NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up


Trump calls players SOB's, they protest his sorry ass.

glad I could help

So they took a knee because TRUMP! How gay and childish.

There a bunch of self-entitled, overpaid stooges. I hope t hey all tear there fucking ACL's.

That's informative --- wishing injury on Americans exercising a Constitutionally guaranteed right....

Jingobots are crowing "oh noes you can't do that, you're disrespecting the flag/country/anthem/whatever". Jingobot-in-chief calls them "sumbitches" who should be "fired" and/or "boycotted". Somebody comes up with stories of fans or sponsors pulling support, yea verily that mob mentality may prevail over Free Speech.

The gesture meanwhile is entirely passive and respectful.

The ban-bots employ a naked appeal to emotion trying vainly to invoke the taboo power of the Totem to focus on the mob's emotion and ignore the context behind it.

There's your sum-up.

The ruling class and its flunkies in SCROTUS tell us it is "a Constitutionally guaranteed right." Like Eve, we don't have to listen to anything those bossy, conceited, power-hungry snakes tell us is true. If the American people resent it, the only reason the Establishment allows it is to humiliate the American people. The rulers despise, hate, and most of all fear all other White people. Let's give them something to really fear about and they will quickly surrender their unearned privileges of social dominance and lawmaking.

Real men would break these jocks' legs. You got a problem with that? WE DON'T CARE.

I don't have any idea in the world wtf this post intends to say but apparently addressing the post quoted isn't it.

Perhaps some anthropologist will do an English translation one day. I don't care. :dunno:

Trump calls players SOB's, they protest his sorry ass.

glad I could help

So they took a knee because TRUMP! How gay and childish.

There a bunch of self-entitled, overpaid stooges. I hope t hey all tear there fucking ACL's.

That's informative --- wishing injury on Americans exercising a Constitutionally guaranteed right....

Jingobots are crowing "oh noes you can't do that, you're disrespecting the flag/country/anthem/whatever". Jingobot-in-chief calls them "sumbitches" who should be "fired" and/or "boycotted". Somebody comes up with stories of fans or sponsors pulling support, yea verily that mob mentality may prevail over Free Speech.

The gesture meanwhile is entirely passive and respectful.

The ban-bots employ a naked appeal to emotion trying vainly to invoke the taboo power of the Totem to focus on the mob's emotion and ignore the context behind it.

There's your sum-up.

The ruling class and its flunkies in SCROTUS tell us it is "a Constitutionally guaranteed right." Like Eve, we don't have to listen to anything those bossy, conceited, power-hungry snakes tell us is true. If the American people resent it, the only reason the Establishment allows it is to humiliate the American people. The rulers despise, hate, and most of all fear all other White people. Let's give them something to really fear about and they will quickly surrender their unearned privileges of social dominance and lawmaking.

Real men would break these jocks' legs. You got a problem with that? WE DON'T CARE.

I don't have any idea in the world wtf this post intends to say but apparently addressing the post quoted isn't it.

Perhaps some anthropologist will do an English translation one day. I don't care. :dunno:

But you do or you would have said nothing. Thanks.
Snowflakes keep repeating that OPINION, and it is no more true now than when it was when it was 1st stated.

Collin Kaepernick started the entire 'protest' during the national Anthem, claiming to condemn an entire nation for a small percent of a subsection of this nation's populace's action.

Fans, American citizens decided that they felt conducting such a protest was disrespectful to the country, to Vets, and to the National Anthem.

Perhaps they did.

But none of them can make the case for why that follows. I've put the question out for the last three days, and before, have yet to get answer number one.

Ergo it's nothing but emotional bullshit.
So they took a knee because TRUMP! How gay and childish.

There a bunch of self-entitled, overpaid stooges. I hope t hey all tear there fucking ACL's.

That's informative --- wishing injury on Americans exercising a Constitutionally guaranteed right....

Jingobots are crowing "oh noes you can't do that, you're disrespecting the flag/country/anthem/whatever". Jingobot-in-chief calls them "sumbitches" who should be "fired" and/or "boycotted". Somebody comes up with stories of fans or sponsors pulling support, yea verily that mob mentality may prevail over Free Speech.

