Next up for Jan 6 panel…….Mike Pence


I've never fought in a war, so I don't know much about this fire-extinguisher strategy.

So, let's put that inexperience behind us and simply ask the poster Original Tree just what he thought of today's hearing.

Did you, Tree, think that the two lawyers (Luttig and Jacob, both under oath) were credible in their testimony?

Do you too think that the Eastman attempt was corrupt and corrosive?

Do you think it damaged America? Are we better off because of the violence of January 6th?
Deep State lies like you Deep Throat.

True Story.

New World Order and Great Reset at any cost, even at the death of Freedom.

Full Steam Ahead, never mind the iceberg!
Man, I actually feel bad for Luttig. He's absolutely crucifying Trump & Co, but as a strong conservative, it's clear as hell that he's absolutely hating it.

"A clear and present danger to American Democracy". Holy shit.
Nobody gives a shit, and nobody is watching it. In fact polling is showing that this sham hearing is pissing people off and Congress approval rating is tanking.

Maybe you should throw your efforts in to hiring Russia and China again to help you rig the 2024 election like you failed to do in 2016 and succeeded in pulling off your massive assault on Democracy with CCP help in 2020.
Man, I actually feel bad for Luttig. He's absolutely crucifying Trump & Co, but as a strong conservative, it's clear as hell that he's absolutely hating it.

"A clear and present danger to American Democracy". Holy shit.
I suppose he can take solace in the fact that Trump isn't a conservative. But he has been enabled by conservatives.
I would argue they've been doing that for decades.
I never saw the reason (beyond buying votes) for the tax cuts to the 1% and .1%. And that's going back to W. We could have halved todays debt and still paid up for soc sec and medicare without bankrupting millionaires. I don't think even Reagan foresaw this, and I didn't vote for him because of his tax promises in 1980
History will document how Trump “dindu nuffin” as the TRUMPmob assaulted our Capitol

Talk about hyperbol?
I am far left, do not like Trump, and do not thing there was significant systematic election fraud.
However, if the protestors did believe that, then they were well within their rights to occupy the capital.
It then is NOT an assault, and certainly not an "insurrection", as the only people murdered were demonstrators.
Talk about hyperbol?
I am far left, do not like Trump, and do not thing there was significant systematic election fraud.
However, if the protestors did believe that, then they were well within their rights to occupy the capital.
It then is NOT an assault, and certainly not an "insurrection", as the only people murdered were demonstrators.
So, delusion is a defense?

Why did protesters believe that?
I am far left, do not like Trump, and do not thing there was significant systematic election fraud.
However, if the protestors did believe that, then they were well within their rights to occupy the capital.
Having delusional beliefs isn't a defense for criminal behavior.
Keep going with these hearings. We will own the politics and the culture. Oh but right, you don't care. You and your TDS took the high ground. Sure you did. Yep.
So far, it is compelling testimony

Why don’t you run on the Jan 6 insurrection if you are so proud of it?
Republicans can run on how well they beat Policemen
Talk about hyperbol?
I am far left, do not like Trump, and do not thing there was significant systematic election fraud.
However, if the protestors did believe that, then they were well within their rights to occupy the capital.
It then is NOT an assault, and certainly not an "insurrection", as the only people murdered were demonstrators.
You're beyond left if you think it's "ok" to storm the capitol, overrun police and illegally occupy it
Nobody gives a shit, and nobody is watching it. In fact polling is showing that this sham hearing is pissing people off and Congress approval rating is tanking.

Maybe you should throw your efforts in to hiring Russia and China again to help you rig the 2024 election like you failed to do in 2016 and succeeded in pulling off your massive assault on Democracy with CCP help in 2020.
Tough shit.
it won't tarnish the gop anymore than Watergate did. But it will be an albatross around Trump's political neck
What do you think about Daddy Biden raping his teenage daughter in the shower? Both his kids turned out to be hypersexualized drug addicts. He probably did some hair sniffing on Hunter too.


Ashley Biden was not a little girl when she got naked and lathered up with Rapey Joe in the shower.

She was showering with her dad when she was a teenager which meant she had breasts and pubic hair and was sexually mature. I bet Joe really enjoyed washing her body, and helping shave her pubic hair to make it nice and pretty for Daddy Joe's massages, and special treatments.

The contents of the diary were published on a right wing news site which revealed Ashley had questioned whether showering with her father as a young girl could have contributed to her sex addiction. The father and daughter are pictured together in 1987

'I have always been boy crazy,' she wrote. 'Hyper-sexualized @ a young age ... I remember somewhat being sexualized with [a family member]; I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate).'
That is Trumps place in History

it will record how Trump

Lost an election and created a lie that he was cheated
How he tied up the courts with unfounded claims
How he demanded senseless recounts and audits
How he pressured local election officials to overturn the voters
How he demanded his Vice President overturn the states

When that failed, how he called a mob to DC, fed them lies about how they were cheated, how he sent them to the Capitol to stop Congress

Mostly, Trump will be remembered for creating mistrust in the validity of our electoral process….All because he lost

All you have is a President who was a sore loser, advising the mob to peacefully protest while giving Pence bad advice who wasn't going nowhere's near it.

So whaddya' want to charge him with?
Taking bad advice?? :laughing0301:
Current inflation and gas prices will be a temporary blip in American history

Generations of School Children will learn of Trumps assault on Democracy

View attachment 658672
Again moron, inflation and gas prices will cause a Republican tsunami in November. Nobody cares about your kangaroo court. Your “committee” is already being ignored by the public.

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