NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up


Trump calls players SOB's, they protest his sorry ass.

glad I could help

So they took a knee because TRUMP! How gay and childish.

There a bunch of self-entitled, overpaid stooges. I hope t hey all tear there fucking ACL's.

That's informative --- wishing injury on Americans exercising a Constitutionally guaranteed right....

All this fake-kerfuffle about "disrespecting the flag/national anthem" reminds me of a very similar fake "controversy" --- and how that played out.

a bit of temporal perspective.....

Jingobots are crowing "oh noes you can't do that, you're disrespecting the flag/country/anthem/whatever". Jingobot-in-chief calls them "sumbitches" who should be "fired" and/or "boycotted". Somebody comes up with stories of fans or sponsors pulling support, yea verily that mob mentality may prevail over Free Speech.

The gesture meanwhile is entirely passive and respectful.

The ban-bots employ a naked appeal to emotion trying vainly to invoke the taboo power of the Totem to focus on the mob's emotion and ignore the context behind it.

In 1979 the comedy troupe Monty Python's Flying Circus released "Life of Brian" lampooning the mob mentality of an organized religion. "Oh noes" cried the critics, "you can't do that, you're disrespecting Jesus, you're disrespecting Christianity!" Churchbots-in-chief call for banning the film and denounce it. EMI Films pulls their funding and George Harrison has to bail it out. The film is banned in at least some places.

Jesus himself meanwhile is treated entirely respectfully, even being placed in a brief scene to demonstrate that "that's Jesus over there, but the film is about this other guy".

The ban-bots employ a naked appeal to emotion trying vainly to invoke the taboo power of the religious Totem to focus on the mob's emotion and ignore the context within it.

The film of course goes on to be a classic lampoon demonstration of exactly what happens when mob mentality is accepted without question.

"I'm NOT the Messiah!"
"I say you are, Lord, and I should know, I've followed a few".
crowd in unison: "YES! WE'RE ALL INDIVIDUALS!"​

Yep, we've seen this movie before. And between the bishop-bots and George Harrison, George was right.

There's your sum-up.

Trump calls players SOB's, they protest his sorry ass.

glad I could help

So they took a knee because TRUMP! How gay and childish.

There a bunch of self-entitled, overpaid stooges. I hope t hey all tear there fucking ACL's.

That's informative --- wishing injury on Americans exercising a Constitutionally guaranteed right....

All this fake-kerfuffle about "disrespecting the flag/national anthem" reminds me of a very similar fake "controversy" --- and how that played out.

a bit of temporal perspective.....

Jingobots are crowing "oh noes you can't do that, you're disrespecting the flag/country/anthem/whatever". Jingobot-in-chief calls them "sumbitches" who should be "fired" and/or "boycotted". Somebody comes up with stories of fans or sponsors pulling support, yea verily that mob mentality may prevail over Free Speech.

The gesture meanwhile is entirely passive and respectful.

The ban-bots employ a naked appeal to emotion trying vainly to invoke the taboo power of the Totem to focus on the mob's emotion and ignore the context behind it.

In 1979 the comedy troupe Monty Python's Flying Circus released "Life of Brian" lampooning the mob mentality of an organized religion. "Oh noes" cried the critics, "you can't do that, you're disrespecting Jesus, you're disrespecting Christianity!" Churchbots-in-chief call for banning the film and denounce it. EMI Films pulls their funding and George Harrison has to bail it out. The film is banned in at least some places.

Jesus himself meanwhile is treated entirely respectfully, even being placed in a brief scene to demonstrate that "that's Jesus over there, but the film is about this other guy".

The ban-bots employ a naked appeal to emotion trying vainly to invoke the taboo power of the religious Totem to focus on the mob's emotion and ignore the context within it.

The film of course goes on to be a classic lampoon demonstration of exactly what happens when mob mentality is accepted without question.

