NFL National Anthem Controversy Summed Up

There should be no tolerance for opposing views using the forum of the national anthem.

Protest by not showing up to play the game. I bet that will make for some good headlines!

The hypocrisy of the NFL is also on display. Want to wear a message on your headband? Oh, no! We cannot allow that because our advertisers pay us to wear their stuff!

Want to show disrespect for our nation during the national anthem? Go right ahead. That's a freedom of speech issue.
Putting limits on freedom of expression is something the Regressives do too.

It seems like there's always an excuse for shutting down opposing speech.

I am unsure (as per usual) as to your position. You talk circles around a topic. Are you saying that preventing someone from protesting at their job is shutting down opposing speech? If that is the case, go talk to your boss and see if they agree!
I'm extremely consistent, and no more so than this topic.

I believe in freedom of expression. If they want to make this "statement", let them. Disagree with them, great. But trying to punish them in some way for doing it is not exactly going to change their mind.

Does the shutting down of a conservative from speaking at a college change your mind? Nope. In fact, it probably makes you even more resolute on that topic.

This ain't complicated for me. If I see a problem, I want to fix it, not make it worse. Screaming at each other and trying to shut each other up only makes it worse.

Who said I want to change their mind? They can protest after the game anytime they want. It is not the protest. Everyone has that right and the right to prove themselves stupid beyond any doubt.

If they want to peacefully protest outside a police headquarters if that is stuck in their craw, great! If they want to march down a city street, go for it! If they want to dress up as pussies and walk down the National Mall, more power to them!

Protesting the national anthem by disrespect at an NFL game, NBA, game, NHL game, Little League, Pop Warner league, etc. is unacceptable. They are playing a game,. Protests have no place.

I want to see all the liberals crying when teams start protesting by kneeling at the 50 yard-line and holding a prayer. Then we can say, "Hey, you started it!"
While on contract they have limits on what they can do and still get a pay check.

I seem to recall from many years back, a NFL, a player was dismissed from the team, lost all of his money, and wound up penny-less for violating his contract by getting injured in a motorcycle accident. They have many limits on their conduct, but I guess the NFL is bowing to the PC crowd and letting them get by with breaking their rules.

Summed up? Considering the human calamities and dangers happening around us, and this nation seems to be absolutely fixated on this non-issue, I sum it up by saying simplistic and weak minds are easy to manipulate.

You really should seek help for these self-esteem issues.
There should be no tolerance for opposing views using the forum of the national anthem.

Protest by not showing up to play the game. I bet that will make for some good headlines!

The hypocrisy of the NFL is also on display. Want to wear a message on your headband? Oh, no! We cannot allow that because our advertisers pay us to wear their stuff!

Want to show disrespect for our nation during the national anthem? Go right ahead. That's a freedom of speech issue.
Putting limits on freedom of expression is something the Regressives do too.

It seems like there's always an excuse for shutting down opposing speech.

I am unsure (as per usual) as to your position. You talk circles around a topic. Are you saying that preventing someone from protesting at their job is shutting down opposing speech? If that is the case, go talk to your boss and see if they agree!
I'm extremely consistent, and no more so than this topic.

I believe in freedom of expression. If they want to make this "statement", let them. Disagree with them, great. But trying to punish them in some way for doing it is not exactly going to change their mind.

Does the shutting down of a conservative from speaking at a college change your mind? Nope. In fact, it probably makes you even more resolute on that topic.

This ain't complicated for me. If I see a problem, I want to fix it, not make it worse. Screaming at each other and trying to shut each other up only makes it worse.
I think you miss the entire point. no one has ever said they don't have a right to do what they do. But everyone has a right not to like what they do. And voice an opinion about it. why are you against opposition comment? I don't get your infantile position in that. BTW, it would be nice if they actually did care about something, like playing fking football and win games and be successful. If they wish to be a professional protester go for it, hang up the cleats and go. again, no one is saying they ain't got a right, but maybe it makes more sense to let everyone know what it is you're against and how it pertains to the event about to be played. just saying.
Oh my. Sorry for being infantile, I'll certainly try to increase my comments to your prodigious intellectual level.

