NFL Conference Championship games

Good return. Need another 20 yards or so for a FG attempt.
That was the biggest play and a bad punt with no hang time that allowed the return. Bengals switched punters mid season. They could have used Kevin Huber today.
That was the biggest play and a bad punt with no hang time that allowed the return. Bengals switched punters mid season. They could have used Kevin Huber today.
So how much do YOU by chance know about how serious the injury’s are to the chiefs receivers?
Dumb late hit out of bounds by Bengals.
SUPER dumb late hit. That guy's going to have a long plane ride home.

I feel bad for the anonymous sideline helper that got steamrolled in the process, though. I hope the NFL has good health insurance.
Lot of bad calls. Burrow got called for intentional grounding, and there was a receiver just a few feet away. Defensive pass interference was going on all game long with no flags being thrown. Was especially bad with Chief defenders all over the Bengal guys.

Similar situation in the Tampa Bay/Dallas game. There were numerous bad calls. Cowboys were literally wrestling with Bucs receivers, before the ball even arrived. No calls. Looked more like WWE than NFL. Dallas receivers seemed to be of the mind that to stop Brady they can grab the receiver before the ball arrives, and take their chances with the officials. Looks like it worked.
Well uh yeah,the eagles didn’t have much competition to start with facing a rookie quarterback who hadn’t even played an entire season and he got hurt early in the game so they were down to the fourth string quarterback.i assume you watched the chefs game? My friend just told me they lost all their starting receivers to injury is thst true? Man if they can’t heal and be back to normal in two weeks when the Super Bowl starts,they will be up shit creek,how bad are their injury’s as far as you know?
Sorry, I don't know. Hopefully they'll be healthy for the Super Bowl.
Chefs win! Chefs - Iggles super bowl.

What a horrid game was the NFC!

Starts with a fat old woman who couldn't sing for shit. You could find an old woman in any karaoke bar who could sing better. Then it ENDED with Hurt singing horribly far off key.

Spent more time on another channel watching an old Jap monster movie because these games are nothing but commercial breaks now! Play 2 minutes then another 5 minute commercial!.

NFL players are total pussies now. I've never seen so many hurt doing so little. QB hits his funny bone and tries to sit out the rest of the game! Another falls down and needs immediate medical attention.

So many delays, commercials, time outs, slo-mos, reviews and pauses that I almost lost interest.

Nothing went the way of San Fran, those guys couldn't buy a single lucky break.

I think the refs threw a flag on virtually every play! Boring as snot.

The Super Bowl ain't looking much better with some halftime slut who can't sing, can't dance, will be lip-sinked, and wears a hideous hairdo. Thank god I don't invest 5 cents into the NFL anymore.

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Jalen Hurts and Devonta "The Slim Reaper" Smith got it done!

Hurts was on fire, and Devonta had an amazing one handed catch for a 1st down!

Bama boys representing!
Btw on that play here are 2 holding penalties on kc not called.

Holding can be called on every play! There are just more egregious examples that are called! Receivers can't be wrestled down the sidelines anymore! It happens just about every play & isn't called! :dunno: :rolleyes::stir:

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