NFL ratings tanking and the msm media wont tell you this.LOL

....I seldom come here anymore.when i do,its just to talk about the good old days like when the Rams were still in LA for so many years.:2up:
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That season was rigged. Remember they screwed Kansas City and helped the rams win during the playoffs? But Kansas city owner was ok with it because the next year it was scripted that Kansas City would win.

I wonder who’s gonna win this year?

there is ALSO this link i saw that i cant find now that was posted just a week ago saying that the ratings for NFL games are now on par with basketball ratings which has dipped to an all time low as worst ever in its history.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I cant believe the sheep here that STILL watch this crap every week always seeing threads say like SEATTLE AT BUFFALO. oh my god. incredible people want to watch a game with cardboard cutouts in the stands.incredible is all i can say to that.:rolleyes-41: the fans were the thing that always made itFUN to watch the games.the costumes you saw them wear.

I honestly could not tell you if the Rams won sunday or if they even have a winning season this year. I dont give a crap anymore,not when we are living in dangerous times as we are.

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet. :rolleyes-41:

I know I will make everybody mad in this section but thats okay.I seldom come here anymore.when i do,its just to talk about the good old days like when the Rams were still in LA for so many years.:2up:

I was a die hard NFL fan until Commie Kapaernick came along. I wouldn't walk across the room to turn on a professional or college sport anymore. Let these loud-mouthed primadonnas go out and get real jobs like the rest of us. It is moronic to be paid millions of $$ and then complain about being oppressed--I should be so oppressed. College athletes that can't write a coherent sentence demanding pay for their image? Screw them. Pay for your education and get a real job. I hope all of these sports go belly up.

If it weren’t for social Wedge issues most republicans would be democrats.

The gop favors kappernick financially. He doesn’t vote republican because it’s the party for people who deny social injustices happen. Would you b ok if a cop put his knee on your neck until you died? I can’t breathe

Would you be OK if a thug beat up your pregnant wife? Are you OK with criminals passing phony money and selling dangerous drugs? You are a lemming moron.

there is ALSO this link i saw that i cant find now that was posted just a week ago saying that the ratings for NFL games are now on par with basketball ratings which has dipped to an all time low as worst ever in its history.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I cant believe the sheep here that STILL watch this crap every week always seeing threads say like SEATTLE AT BUFFALO. oh my god. incredible people want to watch a game with cardboard cutouts in the stands.incredible is all i can say to that.:rolleyes-41: the fans were the thing that always made itFUN to watch the games.the costumes you saw them wear.

I honestly could not tell you if the Rams won sunday or if they even have a winning season this year. I dont give a crap anymore,not when we are living in dangerous times as we are.

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet. :rolleyes-41:

I know I will make everybody mad in this section but thats okay.I seldom come here anymore.when i do,its just to talk about the good old days like when the Rams were still in LA for so many years.:2up:

I was a die hard NFL fan until Commie Kapaernick came along. I wouldn't walk across the room to turn on a professional or college sport anymore. Let these loud-mouthed primadonnas go out and get real jobs like the rest of us. It is moronic to be paid millions of $$ and then complain about being oppressed--I should be so oppressed. College athletes that can't write a coherent sentence demanding pay for their image? Screw them. Pay for your education and get a real job. I hope all of these sports go belly up.

If it weren’t for social Wedge issues most republicans would be democrats.

The gop favors kappernick financially. He doesn’t vote republican because it’s the party for people who deny social injustices happen. Would you b ok if a cop put his knee on your neck until you died? I can’t breathe

Would you be OK if a thug beat up your pregnant wife? Are you OK with criminals passing phony money and selling dangerous drugs? You are a lemming moron.

No I’m not defending those people either. You’re defending cops who for 8:46 seconds keep their knee on a mans neck after they have him cuffed and he says he can’t breath but they continue till he dies.

8:46 eight minutes fourth six seconds.
NFL = racist white/cop/America haters
I love it that republicans basically can only watch boring hockey and baseball games. Go ahead. Have those games. I don’t even know who won the last World Series or Stanley cup. Seriously. But I love the nba and nfl. Lots of people do. We don’t need trumpeters.
WOW--what a reply!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you also hate whites/cops/America==we know

there is ALSO this link i saw that i cant find now that was posted just a week ago saying that the ratings for NFL games are now on par with basketball ratings which has dipped to an all time low as worst ever in its history.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I cant believe the sheep here that STILL watch this crap every week always seeing threads say like SEATTLE AT BUFFALO. oh my god. incredible people want to watch a game with cardboard cutouts in the stands.incredible is all i can say to that.:rolleyes-41: the fans were the thing that always made itFUN to watch the games.the costumes you saw them wear.

