Nike/Kaepernick Prove Pres. Donald a Dopey Liar, Again

Once again, Donald Trump has been proven to be a misinformed dopey liar. Since he has failed to retract or correct his ignorant uninformed comments about Nike's ad campaign using civil rights spokesman Colin Kaepernick, the President with the reputation and legacy of lying and misinforming more than any public figure or President in history, his rants about Kaepernick go down as just more lies and misinformed dopey statements to add to a list of thousands of compulsive serial lies and misinformed statements.

Colin Kaepernick is now being referred to as Nike's 6 Billion dollar man, the sum added for current Nike's value.
'''civil rights spokesman'''
what civil rights would that be??
please specify
Once again, Donald Trump has been proven to be a misinformed dopey liar. Since he has failed to retract or correct his ignorant uninformed comments about Nike's ad campaign using civil rights spokesman Colin Kaepernick, the President with the reputation and legacy of lying and misinforming more than any public figure or President in history, his rants about Kaepernick go down as just more lies and misinformed dopey statements to add to a list of thousands of compulsive serial lies and misinformed statements.

Colin Kaepernick is now being referred to as Nike's 6 Billion dollar man, the sum added for current Nike's value.
Who cares? Kaepernick is an asshole and so are you.

Anti-American assholes.
^ Keep in mind that another of this guy’s heroes is an obese orange rapist that whores around with prostitutes and opposes civil rights
Well its obvious you are a liar.....Trump never has been accused of rape and he doesn't whore around with prostitutes...are you calling Stormy a prostitute?....normally I'd say you were watching too much CNN but even CNN isn't saying what you are saying so you're just a dirty fucking smelly shred of human waste liar.....
”Trump never has been accused of rape”

Is that denial based on ignorance, a lie, devotion or all of those combined?

Once again, Donald Trump has been proven to be a misinformed dopey liar. Since he has failed to retract or correct his ignorant uninformed comments about Nike's ad campaign using civil rights spokesman Colin Kaepernick, the President with the reputation and legacy of lying and misinforming more than any public figure or President in history, his rants about Kaepernick go down as just more lies and misinformed dopey statements to add to a list of thousands of compulsive serial lies and misinformed statements.

Colin Kaepernick is now being referred to as Nike's 6 Billion dollar man, the sum added for current Nike's value.
What were the lies?
Well, lets put the brakes on. SCREECH! So Donald Trump is a dopey liar..How so? On this issue, I mean. OK, he is remarkably intellectually impaired and he does sort of reverse engineer reality to suit his needs. But lets see lives matter VS reality doesn't fair much better. Ignoring the high black on black murder rate, never mind the huge black crime rate.
The police brutality thing, that is like the tip of the iceberg, 90% of poor blacks problems are deep seated in poor black communities. Not racism or bad white cops. We have met the enemy, and he is US. So if Kaepernick wants to actually accomplish something, he could donate his money to poor black schools or Drug rehab programs, instead of the petty gestures.
This is the right wing in this country. This country's biggest threat and enemy
Well if you really believe it what are you doing about it?....I know what you will do....nothing...because you are an internet big mouth.....all you do is try and elect crooks and liars with hope and change slogans that don't mean shit...but will you give someone else a chance? finally get an outsider in the top position and have a real chance at real change and little snowflakes like you call us the sir...its cowards with little or no education that are the real threat and we are beating you back in every election and we are set to do it to be you.....why not get on the winning side?.....
By “outsider” you mean elitist east coast Democrat that convinced you dumbass inbreds to become protectionist liberals :lmao:

Get rid of the Kavenaugh "rapist" picture in your sig. No one is saying this guy is a rapist, not even his accuser.

This is slanderous and the board shouldn't allow shit like this.
By the way, Nike was bound to see a spike in sales due to the Kaepernick promotion, since there are millions of other America haters that support him and they were bound to run out and make a purchase.

Nike sales will likely in time return to about the same levels as before.

Nike will also likely lose a fair amount of old guard customers, but they must focus on the future, and the future will have many anti-American assholes who believe the new mantra that "America has never been great".
By the way, Nike was bound to see a spike in sales due to the Kaepernick promotion, since there are millions of other America haters that support him and they were bound to run out and make a purchase.

