Next up for Jan 6 panel…….Mike Pence

Biden was probably duly elected. I’m not debating that. I do have a reservation about the cheating however. But I’ve yet to claim that the cheating succeeded to the extent of giving him even one additional family ELECTORAL COLLEGE vote.

The states of course certified their own results which is expected even if there had been cheating about which they were unaware. So that point doesn’t mean much.

And assuming that there was no successful cheating, then I agree that Brandon was duly elected. But that wasn’t the Trump supposition. For good reason (even if mistaken or unproven), his thinking seems to have been that the DNC had pulled off a theft.

Everything that ensued has to be considered through that lens. And that means that there was every legitimate justification to try to impede the very process that would have “legitimized” a theft.
None of it needs to be considered through that lens. Trump lost by every measure.
He lost the election, the electoral college.
He then lost every single legal challenge his campaign made. Every one.

At that point. All legal avenues or recourses were exhausted.

There is no provisions under our law that allows for anyone to attempt to undermine the peaceful transfer of power at that point. None.

Feelings are not legitimate justifications for any illegal activity. Self delusion is not a valid defense.

We either abide by our laws or we will have no nation.
You have it totally backwards.
The government is vastly the single most criminal element in our whole society.
So if the honest portion of society, the voters, even remotely suspect election fraud, they MUST act, demonstrate, and disrupt government completely, UNTIL their grievances have been totally and completely addressed.

We have always been a nation that violates laws, like Blacks being 3/5s of a person, Manifest Destiny, Vietnam, WMD lies about Iraq, mandated sentences, asset forfeiture, etc.
Your wrongheaded thinking is remarkable in both it’s recklessness and it’s lack of foundational understanding. You have got to be young.

For anyone to take the actions you suggest. There would first need to be some foundational understanding by the populace that there is indeed a basis for such. Legal rulings, disputes among state election officials or states that were unable to certify their votes. There was none of that . IOW there was no basis for such other than the big lie.
Replacing a duly elected president with one who was not duly elected is "succession"?

Shit, you embarrassing freaks might be further gone than we thought...
So you don’t know that the Vice President would SUCCEED the President should anything happen? That would be replacing a duly elected President with one who was not. Hence, the Vice President is first in the LINE OF SUCCESSION. Embarrassing that you twits need to be reminded of that....
One of the takeaways from yesterday's hearings is how clear it is once Trump understood Pence wasn't going along with the coup plot, he used the threat of physical violence to try to get Pence to leave the Capital. The goal being for 1/6 to come to and end without Biden being certified as prez. Because at that point it was game over for Don.
One of the takeaways from yesterday's hearings.........

I gotta admit yesterday's hearing surprised me.
I was disappointed at first. It seemed slow and creaky.
Gonna be a boring Congressional hearing.
That highly respected conservative Federal judge seemed to be off his game.
But the committee wisely began to direct most questions to Pence's staff lawyer, Greg Jacob.
Jacob WAS on his game. A credible articulate witness. Who brought detail, gripping personal experience, and perceptive analysis.

And then the descriptions of some rather questionable actions by Trump and Eastman were damaging, in my opinion.

For example:
  • Trump tweeting a scathing rebuke of Pence even after knowing that a violent mob was assaulting the Capitol....where Pence, his wife, and his daughter were. The Tweet enraged the crowd. That family could have been torn apart by the mob.....if the Secret Service detail got overwhelmed.
  • Eastman acknowledged his strategy...if effected....would overwhelmingly lose if put before the Supreme Court.
  • Eastman was bluntly told his actions would require him to get a criminal defense attorney by one of Trump's own senior White House lawyers.
  • Eastman then asked Trump for a pardon.
  • Then Eastman plead the 5th 100 times.
In short, what was revealed was that the scheme Eastman/Trump dreamed up was acknowledged to be illegal and they each were informed of that multiple times. They still attempted to execute it. Then when it all blew up with the violence and subsequent tidal wave of criticism....Eastman tried to CYA by securing a pardon.

Trump should be toast by now. However, he had 70 million Americans vote for that is a huge security blanket and hidey-hole for him.

Eastman, on the other hand, wasn't elected by anybody for anything. He's out there on the limb by himself. He's toast. Ginnie Thomas will likely throw him under the bus. And surely, given his track record, Don Trump, if confronted.....will use that same bus for Eastman too.

Summary death penalty for non-compliance?

