NFL Doubles Down

BB, do you really think that this move by the NFL will "End Racism"?
I think bringing awareness to an issue that needs to be addressed is a good thing.
Why do you oppose what letters appear on a football field?
Why do you care what letters appear on a players helmet?

Let's put "America first" on the field with big bold letters and have you screech.

People generally don't want to be spoon fed a false political narrative when watching sports. At least America first make sense.

Personally, I would rather never have to hear your stupid false narratives, anywhere.

You don't need to watch football.
But some people like to watch football but are forced to absorb blatant black racism in the process.
This hurts me bigly, because I am a die-hard fan of the home team and we have Brady this year.
Unless I know that no one on the team is going along with the bullshit, I'm done for now.
You can't snub the goat!
When the organization he works for is going to support communists, I have to.
I do not like it, but it is what it is.
Nothing against's the NFL altogether.
I have friends that have thrown full Budweisers through the TV screen because the Bucs lost.
I still have my 2003 Superbowl shirt.
BB, do you really think that this move by the NFL will "End Racism"?
I think bringing awareness to an issue that needs to be addressed is a good thing.
Why do you oppose what letters appear on a football field?
Why do you care what letters appear on a players helmet?

Let's put "America first" on the field with big bold letters and have you screech.

People generally don't want to be spoon fed a false political narrative when watching sports. At least America first make sense.

Personally, I would rather never have to hear your stupid false narratives, anywhere.

You don't need to watch football.
But some people like to watch football but are forced to absorb blatant black racism in the process.

Thats where conviction comes in.
I havent missed a season of football in 45 years.....and it pains me to do it this year.
But there comes a point where you have to say fuck it...I reached that point.
So, you don't watch movies or listen to music, or vacation in certain states if they don't pass your political purity test 100%?
BB, do you really think that this move by the NFL will "End Racism"?
I think bringing awareness to an issue that needs to be addressed is a good thing.
Why do you oppose what letters appear on a football field?
Why do you care what letters appear on a players helmet?

Let's put "America first" on the field with big bold letters and have you screech.

People generally don't want to be spoon fed a false political narrative when watching sports. At least America first make sense.

Personally, I would rather never have to hear your stupid false narratives, anywhere.

You don't need to watch football.
But some people like to watch football but are forced to absorb blatant black racism in the process.

Thats where conviction comes in.
I havent missed a season of football in 45 years.....and it pains me to do it this year.
But there comes a point where you have to say fuck it...I reached that point.
So, you don't watch movies or listen to music, or vacation in certain states if they don't pass your political purity test 100%?

I dont watch much TV other than sports...and that's out the window.
Music I listen to occasionally...except for the new crap they call music.
As far as visiting leftwing states?
I'll visit but I have no interest in their cities,kinda like California.
I'll drive through their deserts on the old wagon trails to see the history...but their cities can kiss my lily white ass.
BB, do you really think that this move by the NFL will "End Racism"?
I think bringing awareness to an issue that needs to be addressed is a good thing.
Why do you oppose what letters appear on a football field?
Why do you care what letters appear on a players helmet?

Let's put "America first" on the field with big bold letters and have you screech.

People generally don't want to be spoon fed a false political narrative when watching sports. At least America first make sense.

Personally, I would rather never have to hear your stupid false narratives, anywhere.

You don't need to watch football.
But some people like to watch football but are forced to absorb blatant black racism in the process.

Thats where conviction comes in.
I havent missed a season of football in 45 years.....and it pains me to do it this year.
But there comes a point where you have to say fuck it...I reached that point.
So, you don't watch movies or listen to music, or vacation in certain states if they don't pass your political purity test 100%?
Yes !!!
I have boycotted it all
I even spent $800 dollars tossing out my good years and all Nike in garbage
I canceled my trips to NYC, Seattle , Portland ,Chicago Lol

"A player, if he chooses, can have the name of a Black person wronged in a confrontation with police emblazoned on the back of his helmet. End zones will have “It Takes All Of Us” on one end line, “End Racism” on the other. Coaches and game officials will be able to wear patches on their cap with the name of a Black victim, or with one of four messages: “It takes all of us,” “Black lives matter,” “End racism,” “Stop hate.” As for the helmets, players can choose either a Black name or one of the four preferred phrases offered: “Stop hate,” “It takes all of us,” “End racism,” “Black lives matter.”
- Peter King

"We’re in a different sporting world, and for all those who want people in the NFL to stick to sports, you’re going to have to watch—and listen to—a different game this year."

The SJWs have conquered the organization, now it has more to do with progressive bullshit than the sport. The American flag will be banned next.
I will never ever Watch fuzzball again
They’re dead to me
That’s it !!
I am stunned these ingrate felons can’t put Mao or Stalin on that label
BB, do you really think that this move by the NFL will "End Racism"?
I think bringing awareness to an issue that needs to be addressed is a good thing.
Why do you oppose what letters appear on a football field?
Why do you care what letters appear on a players helmet?

Let's put "America first" on the field with big bold letters and have you screech.

People generally don't want to be spoon fed a false political narrative when watching sports. At least America first make sense.

Personally, I would rather never have to hear your stupid false narratives, anywhere.

You don't need to watch football.
But some people like to watch football but are forced to absorb blatant black racism in the process.

