Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.
Sounds like Franken was going for some lovin’ and got denied. Can’t say I blame him for the persuit, have you seen this girl?! But wildly inappropriate to go in for the kiss as hot as he did. I think he owes her a public apology. I don’t think this rises to the level of destroying his career in the senate. Guys are going to make moves on girls, it’s nature, there is a line between inappropriate and criminal. Franken was inappropriate in my opinion and I do feel bad that it effected this women like it did. Hope he makes things right and apologies

except now people are going to dig until pretty much he was born and look for / create a pattern of behavior. this is a kiss of death right now.
I agree. He was a comic who did a lot of inappropriate material. The sexual jokes and inappropriate interactions are sure to be exploited. If he hadn’t crossed the line with kissing this lady in private it would be easier to defend but this definitely cracked the flood gates. If it was the photo alone I actually don’t think this would be a big deal.
Sure, no problem.
Once the same applies to ALL that get's caught red-handed.
However, what we see instead are rightwingers overly enthusiastic and gleeful to report when Democrats do it, but totally defensive and denying when Republicans do it.
You people are uncanny.
And that's putting it in the nicest terms possible.

I haven't read through the thread, but I'm willing to wager not one liberal will defend this.

Keep 'em coming.
That’s not it at all
It’s the 2 different standards that are applied
Nothing will happen to Franken
Judge Roy Moore
1 Accusations are from a different Century
2 Photo evidence is possibly forged
3 The accused denies the accusations

Senator Franken
1 Allegations are from this Century
2 Photo evidence is authentic
3 The accused doesn't deny the accusations
My prognostication- Al Franken will never resign. The Senate will not expel him. He may be censured by the Senate.

Democrats, unlike Republicans, don't eat their own. Not to mention, I bet a LOT of them (D) & (R) alike have skeletons in their closets.

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.
Sounds like Franken was going for some lovin’ and got denied. Can’t say I blame him for the persuit, have you seen this girl?! But wildly inappropriate to go in for the kiss as hot as he did. I think he owes her a public apology. I don’t think this rises to the level of destroying his career in the senate. Guys are going to make moves on girls, it’s nature, there is a line between inappropriate and criminal. Franken was inappropriate in my opinion and I do feel bad that it effected this women like it did. Hope he makes things right and apologies

except now people are going to dig until pretty much he was born and look for / create a pattern of behavior. this is a kiss of death right now.
I agree. He was a comic who did a lot of inappropriate material. The sexual jokes and inappropriate interactions are sure to be exploited. If he hadn’t crossed the line with kissing this lady in private it would be easier to defend but this definitely cracked the flood gates. If it was the photo alone I actually don’t think this would be a big deal.
a few years ago it would not have mattered. likely why it stayed out of public eye. only now that the fuse has been lit everyone is doing the #METOO and telling about anything and everything they can.

witch hunt. while it will take out a few good witches, it's going to take out of a lot more too along the way.
Franken should be subjected to the same rush to judgement that Moore received. Right?

Despite being in the public eye for the last 30 years or so, he is now branded a sexual predator over a photo? See how fucking stupid we are?

Meanwhile, we have 3 carrier groups off the coast of North Korea, multiple undeclared wars being fought, a GINORMOUS bond, real estate, and stock bubble about to burst...BUT....

Please don't let that distract you from Creepy Al Franken or Judge Moore!! That's the shit that really matters...

oh wait...

We don't need to "rush to judgment" because Franken already admitted it and apologized.
Unlike Moore.
he apologized for the pic. he denied the rest.

You and he may think so, but I think it’s the end of the line for Mr, Creep .
By the way Mr. Moore is still standing tall.
Franken should be subjected to the same rush to judgement that Moore received. Right?

Despite being in the public eye for the last 30 years or so, he is now branded a sexual predator over a photo? See how fucking stupid we are?

Meanwhile, we have 3 carrier groups off the coast of North Korea, multiple undeclared wars being fought, a GINORMOUS bond, real estate, and stock bubble about to burst...BUT....

