Nice ladies are leaving the Democratic Party...

Look how arrogant the liberal pigs in this thread are. They refuse to accept that the Dem. party's massive hatemongering, violence against innocents, fanatically self-hating Americans, treason, etc., just might be repulsive and objectionable to the more moderate Democrats. These liberal pigs are so bereft of self-awareness, they actually think EVERYONE agrees with their fanatical, self-hating-American bloodthirst.

Years ago, while young and idealistic and naive, I used to be a Democrat myself. After seeing their recent "work" I wouldn't vote for that bloodthirsty, treasonous, party of animals again if I lived enough billions of years to see the sun's red giant stage.
I'm a middle democrat and I understand the push and pull of conservative vs progressive. A progressive train without brakes will kill you and a conservative train that never goes anywhere stagnates a country to death. A reasonable person sees the need for both parties. Most of us fall in the middle.

I rather like America. I enjoy the free speech, the infrastructure. The military protection. The theory anyway of justice via due process & law. She needs universal healthcare, better industry, green energy and so on. This is how middle voters think. I'm still a democrat, hovering around the centerline with moderate republicans. It's a nice atmosphere. Y'all should come on in and stay awhile. But beware, in our meeting halls we still have the gents room just for gents and the ladies room just for ladies. Sorry, that's how sane and normal people think.

I'm fairly close to the political center myself, a bit to the Right. One of those rare pro-abortion Republicans. Nobody said America is a perfect society (such a thing does not exist among us imperfect humans), but I'm grateful to this country for giving us a modern, 1st-world comfy life and this country has made a lot of historically remarkable accomplishments which should be looked at with pride.
Nobody said America is a perfect society (such a thing does not exist among us imperfect humans), but I'm grateful to this country for giving us a modern, 1st-world comfy life and this country has made a lot of historically remarkable accomplishments which should be looked at with pride.
Yep. America is pretty cool, viewing it from the center.
Nobody said America is a perfect society (such a thing does not exist among us imperfect humans), but I'm grateful to this country for giving us a modern, 1st-world comfy life and this country has made a lot of historically remarkable accomplishments which should be looked at with pride.
Yep. America is pretty cool, viewing it from the center.

Of course. I don't like any political extremes and to any sane, reasonable moderate, the USA is a unique and fascinating, accomplished country worthy of lots of respect. Would it really harm leftist pigs like NFL or Antifuck or Black Lives Fecal Matter to show respect for some of America's basic, traditional normalities? They're too stupid to realize they would get a lot more support if they'd quit spewing hatred at the whole country.
I'd just want to point out again what the Gloria Steinem's of the left would do if the GOP for some arbitrary reason decided that all women/girls/females should tolerate and must expect men/boys/males anytime-access to women-only private hygiene or other sequestered chambers for females only? Imagine if Trump declared that in a press conference? They'd lose their shit. But now they have to sit meekly and quietly by as their beta-male leftie overlords dictate that they keep their mouths shut and take it, lest they be drummed out, fined or worse...
I'd just want to point out again what the Gloria Steinem's of the left would do if the GOP for some arbitrary reason decided that all women/girls/females should tolerate and must expect men/boys/males anytime-access to women-only private hygiene or other sequestered chambers for females only? Imagine if Trump declared that in a press conference? They'd lose their shit. But now they have to sit meekly and quietly by as their beta-male leftie overlords dictate that they keep their mouths shut and take it, lest they be drummed out, fined or worse...
Nobody said America is a perfect society (such a thing does not exist among us imperfect humans), but I'm grateful to this country for giving us a modern, 1st-world comfy life and this country has made a lot of historically remarkable accomplishments which should be looked at with pride.
Yep. America is pretty cool, viewing it from the center.

True, but as a factual matter, in America, while there is most certainly a Far Left- it has gained control of the Democrat Party- there is no Far Right in this nation.
Carter gave us Reagan. Obama gave us Trump.

For eight years, anyone who disagreed with anything Obama supported was branded a racist. If you didn't like the color of his tie, you were obviously a racist. For eight years, there was no political discourse in this country. No back and forth--seek the middle ground for all. It was Obama's twisted view or you're a racist. The MSM pushed this narrative 24/7. They massively overplayed the race card.

