Nick Fuentes - Louis meets the new white nationalists

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

The first part of Louis Therouxs "Foridden AMerica" series on BBC 2 ses Louis meet Fuentes and several of his fellow travellers in the white nationalist movement. Except they hate that label and prefer patriot or christian. Anything except white nationalist.

ll the while iving Nazi salutes,bemoaning immigration, celebrating white supremacy and hating on Jews. They try to pass off their hate as irony but it wears thin very quickly.
There is a complex set of beliefs here wth misoginy being top of the list. They hate women who should be at home raising kids. Because basically they are all gamers, or incels. People who lack the social skills to cope in normal society.

One of them described himself as a comedian and a gamer was asked about his Nazi salutes and very quickly unwound. He started by denying it and then moved to it was ironic, then he became defensive and then abusive. This was in minutes. A minute later he was in his basement steaming abuse at Theroux whilst Louis sat in his car outside watching the show on his phone.Louis then inruded on his safe space by calling him from his car and offering to continue with the interview. This led to a total meltdown where the little creep spouted the most juvenile abuse at Louis.

It reminded me of this place. Sensitive Nazis qickly unravel in the face of facts. They hate being called Nazis for some reason and in fact call normal people nazis as a form of deflection. Its the same mindset behind the Nazis were socialists argument. A belief exclusive to actual Nazs

Fuentes is a squeaky voiced little creep who lives with his parents and broadcasts from their basement. He wants to be President some day, an ambition that I judge to be unlikely. His squeakyness reminded me of Ben Shapiro but I suspect that Ben would be appalled at his attitute towards Jews.

The doc showed concern that these people were gaining influence but it was hard to be over concerned by people who were so limited. I think that Fuentes will get a girlfriend one day and grow out of this nonsense.

White nationalism has a bleak future in my opinion.
NF is a known incel that's come to admit that he's a virgin after he was exposed, by a fellow conservative nonetheless.
NF is a known incel that's come to admit that he's a virgin after he was exposed, by a fellow conservative nonetheless.
The review describes him as charismatic but its all relative. He claims to be a millionaire but still lives at home. In the land of thecblind etc. Its not hard to be a leader of people who have no lives.
One of his mates makes his living insulting minorities on the street and streaming it to incels. The more extreme he gets the more donations he raises. Its probably derived from a plotline in some obscure vidro game. His stage name is Baked Alaska which probably means something to 50 people.
The review describes him as charismatic but its all relative. He claims to be a millionaire but still lives at home. In the land of thecblind etc. Its not hard to be a leader of people who have no lives.
One of his mates makes his living insulting minorities on the street and streaming it to incels. The more extreme he gets the more donations he raises. Its probably derived from a plotline in some obscure vidro game. His stage name is Baked Alaska which probably means something to 50 people.
You're absolutely correct w/your "blind leading the blind" analogy.

You can find this racist incel literally running in a mall leading a band of fellow incels giddy w/laughter like little school girls.

These are the types of people that the rightwing, aka Republicans prop up to prominence.
You're absolutely correct w/your "blind leading the blind" analogy.

You can find this racist incel literally running in a mall leading a band of fellow incels giddy w/laughter like little school girls.

These are the types of people that the rightwing, aka Republicans prop up to prominence.
There is a huge element of a cique being in on the joke and adolescent humour. Its just not relevant to people with jobs or sex lives or brains. I was very struck at their hatred for Jews I had seen them as fellow travellers, bound by their hatred of Muslims. . The politics of right wing hate are very complex.
You're absolutely correct w/your "blind leading the blind" analogy.

You can find this racist incel literally running in a mall leading a band of fellow incels giddy w/laughter like little school girls.

These are the types of people that the rightwing, aka Republicans prop up to prominence.
You have a very distorted view of reality.
I hate racist trash like fuentes. His parents should kick hm out of the basement and make him get a job.
So you are a fellow hater. Seems to be a matter of perspective yet you leftists think only you have the right to label everyone you disagree wit a "hater."

By the way, he's a 23 year old KID. He sure has you triggered. He's irrelevant except among you people who always need a demon

The first part of Louis Therouxs "Foridden AMerica" series on BBC 2 ses Louis meet Fuentes and several of his fellow travellers in the white nationalist movement. Except they hate that label and prefer patriot or christian. Anything except white nationalist.

ll the while iving Nazi salutes,bemoaning immigration, celebrating white supremacy and hating on Jews. They try to pass off their hate as irony but it wears thin very quickly.
There is a complex set of beliefs here wth misoginy being top of the list. They hate women who should be at home raising kids. Because basically they are all gamers, or incels. People who lack the social skills to cope in normal society.

One of them described himself as a comedian and a gamer was asked about his Nazi salutes and very quickly unwound. He started by denying it and then moved to it was ironic, then he became defensive and then abusive. This was in minutes. A minute later he was in his basement steaming abuse at Theroux whilst Louis sat in his car outside watching the show on his phone.Louis then inruded on his safe space by calling him from his car and offering to continue with the interview. This led to a total meltdown where the little creep spouted the most juvenile abuse at Louis.

It reminded me of this place. Sensitive Nazis qickly unravel in the face of facts. They hate being called Nazis for some reason and in fact call normal people nazis as a form of deflection. Its the same mindset behind the Nazis were socialists argument. A belief exclusive to actual Nazs

Fuentes is a squeaky voiced little creep who lives with his parents and broadcasts from their basement. He wants to be President some day, an ambition that I judge to be unlikely. His squeakyness reminded me of Ben Shapiro but I suspect that Ben would be appalled at his attitute towards Jews.

The doc showed concern that these people were gaining influence but it was hard to be over concerned by people who were so limited. I think that Fuentes will get a girlfriend one day and grow out of this nonsense.