Nike sales will likely in time return to about the same levels as before.

Nike will also likely lose a fair amount of old guard customers, but they must focus on the future, and the future will have many anti-American assholes who believe the new mantra that "America has never been great".
Supporting the right to peaceful protest is very American. And you are no one to tell others what put as a signature.
By the way, Nike was bound to see a spike in sales due to the Kaepernick promotion, since there are millions of other America haters that support him and they were bound to run out and make a purchase.

Nike sales will likely in time return to about the same levels as before.

Nike will also likely lose a fair amount of old guard customers, but they must focus on the future, and the future will have many anti-American assholes who believe the new mantra that "America has never been great".
Supporting the right to peaceful protest is very American. And you are no one to tell others what put as a signature.

Pretending this is about the right to protest is a cowardly dodge.
By the way, Nike was bound to see a spike in sales due to the Kaepernick promotion, since there are millions of other America haters that support him and they were bound to run out and make a purchase.

Nike sales will likely in time return to about the same levels as before.

Nike will also likely lose a fair amount of old guard customers, but they must focus on the future, and the future will have many anti-American assholes who believe the new mantra that "America has never been great".
Supporting the right to peaceful protest is very American. And you are no one to tell others what put as a signature.

Pretending this is about the right to protest is a cowardly dodge.
People telling him his protests are un-American are the un-Americans.
By the way, Nike was bound to see a spike in sales due to the Kaepernick promotion, since there are millions of other America haters that support him and they were bound to run out and make a purchase.

Nike sales will likely in time return to about the same levels as before.

Nike will also likely lose a fair amount of old guard customers, but they must focus on the future, and the future will have many anti-American assholes who believe the new mantra that "America has never been great".
Supporting the right to peaceful protest is very American. And you are no one to tell others what put as a signature.

Pretending this is about the right to protest is a cowardly dodge.
People telling him his protests are un-American are the un-Americans.

At a time when standing is done to show pro-Americanism, he kneels.
By the way, Nike was bound to see a spike in sales due to the Kaepernick promotion, since there are millions of other America haters that support him and they were bound to run out and make a purchase.

Nike sales will likely in time return to about the same levels as before.

Nike will also likely lose a fair amount of old guard customers, but they must focus on the future, and the future will have many anti-American assholes who believe the new mantra that "America has never been great".
Supporting the right to peaceful protest is very American. And you are no one to tell others what put as a signature.

Pretending this is about the right to protest is a cowardly dodge.
People telling him his protests are un-American are the un-Americans.

At a time when standing is done to show pro-Americanism, he kneels.
So? He’s protesting the government’s abuse of blacks. And it’s very effective as demonstrated by the amount of attention he, and other kneelers, are getting.
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #SOLUTIONS

Larry Elder Sharing Knowledge FATHERLESS KIDS Police Brutality

police, parental, colin kaepernick, dr stacey patton NIKE.jpg

Has Christine Blasey Ford accused young Mr. Mark Judge, the second teen male supposedly present in the room, of failing to protect her from being sexually assaulted?

If not, why isn't she peeved at young Mark Judge, as well as young Judge Cavanaugh?

By the way, Nike was bound to see a spike in sales due to the Kaepernick promotion, since there are millions of other America haters that support him and they were bound to run out and make a purchase.

Nike sales will likely in time return to about the same levels as before.

Nike will also likely lose a fair amount of old guard customers, but they must focus on the future, and the future will have many anti-American assholes who believe the new mantra that "America has never been great".
Supporting the right to peaceful protest is very American. And you are no one to tell others what put as a signature.

Pretending this is about the right to protest is a cowardly dodge.
People telling him his protests are un-American are the un-Americans.

At a time when standing is done to show pro-Americanism, he kneels.

SO the message is obvious. He is, or was, actively expressing ANTI-AMERICANISM, during the fucking National Anthem.

He is an asshole and an anti-American.
By the way, Nike was bound to see a spike in sales due to the Kaepernick promotion, since there are millions of other America haters that support him and they were bound to run out and make a purchase.

Nike sales will likely in time return to about the same levels as before.