"I'm NOT the Messiah!"
"I say you are, Lord, and I should know, I've followed a few".
crowd in unison: "YES! WE'RE ALL INDIVIDUALS!"​

Yep, we've seen this movie before. And between the bishop-bots and George Harrison, George was right.

There's your sum-up.

Diddnt make it bast the first part of your sentence. I wishe no physical harm on anyone and you still have yet to produce your secret racist expert files so that you are a liar is quite clear.

Now, what I said plainly put is that the market will decied if your over pairs red shirt athleats have a case. As it is now, it's looking like the consumer disapproves and judging by the numbers and raitings and such they have had this problem for years.

Trump calls players SOB's, they protest his sorry ass.

glad I could help

So they took a knee because TRUMP! How gay and childish.

There a bunch of self-entitled, overpaid stooges. I hope t hey all tear there fucking ACL's.

That's informative --- wishing injury on Americans exercising a Constitutionally guaranteed right....

All this fake-kerfuffle about "disrespecting the flag/national anthem" reminds me of a very similar fake "controversy" --- and how that played out.

a bit of temporal perspective.....

Jingobots are crowing "oh noes you can't do that, you're disrespecting the flag/country/anthem/whatever". Jingobot-in-chief calls them "sumbitches" who should be "fired" and/or "boycotted". Somebody comes up with stories of fans or sponsors pulling support, yea verily that mob mentality may prevail over Free Speech.

The gesture meanwhile is entirely passive and respectful.

The ban-bots employ a naked appeal to emotion trying vainly to invoke the taboo power of the Totem to focus on the mob's emotion and ignore the context behind it.

In 1979 the comedy troupe Monty Python's Flying Circus released "Life of Brian" lampooning the mob mentality of an organized religion. "Oh noes" cried the critics, "you can't do that, you're disrespecting Jesus, you're disrespecting Christianity!" Churchbots-in-chief call for banning the film and denounce it. EMI Films pulls their funding and George Harrison has to bail it out. The film is banned in at least some places.

Jesus himself meanwhile is treated entirely respectfully, even being placed in a brief scene to demonstrate that "that's Jesus over there, but the film is about this other guy".

The ban-bots employ a naked appeal to emotion trying vainly to invoke the taboo power of the religious Totem to focus on the mob's emotion and ignore the context within it.

The film of course goes on to be a classic lampoon demonstration of exactly what happens when mob mentality is accepted without question.

"I'm NOT the Messiah!"
"I say you are, Lord, and I should know, I've followed a few".
crowd in unison: "YES! WE'RE ALL INDIVIDUALS!"​

Yep, we've seen this movie before. And between the bishop-bots and George Harrison, George was right.

There's your sum-up.

Diddnt make it bast the first part of your sentence. I wishe no physical harm on anyone and you still have yet to produce your secret racist expert files so that you are a liar is quite clear.


NOR is that post about "race" in any way, cretinic dolt.

You need to go learn how to read--- let alone write.
Today, Sarah Huckabee said that the NFL players who took a knee were being disrespectful of the military because the military fought and died for that flag and anthem.

Hate to tell her, but I served for 20 years in the US Navy, and nowhere in my oath of enlistment did it say anything about the flag, or the national anthem.

However....................there WERE words in that oath that said I would support and defend the CONSTITUTION against all enemies, foreign and domestic. There was also language in there that said I would obey all lawful orders of those appointed over me.

Now, if I'm supposed to support and defend the Constitution, that also means that I acknowledge where the Constitution allows a citizen to peacefully protest if they so see fit, whether that is burning a flag, or taking a knee during the anthem. I support and defend the Constitution above all else.

And, for those of you who say that the NFL players should protest on their own time and not on the job? Guess what? They were protesting BEFORE they went to work. Their start time is when the whistle is blown for the kickoff, and the end of their day is when the clock runs out.
You have no clue about soccer. It's a highly tactical sport., and strategies. The boring one is football and baseball. 2 secs of play 5 mins of commercials, half of the players are overweight....and the fans are drunk and are indulging on junk good.

