Next up in the Trump crosshair

WTF is a Russian probe anyhow nowadays? :p Back in the day it was a Russian spacecraft. Now it is science fiction. :p Anyone see transgender qu33r Rachel BLINKY Maddow blinking like crazy when the topic of The Donald's right to can SWAMP RAT Mueller? BLINKY actually had a series of blinks so fast its eyes were actually closed for a few seconds. And it seems to be growing a mustache. BLINKY is going to be in the nuthouse if The Donald cans the SWAMP RAT.

Damn you're angry. Chill out, let's find out what is going on with Russia and all that entails.
The evidence against Trump is very solid

Only in your mind.

I have had concerns about Mueller since I heard he and Comey are best bud's.

I predict all Trump supporters will develop concerns about Mueller.

Na, Muller is okay.

Maybe you guys should spell his name right.
Mueller,,,,,,,,,and dump might fire him too

Technically I don't believe Trump can fire him directly.
The evidence against Trump is very solid

Only in your mind.

I have had concerns about Mueller since I heard he and Comey are best bud's.

I predict all Trump supporters will develop concerns about Mueller.

Na, Muller is okay.

Maybe you guys should spell his name right.
Mueller,,,,,,,,,and dump might fire him too

That would be not very good. I don't think Trump survives that politically.
Only in your mind.

I have had concerns about Mueller since I heard he and Comey are best bud's.

I predict all Trump supporters will develop concerns about Mueller.

Na, Muller is okay.

Maybe you guys should spell his name right.
Mueller,,,,,,,,,and dump might fire him too

Technically I don't believe Trump can fire him directly.

AG has to ya?
WTF is a Russian probe anyhow nowadays? :p Back in the day it was a Russian spacecraft. Now it is science fiction. :p Anyone see transgender qu33r Rachel BLINKY Maddow blinking like crazy when the topic of The Donald's right to can SWAMP RAT Mueller? BLINKY actually had a series of blinks so fast its eyes were actually closed for a few seconds. And it seems to be growing a mustache. BLINKY is going to be in the nuthouse if The Donald cans the SWAMP RAT.
Can you imagine where obama or even Hillary would be if they pulled this firing crap???? Repubs in congress would be losing it Throw in Hills daughter meeting Russian minister and repubs would lose their minds
Damn you're angry. Chill out, let's find out what is going on with Russia and all that entails.

Stop projecting. I find it weird, annoying and sometime hilarious anti-Donald people are obsessed with Russia and the obviously non-existent conspiracy. :p
I predict all Trump supporters will develop concerns about Mueller.

Na, Muller is okay.

Maybe you guys should spell his name right.
Mueller,,,,,,,,,and dump might fire him too

Technically I don't believe Trump can fire him directly.

AG has to ya?

Well since Sessions recused himself then it comes down to Rosenstein and I'm not sure one way or another whether he would do it. If he doesn't and it goes on down the line of a very shallow bench then this just looks more and more like another Watergate.

The House GOP rats will be slaughtered.
I am tired of this Russian Crap. Comey said Trump and Flynn were not involved with the Russians to fix the 2016 election. Also there was no proof the Russians had anything to do with the election.

Most of America is tired of it. The democrats are shooting themselves in the foot with this stupid nonsense.

Or not...Poll: 78 percent want independent Russian probe
And the crazy thing is that if Trump would just stop tweeting all of this would go away. Benghazi would not have been a big deal if the Dems had the House because there'd never have been hearings. The same on the emails. Comey would have just said "not enough here."

Unless there's actual meetings with Flynn or somebody explicitly conspiring to join the Russian campaign of hacking and lies, or unless Putin gave Trump money DURING the campaign, there's nothing that the GOP House would impeach him for.