I honestly could not tell you if the Rams won sunday or if they even have a winning season this year. I dont give a crap anymore,not when we are living in dangerous times as we are.

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet. :rolleyes-41:

I know I will make everybody mad in this section but thats okay.I seldom come here anymore.when i do,its just to talk about the good old days like when the Rams were still in LA for so many years.:2up:

I was a die hard NFL fan until Commie Kapaernick came along. I wouldn't walk across the room to turn on a professional or college sport anymore. Let these loud-mouthed primadonnas go out and get real jobs like the rest of us. It is moronic to be paid millions of $$ and then complain about being oppressed--I should be so oppressed. College athletes that can't write a coherent sentence demanding pay for their image? Screw them. Pay for your education and get a real job. I hope all of these sports go belly up.

If it weren’t for social Wedge issues most republicans would be democrats.

The gop favors kappernick financially. He doesn’t vote republican because it’s the party for people who deny social injustices happen. Would you b ok if a cop put his knee on your neck until you died? I can’t breathe

Would you be OK if a thug beat up your pregnant wife? Are you OK with criminals passing phony money and selling dangerous drugs? You are a lemming moron.

No I’m not defending those people either. You’re defending cops who for 8:46 seconds keep their knee on a mans neck after they have him cuffed and he says he can’t breath but they continue till he dies.

8:46 eight minutes fourth six seconds.

He was a drug-dealing, counterfeiting, wife-beater and you are a fucking idiot not worth my time or another post.
Sooooo, the other day, I picked up a paper to check the headlines, and a sports story about a local team, caught me eye.

I skimmed the first couple of paragraphs and it was interesting. I thought about reading more. But then, I'm like, do I really want to get sucked in, when I know that the league and players are, as a group, anti-American assholes?

So, i decided, FUCK THEM ALL, I am not going to celebrate or support people that have contempt for me.

Fuck them some more.
Sooooo, the other day, I picked up a paper to check the headlines, and a sports story about a local team, caught me eye.

I skimmed the first couple of paragraphs and it was interesting. I thought about reading more. But then, I'm like, do I really want to get sucked in, when I know that the league and players are, as a group, anti-American assholes?

So, i decided, FUCK THEM ALL, I am not going to celebrate or support people that have contempt for me.

Fuck them some more.
I couldn't have said it any better.
Not long ago the NFL was on top with mass appeal all over the nation...then the NFL decided they would like to go global in some way and started having games abroad....that was the beginning of the end for the NFL....then the overpaid players decided to get political...and that turned off millions of people....and now with the pandemic occurring you can't have football parties or go to a sports bar to watch games and even fantasy football interest is slowing....
I just think people have found better things to do with what little time they have....and we do not want to have their fingers in our chest every Sunday...we do not want a bunch of million and billionaires preaching to us...just play and shut the fuck up....or watch the league die around you.....
We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the worlds been turning.

New fans replace you old ones every day. All the kids playing madden football. They don’t care that kappernick took a knee.

I love this game. Even when the lions suck I care to see is kansas city going to repeat? Pittsburgh is undefeated. The saints are looking good. Don’t count Brady out. Maybe even Green Bay.

Youre missing out on a great season. The wheels keep turning.

Detroit is trying to lose right now. But it’s only bears 9 lions 6. We just missed an extra point. Hit one of the uprites. fuckin lions. But I still love it.

Get back to painting or, whatever you’re doing instead of watching football.
Madden football is one of the lowest selling games at bestbuy....always on sale...I know I was just in the store for the 5th time in 10 days....
It's so bad Fox is airing Pro Wrestling right now,,,the others have , Bowling, Snowboarding and golf.
NFL = racist white/cop/America haters
I love it that republicans basically can only watch boring hockey and baseball games. Go ahead. Have those games. I don’t even know who won the last World Series or Stanley cup. Seriously. But I love the nba and nfl. Lots of people do. We don’t need trumpeters.
WOW--what a reply!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you also hate whites/cops/America==we know
My buddy just retired after 25 years of being a cop. I know all about the cops. They need to be reformed and retrained.