The gesture meanwhile is entirely passive and respectful.

The ban-bots employ a naked appeal to emotion trying vainly to invoke the taboo power of the Totem to focus on the mob's emotion and ignore the context behind it.

There's your sum-up.

The ruling class and its flunkies in SCROTUS tell us it is "a Constitutionally guaranteed right." Like Eve, we don't have to listen to anything those bossy, conceited, power-hungry snakes tell us is true. If the American people resent it, the only reason the Establishment allows it is to humiliate the American people. The rulers despise, hate, and most of all fear all other White people. Let's give them something to really fear about and they will quickly surrender their unearned privileges of social dominance and lawmaking.

Real men would break these jocks' legs. You got a problem with that? WE DON'T CARE.

I don't have any idea in the world wtf this post intends to say but apparently addressing the post quoted isn't it.

Perhaps some anthropologist will do an English translation one day. I don't care. :dunno:

But you do or you would have said nothing. Thanks.

It's not even your post, Captain Focus.
Snowflakes keep repeating that OPINION, and it is no more true now than when it was when it was 1st stated.

Collin Kaepernick started the entire 'protest' during the national Anthem, claiming to condemn an entire nation for a small percent of a subsection of this nation's populace's action.

Fans, American citizens decided that they felt conducting such a protest was disrespectful to the country, to Vets, and to the National Anthem.

Perhaps they did.

But none of them can make the case for why that follows. I've put the question out for the last three days, and before, have yet to get answer number one.

Ergo it's nothing but emotional bullshit.

Not really. They all going to stand up now pretty much.
Snowflakes keep repeating that OPINION, and it is no more true now than when it was when it was 1st stated.

Collin Kaepernick started the entire 'protest' during the national Anthem, claiming to condemn an entire nation for a small percent of a subsection of this nation's populace's action.

Fans, American citizens decided that they felt conducting such a protest was disrespectful to the country, to Vets, and to the National Anthem.

Perhaps they did.

But none of them can make the case for why that follows. I've put the question out for the last three days, and before, have yet to get answer number one.

Ergo it's nothing but emotional bullshit.

Not really. They all going to stand up now pretty much.

Which continues to illustrate that the point cannot be made. When a point cannot be made, that point does not exist.

If "they" is supposed to refer to football players, and if said players wished not to stand up but are standing up, then all you have "proven" is that you can cow people via mob mentality. We already know that. We knew that 99 years ago when Earnest Starr was tossed in jail for refusing to kiss a flag. We knew that two decades later when Hitler did his thing. We knew that following that war when Joe McCarthy did his thing. Etc etc etc.

None of this makes the point why such mob mentality has a valid reason to exist.
You can't do it.

Yet confederate flag waivers have a right to waive a true symbol of hatred for the Stars and Stripes.
Nice move.....fake "patriots".:bsflag:
Snowflakes continue to make False Arguments...

It is your biased liberal opinion that Americans fly the Confederate flag because they hate America. Does not make it a fact - just your Opinion.

Just as it is your follow-the-robot opinion that a football player who doesn't stand while Jingo Bells plays "hates America". Another non sequitur.

But of course you want to have it both ways.

No one has said the NFL Players do not have the Constitutional Right to take a knee during the National Anthem.

Americans have stated that they should NOT take a knee during the National Anthem because it is disrespectful.

And yet --- I'll keep pointing this out until it sinks in --- no one can demonstrate how.

Players can continue to protest during the national Anthem all they want...but they don't have the right to demand people stop holding them accountable for doing so.

And y'all robots can keep droning on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about this fake "disrespect" thingy but you'll still be held accountable to demonstrate it. Which you have to do if you're going to use it as a pretext to take away someone's livelihood.

Again --- you want to have it both ways.

You know, if we needed proof that Trump is a demagogue, all we have to do is look at the NFL "scandal".
Yet confederate flag waivers have a right to waive a true symbol of hatred for the Stars and Stripes.
Nice move.....fake "patriots".:bsflag:
Snowflakes continue to make False Arguments...