I have no clue about soccer? I played soccer in college. It is a great game to play and I loved it, but watching it on TV is like watching a car rust. I don't like professional baseball on TV either.

The fever is spreading, I have friends who didn't grow up around soccer, now they are addicted. Soccer has the best fans.

Growing? Yes. My grandsons played soccer, but now it is baseball, basketball, and football. Same as it ever was!

Soccer is for everyone short or tall as long as you are healthy and train.
Basketball not for everyone.
Football unless if you super fast or big super big and obese you can't play it.
Baseball well that's just like golf, hardly any running or stamina needed.
Why Baseball Should Have Separate Offensive and Defensive Squads

Baseball players have to endure 162 games plus playoffs. Since Low IQ soccer cretins don't have long-term stamina, they can pointlessly run up and down the field for only a comparatively few games a season.
LOL soccer players are one the fittest athletes on earth. You have to Sprint numerous times, jog, tackle pass, kick, nonstop for 90 mins, if it goes to extra time it's 120 mins.
A sport that has overweight players shouldn't be called a sport, I'm sorry, both baseball and football are very boring and that's why they didn't make it passed north America.
Soccer has over 3 billions fans.
I have no clue about soccer? I played soccer in college. It is a great game to play and I loved it, but watching it on TV is like watching a car rust. I don't like professional baseball on TV either.

The fever is spreading, I have friends who didn't grow up around soccer, now they are addicted. Soccer has the best fans.

Growing? Yes. My grandsons played soccer, but now it is baseball, basketball, and football. Same as it ever was!

Soccer is for everyone short or tall as long as you are healthy and train.
Basketball not for everyone.
Football unless if you super fast or big super big and obese you can't play it.
Baseball well that's just like golf, hardly any running or stamina needed.
Why Baseball Should Have Separate Offensive and Defensive Squads

Baseball players have to endure 162 games plus playoffs. Since Low IQ soccer cretins don't have long-term stamina, they can pointlessly run up and down the field for only a comparatively few games a season.
LOL soccer players are one the fittest athletes on earth. You have to Sprint numerous times, jog, tackle pass, kick, nonstop for 90 mins, if it goes to extra time it's 120 mins.
A sport that has overweight players shouldn't be called a sport, I'm sorry, both baseball and football are very boring and that's why they didn't make it passed north America.
Soccer has over 3 billions fans.

Baseball is huge in Japan, you seem to be ignorant about sports. Glad you like soccer, it’s a great sport but it will never be the number one sport in the US. You have no proof outside of a few international games played in this country that the interest level is anywhere close to even hockey, a Canadian and Russian sport. Hockey is the fourth largest sport. Again, your claims that soccer is the fastest growing sport in America is fine and dandy, it has been the fastest growing sport for 40 plus years and still is number five in this country. So for a fast growing sport, it has made little progress. The TV ratings, the attendance for games is still far below the big three and auto racing has bigger ratings and attendance than soccer.
And if USA won't tolerate Trump's snowflake brigades trying to steal valor from the military to justify bigotry? What then? I mean, you've stooped low before, but this is kind of a new low for you.

No matter. This will all fade in a week, when the Trumpflakes get their orders to get poutraged over something new. In the meantime, Kaepernick is a national hero, the issue of police brutality is front and center again, and Trump looks even more petty, weak and immoral. Liberals are pleased with that outcome, and we thank you for helping make it happen.
ROFL! Yeah, he's an unemployed hero and an object lesson to all the other players.
The fever is spreading, I have friends who didn't grow up around soccer, now they are addicted. Soccer has the best fans.

Growing? Yes. My grandsons played soccer, but now it is baseball, basketball, and football. Same as it ever was!

