, then the process SHOULD be disrupted, reversed, or replaced.
The idea something done by government is sacrosanct, is silly.
The more popular input, protests, etc., the better.
So, delusion is a defense?

Why did protesters believe that?

Absolutely a defense to a degree, as long as they did not cause great harm.
And I think they were very restrained and essentially harmless.
What is harmful is a congress that thinks it is above the law and the people, like the current congress.
If there had been significant fraud, and I do not think there was, then the process SHOULD be disrupted, reversed, or replaced.
The idea something done by government is sacrosanct, is silly.
The more popular input, protests, etc., the better.
Only If done through the legally allowable challenges and has been found to have merit.

Otherwise it is sedition. Criminal.

We either abide by our laws or we will have no nation.
Biden was the duly elected president. He won the popular vote and the electoral college.
All fifty states certified their elections and sent their electoral votes to Washington accordingly.

That is the very definition of being duly elected.

There is no legal way to disrupt, reverse or replace that process or it’s participants just because one feels “victimized”.
Biden was probably duly elected. I’m not debating that. I do have a reservation about the cheating however. But I’ve yet to claim that the cheating succeeded to the extent of giving him even one additional family ELECTORAL COLLEGE vote.

The states of course certified their own results which is expected even if there had been cheating about which they were unaware. So that point doesn’t mean much.

And assuming that there was no successful cheating, then I agree that Brandon was duly elected. But that wasn’t the Trump supposition. For good reason (even if mistaken or unproven), his thinking seems to have been that the DNC had pulled off a theft.

Everything that ensued has to be considered through that lens. And that means that there was every legitimate justification to try to impede the very process that would have “legitimized” a theft.

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