NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

Players, this has no place in the workforce. Twitter your political beliefs. When you are on the field, stick your views behind you and do the job you are being paid for. We don't turn out in to see your opinion of our flag. Flagrant disregard for our anthem, wearing socks that disrespect our policemen will garner a reaction you aren't going to like, if you value your paychecks.

The point that politics doesn't belong in sports is well taken. Always has been.

So let's stop trotting out the national freaking anthem at events that have nothing to do with politics already. Not to mention the pom pom band forming an image of the flag at halftime because they were prostituted into it by the Pentagon.

Oh but we can't talk about that, right?

Having it both ways -- priceless.
Once These Juiced-Up Apes Kneel, We'll All Be Kneeling to Foreign Masters

The flag and the anthem are not political. They cannot be protested. Imagine two factions at a Baptist convention. One faction loses the vote on its issue. Disrespecting our flag is like that faction burning the Bible in protest.

I'll put this question out there for I think the seventh time now ---

--- where do you see anybody "disrespecting a flag"? Where do you even see a flag at all?

He likes to strike the pose that make his fingers look longer.
I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway

I'm sure that most in college ball are left winged loons as well, especially as they are indoctrinated by left winged universities around the country.

I'm also certain that if they have two brain cells to rub together, which I assume a few do, they realize that the NFL is in decline which means that their future is being threatened.
Cool so soccer can take over....we immigrants will be the majority and soccer will be for sure number one. .
We Should Be Proud That This Is Why Americans Never Adopted Soccer

Soccer is a peasant game, as indicated by the fact that the serfs can't use their arms. It is also revealing that it is mostly boring and miserable except for a few seconds the few times a score is made. It is for slavish cowards who are satisfied with that while the pigs they enrich feast all day long.
Soccer isnumber one sport in the world, the fastest growing sport in the US. It's taking over, it's exciting, all athletes are fit, fans are engaged in 90 mins mostly healthy individuals who don't indulge on hot dogs and sleep during games. Highly tactical. Got the best fans, has the highest audience both in attendance and TV. Brings all nations close to each other
Doesn't require thousands of dollars for kids to play it. Is simply the beautiful game.
20 years tops it'll be number 1 in the US.

It is also boring as hell!

Watching soccer, hockey, golf, tennis, and bowling are the most incredibly stupid wastes of time created by man.

In soccer, it's 90 minutes of watching almost no one score.

In hockey, unless you are superhuman, you cannot see the puck. Without the light over the net, 95% of the audience never knows when a goal is scored.

In golf, you can watch the last 15 minutes to find out who won.

Tennis is back and forth, back and forth, and most matches are not even competitive.

The hardest job in the world is being the color commentator for bowling. John: "Bill, what do you think Fred is going to try to do now?"

Bill: "I think he's going to roll that ball down there and knock down all of those pins!"
why didn't they protest last weekend? or the weekend before that and on and on.
They have been protesting since last year, at least a paltry few. It probably would have just faded away like a fart in the wind if president shitgibbon didn't go and put his 2 cents in. Now everyone will get in on the stupid act.
So you agree that the shift has been away from social justice to Trump's remarks. All under the orders of the owners, who just can't stand to be told what to do.
I don't know why Trump doesn't understand that as President, his words carry a lot of weight. A lot of these billionaire owners supported him, then he goes and fucks them over like that.
what did he exactly do?
He forced the owners of lucrative businesses to take a stand that would be sure to piss off lots of people no matter which way they went. This will result in decreased popularity, sales, and income to these billionaire owners who supported Trump. If Trump would have just kept his big mouth shut, these protests would have remained small and marginalized. Now the whole focus is on the protests and not the games. That's what Trump did to the owners.
he did? holy fk, he voiced an opinion and it turned into taking out football cause of him? I have to say, now that's hilarious. a bunch of millionaires got told that the president didn't like people disrespecting the military and the flag and now the sport turned upside down anti patriot. well, it looks like all those closet anti american millionaires finally stood up to say fk you fan base. keep your money, we don't need it.
Conservatives, rich Progs like these animals in the NFL have taken over your government, your education system, your media, your judicial system, and now your sports.

What will you now do about it if anything?
Huh? Trump is president. Repugs hold majorities in House and Senate. The USSC is majority repug. Talk radio is mostly Reich wing. Education system depends on where you are. If you don't like the protests, change the channel or do like I do and tune in after the game begins. Then you will avoid the unpleasantness without the need to rush to your nearest right wing empathy tent.