It is your biased liberal opinion that Americans fly the Confederate flag because they hate America. Does not make it a fact - just your Opinion.

Just as it is your follow-the-robot opinion that a football player who doesn't stand while Jingo Bells plays "hates America". Another non sequitur.

But of course you want to have it both ways.

No one has said the NFL Players do not have the Constitutional Right to take a knee during the National Anthem.

Americans have stated that they should NOT take a knee during the National Anthem because it is disrespectful.

And yet --- I'll keep pointing this out until it sinks in --- no one can demonstrate how.

Players can continue to protest during the national Anthem all they want...but they don't have the right to demand people stop holding them accountable for doing so.

And y'all robots can keep droning on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about this fake "disrespect" thingy but you'll still be held accountable to demonstrate it. Which you have to do if you're going to use it as a pretext to take away someone's livelihood.

Again --- you want to have it both ways.


When masses of obedient sheep are ordered and commanded and coerced to rise in unison in a jingorobot exercise they should sing in unison:

Jingo balls, jingo balls
Jingo all the way!
Oh what fun to force your shit on a football team all day -hey!

Jingo ball, jingo balls
Jingo all the way....
Nothin' to do with a football game but Ja you vill obey!

If you don't obey
Ve vill take your job away
And put you on the street
Laughing all the way (hey hey)

Robots all will sing
In unison so tight,
What fun when Dear Lea-der calls them
'Sumbitches' every night! Hey,

Jingo balls, jingo balls
Jingo all the way
Oh what fun when robots dance
In lockstep every day, Hey
Jingo balls, jingo balls
Shut up and Obey,
DimDung Un's not the only one,
So we chant "USA"!!

Mob Mentality --- get yours today.
That's an order.
Baseball is huge in Japan, you seem to be ignorant about sports. Glad you like soccer, it’s a great sport but it will never be the number one sport in the US. You have no proof outside of a few international games played in this country that the interest level is anywhere close to even hockey, a Canadian and Russian sport. Hockey is the fourth largest sport. Again, your claims that soccer is the fastest growing sport in America is fine and dandy, it has been the fastest growing sport for 40 plus years and still is number five in this country. So for a fast growing sport, it has made little progress. The TV ratings, the attendance for games is still far below the big three and auto racing has bigger ratings and attendance than soccer.

Demographics going forward will push soccer to pass both NFL and MLB. And trust me Soccer is a very good choice, not only it keeps the kids fit, but also everyone can play it, you don't have to be super fast, or super tall, or super fat and big to be able to play it. So it give an equal opportunity to kids that wanna practice it.

world cup for example is watched by over a billion all over the world....the super bowl? 100 million or so. Baseball was number 1 before, than NFL took over...Soccer all the stats showing it's moving up as the demographics are changing....Immigrants encourage kids to play sports that they are fimilair with and soccer comes in the first spot, it's also cheap to practice it.

Youth Soccer has more participants than football and Baseball.

The 2015 Women’s World Cup generated $40 million in ad revenue for Fox. That is more than double the projections. It outperformed the Stanley Cup Final, World Series and NBA Finals.

In 1998 there were only10 major MLS teams now there are 22 and more to come.

They have been saying that since the 70s. It's not happening.

Soccer is one minute of action crammed into 90 minutes of watching foreigners with names you cannot pronounce kick a ball back and forth..
LOL so you are a racist then. You life must be mesirable.

How do you get racist out of that comment?

I also have no idea what mesirable means.
Labeling soccer players as foreigners, why do you have to go there? Soccer has been player in the US for almost a century and most that play the game here on high level are Americans.

“Most that play the game here on high level”, are you sure? Can you back it up?
Demographics going forward will push soccer to pass both NFL and MLB. And trust me Soccer is a very good choice, not only it keeps the kids fit, but also everyone can play it, you don't have to be super fast, or super tall, or super fat and big to be able to play it. So it give an equal opportunity to kids that wanna practice it.

world cup for example is watched by over a billion all over the world....the super bowl? 100 million or so. Baseball was number 1 before, than NFL took over...Soccer all the stats showing it's moving up as the demographics are changing....Immigrants encourage kids to play sports that they are fimilair with and soccer comes in the first spot, it's also cheap to practice it.