Soccer is for everyone short or tall as long as you are healthy and train.
Basketball not for everyone.
Football unless if you super fast or big super big and obese you can't play it.
Baseball well that's just like golf, hardly any running or stamina needed.
Why Baseball Should Have Separate Offensive and Defensive Squads

Baseball players have to endure 162 games plus playoffs. Since Low IQ soccer cretins don't have long-term stamina, they can pointlessly run up and down the field for only a comparatively few games a season.
LOL soccer players are one the fittest athletes on earth. You have to Sprint numerous times, jog, tackle pass, kick, nonstop for 90 mins, if it goes to extra time it's 120 mins.
A sport that has overweight players shouldn't be called a sport, I'm sorry, both baseball and football are very boring and that's why they didn't make it passed north America.
Soccer has over 3 billions fans.

Baseball is huge in Japan, you seem to be ignorant about sports. Glad you like soccer, it’s a great sport but it will never be the number one sport in the US. You have no proof outside of a few international games played in this country that the interest level is anywhere close to even hockey, a Canadian and Russian sport. Hockey is the fourth largest sport. Again, your claims that soccer is the fastest growing sport in America is fine and dandy, it has been the fastest growing sport for 40 plus years and still is number five in this country. So for a fast growing sport, it has made little progress. The TV ratings, the attendance for games is still far below the big three and auto racing has bigger ratings and attendance than soccer.

Demographics going forward will push soccer to pass both NFL and MLB. And trust me Soccer is a very good choice, not only it keeps the kids fit, but also everyone can play it, you don't have to be super fast, or super tall, or super fat and big to be able to play it. So it give an equal opportunity to kids that wanna practice it.

world cup for example is watched by over a billion all over the world....the super bowl? 100 million or so. Baseball was number 1 before, than NFL took over...Soccer all the stats showing it's moving up as the demographics are changing....Immigrants encourage kids to play sports that they are fimilair with and soccer comes in the first spot, it's also cheap to practice it.

Youth Soccer has more participants than football and Baseball.

The 2015 Women’s World Cup generated $40 million in ad revenue for Fox. That is more than double the projections. It outperformed the Stanley Cup Final, World Series and NBA Finals.

In 1998 there were only10 major MLS teams now there are 22 and more to come.
They have been protesting since last year, at least a paltry few. It probably would have just faded away like a fart in the wind if president shitgibbon didn't go and put his 2 cents in. Now everyone will get in on the stupid act.
The Power and the Glory

It's a President's duty to protect the flag. Trump's concern over the matter of blatant treason should have been expressed by all previous presidents, especially by LBJ, who should have drafted the Campus Commie Scum. Boot-camp DIs would have turned those childish brats into men.

Protect the Flag and damn the Constitution huh?
did you mean to say protect the flag and the constitution? cause that's what we are doing. it's called HONOR. you should look up its meaning.

Honor was not mentioned. Duty was. Here is the President's duty:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Not a flag. Flag burning and any other form of flag desecration is protected by the Constitution.

The Presidents dishonorable outbursts, has defamed and caused injury to a profitable and successful American business and tradition. But who really expects honor from such a man as one who denigrated a Republican colleague over something about the look of her face. A man whose demonstrative lies are so numerous and told so often, that they've become the new normal for the once prestigious Office of the President.
and he has been doing that daily while subjective to lies and scatterish bullshit about russia russia. so thanks for recognizing him for that. the flag is a symbol of our nation and is tied to that constitution thingy, but hey you have the free speech to disrespect what most all americans hold as honor to our love for our land and sacrifices made by millions to make it the best country on the planet.. BTW duty is to protect that thing called the flag. It's why it is on almost every building in america and military camps and ships and planes and on and on.

What section is the National Anthem mentioned in the Constitution?

It's now obvious that you and the Crybaby wing of the GOP are being led by Russians agents sowing discord in America. I think the leader of that movement also occupies the WH.

