NIKKI HALEY says "Russia is not our friend, we do NOT trust Putin never will, that's a fact"


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
Uh oh, I guess she needs to go look for another job, soon! Does this mean she won't be invited back to the WH when Putin comes a callin?? Or are we getting the good cop, bad cop ploy here?

Sure sounds definitive to me.

Haley: Russia 'never will be' friend of US
BY BRETT SAMUELS - 07/23/18 10:16 PM EDT 435


© Greg Nash
Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said Monday that Russia is “never going to be our friend,” but downplayed concerns over President Trump’s meeting and press conference last week with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“We don’t trust Russia. We don’t trust Putin. We never will. They’re never going to be our friend. That’s just a fact,” Haley told Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody.

“But what I do think is, whether it’s the president sitting down with (North Korean leader) Kim, or whether the president sits down with Putin, those are things that have to happen,” she added, calling Trump’s summit in Finland last week a “long time coming.”...

Haley: Russia 'never will be' friend of US
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