Please don't let that distract you from Creepy Al Franken or Judge Moore!! That's the shit that really matters...

oh wait...

We don't need to "rush to judgment" because Franken already admitted it and apologized.
Unlike Moore.
tough to ignore a photo. eh? Just pull one out now that has the evidence to convict Moore and we're good.
Well, it has been fun watching all the partisan hacks defending Moore for the last week show their true hypocritical selves

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to be fair, most on both sides are dogging franken. i've not seen many defend him.

then again i ignore a vast majority in here.

I agree most of both sides are calling out Franken, many doing so as they still defend Moore to their dying breath.

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i think a lot of this is simply witch hunting and our latest craze/fad to hit people with. just another sign of how fucked up we've made this country with our double, triple and quadruple standards all around.

gonna be a rough ride out of shit shithole.

It is going to be a rough ride but I think it is a ride down, not up. People are happy as pigs in shit being hyper-partisan. Why would they change?

The only hope I see is that my children’s generation is looking at us and going “what the fuck is wrong with you all”

I do not think we have double or triple standards, what we have is the partisan standard. The party of the one accused determines if it was ok or not.

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Unfortunately, we have a President who BRAGGED on the air, to millions of listeners and viewers, that he busted into women's dressing rooms to try to catch them naked.

This was not a fantasy. This was not locker room talk. This was not a hypothetical.

He actually did this, as was confirmed by some of those women, including one who was underaged.

He bragged about his predatory behavior. In an on-air broadcast with a fellow pervert.

He also bragged about abusing his celebrity and molesting women in the most vulgar way possible.

The pseudocons didn't care, and still don't.

They have set the gold standard along with the creep they hired to run our country, hilariously claiming he will make America great again.
No president has ever done that. You know that makes you a liar right? A proven liar!
Former teen beauty queens: Trump barged in on us changing
LOL, this is about Al Frankenstein
Franken makes a longer statement: "I'm sorry" and “I am asking that an ethics investigation be undertaken, and I will gladly cooperate."


even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

Why is this whole thing starting to remind me more and more of the Salem Witch Trials?

The difference of course is that in many of these situations there is a valid complaint to be made, but the tone of the situation seems to be devolving into hysteria.

The hysteria is ANYTHING against a Republican, even unfounded allegations. For Democrats; gotta have some HARD EVIDENCE. The latter is as it should be; EVIDENCE IS KING.

Franken should be subjected to the same rush to judgement that Moore received. Right?

Despite being in the public eye for the last 30 years or so, he is now branded a sexual predator over a photo? See how fucking stupid we are?

Meanwhile, we have 3 carrier groups off the coast of North Korea, multiple undeclared wars being fought, a GINORMOUS bond, real estate, and stock bubble about to burst...BUT....

Please don't let that distract you from Creepy Al Franken or Judge Moore!! That's the shit that really matters...

oh wait...

We don't need to "rush to judgment" because Franken already admitted it and apologized.
Unlike Moore.
he apologized for the pic. he denied the rest.

You and he may think so, but I think it’s the end of the line for Mr, Creep .
By the way Mr. Moore is still standing tall.
misfire? i said he admitted to the pic. he had no choice. he denied the forced kissing which is in line with moore denials.

he's toast. the dems have pushed this so far they have no choice but to take out their own side to get at the other.

that's where we are these days. sucks.

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

Why is this whole thing starting to remind me more and more of the Salem Witch Trials?

The difference of course is that in many of these situations there is a valid complaint to be made, but the tone of the situation seems to be devolving into hysteria.

The hysteria is ANYTHING against a Republican, even unfounded allegations. For Democrats; gotta have some HARD EVIDENCE. The latter is as it should be; EVIDENCE IS KING.

and that is the most annoying part. for the radical left, an accusation is enough to damn someone. but if you have proof of their side, some bullshit excuse suddenly comes into play where they can get away with it cause ... well who cares. they just seem to think they can for the "Greater Good".

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