This is precisely the argument I get from the Regressive Left. "We're just voicing our opinion", when they're actually trying to do more than that. Trump said that player who protests like this is a "son of a bitch" and should be fired. And the crowd cheered. That's exactly what a Regressive would do. Punish and intimidate.

Those are his words, not mine. So my point remains: Not sure why you folks are so eager to act like the Regressives.
well the fans pay their salary. and in my world is their boss. so technically, he was saying fk em to anyone who was listening and don't pay to watch that nonsense that is anti american. see you don't even want me to make that statement. In my opinion it is. But you'll be bitchin at me about how I shouldn't say that. well fk off, I'll give my opinion just like you did. and yes your post was infantile.
Putting limits on freedom of expression is something the Regressives do too.

It seems like there's always an excuse for shutting down opposing speech.

I am unsure (as per usual) as to your position. You talk circles around a topic. Are you saying that preventing someone from protesting at their job is shutting down opposing speech? If that is the case, go talk to your boss and see if they agree!
I'm extremely consistent, and no more so than this topic.

I believe in freedom of expression. If they want to make this "statement", let them. Disagree with them, great. But trying to punish them in some way for doing it is not exactly going to change their mind.

Does the shutting down of a conservative from speaking at a college change your mind? Nope. In fact, it probably makes you even more resolute on that topic.

This ain't complicated for me. If I see a problem, I want to fix it, not make it worse. Screaming at each other and trying to shut each other up only makes it worse.
I think you miss the entire point. no one has ever said they don't have a right to do what they do. But everyone has a right not to like what they do. And voice an opinion about it. why are you against opposition comment? I don't get your infantile position in that. BTW, it would be nice if they actually did care about something, like playing fking football and win games and be successful. If they wish to be a professional protester go for it, hang up the cleats and go. again, no one is saying they ain't got a right, but maybe it makes more sense to let everyone know what it is you're against and how it pertains to the event about to be played. just saying.
Oh my. Sorry for being infantile, I'll certainly try to increase my comments to your prodigious intellectual level.

This is precisely the argument I get from the Regressive Left. "We're just voicing our opinion", when they're actually trying to do more than that. Trump said that player who protests like this is a "son of a bitch" and should be fired. And the crowd cheered. That's exactly what a Regressive would do. Punish and intimidate.

Those are his words, not mine. So my point remains: Not sure why you folks are so eager to act like the Regressives.
well the fans pay their salary. and in my world is their boss. so technically, he was saying fk em to anyone who was listening and don't pay to watch that nonsense that is anti american. see you don't even want me to make that statement. In my opinion it is. But you'll be bitchin at me about how I shouldn't say that. well fk off, I'll give my opinion just like you did. and yes you post was infantile.
"see you don't even want me to make that statement. In my opinion it is. But you'll be bitchin at me about how I shouldn't say that."

Nope, I've never said anything of the kind. Straw man arguments. Always a good sign, thanks.
Credit Trump for the increase in players protesting the National Anthem

So, he comments on them protesting so they protest a song? Fucking twits.

He commented on the protest, and it was pretty apparent from his tweets that he was pretty upset about it.

I mean..............there are lots of you conservatives who are happy that Trump is making the left go spinning in circles, even if his only accomplishment thus far is appointing a SC judge to the court. I've seen the comments posted on these boards where a lot of conservatives have said that all Trump has to do to be a success in their eyes is piss off liberals.

Well, there are lots of liberals out there who want to piss off Trump, and it looks like they are doing just that, by protesting the anthem.

What's even funnier, is it makes the Trumptards go bananas, which is even better.
You know, this whole debate is really kinda stupid. Why? Because they aren't doing their protest for the whole game, just during the time the anthem is being played. It could be worse..................they could be burning flags on the sidelines.

But, it's only a half to a minute of time in a game that lasts for several hours. And, they don't keep up the protest during the game. Shoot, the players didn't even show up on the field for the national anthem until 2009. Why? Because it was a marketing ploy designed to make sports look more "patriotic".

Late last month, as the country was only just becoming consumed by Colin Kaepernick, Tom E. Curran of Comcast Sportsnet New England reported that, actually, NFL players did not typically stand for the national anthem until 2009. Somehow this escaped many of us until, uh, Stephen A. Smith highlighted it this morning on First Take.