Youth Soccer has more participants than football and Baseball.

The 2015 Women’s World Cup generated $40 million in ad revenue for Fox. That is more than double the projections. It outperformed the Stanley Cup Final, World Series and NBA Finals.

In 1998 there were only10 major MLS teams now there are 22 and more to come.

They have been saying that since the 70s. It's not happening.

Soccer is one minute of action crammed into 90 minutes of watching foreigners with names you cannot pronounce kick a ball back and forth..
LOL so you are a racist then. You life must be mesirable.

How do you get racist out of that comment?

I also have no idea what mesirable means.
Labeling soccer players as foreigners, why do you have to go there? Soccer has been player in the US for almost a century and most that play the game here on high level are Americans.

“Most that play the game here on high level”, are you sure? Can you back it up?

Yes most are Americans foreigners account for 45% or so....and that's in the MLS...lower leagues have a bigger number of homegrown talent cause they can't afford to buy foreign players.

Dude the NFL can't fill up the colosseum and every time I go to a soccer game held there it's always packed. This is not the 70s run, with the influx of immigrants the last 3 decades, social media and the internet soccer is growing rapidly.
They have been saying that since the 70s. It's not happening.

Soccer is one minute of action crammed into 90 minutes of watching foreigners with names you cannot pronounce kick a ball back and forth..
LOL so you are a racist then. You life must be mesirable.

How do you get racist out of that comment?

I also have no idea what mesirable means.
Labeling soccer players as foreigners, why do you have to go there? Soccer has been player in the US for almost a century and most that play the game here on high level are Americans.

“Most that play the game here on high level”, are you sure? Can you back it up?

Yes most are Americans foreigners account for 45% or so....and that's in the MLS...lower leagues have a bigger number of homegrown talent cause they can't afford to buy foreign players.

Dude the NFL can't fill up the colosseum and every time I go to a soccer game held there it's always packed. This is not the 70s run, with the influx of immigrants the last 3 decades, social media and the internet soccer is growing rapidly.

Again, you said most of the American players play on a high level. The MSL by your own admission is only 45% American, so you are wrong AGAIN! You keep making claims that aren’t true. It was growing in the 70’s, and it was said it was the influx of immigrants then. The LA Galaxy average less than 26,000 a game. That doesn’t fill up the coliseum. Again, another lie. You seem to make up crap as you go along, you are proven wrong and then ignore when you are proven wrong. You have given no actual support other than your word, which has been proven wrong. So unless you have actual data? You got nothing. Again, soccer is a good game, however, only the World Cup brings in viewership in the US. The MSL doesn’t compete with the NFL, MLB, NBA or even the NHL in audience. The average attendance for the Seattle Sounders is less than their NFL counter part the Seattle Seahawks and Seattle is by far the most rabid soccer fans in this country. Bring some actual facts that support your theory because so far you have failed.
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Soccer is for everyone short or tall as long as you are healthy and train.
Basketball not for everyone.
Football unless if you super fast or big super big and obese you can't play it.
Baseball well that's just like golf, hardly any running or stamina needed.
Why Baseball Should Have Separate Offensive and Defensive Squads

Baseball players have to endure 162 games plus playoffs. Since Low IQ soccer cretins don't have long-term stamina, they can pointlessly run up and down the field for only a comparatively few games a season.
LOL soccer players are one the fittest athletes on earth. You have to Sprint numerous times, jog, tackle pass, kick, nonstop for 90 mins, if it goes to extra time it's 120 mins.
A sport that has overweight players shouldn't be called a sport, I'm sorry, both baseball and football are very boring and that's why they didn't make it passed north America.
Soccer has over 3 billions fans.