Good people of all political stripes got sick of it. Good people without a racist bone in their body grew numb to being called a racist. Democrats became embarrassed. Independents recoiled at such thought police tactics. Conservatives shook their heads in disbelief. The DNC and MSM failed to notice the growing revulsion enclosed as they were in their insulated bubble.

I'll never forget the 2016 election. I've voted at the same place for 20 years. Never had I seen such a massive turnout. The huge crowd wrapped around the building. All stood quietly in line. The feeling was palpable. There was a seething, quiet anger. People had been pushed too far. Wrongly slurred repeatedly for eight years. The leftists had overplayed their shallow hand.

From the OP's link:

An even older Democrat, who first voted for John F. Kennedy, is another woman who comes across as a thoughtful, gentle person, articulate about her disappointment in the party she was loyal to for so many years. She voted for Obama twice. “I was mesmerized . . . I really had high hopes.”

The trouble was, she realized, Obama “promoted one of the most divisive, racist terms that I have seen in my lifetime. . . . He turned his back on our military . . . on our law enforcement, the people who go out and protect us, put their lives on the line every day . . . his agenda was never for our country. He was tearing us down. He will go down in history as the most divisive, destructive president that we’ve ever had.”

Nice Ladies Leaving the Democratic Party - American Greatness
True, but as a factual matter, in America, while there is most certainly a Far Left- it has gained control of the Democrat Party- there is no Far Right in this nation.

Oh, I don't know, to the extent that the far left goes off the deep end, the "far right" is and will be alive and kicking in the rebellious hearts of the Middle. That's the trouble when the pendulum starts swinging way too far out there.
True, but as a factual matter, in America, while there is most certainly a Far Left- it has gained control of the Democrat Party- there is no Far Right in this nation.

Oh, I don't know, to the extent that the far left goes off the deep end, the "far right" is and will be alive and kicking in the rebellious hearts of the Middle. That's the trouble when the pendulum starts swinging way too far out there.

There is no Far Right.

Need me to prove it?
Decent human beings just can't stomach what it has become.

"Democrats are leaving their party more in sorrow than in anger, but leaving it they are, sickened by the Democratic Party’s hard left turn. Tens of thousands are telling their stories on the #walkawaymovement’s public Facebook page. Their YouTube videos are a fascinating window into the innermost thoughts of kind, thoughtful people across America—all former Democrats."

Nice Ladies Leaving the Democratic Party - American Greatness
Your filthy fucking lies again! You would think you would worry about such sins!
Yeah but you'd be happy enough to hide behind her if you were throwing jars of urine at veterans, I bet.

You're slimy.
Well that took a sick, perverted twist. The norm for your type, I suppose.

That's what you anti first amendment weirdos do.
You hide behind women and children, wear masks, and swing clubs and throw feces at people who like the first amendment.
Your ranchers are the ones on record hiding behind women and children, hoping the police would kill them first. You and yours are pussies, traitors, and cowards.


Its sad leftists don't have the balls to fight their own battles.....

and they run from the Proud boys

I like how all the ANTIFA pussy's stand behind the short woman and keep her in front. lol
You rightwingers can't get enough of these far rightwing rags.

The Democrat Party and their lunacy are a joke to most rational people now. Forcing the issue of allowing cross dressing queers into girls bathrooms was over the line for many. But every Antifa, BLM, and other Social Justice Terrorism movements just reaffirm how looney the left is.
I'm white, female, heterosexual, and I've got a few years under my belt, so what in the hell is a "nice lady"? Do tell.
yes there is both a far right and a far left

I'll take that as a challenge.

Watch me win.

1. The terms far right and far left are relative to some understood center.

To be "far," one's positions must be radical relative to that center.
American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

The premise
here is that, if I can show that the values called 'Far Right' are actually at the center of American traditions, values, and history represent that center, well then, they cannot be correctly awarded the modifier "Far."