Responding to a tip from one of his "boys," Smith brought up the fact that until 2009—eight years and a new Presidential administration after 9/11—players weren't on the field for the national anthem and instead generally remained in the locker room. According to Smith's boy (and the researcher at ESPN who checked it), the switch happened "because it was seen as a marketing strategy to make the athletes look more patriotic."

Stephen A. Smith Points Out NFL's Paid Patriotism Problem

And, what Trump said in defending his comments was pretty laughable as well. He said as president he's supposed to defend the flag. No, as president he is supposed to support and defend the CONSTITUTION against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

If you want to stand, stand. If you want to kneel, kneel. Either way it's free speech protected by the Constitution, and it doesn't really have any effect on the game one way or the other. It's just a molehill that has been molded into a mountain.

No, it is not free speech.That is where the PC crowd is making their error.

If that were true, I want to see a Dallas Cowboy kneel this week and when he gets fired by the owner, I want to see how long it takes for the lawsuit to be laughed out of court!
Putting limits on freedom of expression is something the Regressives do too.

It seems like there's always an excuse for shutting down opposing speech.

I am unsure (as per usual) as to your position. You talk circles around a topic. Are you saying that preventing someone from protesting at their job is shutting down opposing speech? If that is the case, go talk to your boss and see if they agree!
I'm extremely consistent, and no more so than this topic.

I believe in freedom of expression. If they want to make this "statement", let them. Disagree with them, great. But trying to punish them in some way for doing it is not exactly going to change their mind.

Does the shutting down of a conservative from speaking at a college change your mind? Nope. In fact, it probably makes you even more resolute on that topic.

This ain't complicated for me. If I see a problem, I want to fix it, not make it worse. Screaming at each other and trying to shut each other up only makes it worse.

Who said I want to change their mind? They can protest after the game anytime they want. It is not the protest. Everyone has that right and the right to prove themselves stupid beyond any doubt.

If they want to peacefully protest outside a police headquarters if that is stuck in their craw, great! If they want to march down a city street, go for it! If they want to dress up as pussies and walk down the National Mall, more power to them!

Protesting the national anthem by disrespect at an NFL game, NBA, game, NHL game, Little League, Pop Warner league, etc. is unacceptable. They are playing a game,. Protests have no place.

I want to see all the liberals crying when teams start protesting by kneeling at the 50 yard-line and holding a prayer. Then we can say, "Hey, you started it!"
While on contract they have limits on what they can do and still get a pay check.

I seem to recall from many years back, a NFL, a player was dismissed from the team, lost all of his money, and wound up penny-less for violating his contract by getting injured in a motorcycle accident. They have many limits on their conduct, but I guess the NFL is bowing to the PC crowd and letting them get by with breaking their rules.

You guys do know that NFL players didn't start coming out on the field and standing for the anthem until around 2009, right? It was done as a marketing ploy to make the NFL look more "patriotic" and sell them to the American people.
I am unsure (as per usual) as to your position. You talk circles around a topic. Are you saying that preventing someone from protesting at their job is shutting down opposing speech? If that is the case, go talk to your boss and see if they agree!
I'm extremely consistent, and no more so than this topic.

I believe in freedom of expression. If they want to make this "statement", let them. Disagree with them, great. But trying to punish them in some way for doing it is not exactly going to change their mind.

Does the shutting down of a conservative from speaking at a college change your mind? Nope. In fact, it probably makes you even more resolute on that topic.

This ain't complicated for me. If I see a problem, I want to fix it, not make it worse. Screaming at each other and trying to shut each other up only makes it worse.
I think you miss the entire point. no one has ever said they don't have a right to do what they do. But everyone has a right not to like what they do. And voice an opinion about it. why are you against opposition comment? I don't get your infantile position in that. BTW, it would be nice if they actually did care about something, like playing fking football and win games and be successful. If they wish to be a professional protester go for it, hang up the cleats and go. again, no one is saying they ain't got a right, but maybe it makes more sense to let everyone know what it is you're against and how it pertains to the event about to be played. just saying.
Oh my. Sorry for being infantile, I'll certainly try to increase my comments to your prodigious intellectual level.

