Nice ladies are leaving the Democratic Party...

strollingbones said:
the the gop is a bunch of child molesters would be my take on that post....
My Take Is You And Lysistrata
Don't Exactly Comprehend What You Read
the the gop is a bunch of child molesters would be my take on that post....
Which political party embraces as a unit deviant sex parades down Main Street where kids are invited to watch? Beware the party that takes open “pride” in such crime.

Child sex offenders know no political affiliation or socioeconomic boundaries. When the gop finds them in their ranks they experience shame as a whole. When dems find them in their ranks they give them a float.
And when schools find them in their ranks they give them a glowing recommendation if they will move to a new school
Hope they get married to good Christian men and produce more good Americans.

Just what is a "good Christian" man? Some scum like trump or pigpence? Some cheap thrash that wants women to be subservient to some whore with a penis and spread their legs? Good grief.

You must have had just terrible experiences to make you the vile shrew you've become.

Condolences to you, and more so, to folks who have to deal with you.

Thanks for the jerky personal comment. You forget that there are a lot of good men out there who don't act like trump or pigpence and don't run around spouting subservience crap. Men who are worth something. Men of good character. Men who are good friends and companions.

Wow.....seems I hit a nerve.

One would be led to believe that I'm not the only one to have made that observation about you, huh?

You are the one who wants to tar all members of a particular demographic group with the misconduct of a few members of the group. You exhibit that intellectual flaw. All you can do is make personal attacks.
You realize that is nothing but a personal attack, right?

Also a lie...
You kids just eat this Russian propaganda shit up and come back begging for more.

It’s because their loyalties won’t let them process that middle dems refuse to stomach ever escalating insanity in the far left lgbt cult. So naturally past & future losses are the Russian’s fault. Naturally.

Yeah, you keep believing that.
Decent human beings just can't stomach what it has become.

"Democrats are leaving their party more in sorrow than in anger, but leaving it they are, sickened by the Democratic Party’s hard left turn. Tens of thousands are telling their stories on the #walkawaymovement’s public Facebook page. Their YouTube videos are a fascinating window into the innermost thoughts of kind, thoughtful people across America—all former Democrats."

Nice Ladies Leaving the Democratic Party - American Greatness
You kids just eat this Russian propaganda shit up and come back begging for more.
You're just going to keep mouthing that nonsense, even when everybody laughs at you...good for you!
Well I think you're confused about who's laughing at who but whatever kiddo.
You rightwingers can't get enough of these far rightwing rags.
You’re expecting a Liberal publication to carry such a story?
Why should they when it has been pointed out and proven that it is being fueled by Russian bots... and now the right wing who are hanging on to the Russian bot's apron strings?

there could be some real Democrats walking away...but why fuel the Russian interference?
Where is the proof?
google is your friend! ;)

Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On 'Hateful' Dems | HuffPost
Russian bots are using #WalkAway to try to wound Democrats in the midterms (Opinion) - CNN

The Russian bots are back -- and now they're fueling the #WalkAway propaganda attack on Democrats

Russian Bots Linked To Viral Twitter Attacks On ‘Hateful’ Dems - #WalkAway

How Twitter Bots Help Fuel Political Feuds
Can the Republicans win without Russian help?
Of course not, they are the minority.
It doesn't matter in the long run. Nice ladies are being replaced with fake ladies. The sissie left has turned the world upside down.
Decent human beings just can't stomach what it has become.

"Democrats are leaving their party more in sorrow than in anger, but leaving it they are, sickened by the Democratic Party’s hard left turn. Tens of thousands are telling their stories on the #walkawaymovement’s public Facebook page. Their YouTube videos are a fascinating window into the innermost thoughts of kind, thoughtful people across America—all former Democrats."

Nice Ladies Leaving the Democratic Party - American Greatness
You kids just eat this Russian propaganda shit up and come back begging for more.
You're just going to keep mouthing that nonsense, even when everybody laughs at you...good for you!
Well I think you're confused about who's laughing at who but whatever kiddo.

Who else calls me kiddo...

Oh yeah. Avg Joe. Figures.
buckeye45_73 said:
and ANTIFA hides behind women so if you strike back you hit a girl, it's common guys are pussy betas to the max
And Those Are The Mushy Butch Girls
They Think They're Gonna Lay"
buckeye45_73 said:
and ANTIFA hides behind women so if you strike back you hit a girl, it's common guys are pussy betas to the max
And Those Are The Mushy Butch Girls
They Think They're Gonna Lay

What A Bunch 'O Cucks....