Trump is quite intelligent and crafty. He keeps this crap alive because he knows there's nothing there and he knows that the left is going to end up hanging themselves with this stupid shit. He's playing them like a fine violin.
Yeah idiots he's crafty
Trump makes bizarre claims at press event as Cabinet members take turns praising him
  • Trump said that few presidents have passed more legislation than he has, though Congress has passed no major legislation since he has been president.
  • Pence, Sessions, Perry and Priebus took turns praising Trump on camera.
  • Sen. Chuck Schumer put out a video on Twitter mocking Trump.
John Harwood | @johnjharwood
6 Hours

He kicking all your asses.
Damn you're angry. Chill out, let's find out what is going on with Russia and all that entails.

Stop projecting. I find it weird, annoying and sometime hilarious anti-Donald people are obsessed with Russia and the obviously non-existent conspiracy. :p

Poor baby. We already know Russia tried to impact our election. We already know Flynn is guilty, Manafort looks very guilty, Kushner appears to be in way, way over his head. There are open questions and there is evidence that Trump fired Comey due to this investigation. There is more than enough reason for a special prosecutor. Why not just wait for Mueller to exonerate the whole bunch of them? Hell, Trump has already committed to testifying under oath, let him have another day in the spotlight that he appears to be so much in love with.
Damn you're angry. Chill out, let's find out what is going on with Russia and all that entails.

Stop projecting. I find it weird, annoying and sometime hilarious anti-Donald people are obsessed with Russia and the obviously non-existent conspiracy. :p

Poor baby. We already know Russia tried to impact our election. We already know Flynn is guilty, Manafort looks very guilty, Kushner appears to be in way, way over his head. There are open questions and there is evidence that Trump fired Comey due to this investigation. There is more than enough reason for a special prosecutor. Why not just wait for Mueller to exonerate the whole bunch of them? Hell, Trump has already committed to testifying under oath, let him have another day in the spotlight that he appears to be so much in love with.

He committed to speaking with Muller. That's all I hear about that. As for the rest? Russiagate is falling apart. Don't know where you got your info, but more and more they seem to be shifting from team Trump and ascending to heaven where half Black Jesus lives.
Damn you're angry. Chill out, let's find out what is going on with Russia and all that entails.

Stop projecting. I find it weird, annoying and sometime hilarious anti-Donald people are obsessed with Russia and the obviously non-existent conspiracy. :p

Poor baby. We already know Russia tried to impact our election. We already know Flynn is guilty, Manafort looks very guilty, Kushner appears to be in way, way over his head. There are open questions and there is evidence that Trump fired Comey due to this investigation. There is more than enough reason for a special prosecutor. Why not just wait for Mueller to exonerate the whole bunch of them? Hell, Trump has already committed to testifying under oath, let him have another day in the spotlight that he appears to be so much in love with.

He committed to speaking with Muller. That's all I hear about that. As for the rest? Russiagate is falling apart. Don't know where you got your info, but more and more they seem to be shifting from team Trump and ascending to heaven where half Black Jesus lives.

He committed to speaking with Mueller under oath. Though I'm of the impression that Trump might have meant the senate, because he's just that dumb.

If the Russia investigation is falling apart then let it. However it needs to be a complete investigation, it's the only way the office of the presidency will retain any amount of credibility outside of the Pepe crowd.
Damn you're angry. Chill out, let's find out what is going on with Russia and all that entails.

Stop projecting. I find it weird, annoying and sometime hilarious anti-Donald people are obsessed with Russia and the obviously non-existent conspiracy. :p

Poor baby. We already know Russia tried to impact our election. We already know Flynn is guilty, Manafort looks very guilty, Kushner appears to be in way, way over his head. There are open questions and there is evidence that Trump fired Comey due to this investigation. There is more than enough reason for a special prosecutor. Why not just wait for Mueller to exonerate the whole bunch of them? Hell, Trump has already committed to testifying under oath, let him have another day in the spotlight that he appears to be so much in love with.

He committed to speaking with Muller. That's all I hear about that. As for the rest? Russiagate is falling apart. Don't know where you got your info, but more and more they seem to be shifting from team Trump and ascending to heaven where half Black Jesus lives.

He committed to speaking with Mueller under oath. Though I'm of the impression that Trump might have meant the senate, because he's just that dumb.

If the Russia investigation is falling apart then let it. However it needs to be a complete investigation, it's the only way the office of the presidency will retain any amount of credibility outside of the Pepe crowd.