Americans elected Trump and the GOP for two things, a wall and repeal of Obamacare.

Neither will happen.

Conservatives are left with a Supreme court justice that will probably turn out like Roberts, a GOP activist judge that single handedly rewrites Obamacare to make it half way Constitutional so that it can remain a law.

Conservaitives also have a myriad of Executive orders struck down by the liberal courts. They are waiting to overrule him on other things.

No, conservatives are not welcome in government nor are they welcome at Steeler stadium.

Go screw yourselves conservatives.

At the end of the day, a single payer socialized health care system awaits you in 2020.
There there... :itsok:

There's still NASCAR and hockey.
Taking Sudden-Death Overtime Literally

The Olympics recognize that shooting is a sport, too. So, as a substitute for football, rifle athletes should display their skills when juiced-up jock traitors are the target.
And if USA won't tolerate Trump's snowflake brigades trying to steal valor from the military to justify bigotry? What then? I mean, you've stooped low before, but this is kind of a new low for you.

No matter. This will all fade in a week, when the Trumpflakes get their orders to get poutraged over something new. In the meantime, Kaepernick is a national hero, the issue of police brutality is front and center again, and Trump looks even more petty, weak and immoral. Liberals are pleased with that outcome, and we thank you for helping make it happen.

And respecting or disrespecting the anthem and flag have absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement or police brutality. It is probably one of the stupidest attempts to show disrespect to law enforcement.

Also, why weren’t you and others supporting the rights of the NYC police when they turned their backs on the NYC mayor?

More proof that liberals are dead and lefties have prevailed.

All hail the regressive left!
why didn't they protest last weekend? or the weekend before that and on and on.
They have been protesting since last year, at least a paltry few. It probably would have just faded away like a fart in the wind if president shitgibbon didn't go and put his 2 cents in. Now everyone will get in on the stupid act.
The Power and the Glory

It's a President's duty to protect the flag. Trump's concern over the matter of blatant treason should have been expressed by all previous presidents, especially by LBJ, who should have drafted the Campus Commie Scum. Boot-camp DIs would have turned those childish brats into men.
And if USA won't tolerate Trump's snowflake brigades trying to steal valor from the military to justify bigotry? What then? I mean, you've stooped low before, but this is kind of a new low for you.

No matter. This will all fade in a week, when the Trumpflakes get their orders to get poutraged over something new. In the meantime, Kaepernick is a national hero, the issue of police brutality is front and center again, and Trump looks even more petty, weak and immoral. Liberals are pleased with that outcome, and we thank you for helping make it happen.

And respecting or disrespecting the anthem and flag have absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement or police brutality. It is probably one of the stupidest attempts to show disrespect to law enforcement.

Also, why weren’t you and others supporting the rights of the NYC police when they turned their backs on the NYC mayor?

More proof that liberals are dead and lefties have prevailed.

All hail the regressive left!
why didn't they protest last weekend? or the weekend before that and on and on.
They have been protesting since last year, at least a paltry few. It probably would have just faded away like a fart in the wind if president shitgibbon didn't go and put his 2 cents in. Now everyone will get in on the stupid act.
So you agree that the shift has been away from social justice to Trump's remarks. All under the orders of the owners, who just can't stand to be told what to do.
I don't know why Trump doesn't understand that as President, his words carry a lot of weight. A lot of these billionaire owners supported him, then he goes and fucks them over like that.
Putin Puntin' Pigskin Plutocrats

He's imitating Putin, who was put in power by kleptocrats and then killed, imprisoned, bankrupted, or deported 70% of them. No one has to honor a crooked deal. There's no betrayal when the ones getting put in their place are traitors themselves. This week proves that NFL owners are unAmerican.

This is another reason decadent world leaders hate Putin. He is patriotic rather than globalist. Unlike those clowns, he isn't a bought boy to help megalomaniacs like Soros and the Rockefellers put mankind under one world government.
And if USA won't tolerate Trump's snowflake brigades trying to steal valor from the military to justify bigotry? What then? I mean, you've stooped low before, but this is kind of a new low for you.

No matter. This will all fade in a week, when the Trumpflakes get their orders to get poutraged over something new. In the meantime, Kaepernick is a national hero, the issue of police brutality is front and center again, and Trump looks even more petty, weak and immoral. Liberals are pleased with that outcome, and we thank you for helping make it happen.

And respecting or disrespecting the anthem and flag have absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement or police brutality. It is probably one of the stupidest attempts to show disrespect to law enforcement.