This is precisely the argument I get from the Regressive Left. "We're just voicing our opinion", when they're actually trying to do more than that. Trump said that player who protests like this is a "son of a bitch" and should be fired. And the crowd cheered. That's exactly what a Regressive would do. Punish and intimidate.

Those are his words, not mine. So my point remains: Not sure why you folks are so eager to act like the Regressives.
well the fans pay their salary. and in my world is their boss. so technically, he was saying fk em to anyone who was listening and don't pay to watch that nonsense that is anti american. see you don't even want me to make that statement. In my opinion it is. But you'll be bitchin at me about how I shouldn't say that. well fk off, I'll give my opinion just like you did. and yes you post was infantile.
"see you don't even want me to make that statement. In my opinion it is. But you'll be bitchin at me about how I shouldn't say that."

Nope, I've never said anything of the kind. Straw man arguments. Always a good sign, thanks.
that's what you posted tank and why it was infantile.
Kaepernick is a national hero

An under-achieving, under-talented, attention-seeking out-of-work football player who condemned the entire nation, our flag, our national anthem and all that they stand for because of the actions of a small segment of our population is a 'National Hero'?

Can you set that 'bar' any LOWER?

George Washington
Clara Barton
Neil Armstrong
Martin Luther King
Abraham Lincoln
Alvin York
Jesse Owens
Pat Tillman
Audie Murphy
John Glen
Jackie Robinson
John F Kennedy

..and you want to put Collin Kaepernick in that category?

Tell you what - since he has lots of time on his hands now that he doesn't have a job. Instead of taking a knee or sitting around on his ass, why doesn't he go to Chicago and join 77-year old Sister Donna Liette actually DO SOMETHING to end violence?

This 77-year-old Chicago nun is on a mission to fight violence in her neighborhood

"A 77-year-old Chicago nun is working to end violence in her neighborhood by bringing neighbors together, and she told NBC’s Megyn Kelly on Monday that God is protecting her.

Community in a dangerous neighborhood
Sister Donna Liette works in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood, an area Kelly called “one of America’s toughest neighborhoods.” She works with teenage boys — many of whom have been victims of gun violence — as well as their mothers."

Any punk-ass attention-seeker can take a knee. Others actually get up and go to WORK trying to make a difference. THEY - like Sister Donna Liette - are the REAL 'American heroes'.
I am unsure (as per usual) as to your position. You talk circles around a topic. Are you saying that preventing someone from protesting at their job is shutting down opposing speech? If that is the case, go talk to your boss and see if they agree!
I'm extremely consistent, and no more so than this topic.

I believe in freedom of expression. If they want to make this "statement", let them. Disagree with them, great. But trying to punish them in some way for doing it is not exactly going to change their mind.

Does the shutting down of a conservative from speaking at a college change your mind? Nope. In fact, it probably makes you even more resolute on that topic.

This ain't complicated for me. If I see a problem, I want to fix it, not make it worse. Screaming at each other and trying to shut each other up only makes it worse.

Who said I want to change their mind? They can protest after the game anytime they want. It is not the protest. Everyone has that right and the right to prove themselves stupid beyond any doubt.

If they want to peacefully protest outside a police headquarters if that is stuck in their craw, great! If they want to march down a city street, go for it! If they want to dress up as pussies and walk down the National Mall, more power to them!

Protesting the national anthem by disrespect at an NFL game, NBA, game, NHL game, Little League, Pop Warner league, etc. is unacceptable. They are playing a game,. Protests have no place.

I want to see all the liberals crying when teams start protesting by kneeling at the 50 yard-line and holding a prayer. Then we can say, "Hey, you started it!"
While on contract they have limits on what they can do and still get a pay check.

I seem to recall from many years back, a NFL, a player was dismissed from the team, lost all of his money, and wound up penny-less for violating his contract by getting injured in a motorcycle accident. They have many limits on their conduct, but I guess the NFL is bowing to the PC crowd and letting them get by with breaking their rules.

You guys do know that NFL players didn't start coming out on the field and standing for the anthem until around 2009, right? It was done as a marketing ploy to make the NFL look more "patriotic" and sell them to the American people.

Good! If they want to keep the entire team inside, great! Just make it a rule across the board for the whole NFL so you libtards will stop bitching about their precious rights of free speech, which you just proved they did not have.
Putting limits on freedom of expression is something the Regressives do too.

