Nikki Haley

That would be acceptable, if all other players would follow suit and let the two principals work it out without interference.
America spends 10's of billions of dollars every year of taxpayer's money defending Israel.

Enough is enough.

Let Israel fight it out with their neighbors.

Why should we be involved? ...... :dunno:

I don't think you would like the result sunni man. Israel, if she were to take the gloves off, would absolutely destroy every Middle Eastern country. She is the one country in that whole region that actually CAN commit a genocide. And she doesn't. Every other country around her wishes they could do that to her, but they are totally inept and can't. If the war comes where they really try and take her out it will be armageddon for sure.
I guess you haven't figured it out but the un is new hitler. Take a look at all the tin pot dictators who run the show over there. But then you'd actually have to pay attention to what they actually do, as opposed to what they say.
The whole world just voted. It was a landslide of epic proportions. Try again.
I guess you haven't figured it out but the un is new hitler. Take a look at all the tin pot dictators who run the show over there. But then you'd actually have to pay attention to what they actually do, as opposed to what they say.
The whole world just voted. It was a landslide of epic proportions. Try again.

Who cares. It is a group of tin pot dictators who's opinion I can give a flying fuck about.
That would be acceptable, if all other players would follow suit and let the two principals work it out without interference.
America spends 10's of billions of dollars every year of taxpayer's money defending Israel.

Enough is enough.

Let Israel fight it out with their neighbors.

Why should we be involved? ...... :dunno:
Who’s “We”? You’re just a goofy, Jew hating convert to Islamism, safely ensconced in the Great Satan™️
Our allies have every right to disagree with us.

We have every right to cut their aid programs.
1. The UN vote was non-binding, IOW it was just a bunch of a-holes blowing smoke up our skirts. It was however a political slap in the face, to which we ought to be asking who our friends are and WTF are you doing.

2. The UN is a joke. Wen you have countries like Cuba and Venezuela on the Human Rights Council, it's gone way past the bounds of decency and integrity.

3. I wouldn't be surprised if Nikki Haley will one day be the President of the United States. Of the top of my head I cannot think of another woman that would be more qualified.
AMBASSADOR BADASS STRIKES AGAIN! She doesn't play their silly games.

Nikki Haley Silences Muslim Diplomat With Only 13 Words

The United States remains defiant this week in the face of mounting criticism from the United Nations regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

As The Western Journal previously reported, the U.S. vetoed a measure that would have reversed Trump’s pronouncement. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley went on to criticize the member states who support that security council resolution and a similarly worded non-binding measure that was approved Thursday by the General Assembly.

One Reuters reporter tweeted Wednesday that a “senior diplomat from a Muslim country” shot back at Haley after reading a letter she reportedly sent explaining that Trump intended to keep a close eye on which nations voted against his Jerusalem decision.

Nikki Haley Sets the Record Straight After Senior Muslim Diplomat Called US a 'Blatant Bully'

You don't find it ironic that on the one hand she insists on nations being able to assert their sovereign rights to say what want while SILENCING other nations for doing just that by threatening them?
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?
AMBASSADOR BADASS STRIKES AGAIN! She doesn't play their silly games.

Nikki Haley Silences Muslim Diplomat With Only 13 Words

The United States remains defiant this week in the face of mounting criticism from the United Nations regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

As The Western Journal previously reported, the U.S. vetoed a measure that would have reversed Trump’s pronouncement. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley went on to criticize the member states who support that security council resolution and a similarly worded non-binding measure that was approved Thursday by the General Assembly.

One Reuters reporter tweeted Wednesday that a “senior diplomat from a Muslim country” shot back at Haley after reading a letter she reportedly sent explaining that Trump intended to keep a close eye on which nations voted against his Jerusalem decision.

Nikki Haley Sets the Record Straight After Senior Muslim Diplomat Called US a 'Blatant Bully'

You don't find it ironic that on the one hand she insists on nations being able to assert their sovereign rights to say what want while SILENCING other nations for doing just that by threatening them?
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?

Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made. Didn't seem to stop that senior muslim diplomat from speaking his mind. The anti-semitism that goes on in the UN ever since that nation was created is quite disturbing, and I see no reason why the US shouldn't speak out against it. I feel no shame for that.
. The anti-semitism that goes on in the UN ever since that nation was created is quite disturbing, and I see no reason why the US shouldn't speak out against it. I feel no shame for that.
The UN attempted to give the zionists from one continent the land where others live on a completely different continent. It was antisemitic in the TRUE sense of the word.
AMBASSADOR BADASS STRIKES AGAIN! She doesn't play their silly games.

Nikki Haley Silences Muslim Diplomat With Only 13 Words

The United States remains defiant this week in the face of mounting criticism from the United Nations regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

As The Western Journal previously reported, the U.S. vetoed a measure that would have reversed Trump’s pronouncement. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley went on to criticize the member states who support that security council resolution and a similarly worded non-binding measure that was approved Thursday by the General Assembly.

One Reuters reporter tweeted Wednesday that a “senior diplomat from a Muslim country” shot back at Haley after reading a letter she reportedly sent explaining that Trump intended to keep a close eye on which nations voted against his Jerusalem decision.