Also, why weren’t you and others supporting the rights of the NYC police when they turned their backs on the NYC mayor?

More proof that liberals are dead and lefties have prevailed.

All hail the regressive left!
why didn't they protest last weekend? or the weekend before that and on and on.
They have been protesting since last year, at least a paltry few. It probably would have just faded away like a fart in the wind if president shitgibbon didn't go and put his 2 cents in. Now everyone will get in on the stupid act.

Exactly. And all because Big Orange had to get his ego-wank on.

Why the fuck the entire world doesn't just ignore this self-absorbed asshole crowing "Me Me Me, and if I forgot to mention, ME", I'll never understand.
And respecting or disrespecting the anthem and flag have absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement or police brutality. It is probably one of the stupidest attempts to show disrespect to law enforcement.

Also, why weren’t you and others supporting the rights of the NYC police when they turned their backs on the NYC mayor?

More proof that liberals are dead and lefties have prevailed.

All hail the regressive left!
why didn't they protest last weekend? or the weekend before that and on and on.
They have been protesting since last year, at least a paltry few. It probably would have just faded away like a fart in the wind if president shitgibbon didn't go and put his 2 cents in. Now everyone will get in on the stupid act.
So you agree that the shift has been away from social justice to Trump's remarks. All under the orders of the owners, who just can't stand to be told what to do.
I don't know why Trump doesn't understand that as President, his words carry a lot of weight. A lot of these billionaire owners supported him, then he goes and fucks them over like that.
Putin Puntin' Pigskin Plutocrats

He's imitating Putin, who was put in power by kleptocrats and then killed, imprisoned, bankrupted, or deported 70% of them. No one has to honor a crooked deal. There's no betrayal when the ones getting put in their place are traitors themselves. This week proves that NFL owners are unAmerican.

This is another reason decadent world leaders hate Putin. He is patriotic rather than globalist. Unlike those clowns, he isn't a bought boy to help megalomaniacs like Soros and the Rockefellers put mankind under one world government.
the elitist who wish to tell the general public to eat their shorts. fk them, especially Jerry Jones.
And if USA won't tolerate Trump's snowflake brigades trying to steal valor from the military to justify bigotry? What then? I mean, you've stooped low before, but this is kind of a new low for you.

No matter. This will all fade in a week, when the Trumpflakes get their orders to get poutraged over something new. In the meantime, Kaepernick is a national hero, the issue of police brutality is front and center again, and Trump looks even more petty, weak and immoral. Liberals are pleased with that outcome, and we thank you for helping make it happen.

And respecting or disrespecting the anthem and flag have absolutely nothing to do with law enforcement or police brutality. It is probably one of the stupidest attempts to show disrespect to law enforcement.

Also, why weren’t you and others supporting the rights of the NYC police when they turned their backs on the NYC mayor?

More proof that liberals are dead and lefties have prevailed.

All hail the regressive left!
why didn't they protest last weekend? or the weekend before that and on and on.
They have been protesting since last year, at least a paltry few. It probably would have just faded away like a fart in the wind if president shitgibbon didn't go and put his 2 cents in. Now everyone will get in on the stupid act.

Exactly. And all because Big Orange had to get his ego-wank on.

Why the fuck the entire world doesn't just ignore this self-absorbed asshole crowing "Me Me Me, and if I forgot to mention, ME", I'll never understand.
you mean trump giving an opinion?
I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway

I'm sure that most in college ball are left winged loons as well, especially as they are indoctrinated by left winged universities around the country.

I'm also certain that if they have two brain cells to rub together, which I assume a few do, they realize that the NFL is in decline which means that their future is being threatened.
Cool so soccer can take over....we immigrants will be the majority and soccer will be for sure number one. .
We Should Be Proud That This Is Why Americans Never Adopted Soccer

Soccer is a peasant game, as indicated by the fact that the serfs can't use their arms. It is also revealing that it is mostly boring and miserable except for a few seconds the few times a score is made. It is for slavish cowards who are satisfied with that while the pigs they enrich feast all day long.
Soccer isnumber one sport in the world, the fastest growing sport in the US. It's taking over, it's exciting, all athletes are fit, fans are engaged in 90 mins mostly healthy individuals who don't indulge on hot dogs and sleep during games. Highly tactical. Got the best fans, has the highest audience both in attendance and TV. Brings all nations close to each other
Doesn't require thousands of dollars for kids to play it. Is simply the beautiful game.
20 years tops it'll be number 1 in the US.
Kicking Caca

All the headers you've tried have given you brain damage.
Players, this has no place in the workforce. Twitter your political beliefs. When you are on the field, stick your views behind you and do the job you are being paid for. We don't turn out in to see your opinion of our flag. Flagrant disregard for our anthem, wearing socks that disrespect our policemen will garner a reaction you aren't going to like, if you value your paychecks.

