Nike/Kaepernick Prove Pres. Donald a Dopey Liar, Again

Once again, Donald Trump has been proven to be a misinformed dopey liar. Since he has failed to retract or correct his ignorant uninformed comments about Nike's ad campaign using civil rights spokesman Colin Kaepernick, the President with the reputation and legacy of lying and misinforming more than any public figure or President in history, his rants about Kaepernick go down as just more lies and misinformed dopey statements to add to a list of thousands of compulsive serial lies and misinformed statements.

Colin Kaepernick is now being referred to as Nike's 6 Billion dollar man, the sum added for current Nike's value.

You’re conveniently leaving out President Trump’s comments that you claim make him a liar.

Did he simply make a prediction and that prediction turned out to be incorrect? Does that mean the weatherman is a liar?
Is the weatherman lying on purpose to fool a bunch of morons for personal gain?
Once again, Donald Trump has been proven to be a misinformed dopey liar. Since he has failed to retract or correct his ignorant uninformed comments about Nike's ad campaign using civil rights spokesman Colin Kaepernick, the President with the reputation and legacy of lying and misinforming more than any public figure or President in history, his rants about Kaepernick go down as just more lies and misinformed dopey statements to add to a list of thousands of compulsive serial lies and misinformed statements.

Colin Kaepernick is now being referred to as Nike's 6 Billion dollar man, the sum added for current Nike's value.

"Misinformed dopey liar"

No need to spend valuable thought runtime deconstructing this statement. Supporting Kaepernick is like running naked through a field of briar bushes, all the while screaming at the thorns tearing your flesh about how stupid they are for making you bleed. Hint: wear clothes and stay out of briar patches. Then, their thorns can't hurt you. Same holds true for dark water pools in southern rivers and piranhas. You're own fault if you choose baptism by sharp, triangular, serrated tooth, duh.
^ Keep in mind that another of this guy’s heroes is an obese orange rapist that whores around with prostitutes and opposes civil rights
Well its obvious you are a liar.....Trump never has been accused of rape and he doesn't whore around with prostitutes...are you calling Stormy a prostitute?....normally I'd say you were watching too much CNN but even CNN isn't saying what you are saying so you're just a dirty fucking smelly shred of human waste liar.....
^ Keep in mind that another of this guy’s heroes is an obese orange rapist that whores around with prostitutes and opposes civil rights
Well its obvious you are a liar.....Trump never has been accused of rape and he doesn't whore around with prostitutes...are you calling Stormy a prostitute?....normally I'd say you were watching too much CNN but even CNN isn't saying what you are saying so you're just a dirty fucking smelly shred of human waste liar.....
Trump has certainly been accused of rape and yes I am referring to Daniels and at least one other known porn star that Trump paid to fuck.
^ Keep in mind that another of this guy’s heroes is an obese orange rapist that whores around with prostitutes and opposes civil rights
Well its obvious you are a liar.....Trump never has been accused of rape and he doesn't whore around with prostitutes...are you calling Stormy a prostitute?....normally I'd say you were watching too much CNN but even CNN isn't saying what you are saying so you're just a dirty fucking smelly shred of human waste liar.....
You sound like an idiot. Drumpf was accused of raping a 13 year old.
Youre victorious on reaching your goal as being the biggest whack job. I commend you. It takes a whole lot of stupid to accomplish what you did
Lets see if I can educate a lump on a log....we own the House....the senate.....most state houses and governorship's...and the white house as well as the supreme court and now most appellate courts...

now lets see just who the stupid on is.....why its you....:21:
Youre victorious on reaching your goal as being the biggest whack job. I commend you. It takes a whole lot of stupid to accomplish what you did
Lets see if I can educate a lump on a log....we own the House....the senate.....most state houses and governorship's...and the white house as well as the supreme court and now most appellate courts...

now lets see just who the stupid on is.....why its you....:21:
You dont own anything. Youre existing on welfare.
God these people are wacko

No we are victorious and there is nothing you will ever be able to do to change that....
Youre victorious on reaching your goal as being the biggest whack job. I commend you. It takes a whole lot of stupid to accomplish what you did.

Actually, the truth he is telling burns you. We can all smell the smoke of dawn's light seared from your exposed anti-intellectualism. If you want to wear fangs and suck blood and still call yourself an American, you really ought to return to your sepulcher before the sun rises.
God these people are wacko

No we are victorious and there is nothing you will ever be able to do to change that....
Youre victorious on reaching your goal as being the biggest whack job. I commend you. It takes a whole lot of stupid to accomplish what you did.

Actually, the truth he is telling burns you. We can all smell the smoke of dawn's light seared from your exposed anti-intellectualism. If you want to wear fangs and suck blood and still call yourself an American, you really ought to return to your sepulcher before the sun rises.
That smoke you smell is from your meth lab. I dont call myself an american you scumbag.
That smoke you smell is from your meth lab. I dont call myself an american you scumbag
Good then move to south will fit right in and have a much better life....scrounging for crumbs from aid flights....
You sound like an idiot. Drumpf was accused of raping a 13 year old.
Bullshit.....Trump has had many things tossed at him 95% are a fucking jackass liar....
He was also accused of raping one of his wives. Youre just a dumb Drumpfsexual so we all know you dont understand what the word "accused" means. Next time dont use words if you dont understand their meaning dumbass.
That smoke you smell is from your meth lab. I dont call myself an american you scumbag
Good then move to south will fit right in and have a much better life....scrounging for crumbs from aid flights....
Nope. Going to stay here and watch you turn red with suppressed anger while you avoid making eye contact with me.
He was also accused of raping one of his wives. Youre just a dumb Drumpfsexual so we all know you dont understand what the word accused means. Next time dont use words if you dont understand their meaning dumbass
Past untrue accusations never proven so the liars went away...but Clinton's rape victim is still out there being ignored by you and the media and dems....

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