Nice Diversion

Hardly true

Our President is taking the lead on Worldwide sanctions
Great to see the US is BACK!
Damn you just could not be more wrong but hey no one said you could not be the comic cheerleader on the board
Conservatives……Pay no attention to Putin’s invasion and massacres of civilians

Are they our citizens? What about the ones killed by illegals? How about the out of control crime? That is by design. Fucking virtue signaling about someone you don't give a shit about impresses no one.
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The war in the Ukraine is just the latest diversion from Biden and Son
Everyone look oveer here Biden vs Putin meanwhile back in the US
The borders are still wide open
The supply chain is just as bad as it was
Gas is getting more expensive
Inflation is running wild
but please ignore these while Biden is busy calling Putin names


Defcon 2 and 10% inflation

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