The point that politics doesn't belong in sports is well taken. Always has been.

So let's stop trotting out the national freaking anthem at events that have nothing to do with politics already. Not to mention the pom pom band forming an image of the flag at halftime because they were prostituted into it by the Pentagon.

Oh but we can't talk about that, right?

Having it both ways -- priceless.
Once These Juiced-Up Apes Kneel, We'll All Be Kneeling to Foreign Masters

The flag and the anthem are not political. They cannot be protested. Imagine two factions at a Baptist convention. One faction loses the vote on its issue. Disrespecting our flag is like that faction burning the Bible in protest.

I'll put this question out there for I think the seventh time now ---

--- where do you see anybody "disrespecting a flag"? Where do you even see a flag at all?
I know it's forbidden by your cult, but they aren't watching you here, so try to do some thinking for once. It may be painful for someone who's never used his brain before, but you'll be rewarded greatly and the initial pain won't last very long. You'll lose all your friends, but once you become rational, you'll see that as no great loss.

The "Star-Spangled Banner" is a poetic description of the flag itself, so insulting its theme song does mean insulting the flag.
I'm sure that most in college ball are left winged loons as well, especially as they are indoctrinated by left winged universities around the country.

I'm also certain that if they have two brain cells to rub together, which I assume a few do, they realize that the NFL is in decline which means that their future is being threatened.
Cool so soccer can take over....we immigrants will be the majority and soccer will be for sure number one. .
We Should Be Proud That This Is Why Americans Never Adopted Soccer

Soccer is a peasant game, as indicated by the fact that the serfs can't use their arms. It is also revealing that it is mostly boring and miserable except for a few seconds the few times a score is made. It is for slavish cowards who are satisfied with that while the pigs they enrich feast all day long.
Soccer isnumber one sport in the world, the fastest growing sport in the US. It's taking over, it's exciting, all athletes are fit, fans are engaged in 90 mins mostly healthy individuals who don't indulge on hot dogs and sleep during games. Highly tactical. Got the best fans, has the highest audience both in attendance and TV. Brings all nations close to each other
Doesn't require thousands of dollars for kids to play it. Is simply the beautiful game.
20 years tops it'll be number 1 in the US.

Soccer was the fastest growing sport in America in the 70’s and was expected to over take hockey and basketball by the mid 80’s and in 20 years would become the number one sport in the US.

So far it still trails behind basketball and hockey. I used to play it in high school but I lost interest after high school and will watch basketball, football and baseball and I sleep through a soccer game. I doubt it will ever be as popular as other American games.
Where do you live?
Cause in metropolitan areas any park you walk some dudes are playing soccer. Here in LA is number one sport, we have the galaxy and now LAFC too. So does new York they have 2 major teams, franchises are popping up everywhere the base is growing fast.

There was a world cup fever in the US, millions watched it. It was watched more than any super bowl or NBA finals. Also some soccer teams have more attendance than some NFL teams, if you compare Seattle sounders for example to the yankees .

Hate it or not is the most played, watched, richest sport in the world and will be the most popular in the US for sure.

Again, I heard this rhetoric in the 70's. I live in America. Swimming, field hockey, figure skating have great ratings during the Olympics, doesn't translate into popularity long term. World Cup has great ratings and then after, they go back to poor at best

Comparing the Yankess avg attendance to the Sounders avg attendance. The Yankees avg. is lower because they play 81 home games, the Sounders play 17 home games. The Seattle Seahawks average 69,000 to the Sounders 41,000. Also, the Sounders averaged 2,000 less this in 2016 than 2015. The next closest in attendance is Orlando over 11,000 less a game than the Sounders. The other end of the spectrum is FC Dallas which averages 14,000. The pacific northwest has always done well for soccer and it goes back to the NASL when the Sounders and the Timbers would consistently sell out. The interest in the sport was at an all-time high in Seattle and Portland back then and the interest never waned, it never became as popular across the rest of the nation. My guess is it never will but you are free to dream like I did in the 70's.