"Cucks"? "Pussy betas"? You sound like one of those white nationalist little coward boys who can't compete and parrot what they are told. One of the untalented ones. Try growing up, getting a decent education, and getting a job.
buckeye45_73 said:
and ANTIFA hides behind women so if you strike back you hit a girl, it's common guys are pussy betas to the max
And Those Are The Mushy Butch Girls
They Think They're Gonna Lay"
buckeye45_73 said:
and ANTIFA hides behind women so if you strike back you hit a girl, it's common guys are pussy betas to the max
And Those Are The Mushy Butch Girls
They Think They're Gonna Lay

What A Bunch 'O Cucks....

"Cucks"? "Pussy betas"? You sound like one of those white nationalist little coward boys who can't compete and parrot what they are told. One of the untalented ones. Try growing up, getting a decent education, and getting a job.

He's right.

They aren't white nationalists, as you know.
Decent human beings just can't stomach what it has become.

"Democrats are leaving their party more in sorrow than in anger, but leaving it they are, sickened by the Democratic Party’s hard left turn. Tens of thousands are telling their stories on the #walkawaymovement’s public Facebook page. Their YouTube videos are a fascinating window into the innermost thoughts of kind, thoughtful people across America—all former Democrats."

Nice Ladies Leaving the Democratic Party - American Greatness
I just read quite a bit of that article and the right wing talking points are all embedded in there, alright. I think that whole write up is fiction; the voices aren't genuine. I'm sure there are Democrats who are switching sides, just as there are Republicans who have walked away from their party, but whatever you posted is just propaganda.
Thanks for the jerky personal comment. You forget that there are a lot of good men out there who don't act like trump or pigpence and don't run around spouting subservience crap. Men who are worth something. Men of good character. Men who are good friends and companions.

Wow.....seems I hit a nerve.

One would be led to believe that I'm not the only one to have made that observation about you, huh?

You are the one who wants to tar all members of a particular demographic group with the misconduct of a few members of the group. You exhibit that intellectual flaw. All you can do is make personal attacks.

I'm really good at describing individuals, or, what you call 'personal attacks.'

I can see it can call me Karma.

Now..."You are the one who wants to tar all members of a particular demographic group with the misconduct of a few members of the group."

I'd appreciate if you could elucidate.

You are the one who turned this into something personal. You seem to appear to consult some sort of crystal ball. You need to explain. I actually praised decent men in my comment. You seem to be out of control and extremely emotional.

Now..."You are the one who wants to tar all members of a particular demographic group with the misconduct of a few members of the group."

I'd appreciate if you could elucidate.

Are you claiming that I decry 'decent men'????

Or are you simply inarticulate?

No. I differentiate between people in a broad demographic group by the character of each individual in it, and you do not. Not every man goes around acting toward women like trump, pigpence, these pigs who preach sexual dominance and penis worship in the guise of being "religious." A lot of men have good character and embrace positive American values.
And wtf is a "nice lady," anyhow?
It immediately puts me in mind of corsets and ladies in white gloves and starched petticoats headed to a dance in their pearls and a cloud of Estee Lauder.

This thing is phony as hell.
Wow.....seems I hit a nerve.

One would be led to believe that I'm not the only one to have made that observation about you, huh?

You are the one who wants to tar all members of a particular demographic group with the misconduct of a few members of the group. You exhibit that intellectual flaw. All you can do is make personal attacks.

I'm really good at describing individuals, or, what you call 'personal attacks.'

I can see it can call me Karma.

Now..."You are the one who wants to tar all members of a particular demographic group with the misconduct of a few members of the group."

I'd appreciate if you could elucidate.

You are the one who turned this into something personal. You seem to appear to consult some sort of crystal ball. You need to explain. I actually praised decent men in my comment. You seem to be out of control and extremely emotional.

Now..."You are the one who wants to tar all members of a particular demographic group with the misconduct of a few members of the group."

I'd appreciate if you could elucidate.

Are you claiming that I decry 'decent men'????

Or are you simply inarticulate?

No. I differentiate between people in a broad demographic group by the character of each individual in it, and you do not. Not every man goes around acting toward women like trump, pigpence, these pigs who preach sexual dominance and penis worship in the guise of being "religious." A lot of men have good character and embrace positive American values.

This is my second request: focus like a laser.

Now..."You are the one who wants to tar all members of a particular demographic group with the misconduct of a few members of the group."

I'd appreciate if you could elucidate.

Exactly what is it that you are attempting to claim that I do?

Certainly you can explain what you wrote.....can't you?

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