It seems like there's always an excuse for shutting down opposing speech.

I am unsure (as per usual) as to your position. You talk circles around a topic. Are you saying that preventing someone from protesting at their job is shutting down opposing speech? If that is the case, go talk to your boss and see if they agree!
I'm extremely consistent, and no more so than this topic.

I believe in freedom of expression. If they want to make this "statement", let them. Disagree with them, great. But trying to punish them in some way for doing it is not exactly going to change their mind.

Does the shutting down of a conservative from speaking at a college change your mind? Nope. In fact, it probably makes you even more resolute on that topic.

This ain't complicated for me. If I see a problem, I want to fix it, not make it worse. Screaming at each other and trying to shut each other up only makes it worse.

Who said I want to change their mind? They can protest after the game anytime they want. It is not the protest. Everyone has that right and the right to prove themselves stupid beyond any doubt.

If they want to peacefully protest outside a police headquarters if that is stuck in their craw, great! If they want to march down a city street, go for it! If they want to dress up as pussies and walk down the National Mall, more power to them!

Protesting the national anthem by disrespect at an NFL game, NBA, game, NHL game, Little League, Pop Warner league, etc. is unacceptable. They are playing a game,. Protests have no place.

I want to see all the liberals crying when teams start protesting by kneeling at the 50 yard-line and holding a prayer. Then we can say, "Hey, you started it!"
While on contract they have limits on what they can do and still get a pay check.

I seem to recall from many years back, a NFL, a player was dismissed from the team, lost all of his money, and wound up penny-less for violating his contract by getting injured in a motorcycle accident. They have many limits on their conduct, but I guess the NFL is bowing to the PC crowd and letting them get by with breaking their rules.
Yep, QB Steelers.

Not sure now, but as of just a few years ago teams had a strict dress code on team travel, ties and suits.
Credit Trump for the increase in players protesting the National Anthem

So, he comments on them protesting so they protest a song? Fucking twits.

He commented on the protest, and it was pretty apparent from his tweets that he was pretty upset about it.

I mean..............there are lots of you conservatives who are happy that Trump is making the left go spinning in circles, even if his only accomplishment thus far is appointing a SC judge to the court. I've seen the comments posted on these boards where a lot of conservatives have said that all Trump has to do to be a success in their eyes is piss off liberals.

Well, there are lots of liberals out there who want to piss off Trump, and it looks like they are doing just that, by protesting the anthem.

What's even funnier, is it makes the Trumptards go bananas, which is even better.

All I am saying is, it's pretty retarded to protest the national anthem because you don't like Trump. The disconnect is breathtaking.
Kaepernick is a national hero

An under-achieving, under-talented, attention-seeking out-of-work football player who condemned the entire nation ,our flag, and our national anthem and all that they stand for because of the actions of a small segment of our population is a 'National Hero'?

Can you set that 'bar' any LOWER?

George Washington
Clara Barton
Neil Armstrong
Martin Luther King
Abraham Lincoln
Alvin York
Jesse Owens
Pat Tillman
Audie Murphy
John Glen
Jackie Robinson
John F Kennedy

..and you want to put Collin Kaepernick in that category?

Tell you what - since he has lots of time on his hands now that he doesn't have a job. Instead of taking a knee or sitting around on his ass, why doesn't he go to Chicago and join 77-year old Sister Donna Liette actually DO SOMETHING to end violence?

This 77-year-old Chicago nun is on a mission to fight violence in her neighborhood

"A 77-year-old Chicago nun is working to end violence in her neighborhood by bringing neighbors together, and she told NBC’s Megyn Kelly on Monday that God is protecting her.

Community in a dangerous neighborhood
Sister Donna Liette works in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood, an area Kelly called “one of America’s toughest neighborhoods.” She works with teenage boys — many of whom have been victims of gun violence — as well as their mothers."

