Nick Sandmann loses big in court

I guess the haters forgot that Nick Sandmann is ALREADY a multi-millionaire from his CNN settlement. Rittehouse's awards will be even larger since he was put through hell and was at risk of doing hard time. When Nick and Kyle join forces and take on our DISEASED MEDIA, Liberals will lose their collective minds.
I’m sure our limey voyeur has forgotten - if he ever knew

Heres a right wing hero from the past. Did he get any money at all fpr bullying that old man ?
Sandmann has made big money from at least two outlets. Not sure what you are on about, mate.

Heres a right wing hero from the past. Did he get any money at all fpr bullying that old man ?
You are stone cold gutless liar. All the kid did was stand there. This will go to appeal. Hopefully he wins the appeal.

Heres a right wing hero from the past. Did he get any money at all fpr bullying that old man ?
where are yoj getting this news? i get less pop ups on a porn site. what a weird site

yes he’s won.

Heres a right wing hero from the past. Did he get any money at all fpr bullying that old man ?
He didn't say a word to the old man. How did he bully him?

Heres a right wing hero from the past. Did he get any money at all fpr bullying that old man ?

What old man?

Heres a right wing hero from the past. Did he get any money at all fpr bullying that old man ?
Let's see if we got this right:

Adult A - approaches minor B, stands in his personal space and beats a drum in his face.
Minor B - Pastes a smile on his face, does nothing.
Adult A's idiotic sycophantic supporters - "Minor B is a bully!!!".

Is that about the size of it?
You think his lawyers did this latest lawsuit for free.
I hope it cost Sandmann huge $$$$ to pay for his lawyers.
In these high-profile cases, it is common for lawyers to take the case on a contingency basis and get paid only if they win. The notoriety is good advertising for them.
In these high-profile cases, it is common for lawyers to take the case on a contingency basis and get paid only if they win. The notoriety is good advertising for them.
They are talking about an appeal. That suggests that they are being paid.

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