Thats where conviction comes in.
I havent missed a season of football in 45 years.....and it pains me to do it this year.
But there comes a point where you have to say fuck it...I reached that point.
So, you don't watch movies or listen to music, or vacation in certain states if they don't pass your political purity test 100%?

I dont watch much TV other than sports...and that's out the window.
Music I listen to occasionally...except for the new crap they call music.
As far as visiting leftwing states?
I'll visit but I have no interest in their cities,kinda like California.
I'll drive through their deserts on the old wagon trails to see the history...but their cities can kiss my lily white ass.
Seems like a lot of bother to keep to such strident orthodoxy.
BB, do you really think that this move by the NFL will "End Racism"?
I think bringing awareness to an issue that needs to be addressed is a good thing.
Why do you oppose what letters appear on a football field?
Why do you care what letters appear on a players helmet?

Let's put "America first" on the field with big bold letters and have you screech.

People generally don't want to be spoon fed a false political narrative when watching sports. At least America first make sense.

Personally, I would rather never have to hear your stupid false narratives, anywhere.

You don't need to watch football.
But some people like to watch football but are forced to absorb blatant black racism in the process.

Thats where conviction comes in.
I havent missed a season of football in 45 years.....and it pains me to do it this year.
But there comes a point where you have to say fuck it...I reached that point.
So, you don't watch movies or listen to music, or vacation in certain states if they don't pass your political purity test 100%?

I dont watch much TV other than sports...and that's out the window.
Music I listen to occasionally...except for the new crap they call music.
As far as visiting leftwing states?
I'll visit but I have no interest in their cities,kinda like California.
I'll drive through their deserts on the old wagon trails to see the history...but their cities can kiss my lily white ass.
Seems like a lot of bother to keep to such strident orthodoxy.

How is liking to see the boonies a strident orthodoxy?
I dont stay in Kingston when I visit Jamaica either.
You guys keep bringing up the separation of church and state.
Can you show me where it says that in the Constitution?
No it doesn't say anything about the EC as well.
View attachment 382702

12th Amendment
The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and all persons voted for as Vice-President and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;
The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;
The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.[a]
The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.[1]

Electoral College

The Electoral College is a body of electors established by the United States Constitution, which forms every four years for the sole purpose of electing the president and vice president of the United States. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors, and an absolute majority of at least 270 electoral votes is required to win the election. According to Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution, each state legislature determines the manner by which its state's electors are chosen. ...
The results are counted by Congress, where they are tabulated in the first week of January before a joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives, presided over by the vice president, as president of the Senate.

Thank you , I rest my case.
You’ve been dead for some time. Rest In Peace
BB, do you really think that this move by the NFL will "End Racism"?
I think bringing awareness to an issue that needs to be addressed is a good thing.
Why do you oppose what letters appear on a football field?
Why do you care what letters appear on a players helmet?

Let's put "America first" on the field with big bold letters and have you screech.

People generally don't want to be spoon fed a false political narrative when watching sports. At least America first make sense.

Personally, I would rather never have to hear your stupid false narratives, anywhere.

You don't need to watch football.
But some people like to watch football but are forced to absorb blatant black racism in the process.

Thats where conviction comes in.
I havent missed a season of football in 45 years.....and it pains me to do it this year.
But there comes a point where you have to say fuck it...I reached that point.
So, you don't watch movies or listen to music, or vacation in certain states if they don't pass your political purity test 100%?

I dont watch much TV other than sports...and that's out the window.
Music I listen to occasionally...except for the new crap they call music.
As far as visiting leftwing states?
I'll visit but I have no interest in their cities,kinda like California.
I'll drive through their deserts on the old wagon trails to see the history...but their cities can kiss my lily white ass.
Seems like a lot of bother to keep to such strident orthodoxy.
How so?
BB, do you really think that this move by the NFL will "End Racism"?
I think bringing awareness to an issue that needs to be addressed is a good thing.
Why do you oppose what letters appear on a football field?
Why do you care what letters appear on a players helmet?
Those aren't random letters on the field and those aren't random letters on their helmets. Everything about Black Lives Matter is about inflaming anger division and gaining power. BLM as they clearly state on their website is a Marxist group intent on "transforming" America.

"A player, if he chooses, can have the name of a Black person wronged in a confrontation with police emblazoned on the back of his helmet. End zones will have “It Takes All Of Us” on one end line, “End Racism” on the other. Coaches and game officials will be able to wear patches on their cap with the name of a Black victim, or with one of four messages: “It takes all of us,” “Black lives matter,” “End racism,” “Stop hate.” As for the helmets, players can choose either a Black name or one of the four preferred phrases offered: “Stop hate,” “It takes all of us,” “End racism,” “Black lives matter.”
- Peter King

"We’re in a different sporting world, and for all those who want people in the NFL to stick to sports, you’re going to have to watch—and listen to—a different game this year."

The SJWs have conquered the organization, now it has more to do with progressive bullshit than the sport. The American flag will be banned next.
All this racist, anti-cop, anti-America BULLSHIT will go right into the TRASH, when Trump gets re-elected. Then we'll have a nationwide BAN ON AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, and REAL social justice and equality will finally be achieved,
When the organization he works for is going to support communists, I have to.
I do not like it, but it is what it is.
Nothing against's the NFL altogether.
I have friends that have thrown full Budweisers through the TV screen because the Bucs lost.
I still have my 2003 Superbowl shirt.
I sent all my Bucs team shirts and hats (and 15 from friends) to the Bucs front office.

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