Nike will also likely lose a fair amount of old guard customers, but they must focus on the future, and the future will have many anti-American assholes who believe the new mantra that "America has never been great".
Supporting the right to peaceful protest is very American. And you are no one to tell others what put as a signature.

Pretending this is about the right to protest is a cowardly dodge.
People telling him his protests are un-American are the un-Americans.

At a time when standing is done to show pro-Americanism, he kneels.
So? He’s protesting the government’s abuse of blacks. And it’s very effective as demonstrated by the amount of attention he, and other kneelers, are getting.

Actually, his protest is ineffective since the conversation is always about the anthem and the flag instead of the mistreatment of minorities.

I support his right to peacefully protest in whatever manner he chooses, but he chose an ineffective method.
Supporting the right to peaceful protest is very American. And you are no one to tell others what put as a signature.

Pretending this is about the right to protest is a cowardly dodge.
People telling him his protests are un-American are the un-Americans.

At a time when standing is done to show pro-Americanism, he kneels.

SO the message is obvious. He is, or was, actively expressing ANTI-AMERICANISM, during the fucking National Anthem.

He is an asshole and an anti-American.
So? So are you. As demonstrated by your attacks on folks who are flexing their First Amendment privileges. Men and women in this great country have sacrificed their lives so Americans can do what he's doing. You're spitting on their graves by calling peaceful protesters, "anti-American."
Pretending this is about the right to protest is a cowardly dodge.
People telling him his protests are un-American are the un-Americans.

At a time when standing is done to show pro-Americanism, he kneels.

SO the message is obvious. He is, or was, actively expressing ANTI-AMERICANISM, during the fucking National Anthem.

He is an asshole and an anti-American.
So? So are you. As demonstrated by your attacks on folks who are flexing their First Amendment privileges. Men and women in this great country have sacrificed their lives so Americans can do what he's doing. You're spitting on their graves by calling peaceful protesters, "anti-American."

There is nothing anti-American about judging a man by his words and actions.

Your claim that there is, is nothing but idiocy.

THe kneelers are all anti-American assholes.
Supporting the right to peaceful protest is very American. And you are no one to tell others what put as a signature.

Pretending this is about the right to protest is a cowardly dodge.
People telling him his protests are un-American are the un-Americans.

At a time when standing is done to show pro-Americanism, he kneels.
So? He’s protesting the government’s abuse of blacks. And it’s very effective as demonstrated by the amount of attention he, and other kneelers, are getting.

Actually, his protest is ineffective since the conversation is always about the anthem and the flag instead of the mistreatment of minorities.

I support his right to peacefully protest in whatever manner he chooses, but he chose an ineffective method.
Hardly ineffective. It's true their protest has gotten a lot of attention over the flag, but there s still much attention on police brutality...

The NFL's position is, "The social justice issues that Colin and other professional athletes have raised deserve our attention and action. … We embrace the role and responsibility of everyone involved with this game to promote meaningful, positive change in our communities."

Nike's position was to hire Kaepernick for his sacrifice to his career for standing up for what he believes, by advertising the slogan in line with their trademarked, "Just do it," "believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything."

And now Ford Motor company is joining the bandwagon... Ford stepped up to support NFL players protesting police brutality - theGrio
People telling him his protests are un-American are the un-Americans.

At a time when standing is done to show pro-Americanism, he kneels.

SO the message is obvious. He is, or was, actively expressing ANTI-AMERICANISM, during the fucking National Anthem.

He is an asshole and an anti-American.
So? So are you. As demonstrated by your attacks on folks who are flexing their First Amendment privileges. Men and women in this great country have sacrificed their lives so Americans can do what he's doing. You're spitting on their graves by calling peaceful protesters, "anti-American."

There is nothing anti-American about judging a man by his words and actions.

Your claim that there is, is nothing but idiocy.

THe kneelers are all anti-American assholes.
They're exercising their First Amendment right to peacefully protest. That is very American. Disparaging their protest because you don't like the form of their protest makes you the "anti-American asshole."
When a person is informed a statement they made is incorrect and they refuse to retract, it becomes a lie. .
You really dont know what the hell you are talking about at all, do you? You just make up shit and insist it is true.

Kind of like these other libtards.


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