Impeachment and removal is the only option. Get him out of there.
The Power and the Glory

It's a President's duty to protect the flag. Trump's concern over the matter of blatant treason should have been expressed by all previous presidents, especially by LBJ, who should have drafted the Campus Commie Scum. Boot-camp DIs would have turned those childish brats into men.

Protect the Flag and damn the Constitution huh?
did you mean to say protect the flag and the constitution? cause that's what we are doing. it's called HONOR. you should look up its meaning.

Honor was not mentioned. Duty was. Here is the President's duty:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Not a flag. Flag burning and any other form of flag desecration is protected by the Constitution.

The Presidents dishonorable outbursts, has defamed and caused injury to a profitable and successful American business and tradition. But who really expects honor from such a man as one who denigrated a Republican colleague over something about the look of her face. A man whose demonstrative lies are so numerous and told so often, that they've become the new normal for the once prestigious Office of the President.
and he has been doing that daily while subjective to lies and scatterish bullshit about russia russia. so thanks for recognizing him for that. the flag is a symbol of our nation and is tied to that constitution thingy, but hey you have the free speech to disrespect what most all americans hold as honor to our love for our land and sacrifices made by millions to make it the best country on the planet.. BTW duty is to protect that thing called the flag. It's why it is on almost every building in america and military camps and ships and planes and on and on.

What section is the National Anthem mentioned in the Constitution?

It's now obvious that you and the Crybaby wing of the GOP are being led by Russians agents sowing discord in America. I think the leader of that movement also occupies the WH.

Impeachment and removal is the only option. Get him out of there.

so blind baby, how you getting him out of office. you have been silent. you got nothing eh? so you are just spouting off nonsense. fking hilarious.
Today, Sarah Huckabee said that the NFL players who took a knee were being disrespectful of the military because the military fought and died for that flag and anthem.

Hate to tell her, but I served for 20 years in the US Navy, and nowhere in my oath of enlistment did it say anything about the flag, or the national anthem.

However....................there WERE words in that oath that said I would support and defend the CONSTITUTION against all enemies, foreign and domestic. There was also language in there that said I would obey all lawful orders of those appointed over me.

Now, if I'm supposed to support and defend the Constitution, that also means that I acknowledge where the Constitution allows a citizen to peacefully protest if they so see fit, whether that is burning a flag, or taking a knee during the anthem. I support and defend the Constitution above all else.

And, for those of you who say that the NFL players should protest on their own time and not on the job? Guess what? They were protesting BEFORE they went to work. Their start time is when the whistle is blown for the kickoff, and the end of their day is when the clock runs out.

Too many flat-out wrong and ignorant statements to address in that post, titless WAVE!
Growing? Yes. My grandsons played soccer, but now it is baseball, basketball, and football. Same as it ever was!

Soccer is for everyone short or tall as long as you are healthy and train.
Basketball not for everyone.
Football unless if you super fast or big super big and obese you can't play it.
Baseball well that's just like golf, hardly any running or stamina needed.
Why Baseball Should Have Separate Offensive and Defensive Squads

Baseball players have to endure 162 games plus playoffs. Since Low IQ soccer cretins don't have long-term stamina, they can pointlessly run up and down the field for only a comparatively few games a season.
LOL soccer players are one the fittest athletes on earth. You have to Sprint numerous times, jog, tackle pass, kick, nonstop for 90 mins, if it goes to extra time it's 120 mins.
A sport that has overweight players shouldn't be called a sport, I'm sorry, both baseball and football are very boring and that's why they didn't make it passed north America.
Soccer has over 3 billions fans.

Baseball is huge in Japan, you seem to be ignorant about sports. Glad you like soccer, it’s a great sport but it will never be the number one sport in the US. You have no proof outside of a few international games played in this country that the interest level is anywhere close to even hockey, a Canadian and Russian sport. Hockey is the fourth largest sport. Again, your claims that soccer is the fastest growing sport in America is fine and dandy, it has been the fastest growing sport for 40 plus years and still is number five in this country. So for a fast growing sport, it has made little progress. The TV ratings, the attendance for games is still far below the big three and auto racing has bigger ratings and attendance than soccer.