"Radical" is important to the discussion. It means
"especially of change or action relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough" (see Google.)

Any objection so far?

2. There is no "far right" in this country.
To be 'far,' it must be at a distance to the center: American traditions, values, and history represent that center.

There are so very many ways to prove same.....

3. Let's take as an example, traditional marriage, that involves one man and one woman, and compare that with homosexual marriage..
....which is the radical position?
Hence, Far Left.

Need convincing? Well, a common social reference is 'the nuclear family.' It has always meant:
" a family group that consists only of father, mother, and children" Definition of NUCLEAR FAMILY

How about 'traditional family'?
"A traditional family is a family structure that consists of a man, woman and one or more of their biological or adopted children. In most traditional families, the man and woman are husband and wife." Traditional Family: Definition & Concept | far as the concept of marriage and family, where do we find the radical position?
The Left.
Hence, 'Far Left.'
So far, far from the center, that they cannot point to a single philosopher, sage, or religious leader throughout history who has endorsed homosexual marriage.

4. Now here's your challenge:

If you have used the fallacy "Far Right," or never considered its usage, see if you can come up with any radical positions by conservatives, the right wing.

If you cannot.....there is no 'Far Right.'
Decent human beings just can't stomach what it has become.

"Democrats are leaving their party more in sorrow than in anger, but leaving it they are, sickened by the Democratic Party’s hard left turn. Tens of thousands are telling their stories on the #walkawaymovement’s public Facebook page. Their YouTube videos are a fascinating window into the innermost thoughts of kind, thoughtful people across America—all former Democrats."

Nice Ladies Leaving the Democratic Party - American Greatness
Hope they get married to good Christian men and produce more good Americans.
Decent human beings just can't stomach what it has become.

"Democrats are leaving their party more in sorrow than in anger, but leaving it they are, sickened by the Democratic Party’s hard left turn. Tens of thousands are telling their stories on the #walkawaymovement’s public Facebook page. Their YouTube videos are a fascinating window into the innermost thoughts of kind, thoughtful people across America—all former Democrats."

Nice Ladies Leaving the Democratic Party - American Greatness
Hope they get married to good Christian men and produce more good Americans.

Just what is a "good Christian" man? Some scum like trump or pigpence? Some cheap thrash that wants women to be subservient to some whore with a penis and spread their legs? Good grief.
Decent human beings just can't stomach what it has become.

"Democrats are leaving their party more in sorrow than in anger, but leaving it they are, sickened by the Democratic Party’s hard left turn. Tens of thousands are telling their stories on the #walkawaymovement’s public Facebook page. Their YouTube videos are a fascinating window into the innermost thoughts of kind, thoughtful people across America—all former Democrats."

Nice Ladies Leaving the Democratic Party - American Greatness
Hope they get married to good Christian men and produce more good Americans.

Just what is a "good Christian" man? Some scum like trump or pigpence? Some cheap thrash that wants women to be subservient to some whore with a penis and spread their legs? Good grief.

You must have had just terrible experiences to make you the vile shrew you've become.

Condolences to you, and more so, to folks who have to deal with you.
Decent human beings just can't stomach what it has become.

"Democrats are leaving their party more in sorrow than in anger, but leaving it they are, sickened by the Democratic Party’s hard left turn. Tens of thousands are telling their stories on the #walkawaymovement’s public Facebook page. Their YouTube videos are a fascinating window into the innermost thoughts of kind, thoughtful people across America—all former Democrats."

Nice Ladies Leaving the Democratic Party - American Greatness
Women as a whole overwhelmingly reject the Republican Party
A new study finds more women now lean Democratic

Women have been more likely than men to identify as Democrats for decades, but today, 56 percent of women consider themselves Democrats or lean Democratic. The same is only true for 44 percent of men.

Meanwhile, 37 percent of women and 48 percent of men affiliate with or lean toward the GOP.
I'm white, female, heterosexual, and I've got a few years under my belt, so what in the hell is a "nice lady"? Do tell.
Someone who believes deranged men shouldn’t share the showers & restrooms with the 20% of women & girls who have been raped.

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