Well, as in so many things in life.....the devil is in the details.
'Non-compliance' here was not simply refusing to let an officer look in her purse.
Non-compliance with the now dead Ashli was battering down a barricade erected to keep her out ....and doing so despite repeated shouted warnings to cease, desist and to leave. And then when she breached the barricade she leaped towards the officers despite being told there was a gun aimed at her.

Ashli is dead because of Ashli.
Well, as in so many things in life.....the devil is in the details.
'Non-compliance' here was not simply refusing to let an officer look in her purse.
Non-compliance with the now dead Ashli was battering down a barricade erected to keep her out ....and doing so despite repeated shouted warnings to cease, desist and to leave. And then when she breached the barricade she leaped towards the officers despite being told there was a gun aimed at her.

Ashli is dead because of Ashli.
Funny how liberals use that logic in the case of a Trump supporter, but not when it George Floyd or that "Gentle Giant" of theirs.
I gotta admit yesterday's hearing surprised me.
I was disappointed at first. It seemed slow and creaky.
Gonna be a boring Congressional hearing.
That highly respected conservative Federal judge seemed to be off his game.
But the committee wisely began to direct most questions to Pence's staff lawyer, Greg Jacob.
Jacob WAS on his game. A credible articulate witness. Who brought detail, gripping personal experience, and perceptive analysis.

And then the descriptions of some rather questionable actions by Trump and Eastman were damaging, in my opinion.

For example:
  • Trump tweeting a scathing rebuke of Pence even after knowing that a violent mob was assaulting the Capitol....where Pence, his wife, and his daughter were. The Tweet enraged the crowd. That family could have been torn apart by the mob.....if the Secret Service detail got overwhelmed.
  • Eastman acknowledged his strategy...if effected....would overwhelmingly lose if put before the Supreme Court.
  • Eastman was bluntly told his actions would require him to get a criminal defense attorney by one of Trump's own senior White House lawyers.
  • Eastman then asked Trump for a pardon.
  • Then Eastman plead the 5th 100 times.
In short, what was revealed was that the scheme Eastman/Trump dreamed up was acknowledged to be illegal and they each were informed of that multiple times. They still attempted to execute it. Then when it all blew up with the violence and subsequent tidal wave of criticism....Eastman tried to CYA by securing a pardon.

Trump should be toast by now. However, he had 70 million Americans vote for that is a huge security blanket and hidey-hole for him.

Eastman, on the other hand, wasn't elected by anybody for anything. He's out there on the limb by himself. He's toast. Ginnie Thomas will likely throw him under the bus. And surely, given his track record, Don Trump, if confronted.....will use that same bus for Eastman too.

Speaking of Ginnie. I didn’t know this before yesterday but Eastman actually clerked for Clarence Thomas.
That’s certainly an entanglement that deserves more scrutiny.
That’s the line we hear from you dopes every time a unarmed black man is killed by police.
Unarmed people in the United States are killed by police for failure to comply at a shocking rate for a Democratic Republic. I don't care what letter is after anyone's name when that happens.

It happened to Ashli Babbitt and denying that fact can only derive from the most bitter and illogical partisanship.
Funny how liberals use that logic in the case of a Trump supporter, but not when it George Floyd or that "Gentle Giant" of theirs.
You simply never apply logic at all.
Either through incompetence or malice, George Floyd was murdered in front of the nation by a police officer over nine excruciating minutes.

There is no such underlying evidence for fraud or justification of 1/6. None.
Unarmed people in the United States are killed by police for failure to comply at a shocking rate for a Democratic Republic. I don't care what letter is after anyone's name when that happens.

It happened to Ashli Babbitt and denying that fact can only derive from the most bitter and illogical partisanship.
Context is king.

Ashli was at the tip if a very large spear that was
intended to reach and to do harm to members of Congress and their staff.
You simply never apply logic at all.
Either through incompetence or malice, George Floyd was murdered in front of the nation by a police officer over nine excruciating minutes.

There is no such underlying evidence for fraud or justification of 1/6. None.
You simply never apply logic at all.
Either through incompetence or malice, George Floyd was murdered in front of the nation by a police officer over nine excruciating minutes.
It was both incompetence and malice, made possible by the thin blue line mentality of his fellow officers who watched the slow motion murder take place.
There is no such underlying evidence for fraud or justification of 1/6. None.
Suppose for the sake of argument that the rioters were completely wrong about the election being unfair.

How being wrong about that that a death penalty offense?

You seriously believe that after a year of Democratic Party cheered riots, those DC police thought police best practice was to shoot to kill if a rioter did not immediately comply?

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