Demographics going forward will push soccer to pass both NFL and MLB. And trust me Soccer is a very good choice, not only it keeps the kids fit, but also everyone can play it, you don't have to be super fast, or super tall, or super fat and big to be able to play it. So it give an equal opportunity to kids that wanna practice it.

world cup for example is watched by over a billion all over the world....the super bowl? 100 million or so. Baseball was number 1 before, than NFL took over...Soccer all the stats showing it's moving up as the demographics are changing....Immigrants encourage kids to play sports that they are fimilair with and soccer comes in the first spot, it's also cheap to practice it.

Youth Soccer has more participants than football and Baseball.

The 2015 Women’s World Cup generated $40 million in ad revenue for Fox. That is more than double the projections. It outperformed the Stanley Cup Final, World Series and NBA Finals.

In 1998 there were only10 major MLS teams now there are 22 and more to come.

They have been saying that since the 70s. It's not happening.

Soccer is one minute of action crammed into 90 minutes of watching foreigners with names you cannot pronounce kick a ball back and forth..
Yet confederate flag waivers have a right to waive a true symbol of hatred for the Stars and Stripes.
Nice move.....fake "patriots".:bsflag:

“In democracies, we the people get the government we deserve. We also get the celebrities we deserve, the artists we deserve, and the athletes we deserve. Because ultimately, we the people get to decide who and what gets our attention, and who and what does not.”

“Right now the NFL, the players who choose to kneel, the networks who choose to broadcast their protest, the advertisers who sponsor the games, and the President of the United States, are all eager for our attention. And they are all using football to get it. That’s all well and good, right up to the point where it isn’t.

In my view, this controversy really isn’t about patriotism, social justice, racial inequality, or free speech. It’s not even about the flag or the national anthem. It’s really only about one thing – what we will tolerate, and what we won’t.”

“I was disappointed last night, to hear President Trump encourage owners to fire players who refuse to stand for the anthem. Not because I dispute the owners right to do so, and not because I would grieve the dismissal of anyone who chooses to disrespect our flag. I was disappointed because the President’s comments presuppose that the owners are in charge of the game.

They’re not. We are. We decide what to watch, and that decision – far more than any other consideration – will determine the what the owners choose to do. And that in turn will affect what the players choose to do.”

As the leader of the country, the President had an opportunity to remind us that The NFL, the networks who broadcast their games, and all of the players – standers and kneelers alike – work for us. He might have also used the occasion to remind us that he too, serves at our pleasure.”

“I felt a similar bemusement when the Commissioner issued his response, followed by the President of the Player’s Union. Their comments – along with the comments of many of the players themselves – were perfectly reasonable, perfectly understandable, and perfectly in keeping with their first amendment rights. But they were also perfectly arrogant. Because they too, presuppose that millions of fans will continue to watch them play a game – no matter what.”

As Mike Rowe stated earlier, it all comes down now to what the American people will tolerate and what they will not. I guess we will find out the answer to that in the weeks to months to come.

Mike Rowe Blasts Everyone Involved In The NFL-National Anthem Protests
Yet confederate flag waivers have a right to waive a true symbol of hatred for the Stars and Stripes.
Nice move.....fake "patriots".:bsflag:
Snowflakes continue to make False Arguments...

It is your biased liberal opinion that Americans fly the Confederate flag because they hate America. Does not make it a fact - just your Opinion.

No one has said the NFL Players do not have the Constitutional Right to take a knee during the National Anthem.

Americans have stated that they should NOT take a knee during the National Anthem because it is disrespectful.