Baseball is huge in Japan, you seem to be ignorant about sports. Glad you like soccer, it’s a great sport but it will never be the number one sport in the US. You have no proof outside of a few international games played in this country that the interest level is anywhere close to even hockey, a Canadian and Russian sport. Hockey is the fourth largest sport. Again, your claims that soccer is the fastest growing sport in America is fine and dandy, it has been the fastest growing sport for 40 plus years and still is number five in this country. So for a fast growing sport, it has made little progress. The TV ratings, the attendance for games is still far below the big three and auto racing has bigger ratings and attendance than soccer.

Demographics going forward will push soccer to pass both NFL and MLB. And trust me Soccer is a very good choice, not only it keeps the kids fit, but also everyone can play it, you don't have to be super fast, or super tall, or super fat and big to be able to play it. So it give an equal opportunity to kids that wanna practice it.

world cup for example is watched by over a billion all over the world....the super bowl? 100 million or so. Baseball was number 1 before, than NFL took over...Soccer all the stats showing it's moving up as the demographics are changing....Immigrants encourage kids to play sports that they are fimilair with and soccer comes in the first spot, it's also cheap to practice it.

Youth Soccer has more participants than football and Baseball.

The 2015 Women’s World Cup generated $40 million in ad revenue for Fox. That is more than double the projections. It outperformed the Stanley Cup Final, World Series and NBA Finals.

In 1998 there were only10 major MLS teams now there are 22 and more to come.

Again, 40 years ago soccer was the fastest growing sport in the US. Again, 40 years ago we heard how soccer would be the number one sport in the US in 20 years, it didn't happen in 20 and hasn't happened in 40 and now you want us to believe it will happen in 60? In 1968 the NASL started, in 1978-1980 the NASL had 24 teams, in 1984 the league folded. I was part of the big soccer phase in the 70's, so I have been there and done that. I have watched the great players of the time play live. The Portland Timbers were the darlings of the league at the height of its glory. Peter Withe, Clive Charles, Mick Poole and so on.

When soccer starts making gains, then we will see, so far it is all talk and nothing else. Comeback and we will talk when it moves from 5th to 4th.
Chinese Fire Drill

The average major-league soccer game only has three scores. A 2 to 1 baseball game or 14 to 7 football game once in a while may in itself be worth watching, but to average that for a season would send Americans away in droves. I guess Third Worlders and Eurotrash can patiently put up with that stupor, while Americans want to watch an activity.

Trump calls players SOB's, they protest his sorry ass.

glad I could help

So they took a knee because TRUMP! How gay and childish.

There a bunch of self-entitled, overpaid stooges. I hope t hey all tear there fucking ACL's.

That's informative --- wishing injury on Americans exercising a Constitutionally guaranteed right....

Jingobots are crowing "oh noes you can't do that, you're disrespecting the flag/country/anthem/whatever". Jingobot-in-chief calls them "sumbitches" who should be "fired" and/or "boycotted". Somebody comes up with stories of fans or sponsors pulling support, yea verily that mob mentality may prevail over Free Speech.

The gesture meanwhile is entirely passive and respectful.

The ban-bots employ a naked appeal to emotion trying vainly to invoke the taboo power of the Totem to focus on the mob's emotion and ignore the context behind it.

There's your sum-up.

The ruling class and its flunkies in SCROTUS tell us it is "a Constitutionally guaranteed right." Like Eve, we don't have to listen to anything those bossy, conceited, power-hungry snakes tell us is true. If the American people resent it, the only reason the Establishment allows it is to humiliate the American people. The rulers despise, hate, and most of all fear all other White people. Let's give them something to really fear about and they will quickly surrender their unearned privileges of social dominance and lawmaking.

Real men would break these jocks' legs. You got a problem with that? WE DON'T CARE.

I don't have any idea in the world wtf this post intends to say but apparently addressing the post quoted isn't it.

Perhaps some anthropologist will do an English translation one day. I don't care. :dunno:
Whirling Webbishes

Of course, you know exactly what I mean and that it is perfectly relevant to the topic, a lot more relevant than the appeasers who chant that the juiced-up jocks "have a right to do this, but..." You Netwit weasels pretend they can't understand every time they have nothing to say in rebuttal.
They need to stop beer sales during the National anthem...its disrespectful to be in line waiting for your brew .....stand at attention bathroom visits during the anthem ...lock them up...R E S P E C T
We are at war with leftist scum intent on destroying our country, get used to it.