As far as revenue:
NFL $13.0 billion per year.
MLB $ 9.5 billion per year.
NBA $ 5.2 billion per year.
NHL $ 3.7 billion per year.
MLS $ 0.6 billion per year.
CFL $ 0.2 billion per year.
Players, this has no place in the workforce. Twitter your political beliefs. When you are on the field, stick your views behind you and do the job you are being paid for. We don't turn out in to see your opinion of our flag. Flagrant disregard for our anthem, wearing socks that disrespect our policemen will garner a reaction you aren't going to like, if you value your paychecks.

The point that politics doesn't belong in sports is well taken. Always has been.

So let's stop trotting out the national freaking anthem at events that have nothing to do with politics already. Not to mention the pom pom band forming an image of the flag at halftime because they were prostituted into it by the Pentagon.

Oh but we can't talk about that, right?

Having it both ways -- priceless.
Once These Juiced-Up Apes Kneel, We'll All Be Kneeling to Foreign Masters

The flag and the anthem are not political. They cannot be protested. Imagine two factions at a Baptist convention. One faction loses the vote on its issue. Disrespecting our flag is like that faction burning the Bible in protest.

I'll put this question out there for I think the seventh time now ---

--- where do you see anybody "disrespecting a flag"? Where do you even see a flag at all?
I know it's forbidden by your cult, but they aren't watching you here, so try to do some thinking for once. It may be painful for someone who's never used his brain before, but you'll be rewarded greatly and the initial pain won't last very long. You'll lose all your friends, but once you become rational, you'll see that as no great loss.

The "Star-Spangled Banner" is a poetic description of the flag itself, so insulting its theme song does mean insulting the flag.


"Martha My Dear" is about a dog. If I insult that song am I "insulting dogs"? Think about it.

The question STANDS, and the target continues to wimp on it. :gay:

And for the record the Star Spangled Banner is actually about a battle. So you might want to break free of your own robot cult long enough to consider why your country wants to identify itself with war, the ultimate human Failure.
They are doing their job, as soon as the whistle blows.
Stupid fool.

Quite the fantasy.
Then who gets to tell you what to do and when to do it?

Many of the people at sporting events are using the restroom or buying something during this time.
Your comment is quite lame. really!

Are you really serious?
A captive audience and they paid to watch football, not watch how is standing and who isn't standing.
View attachment 151295
You don't think they want people to see that they are keeling? :cuckoo:
And many aren't. And many don't want the sport they pay to watch politicised. What's so hard to understand? I guess you'll work it out when the stands and the coffers are empty. Maybe.
It's quite simple. When you are at work you do your job. If you want to protest, do it on your own time.
I'm done with them
And the NFL

College games are better anyway

I'm sure that most in college ball are left winged loons as well, especially as they are indoctrinated by left winged universities around the country.

I'm also certain that if they have two brain cells to rub together, which I assume a few do, they realize that the NFL is in decline which means that their future is being threatened.
Cool so soccer can take over....we immigrants will be the majority and soccer will be for sure number one. .
We Should Be Proud That This Is Why Americans Never Adopted Soccer

Soccer is a peasant game, as indicated by the fact that the serfs can't use their arms. It is also revealing that it is mostly boring and miserable except for a few seconds the few times a score is made. It is for slavish cowards who are satisfied with that while the pigs they enrich feast all day long.
Soccer isnumber one sport in the world, the fastest growing sport in the US. It's taking over, it's exciting, all athletes are fit, fans are engaged in 90 mins mostly healthy individuals who don't indulge on hot dogs and sleep during games. Highly tactical. Got the best fans, has the highest audience both in attendance and TV. Brings all nations close to each other
Doesn't require thousands of dollars for kids to play it. Is simply the beautiful game.
20 years tops it'll be number 1 in the US.

It is also boring as hell!

Watching soccer, hockey, golf, tennis, and bowling are the most incredibly stupid wastes of time created by man.

In soccer, it's 90 minutes of watching almost no one score.

In hockey, unless you are superhuman, you cannot see the puck. Without the light over the net, 95% of the audience never knows when a goal is scored.

In golf, you can watch the last 15 minutes to find out who won.

Tennis is back and forth, back and forth, and most matches are not even competitive.

The hardest job in the world is being the color commentator for bowling. John: "Bill, what do you think Fred is going to try to do now?"

Bill: "I think he's going to roll that ball down there and knock down all of those pins!"
You have no clue about soccer. It's a highly tactical sport., and strategies. The boring one is football and baseball. 2 secs of play 5 mins of commercials, half of the players are overweight....and the fans are drunk and are indulging on junk good.

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