*Nikki Goes Under Bus*

Sorry bout that,

1. She's bitten the hand that once fed her.
2. She will get her big ass run over now, getting thrown under the bus.
3. She deserves it at this point.
4. Claiming to use age as her method to attack Trump.
5. They said Reagan was too old too, he calmly says, "Now i didn't want to bring there inexperience of youth into my run for office, but seeing i have age and experience on my side, i will trout that out now, and whack these kids over the head with it." ~ Reagan ~ not actual quote, but what he was getting at, which is true.
6. Nikki better get back to biting her pillow, and stfu, she has officially stepped into oblivion.
7. She stepped over the line of attack, now she just put a target for Trump on her back.
8. READ:

You defend this joke of a human like he is somebody worthy of being taken seriously. Sad
Nikki is free to say whatever she wants. Especially if it is the truth.

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