Nikki Haley Sets the Record Straight After Senior Muslim Diplomat Called US a 'Blatant Bully'

You don't find it ironic that on the one hand she insists on nations being able to assert their sovereign rights to say what want while SILENCING other nations for doing just that by threatening them?
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?
Exactly. The threats were oblique but none the less there. But people will make excuses for their double standards.
AMBASSADOR BADASS STRIKES AGAIN! She doesn't play their silly games.

Nikki Haley Silences Muslim Diplomat With Only 13 Words

The United States remains defiant this week in the face of mounting criticism from the United Nations regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

As The Western Journal previously reported, the U.S. vetoed a measure that would have reversed Trump’s pronouncement. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley went on to criticize the member states who support that security council resolution and a similarly worded non-binding measure that was approved Thursday by the General Assembly.

One Reuters reporter tweeted Wednesday that a “senior diplomat from a Muslim country” shot back at Haley after reading a letter she reportedly sent explaining that Trump intended to keep a close eye on which nations voted against his Jerusalem decision.

Nikki Haley Sets the Record Straight After Senior Muslim Diplomat Called US a 'Blatant Bully'

You don't find it ironic that on the one hand she insists on nations being able to assert their sovereign rights to say what want while SILENCING other nations for doing just that by threatening them?
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?

Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made. Didn't seem to stop that senior muslim diplomat from speaking his mind. The anti-semitism that goes on in the UN ever since that nation was created is quite disturbing, and I see no reason why the US shouldn't speak out against it. I feel no shame for that.
Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made.

We have an obligation to demand more for our investment. And if our investment fails, we have an obligation to spend our resources in more productive ways. Those are the thoughts that come to mind when we consider the resolution before us today. Instead, there is a larger point to make. The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation.

We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations. And we will remember it when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit. America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the UN and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the UN. And this vote will be remembered.

Nikki Haley's U.N. Speech Has Consequences
AMBASSADOR BADASS STRIKES AGAIN! She doesn't play their silly games.

Nikki Haley Silences Muslim Diplomat With Only 13 Words

The United States remains defiant this week in the face of mounting criticism from the United Nations regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

As The Western Journal previously reported, the U.S. vetoed a measure that would have reversed Trump’s pronouncement. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley went on to criticize the member states who support that security council resolution and a similarly worded non-binding measure that was approved Thursday by the General Assembly.

One Reuters reporter tweeted Wednesday that a “senior diplomat from a Muslim country” shot back at Haley after reading a letter she reportedly sent explaining that Trump intended to keep a close eye on which nations voted against his Jerusalem decision.

Nikki Haley Sets the Record Straight After Senior Muslim Diplomat Called US a 'Blatant Bully'

You don't find it ironic that on the one hand she insists on nations being able to assert their sovereign rights to say what want while SILENCING other nations for doing just that by threatening them?
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?
Exactly. The threats were oblique but none the less there. But people will make excuses for their double standards.
It didn't sound very oblique to me.
Experts with foreign policy experience say it's a bunch of meaningless bluster. The U.S. doesn't give money to foreign countries because we're "nice." The reasons for keeping those countries on our side hasn't changed and neither will the funding.
Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made.
I chose a Jewish source again on purpose.

The President of the United States on Wednesday confirmed that countries voting in favor of a United Nations draft resolution condemning the U.S.’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel could lose U.S. aid money.

“They take hundreds of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars, and then they vote against us. Well, we’re watching those votes. Let them vote against us. We’ll save a lot. We don’t care,” Reuters quoted Trump as saying during a White House press conference.
Trump threatens to cut aid to countries voting against Jerusalem decision at UN
AMBASSADOR BADASS STRIKES AGAIN! She doesn't play their silly games.

Nikki Haley Silences Muslim Diplomat With Only 13 Words

The United States remains defiant this week in the face of mounting criticism from the United Nations regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

As The Western Journal previously reported, the U.S. vetoed a measure that would have reversed Trump’s pronouncement. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley went on to criticize the member states who support that security council resolution and a similarly worded non-binding measure that was approved Thursday by the General Assembly.

One Reuters reporter tweeted Wednesday that a “senior diplomat from a Muslim country” shot back at Haley after reading a letter she reportedly sent explaining that Trump intended to keep a close eye on which nations voted against his Jerusalem decision.

Nikki Haley Sets the Record Straight After Senior Muslim Diplomat Called US a 'Blatant Bully'

You don't find it ironic that on the one hand she insists on nations being able to assert their sovereign rights to say what want while SILENCING other nations for doing just that by threatening them?
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?

Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made. Didn't seem to stop that senior muslim diplomat from speaking his mind. The anti-semitism that goes on in the UN ever since that nation was created is quite disturbing, and I see no reason why the US shouldn't speak out against it. I feel no shame for that.
Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made.

We have an obligation to demand more for our investment. And if our investment fails, we have an obligation to spend our resources in more productive ways. Those are the thoughts that come to mind when we consider the resolution before us today. Instead, there is a larger point to make. The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation.

We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations. And we will remember it when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit. America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the UN and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the UN. And this vote will be remembered.

Nikki Haley's U.N. Speech Has Consequences
If the US stopped giving money to the UN and it's anti-American members, that shit hole would go belly up. The US has been bankrolling that monstrosity since it began. Time to invest that money in America.

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