Well when the right sees something they don't agree with, they come out and protest in force to put pressure on financial supporters and the where the organization profits (ratings, tickets, etc) to make a change. When the left protest over something they don't like they have the government or the media outlet to step in and have it removed from public view.
Why Baseball Should Have Separate Offensive and Defensive Squads

Baseball players have to endure 162 games plus playoffs. Since Low IQ soccer cretins don't have long-term stamina, they can pointlessly run up and down the field for only a comparatively few games a season.
LOL soccer players are one the fittest athletes on earth. You have to Sprint numerous times, jog, tackle pass, kick, nonstop for 90 mins, if it goes to extra time it's 120 mins.
A sport that has overweight players shouldn't be called a sport, I'm sorry, both baseball and football are very boring and that's why they didn't make it passed north America.
Soccer has over 3 billions fans.

Baseball is huge in Japan, you seem to be ignorant about sports. Glad you like soccer, it’s a great sport but it will never be the number one sport in the US. You have no proof outside of a few international games played in this country that the interest level is anywhere close to even hockey, a Canadian and Russian sport. Hockey is the fourth largest sport. Again, your claims that soccer is the fastest growing sport in America is fine and dandy, it has been the fastest growing sport for 40 plus years and still is number five in this country. So for a fast growing sport, it has made little progress. The TV ratings, the attendance for games is still far below the big three and auto racing has bigger ratings and attendance than soccer.

Demographics going forward will push soccer to pass both NFL and MLB. And trust me Soccer is a very good choice, not only it keeps the kids fit, but also everyone can play it, you don't have to be super fast, or super tall, or super fat and big to be able to play it. So it give an equal opportunity to kids that wanna practice it.

world cup for example is watched by over a billion all over the world....the super bowl? 100 million or so. Baseball was number 1 before, than NFL took over...Soccer all the stats showing it's moving up as the demographics are changing....Immigrants encourage kids to play sports that they are fimilair with and soccer comes in the first spot, it's also cheap to practice it.

Youth Soccer has more participants than football and Baseball.

The 2015 Women’s World Cup generated $40 million in ad revenue for Fox. That is more than double the projections. It outperformed the Stanley Cup Final, World Series and NBA Finals.

In 1998 there were only10 major MLS teams now there are 22 and more to come.

Again, 40 years ago soccer was the fastest growing sport in the US. Again, 40 years ago we heard how soccer would be the number one sport in the US in 20 years, it didn't happen in 20 and hasn't happened in 40 and now you want us to believe it will happen in 60? In 1968 the NASL started, in 1978-1980 the NASL had 24 teams, in 1984 the league folded. I was part of the big soccer phase in the 70's, so I have been there and done that. I have watched the great players of the time play live. The Portland Timbers were the darlings of the league at the height of its glory. Peter Withe, Clive Charles, Mick Poole and so on.

When soccer starts making gains, then we will see, so far it is all talk and nothing else. Comeback and we will talk when it moves from 5th to 4th.
Chinese Fire Drill

The average major-league soccer game only has three scores. A 2 to 1 baseball game or 14 to 7 football game once in a while may in itself be worth watching, but to average that for a season would send Americans away in droves. I guess Third Worlders and Eurotrash can patiently put up with that stupor, while Americans want to watch an activity.
Activity ? Lol baseball is the most boring sport out there. people are on their phones stuffing their mouths, football? Well 2 sec play and 5 mins commercials.
LOL soccer players are one the fittest athletes on earth. You have to Sprint numerous times, jog, tackle pass, kick, nonstop for 90 mins, if it goes to extra time it's 120 mins.
A sport that has overweight players shouldn't be called a sport, I'm sorry, both baseball and football are very boring and that's why they didn't make it passed north America.
Soccer has over 3 billions fans.

