Next up for Jan 6 panel…….Mike Pence

Well, good poster BackA, it seems that there has been an investigation (go to the New York Times, The Hill, Wall Street Journal, can read about it there. Trust me.)

And, per what we heard in hearings to date...the committee is continuing to investigate, gathering testimony and documents. So not only was there an investigation, there still is an investigation.

ps....check your local listings for today's hearing. Scheduled for 1pm EDT. Trust me on that too. ;)
Well crappy poster Chilliconfuzed. No. it doesn’t “seem” that there was an “investigation.” This is a game of three card monte. And you’re an easy mark.

Here’s a helpful hint. Despite libtard inclinations to deny this fact or to ignore it, words do have actual meaning. The word “investigate” or “investigation” has a denotation as well as a connotation. Nothing this faux committee is doing qualifies as “investigation.”
oh who was the live testimony from?

Poster 'struth' I can't do this for you very much. You really need to watch the hearings yourself and do your own due diligence.
But, one time....OK.
I'll help you this time.

Testifying in person live in front of the Committee and under oath in the second hearing was:

  • Benjamin Ginsburg....a long time Republican lawyer and election expert. He told the Committee that Trump's claims of election fraud and widespread discrepancies in counting ballots was nonsense. 'Unsupported' by any evidence. And he helpfully detailed that of the 61 cases Trump brought before the courts (and about 111 judges).....about half were thrown out because improprieties and faulty pleadings. The other half were heard by courts and rejected because of insufficient or faulty evidence. So that was helpful to the Committee and to America.
  • BJay Pak...former US Attorney for Georgia who testified that his office had investigated the multitude of claims about Georgia's mishandling of ballots and counting. His agents after a thorough look concluded there was no 'there there'. No fraud of sufficient nature or quantity was found to alter any election in the state. He reported such b back to the DOJ. Trump fired him for reporting honestly.
  • Then there was Al Schmidt, the Philadelphia Republican official in charge of elections. He testified under oath that contrary to the RWNJ trope of "8 thousand dead people voting.....there were, in fact, less than 8 instances of votes cast under the name of a deceased voter.

There were more who testified live, poster struth. But I hope those three are helpful to you.
Try checking out the YouTube offering on both the first and second hearing.

And today, watch the third hearing.
Check your local listings, but schedule for 1pm EDT. Trust me. ✌️

ps....and I don't mean this disrespectfully, but.....but you really need to put your work-boots on, and lean your shoulder into the wheel.....and do your own damn work.
We can't keep carrying your lazy kiester. No offense intended.
Please do not attempt to recast your TDS as "morality and ethics". Even I do not have waders that deep
Ah, the cult defense mechanism.

I don't have to characterize anything. I can simply relay the testimony of members of the Trump administration.

You have to insist the whole world outside your embarrassing cult is crazy.

Advantage me, and not even close.
Did they give a reason for not having the hearings yesterday?

Or was it really because "we lost Rachel Maddow," like when Johnson "lost (Walter) Cronkite?"
Poster 'struth' I can't do this for you very much. You really need to watch the hearings yourself and do your own due diligence.
But, one time....OK.
I'll help you this time.

Testifying in person live in front of the Committee and under oath in the second hearing was:

  • Benjamin Ginsburg....a long time Republican lawyer and election expert. He told the Committee that Trump's claims of election fraud and widespread discrepancies in counting ballots was nonsense. 'Unsupported' by any evidence. And he helpfully detailed that of the 61 cases Trump brought before the courts (and about 111 judges).....about half were thrown out because improprieties and faulty pleadings. The other half were heard by courts and rejected because of insufficient or faulty evidence. So that was helpful to the Committee and to America.
  • BJay Pak...former US Attorney for Georgia who testified that his office had investigated the multitude of claims about Georgia's mishandling of ballots and counting. His agents after a thorough look concluded there was no 'there there'. No fraud of sufficient nature or quantity was found to alter any election in the state. He reported such b back to the DOJ. Trump fired him for reporting honestly.
  • Then there was Al Schmidt, the Philadelphia Republican official in charge of elections. He testified under oath that contrary to the RWNJ trope of "8 thousand dead people voting.....there were, in fact, less than 8 instances of votes cast under the name of a deceased voter.

There were more who testified live, poster struth. But I hope those three are helpful to you.
Try checking out the YouTube offering on both the first and second hearing.

And today, watch the third hearing.
Check your local listings, but schedule for 1pm EDT. Trust me. ✌️

ps....and I don't mean this disrespectfully, but.....but you really need to put your work-boots on, and lean your shoulder into the wheel.....and do your own damn work.
We can't keep carrying your lazy kiester. No offense intended.
So nobody about the actually Jan 6? Geez...what's this commitee about then?
Right, everyone else outside your embarrassing cult is crazy and stupid.

We don't hear that from every cultist, ever, in any cult...
No no. You’re the cultist. And you reject any and all information of any kind in any form that doesn’t come with true DNC and leftwing media approved seal of approval.

Also, you’re projecting. You accuse me behaving in the very way in which you are guilty. Newsflash, you joke: not only could you be wrong. You are wrong.
Ah, poor poster 'struth'. My friend, you really really need to watch the hearings.
Then.....hopefully, you won't continue to ask such uninformed questions.
It is not a good look for your avatar.
It makes him look like a.......

Well, you know.

ps.....check your local listings for today. Scheduled for 1pm EDT.


With no wish to be intrusive good poster Tree, but......but do you have firm date on either of those events -- the 'Millennial Kingdom'-thingy, and this 'Toss-the-Servant' contest? We have plans and may need to be some place else. Like at the lake house, for example.
Let me know, ASAP.


"Mortal Sin"?
So now there are grades? Types? Styles? Metrics? on sinning?
Do tell.
Your sinful world is starting to sound more and more complicated by the minutes... advice, and worth every penny: Keep things simple. Your life will be happier. Stick to just one or two sin flavors. It'll streamline your judgmentalism. Trust me.


Bring him on, good poster Foolardi!
Mike, was invited. And, as a good citizen with a sense of responsibility towards establishing measures to prevent another January 6th....well, he should get his Christianist butt in that witness chair. He could be the lead Avenging Hand of God in chasing down this ever elusive Ray Epps bloke.

So bring Mike on, poster.
You will know the day when you are cast into the Eternal Lake of Fire Groomercrat.
Ah, that's a sad misread of what Barr actually said....under oath.

Rather, he lost his job because he quit.
Telling the Committee that he bluntly in a face2face meeting told Don Trump the 'stolen election' gambit was 'bullsh*t" and was doing grave harm to America.
Don Trump dismissed that advice from his hand-picked Attorney General.
Thus, as Barr himself said....'If he wasn't going to listen to me.....there was no need for me to stick around. I resigned.' ...or words darn close to that.
Everyone in politics has sold their soul to the devil.
The DA in Nassau County is as corrupt as fuck.
Attorney Generals follow the law, not what a President directs them to do
If that be so then explain why Eric Holder is The Only active
Cabinet member in U.S. History to be Charged and found GUILTY of
Contempt of Congress.
In fact part of his guilt was relying on his Boss { Obama }
use of Executive Priviledge.
Plus of course lying when questioned by Congress as to when
he first learned of operation - Fast & Furious -.

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