Any punk-ass attention seeker can take a knee. Others actually get up and go to WORK trying to make a difference. THEY - like Sister Donna Liette - are the REAL 'American heroes'.
Ya, but that nun working in the slums of Chicago is a coward compared to the brave Kaepernick.
How the hell do we deserve athletes? Granted, celebrity trends come and go but all we want from an athlete is to win. When they behave inappropriately and treat the Country that has been so good to them with disrespect they are disrespected in turn.
The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans
The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

Take some time to educate yourselves on how "blacks" were treated fighting for democracy and then how long it took them to get to the "civil rights" of the 1960's.
And you talk about patriotism , maybe just from one perspective.
Little history reading goes a long way.
Kneeling during the "National Anthem" is a minimal reaction to the injustice some "Americans" have had to endure. Comparatively!
"After the Armistice, black veterans returning home were greeted not with recognition of their civil rights but, instead, with an intense wave of discrimination and hostility."

"Black soldiers stationed at military bases in the segregated South were forbidden from eating in restaurants that opened their doors to German prisoners of war."
Kaepernick is a national hero

An under-achieving, under-talented, attention-seeking out-of-work football player who condemned the entire nation, our flag, our national anthem and all that they stand for because of the actions of a small segment of our population is a 'National Hero'?

Can you set that 'bar' any LOWER?

George Washington
Clara Barton
Neil Armstrong
Martin Luther King
Abraham Lincoln
Alvin York
Jesse Owens
Pat Tillman
Audie Murphy
John Glen
Jackie Robinson
John F Kennedy

..and you want to put Collin Kaepernick in that category?

Tell you what - since he has lots of time on his hands now that he doesn't have a job. Instead of taking a knee or sitting around on his ass, why doesn't he go to Chicago and join 77-year old Sister Donna Liette actually DO SOMETHING to end violence?

This 77-year-old Chicago nun is on a mission to fight violence in her neighborhood

"A 77-year-old Chicago nun is working to end violence in her neighborhood by bringing neighbors together, and she told NBC’s Megyn Kelly on Monday that God is protecting her.

Community in a dangerous neighborhood
Sister Donna Liette works in Chicago’s Back of the Yards neighborhood, an area Kelly called “one of America’s toughest neighborhoods.” She works with teenage boys — many of whom have been victims of gun violence — as well as their mothers."

Any punk-ass attention-seeker can take a knee. Others actually get up and go to WORK trying to make a difference. THEY - like Sister Donna Liette - are the REAL 'American heroes'.
without drawing attention to herself. she doesn't need to stand up and say look at me!!!!
Credit Trump for the increase in players protesting the National Anthem

So, he comments on them protesting so they protest a song? Fucking twits.

He commented on the protest, and it was pretty apparent from his tweets that he was pretty upset about it.

I mean..............there are lots of you conservatives who are happy that Trump is making the left go spinning in circles, even if his only accomplishment thus far is appointing a SC judge to the court. I've seen the comments posted on these boards where a lot of conservatives have said that all Trump has to do to be a success in their eyes is piss off liberals.

Well, there are lots of liberals out there who want to piss off Trump, and it looks like they are doing just that, by protesting the anthem.

What's even funnier, is it makes the Trumptards go bananas, which is even better.

All I am saying is, it's pretty retarded to protest the national anthem because you don't like Trump. The disconnect is breathtaking.

What disconnect? Trump is the direct representative and face of this country, and the national anthem is the song that represents this country.

Protesting during the national anthem because you don't like the way some things are done in this country or because you don't like who is running the country sounds like the perfect time to do so.
The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans
The Tragic, Forgotten History of Black Military Veterans

Take some time to educate yourselves on how "blacks" were treated fighting for democracy and then how long it took them to get to the "civil rights" of the 1960's.
And you talk about patriotism , maybe just from one perspective.
Little history reading goes a long way.
Kneeling during the "National Anthem" is a minimal reaction to the injustice some "Americans" have had to endure. Comparatively!
Tuskegee Airmen - Wikipedia
"The Tuskegee Airmen /tʌsˈkiːɡiː/[1] is the popular name of a group of African-American military pilots (fighter and bomber) who fought in World War II. Officially, they formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the United States Army Air Forces. The name also applies to the navigators, bombardiers, mechanics, instructors, crew chiefs, nurses, cooks and other support personnel for the pilots.

All black military pilots who trained in the United States trained at Moton Field, the Tuskegee Army Air Field, and were educated at Tuskegee University, located near Tuskegee, Alabama. The group included five Haitians from the Haitian Air Force, and one pilot from Trinidad.[2]"

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