Baseball is huge in Japan, you seem to be ignorant about sports. Glad you like soccer, it’s a great sport but it will never be the number one sport in the US. You have no proof outside of a few international games played in this country that the interest level is anywhere close to even hockey, a Canadian and Russian sport. Hockey is the fourth largest sport. Again, your claims that soccer is the fastest growing sport in America is fine and dandy, it has been the fastest growing sport for 40 plus years and still is number five in this country. So for a fast growing sport, it has made little progress. The TV ratings, the attendance for games is still far below the big three and auto racing has bigger ratings and attendance than soccer.

Demographics going forward will push soccer to pass both NFL and MLB. And trust me Soccer is a very good choice, not only it keeps the kids fit, but also everyone can play it, you don't have to be super fast, or super tall, or super fat and big to be able to play it. So it give an equal opportunity to kids that wanna practice it.

world cup for example is watched by over a billion all over the world....the super bowl? 100 million or so. Baseball was number 1 before, than NFL took over...Soccer all the stats showing it's moving up as the demographics are changing....Immigrants encourage kids to play sports that they are fimilair with and soccer comes in the first spot, it's also cheap to practice it.

Youth Soccer has more participants than football and Baseball.

The 2015 Women’s World Cup generated $40 million in ad revenue for Fox. That is more than double the projections. It outperformed the Stanley Cup Final, World Series and NBA Finals.

In 1998 there were only10 major MLS teams now there are 22 and more to come.

Again, 40 years ago soccer was the fastest growing sport in the US. Again, 40 years ago we heard how soccer would be the number one sport in the US in 20 years, it didn't happen in 20 and hasn't happened in 40 and now you want us to believe it will happen in 60? In 1968 the NASL started, in 1978-1980 the NASL had 24 teams, in 1984 the league folded. I was part of the big soccer phase in the 70's, so I have been there and done that. I have watched the great players of the time play live. The Portland Timbers were the darlings of the league at the height of its glory. Peter Withe, Clive Charles, Mick Poole and so on.

When soccer starts making gains, then we will see, so far it is all talk and nothing else. Comeback and we will talk when it moves from 5th to 4th.
Chinese Fire Drill

The average major-league soccer game only has three scores. A 2 to 1 baseball game or 14 to 7 football game once in a while may in itself be worth watching, but to average that for a season would send Americans away in droves. I guess Third Worlders and Eurotrash can patiently put up with that stupor, while Americans want to watch an activity.
Activity ? Lol baseball is the most boring sport out there. people are on their phones stuffing their mouths, football? Well 2 sec play and 5 mins commercials.

That is only your opinion and seems to be a minority opinion at that. Baseball has international appeal, whether you like it or not is irrelevant.

Do you have anything other than your opinion to show that baseball is boring or that soccer is going to surpass American football in 20 years? Or are you going to spout more unsubstantiated bs?
Baseball is huge in Japan, you seem to be ignorant about sports. Glad you like soccer, it’s a great sport but it will never be the number one sport in the US. You have no proof outside of a few international games played in this country that the interest level is anywhere close to even hockey, a Canadian and Russian sport. Hockey is the fourth largest sport. Again, your claims that soccer is the fastest growing sport in America is fine and dandy, it has been the fastest growing sport for 40 plus years and still is number five in this country. So for a fast growing sport, it has made little progress. The TV ratings, the attendance for games is still far below the big three and auto racing has bigger ratings and attendance than soccer.

Demographics going forward will push soccer to pass both NFL and MLB. And trust me Soccer is a very good choice, not only it keeps the kids fit, but also everyone can play it, you don't have to be super fast, or super tall, or super fat and big to be able to play it. So it give an equal opportunity to kids that wanna practice it.

world cup for example is watched by over a billion all over the world....the super bowl? 100 million or so. Baseball was number 1 before, than NFL took over...Soccer all the stats showing it's moving up as the demographics are changing....Immigrants encourage kids to play sports that they are fimilair with and soccer comes in the first spot, it's also cheap to practice it.

Youth Soccer has more participants than football and Baseball.

The 2015 Women’s World Cup generated $40 million in ad revenue for Fox. That is more than double the projections. It outperformed the Stanley Cup Final, World Series and NBA Finals.

In 1998 there were only10 major MLS teams now there are 22 and more to come.