What you just did is a bullshit conservative tactic. It’s how you got us to go along with the iraq war. If we didn’t we weren’t supporting the troops.

Remember this tactic didn’t work For u. You lost the election because of that narrative. Blacks showed up to vote trump out because of blm. So yes, I support American civilians who are being brutalized by a militarized police force.

there is ALSO this link i saw that i cant find now that was posted just a week ago saying that the ratings for NFL games are now on par with basketball ratings which has dipped to an all time low as worst ever in its history.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I cant believe the sheep here that STILL watch this crap every week always seeing threads say like SEATTLE AT BUFFALO. oh my god. incredible people want to watch a game with cardboard cutouts in the stands.incredible is all i can say to that.:rolleyes-41: the fans were the thing that always made itFUN to watch the games.the costumes you saw them wear.

I honestly could not tell you if the Rams won sunday or if they even have a winning season this year. I dont give a crap anymore,not when we are living in dangerous times as we are.

Beam me up scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet. :rolleyes-41:

I know I will make everybody mad in this section but thats okay.I seldom come here anymore.when i do,its just to talk about the good old days like when the Rams were still in LA for so many years.:2up:

I was a die hard NFL fan until Commie Kapaernick came along. I wouldn't walk across the room to turn on a professional or college sport anymore. Let these loud-mouthed primadonnas go out and get real jobs like the rest of us. It is moronic to be paid millions of $$ and then complain about being oppressed--I should be so oppressed. College athletes that can't write a coherent sentence demanding pay for their image? Screw them. Pay for your education and get a real job. I hope all of these sports go belly up.

If it weren’t for social Wedge issues most republicans would be democrats.

The gop favors kappernick financially. He doesn’t vote republican because it’s the party for people who deny social injustices happen. Would you b ok if a cop put his knee on your neck until you died? I can’t breathe

Would you be OK if a thug beat up your pregnant wife? Are you OK with criminals passing phony money and selling dangerous drugs? You are a lemming moron.

No I’m not defending those people either. You’re defending cops who for 8:46 seconds keep their knee on a mans neck after they have him cuffed and he says he can’t breath but they continue till he dies.

8:46 eight minutes fourth six seconds.

He was a drug-dealing, counterfeiting, wife-beater and you are a fucking idiot not worth my time or another post.

Of course the citizens cops murder aren’t perfect angels but neither are the whites they pull over and don’t murder.

This is another conservative tactic. Attack the victim. It’s like when a woman is raped you say she shouldn’t have been wearing that dress. Or she was drunk and flirting.
Not long ago the NFL was on top with mass appeal all over the nation...then the NFL decided they would like to go global in some way and started having games abroad....that was the beginning of the end for the NFL....then the overpaid players decided to get political...and that turned off millions of people....and now with the pandemic occurring you can't have football parties or go to a sports bar to watch games and even fantasy football interest is slowing....
I just think people have found better things to do with what little time they have....and we do not want to have their fingers in our chest every Sunday...we do not want a bunch of million and billionaires preaching to us...just play and shut the fuck up....or watch the league die around you.....
We didn’t start the fire. It was always burning since the worlds been turning.

New fans replace you old ones every day. All the kids playing madden football. They don’t care that kappernick took a knee.

I love this game. Even when the lions suck I care to see is kansas city going to repeat? Pittsburgh is undefeated. The saints are looking good. Don’t count Brady out. Maybe even Green Bay.

Youre missing out on a great season. The wheels keep turning.

Detroit is trying to lose right now. But it’s only bears 9 lions 6. We just missed an extra point. Hit one of the uprites. fuckin lions. But I still love it.

Get back to painting or, whatever you’re doing instead of watching football.
Madden football is one of the lowest selling games at bestbuy....always on sale...I know I was just in the store for the 5th time in 10 days....
Ok how about the nba game? Very popular even after blm.

The kids who play these games dont care about taking a knee. They agree with the blacks.
It's so bad Fox is airing Pro Wrestling right now,,,the others have , Bowling, Snowboarding and golf.
I enjoyed yesterday’s football games a lot. Especially Chicago had a chance to make the playoffs and they were up 10 points in the last few minutes of the game when the lions came back. The bears fumbled and we recovered and scored. Crazy. So glad I saw it happen live. Fun shit.