Nine months and Flynnhasnt even had charges. Time to move on or make the charges.
He keeps this crap alive because he knows there's nothing there and he knows that the left is going to end up hanging themselves with this stupid shit. He's playing them like a fine violin.

Oh yeah.......Where's that fucking wall? Where's that HC bill that is cheaper, better and covers EVERYONE? Where's that tax reform? Where's that defeat of ISIS from day one? .....LOL
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Damn you're angry. Chill out, let's find out what is going on with Russia and all that entails.

Stop projecting. I find it weird, annoying and sometime hilarious anti-Donald people are obsessed with Russia and the obviously non-existent conspiracy. :p

Poor baby. We already know Russia tried to impact our election. We already know Flynn is guilty, Manafort looks very guilty, Kushner appears to be in way, way over his head. There are open questions and there is evidence that Trump fired Comey due to this investigation. There is more than enough reason for a special prosecutor. Why not just wait for Mueller to exonerate the whole bunch of them? Hell, Trump has already committed to testifying under oath, let him have another day in the spotlight that he appears to be so much in love with.

He committed to speaking with Muller. That's all I hear about that. As for the rest? Russiagate is falling apart. Don't know where you got your info, but more and more they seem to be shifting from team Trump and ascending to heaven where half Black Jesus lives.

He committed to speaking with Mueller under oath. Though I'm of the impression that Trump might have meant the senate, because he's just that dumb.

If the Russia investigation is falling apart then let it. However it needs to be a complete investigation, it's the only way the office of the presidency will retain any amount of credibility outside of the Pepe crowd.

Nine months and Flynnhasnt even had charges. Time to move on or make the charges.

Patience people, the investigation isn't over yet.
He keeps this crap alive because he knows there's nothing there and he knows that the left is going to end up hanging themselves with this stupid shit. He's playing them like a fine violin.

Oh yeah.......Where's that fucking wall? Where's that HC bill that is cheaper,better and covers EVERYONE? Where's that tax reform? Where;s that defeat of ISIS from day one? .....LOL

Hell, he only announced his U.S. Attorney nominees today. Taxes, schmaxes, there is golf to play.
So Mueller scares Trump supporters? And I understand he has selected top investigators who have worked on such things as 9/11 and the Enron scandal. These people leave no stone un-turned
Therefore, the conclusion should be precise and conclusive. I like it.

For the Trumpster, he is bringing a knife to a gun showdown.....trump just hired for his "defense' a couple of civil lawyers as if what he is facing is another of his fraudulent real estate schemes...LOL
He keeps this crap alive because he knows there's nothing there and he knows that the left is going to end up hanging themselves with this stupid shit. He's playing them like a fine violin.

Oh yeah.......Where's that fucking wall? Where's that HC bill that is cheaper, better and covers EVERYONE? Where's that tax reform? Where's that defeat of ISIS from day one? .....LOL

Irrelevant deflection noted, loser.
Funny thing....I look at your 3 "why dids" and I notice that not one single one of them are proven facts. Actually, not one single one of them have any evidence other than allegations and "word on the streets".

Making you not worthy of any more of my time.

Great, don't answer my posts then.....LOL

If there's a grown up around your ilk, ask him or her which comes first, an investigation or evidence?
The answer will be ENLIGHTENING to your half brain.....
Actually, evidence of a crime comes first. Otherwise, investigative bodies would never know what to investigate.
Do you investigate a murder with no evidence of a murder being committed? No body, no blood....just someone writing in anonymously that a murder was committed? Sure, you confirm the info offered to you...but truth is....there is no way to prove anonymous information with nothing to back up that anonymous information.
So what we are doing is seeking evidence first and then seeking a crime. Is that how it is supposed to work?
No. It is not.
Actually, evidence of a crime comes first. Otherwise, investigative bodies would never know what to investigate.

"Evidence of a crime"....can be found in trump's own urging of hacking of Clinton's emails.........the FIRING of Flynn.......the recusal of Sessions for lying about his so-called "meetings: with Russians......

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