Again, 40 years ago soccer was the fastest growing sport in the US. Again, 40 years ago we heard how soccer would be the number one sport in the US in 20 years, it didn't happen in 20 and hasn't happened in 40 and now you want us to believe it will happen in 60? In 1968 the NASL started, in 1978-1980 the NASL had 24 teams, in 1984 the league folded. I was part of the big soccer phase in the 70's, so I have been there and done that. I have watched the great players of the time play live. The Portland Timbers were the darlings of the league at the height of its glory. Peter Withe, Clive Charles, Mick Poole and so on.

When soccer starts making gains, then we will see, so far it is all talk and nothing else. Comeback and we will talk when it moves from 5th to 4th.
Chinese Fire Drill

The average major-league soccer game only has three scores. A 2 to 1 baseball game or 14 to 7 football game once in a while may in itself be worth watching, but to average that for a season would send Americans away in droves. I guess Third Worlders and Eurotrash can patiently put up with that stupor, while Americans want to watch an activity.
Activity ? Lol baseball is the most boring sport out there. people are on their phones stuffing their mouths, football? Well 2 sec play and 5 mins commercials.

That is only your opinion and seems to be a minority opinion at that. Baseball has international appeal, whether you like it or not is irrelevant.

Do you have anything other than your opinion to show that baseball is boring or that soccer is going to surpass American football in 20 years? Or are you going to spout more unsubstantiated bs?
No you won't be around when whites will be a minority and soccer is number one. So go on and enjoy the rest of your days.
Demographics going forward will push soccer to pass both NFL and MLB. And trust me Soccer is a very good choice, not only it keeps the kids fit, but also everyone can play it, you don't have to be super fast, or super tall, or super fat and big to be able to play it. So it give an equal opportunity to kids that wanna practice it.

world cup for example is watched by over a billion all over the world....the super bowl? 100 million or so. Baseball was number 1 before, than NFL took over...Soccer all the stats showing it's moving up as the demographics are changing....Immigrants encourage kids to play sports that they are fimilair with and soccer comes in the first spot, it's also cheap to practice it.

Youth Soccer has more participants than football and Baseball.

The 2015 Women’s World Cup generated $40 million in ad revenue for Fox. That is more than double the projections. It outperformed the Stanley Cup Final, World Series and NBA Finals.

In 1998 there were only10 major MLS teams now there are 22 and more to come.

Again, 40 years ago soccer was the fastest growing sport in the US. Again, 40 years ago we heard how soccer would be the number one sport in the US in 20 years, it didn't happen in 20 and hasn't happened in 40 and now you want us to believe it will happen in 60? In 1968 the NASL started, in 1978-1980 the NASL had 24 teams, in 1984 the league folded. I was part of the big soccer phase in the 70's, so I have been there and done that. I have watched the great players of the time play live. The Portland Timbers were the darlings of the league at the height of its glory. Peter Withe, Clive Charles, Mick Poole and so on.

When soccer starts making gains, then we will see, so far it is all talk and nothing else. Comeback and we will talk when it moves from 5th to 4th.
Chinese Fire Drill

The average major-league soccer game only has three scores. A 2 to 1 baseball game or 14 to 7 football game once in a while may in itself be worth watching, but to average that for a season would send Americans away in droves. I guess Third Worlders and Eurotrash can patiently put up with that stupor, while Americans want to watch an activity.
Activity ? Lol baseball is the most boring sport out there. people are on their phones stuffing their mouths, football? Well 2 sec play and 5 mins commercials.

That is only your opinion and seems to be a minority opinion at that. Baseball has international appeal, whether you like it or not is irrelevant.

Do you have anything other than your opinion to show that baseball is boring or that soccer is going to surpass American football in 20 years? Or are you going to spout more unsubstantiated bs?
No you won't be around when whites will be a minority and soccer is number one. So go on and enjoy the rest of your days.

You are right because it will never happen. I’m not sure why you are such a liar and then when called out on your obvious lies then you get nasty. You must not be a practicing Muslim, because practicing Muslims don’t lie like you do, nor are they mean spirited. You are an ass.

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