And this after we just fired our head coach because he sucked. Matt Patricia. I’m sure he was hoping we would lose without him because winning without him makes it look like he was the problem.

but you don’t know what I’m talking about because you watch hockey. Lol

NFL = racist white/cop/America haters
I love it that republicans basically can only watch boring hockey and baseball games. Go ahead. Have those games. I don’t even know who won the last World Series or Stanley cup. Seriously. But I love the nba and nfl. Lots of people do. We don’t need trumpeters.
WOW--what a reply!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you also hate whites/cops/America==we know
My buddy just retired after 25 years of being a cop. I know all about the cops. They need to be reformed and retrained.

What you just did is a bullshit conservative tactic. It’s how you got us to go along with the iraq war. If we didn’t we weren’t supporting the troops.

Remember this tactic didn’t work For u. You lost the election because of that narrative. Blacks showed up to vote trump out because of blm. So yes, I support American civilians who are being brutalized by a militarized police force.

Here is what is going to happen with "reforming and retraining" the police.

You dems are going to keep treating the police like the enemy, utterly destroying morale, and any cop that can, will retire ASAP, or move to another career, and so communities will have to dramatically and repeatedly lower standards in an attempt at making recruitment goals.

AND, they will still fail.

AND, the "retraining" is just going to be fucking with the ability of cops to do their job.

SO, you will have underqualified, understaffed, un-motivated and poorly led men, UNDERFUNED, because, DEFUND,

doing increasingly less and less police work, as their focus becomes covering their ass from the witch hunt you people are operating.

Crime is going to spiral out of control. Hell, they will stop counting shit as crime, to try to spin it.

THOUSANDS will die, due to policies you support. And the deaths will only be part of the cost. Overall, society will just suck is some many ways.

By the time people wake up, it will be too late. YOu will have your Minority Majority population, and elections will just be pretend, and there will be no legal, peaceful means to change.
NFL = racist white/cop/America haters
I love it that republicans basically can only watch boring hockey and baseball games. Go ahead. Have those games. I don’t even know who won the last World Series or Stanley cup. Seriously. But I love the nba and nfl. Lots of people do. We don’t need trumpeters.
WOW--what a reply!!!!!!!!!!!! ...............?????!!!!!!!!!!!!
so you also hate whites/cops/America==we know
My buddy just retired after 25 years of being a cop. I know all about the cops. They need to be reformed and retrained.

What you just did is a bullshit conservative tactic. It’s how you got us to go along with the iraq war. If we didn’t we weren’t supporting the troops.

Remember this tactic didn’t work For u. You lost the election because of that narrative. Blacks showed up to vote trump out because of blm. So yes, I support American civilians who are being brutalized by a militarized police force.

Here is what is going to happen with "reforming and retraining" the police.

You dems are going to keep treating the police like the enemy, utterly destroying morale, and any cop that can, will retire ASAP, or move to another career, and so communities will have to dramatically and repeatedly lower standards in an attempt at making recruitment goals.

AND, they will still fail.

AND, the "retraining" is just going to be fucking with the ability of cops to do their job.

SO, you will have underqualified, understaffed, un-motivated and poorly led men, UNDERFUNED, because, DEFUND,

doing increasingly less and less police work, as their focus becomes covering their ass from the witch hunt you people are operating.

Crime is going to spiral out of control. Hell, they will stop counting shit as crime, to try to spin it.

THOUSANDS will die, due to policies you support. And the deaths will only be part of the cost. Overall, society will just suck is some many ways.

By the time people wake up, it will be too late. YOu will have your Minority Majority population, and elections will just be pretend, and there will be no legal, peaceful means to change.
If they are unwilling to be retrained they should retire.

There are tons of colleges with tons of criminal justice majors who will gladly take their jobs and do better at it.

There are tons of colleges with tons of criminal justice majors who will gladly take their jobs and do better at it.

Bullshit. Fewer and fewer capable people will be willing to take a job where they will be vilified for trying to do the work, vilified if they don't do the work perfectly, and if they are very lucky only shot while trying to protect and serve ungrateful, shit-flinging douche bags.

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