Players can continue to protest during the national Anthem all they want...but they don't have the right to demand people stop holding them accountable for doing so.
Yet confederate flag waivers have a right to waive a true symbol of hatred for the Stars and Stripes.
Nice move.....fake "patriots".:bsflag:

“In democracies, we the people get the government we deserve. We also get the celebrities we deserve, the artists we deserve, and the athletes we deserve. Because ultimately, we the people get to decide who and what gets our attention, and who and what does not.”

“Right now the NFL, the players who choose to kneel, the networks who choose to broadcast their protest, the advertisers who sponsor the games, and the President of the United States, are all eager for our attention. And they are all using football to get it. That’s all well and good, right up to the point where it isn’t.

In my view, this controversy really isn’t about patriotism, social justice, racial inequality, or free speech. It’s not even about the flag or the national anthem. It’s really only about one thing – what we will tolerate, and what we won’t.”

“I was disappointed last night, to hear President Trump encourage owners to fire players who refuse to stand for the anthem. Not because I dispute the owners right to do so, and not because I would grieve the dismissal of anyone who chooses to disrespect our flag. I was disappointed because the President’s comments presuppose that the owners are in charge of the game.

They’re not. We are. We decide what to watch, and that decision – far more than any other consideration – will determine the what the owners choose to do. And that in turn will affect what the players choose to do.”

As the leader of the country, the President had an opportunity to remind us that The NFL, the networks who broadcast their games, and all of the players – standers and kneelers alike – work for us. He might have also used the occasion to remind us that he too, serves at our pleasure.”

“I felt a similar bemusement when the Commissioner issued his response, followed by the President of the Player’s Union. Their comments – along with the comments of many of the players themselves – were perfectly reasonable, perfectly understandable, and perfectly in keeping with their first amendment rights. But they were also perfectly arrogant. Because they too, presuppose that millions of fans will continue to watch them play a game – no matter what.”

As Mike Rowe stated earlier, it all comes down now to what the American people will tolerate and what they will not. I guess we will find out the answer to that in the weeks to months to come.

Mike Rowe Blasts Everyone Involved In The NFL-National Anthem Protests
well technically, confederate flag waivers have the same freedoms as the kneelers. Or not? tell me.
It's not unreasonable to forbid this attention whoring during games.

It is however unreasonable to characterize a completely silent, passive posture as "attention whoring" and "taking over every faciat of the pubic at larges lives", whatever that means. More to the point it's blatantly dishonest.

But that's appeal to Emotion, a different fallacy.
Diploma Dumbos

"Fallacies" are usually true, only not always. It's pretty simple-minded to think that just because the word sounds like false, that must be what it means. Similarly, conformists who believe in the media's competence in language believe that "oxymoron" must be something spoken by a moron just because it sounds that way. Instead, it's a clever use of words, just the opposite of what jurinalists tell you it means.

People are so stuck on authority that even when I show them the actual meaning of oxymoron, they still think it's what intelligent people used to call "a contradiction in terms."
Protesting the national anthem by disrespect at an NFL game, NBA, game, NHL game, Little League, Pop Warner league, etc. is unacceptable. They are playing a game,. Protests have no place.


My problem wit all this is, can I just take a Sunday afternoon and just enjoy a football game without all the politicized nonsense? I just wanna watch my Saints or another game and have a day without politics?

And your point is well taken, and always was. That's exactly why I say exactly the same thing at the beginning of every baseball game. And I have to sit through a lot more of those than you do.

For Progos, having to listen to the national anthem is like being water-boarded.

Once AGAIN --- this doesn't address the question at all. It runs away from it. :gay:

Very well not-played. Beautifully not-done-anything-about.
The Pulpit Is for Bullies

As usual, if it's not the submissive and worshipful answer you want, you Pushy Progros say it is "irrelevant."
Gotta get rid of the anthem, gotta get rid of the flag, gotta get rid of duly elected Trump, gotta get rid of patriotism, heck essentially got to get rid of contributory white people and give everything to minorities who can piss it away in a grander fashion then when they had less

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