Next up for Jan 6 panel…….Mike Pence

First, lemme have a little fun with the 'Tree'-guy.....then a comment on today's hearing (so far).

First Tree:

"You want to become your own god, but a corrupt god cannot redeem himself, so you will be cast in to Hell with all your fellow corrupt gods and be shown how ungodlike you are."
Of all of your various christianist fantagasms you have shared with us.....well, the above is gonna be my fav, for a while.
I suspect you will eventually top it.
But, I'm gonna savor it for a while. So don't come back too soon and step on your applause line.

OK, on the hearing.
This hearing, compared to the first a bit of slow-walk.
Not the lapel-grabber the other two were.
Judge Luttig did not 'present' well.
It is television after all. And presentation helps to communicate the intent and content of the testimony.
So, while he has a towering reputation in conservative circles....he came across as if on a different pacing than other witnesses. He seemed to be trying to be too careful, too much of an 'appeals court judge'.

Hope the pacing and the witnesses will pick up later in the hearing.

Pence Counsel: Eastman Said In Front Of Trump That Plan Violated Law​

Greg Jacob, Pence’s chief counsel, just recalled a Jan. 4 meeting — one that included both the president and vice president — in which John Eastman said that both his plan for Pence to reject Biden electors, and a second plan to suspend the counting of Electoral ballots, would both violate the Electoral Count Act. But, Jacob said, Eastman claimed that courts wouldn’t get involved, and that they’d instead invoke the political question doctrine.
In another meeting the following day, Jan. 5, Jacob recalled, Eastman eventually acknowledged that his argument would lose 9-0 in the Supreme Court, if it ended up there.

If the committee has evidence Eastman told Trump the plan was illegal that would be just as damning as the Orange Insurrectionist repeatedly being told he lost the election.
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Ex-judge and Pence advisor accuses Trump of instigating a ‘war on democracy’​

Retired federal Judge J. Michael Luttig, who advised Vice President Mike Pence ahead of the Capitol riot, directly accused former President Donald Trump and his allies of waging a “war on democracy” on Jan. 6, 2021.

“Our democracy today is on a knife’s edge,” Luttig, a former judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, said in a blistering witness statement shared with CNBC by the select committee.

Luttig, one of two witnesses to speak during the committee’s third public hearing, excoriated efforts by Trump and other to overturn the 2020 election, saying that “treacherous plan was no less ambitious than to steal America’s democracy.”

Luttig’s sweeping, damning speech slammed Trump for spreading false election-fraud conspiracies to claim he won the election, which he lost “fair and square” to President Joe Biden. And Luttig said it was “breathtaking” that Trump entertained meritless legal theories that were employed to try to reverse his election loss.

Trumpleton's will need to employ all the tricks of denial before the hearings are done. Because the evidence of Trump's corruption, self-serving disregard for democracy, and legal exposure is mounting every day.
First, lemme have a little fun with the 'Tree'-guy.....then a comment on today's hearing (so far).

First Tree:

Of all of your various christianist fantagasms you have shared with us.....well, the above is gonna be my fav, for a while.

I suspect you will eventually top it.
But, I'm gonna savor it for a while. So don't come back too soon and step on your applause line.

OK, on the hearing.
This hearing, compared to the first a bit of slow-walk.
Not the lapel-grabber the other two were.
Judge Luttig did not 'present' well.
It is television after all. And presentation helps to communicate the intent and content of the testimony.
So, while he has a towering reputation in conservative circles....he came across as if on a different pacing than other witnesses. He seemed to be trying to be too careful, too much of an 'appeals court judge'.

Hope the pacing and the witnesses will pick up later in the hearing.
Trust me. You won't be singing in Hell.

No, sorry, you won't. Your cult is the minority with disproportionate power to bring g the government to a halt, but everyone outside of it know you are insane. Just like your childish anti vaxx horseshit.
Your orange Anti-God has your soul and mind under his thumb, doesn't he little DimTard DemNazi?

Fascist gotta Fascist!

Heil Shitler!

Trump Trump Trump makes you scared.

Trump Trump Trump thinks you're weird.

Long live EmperorShitzHizPantz.

You got TDS on steroids.
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Ex-judge and Pence advisor accuses Trump of instigating a ‘war on democracy’​

Retired federal Judge J. Michael Luttig, who advised Vice President Mike Pence ahead of the Capitol riot, directly accused former President Donald Trump and his allies of waging a “war on democracy” on Jan. 6, 2021.

“Our democracy today is on a knife’s edge,” Luttig, a former judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, said in a blistering witness statement shared with CNBC by the select committee.

Luttig, one of two witnesses to speak during the committee’s third public hearing, excoriated efforts by Trump and other to overturn the 2020 election, saying that “treacherous plan was no less ambitious than to steal America’s democracy.”

Luttig’s sweeping, damning speech slammed Trump for spreading false election-fraud conspiracies to claim he won the election, which he lost “fair and square” to President Joe Biden. And Luttig said it was “breathtaking” that Trump entertained meritless legal theories that were employed to try to reverse his election loss.

Trumpleton's will need to employ all the tricks of denial before the hearings are done. Because the evidence of Trump's corruption, self-serving disregard for democracy, and legal exposure is mounting every day.
Compelling testimony that Republicans will ignore but that History will never forget
Compelling testimony that Republicans will ignore but that History will never forget
Trumpleton's will need to employ all the tricks of denial before the hearings are done. Because the evidence of Trump's corruption, self-serving disregard for democracy, and legal exposure is mounting every day.
My fervent hope is that consumers of right wing media, who are hearing many truths for the first time, will begin to ask themselves if is in the best interests of the country to support propagandists pretending to be news outlets.
Jesus hates you
LOL. I am not the one who is a Lying Child of Hell. Why don't you repent, renounce your Lying Life here on USMB and do the work of spreading truth, and finding Facts instead of spreading division and constantly promoting Political Witch Hunts against your political rivals?

Maybe you like it Hot where you are going?

Libs in a Blaket, Fry Em Like Bacon!

My fervent hope is that consumers of right wing media, who are hearing many truths for the first time, will begin to ask themselves if is in the best interests of the country to support propagandists pretending to be news outlets.

What we have seen from Republicans since the election is that they wantonly put the needs of their party over the needs of We the People.

History will never forgive them
So like they fought an entire war with a single fire extinguisher?

I've never fought in a war, so I don't know much about this fire-extinguisher strategy.

So, let's put that inexperience behind us and simply ask the poster Original Tree just what he thought of today's hearing.

Did you, Tree, think that the two lawyers (Luttig and Jacob, both under oath) were credible in their testimony?

Do you too think that the Eastman attempt was corrupt and corrosive?

Do you think it damaged America? Are we better off because of the violence of January 6th?

I've never fought in a war, so I don't know much about this fire-extinguisher strategy.

So, let's put that inexperience behind us and simply ask the poster Original Tree just what he thought of today's hearing.

Did you Tree think that the two lawyers (Luttig and Jacob, both under oath) were credible in their testimony?

Do you too think that the Eastman attempt was corrupt and corrosive?

Do you think it damaged America? Are we better off because of the violence of January 6th?
Fire Extinguishers are dangerous. People should be killed for even looking at them. Especially if it's a 100 lb unarmed little lady, am I right you little SS DemNazi Fascist lying piece of Godless Globalist Filth?

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