White nationalism has a bleak future in my opinion.

Such a documentary could be constructive, in showing what a weak fringe White Nationalism is.

BIg red flag though, is talking about his "substantial following"'.

That type of shit is normal for those trying to inflate the threat from the very, very few actual nazis.

"Influencers" I follow, they have "followers" or subscribers in the millions.

This guy? What is "substantial"?

If it's 2 million, that's certainly "substantial",

200k? 20k? 5k?
So you are a fellow hater. Seems to be a matter of perspective yet you leftists think only you have the right to label everyone you disagree wit a "hater."

By the way, he's a 23 year old KID. He sure has you triggered. He's irrelevant except among you people who always need a demon

Yeah, why not interview Richard Spencer? He's 43, and has actually DONE stuff. I'm sure he would love some publicity. Course, i think he is married so that undermines the INCEL... narrative.
I, as a conservative, and a "white nationalist," barely know a thing about the guy.

If the left is so laser focused on this kid, I guess I need to seek out his podcast and give him a listen. Why would I let the Commie left form my opinion of their selected enemies.
I hate racist trash like fuentes. His parents should kick hm out of the basement and make him get a job.

Tommy. When I think of nazis, I think of genocide and war.

Truthfully I can't recall ANYONE, EVERY, discussing Nazi immigration policy. That this article makes a point to mention that these people are anti-immigration, seems.... odd.

Also, misogyny? THAT's what you cite to show someone is a Nazi? This seems like some weak ass tea.

Where's the call for making not white people wear stars or move to madagascar?
So, is he right or wrong in this 1 minute clip? Should the American government target white America for discrimination?

So, is he right or wrong in this 1 minute clip? Should the American government target white America for discrimination?

Enough time has past, and no response from the haters (haters of free apiece, haters of common sense).

They will never attack him for this video. They will stay silent UNTIL they need a demon to go after. Tammy and the rest of the leftist clowns will never openly agree or disagree with this video clip

The first part of Louis Therouxs "Foridden AMerica" series on BBC 2 ses Louis meet Fuentes and several of his fellow travellers in the white nationalist movement. Except they hate that label and prefer patriot or christian. Anything except white nationalist.

ll the while iving Nazi salutes,bemoaning immigration, celebrating white supremacy and hating on Jews. They try to pass off their hate as irony but it wears thin very quickly.
There is a complex set of beliefs here wth misoginy being top of the list. They hate women who should be at home raising kids. Because basically they are all gamers, or incels. People who lack the social skills to cope in normal society.

One of them described himself as a comedian and a gamer was asked about his Nazi salutes and very quickly unwound. He started by denying it and then moved to it was ironic, then he became defensive and then abusive. This was in minutes. A minute later he was in his basement steaming abuse at Theroux whilst Louis sat in his car outside watching the show on his phone.Louis then inruded on his safe space by calling him from his car and offering to continue with the interview. This led to a total meltdown where the little creep spouted the most juvenile abuse at Louis.

It reminded me of this place. Sensitive Nazis qickly unravel in the face of facts. They hate being called Nazis for some reason and in fact call normal people nazis as a form of deflection. Its the same mindset behind the Nazis were socialists argument. A belief exclusive to actual Nazs

Fuentes is a squeaky voiced little creep who lives with his parents and broadcasts from their basement. He wants to be President some day, an ambition that I judge to be unlikely. His squeakyness reminded me of Ben Shapiro but I suspect that Ben would be appalled at his attitute towards Jews.

The doc showed concern that these people were gaining influence but it was hard to be over concerned by people who were so limited. I think that Fuentes will get a girlfriend one day and grow out of this nonsense.

White nationalism has a bleak future in my opinion.
White nationalism is such a narrow term. Most white people are white nationalists.

The first part of Louis Therouxs "Foridden AMerica" series on BBC 2 ses Louis meet Fuentes and several of his fellow travellers in the white nationalist movement. Except they hate that label and prefer patriot or christian. Anything except white nationalist.

ll the while iving Nazi salutes,bemoaning immigration, celebrating white supremacy and hating on Jews. They try to pass off their hate as irony but it wears thin very quickly.
There is a complex set of beliefs here wth misoginy being top of the list. They hate women who should be at home raising kids. Because basically they are all gamers, or incels. People who lack the social skills to cope in normal society.

One of them described himself as a comedian and a gamer was asked about his Nazi salutes and very quickly unwound. He started by denying it and then moved to it was ironic, then he became defensive and then abusive. This was in minutes. A minute later he was in his basement steaming abuse at Theroux whilst Louis sat in his car outside watching the show on his phone.Louis then inruded on his safe space by calling him from his car and offering to continue with the interview. This led to a total meltdown where the little creep spouted the most juvenile abuse at Louis.

It reminded me of this place. Sensitive Nazis qickly unravel in the face of facts. They hate being called Nazis for some reason and in fact call normal people nazis as a form of deflection. Its the same mindset behind the Nazis were socialists argument. A belief exclusive to actual Nazs

Fuentes is a squeaky voiced little creep who lives with his parents and broadcasts from their basement. He wants to be President some day, an ambition that I judge to be unlikely. His squeakyness reminded me of Ben Shapiro but I suspect that Ben would be appalled at his attitute towards Jews.

The doc showed concern that these people were gaining influence but it was hard to be over concerned by people who were so limited. I think that Fuentes will get a girlfriend one day and grow out of this nonsense.

White nationalism has a bleak future in my opinion.

Fuentes is Latino, a non-white. By definition, that disqualifies him as a "white nationalist".

In any event, he is someone with little influence that not one in a thousand people have even heard of. Making him seem like an important individual is like calling the head of the Progressive Labor Party an important liberal. Neither are important, but at least the PLP are libs.

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