Nikki Haley

AMBASSADOR BADASS STRIKES AGAIN! She doesn't play their silly games.

Nikki Haley Silences Muslim Diplomat With Only 13 Words

The United States remains defiant this week in the face of mounting criticism from the United Nations regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

As The Western Journal previously reported, the U.S. vetoed a measure that would have reversed Trump’s pronouncement. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley went on to criticize the member states who support that security council resolution and a similarly worded non-binding measure that was approved Thursday by the General Assembly.

One Reuters reporter tweeted Wednesday that a “senior diplomat from a Muslim country” shot back at Haley after reading a letter she reportedly sent explaining that Trump intended to keep a close eye on which nations voted against his Jerusalem decision.

Nikki Haley Sets the Record Straight After Senior Muslim Diplomat Called US a 'Blatant Bully'

You don't find it ironic that on the one hand she insists on nations being able to assert their sovereign rights to say what want while SILENCING other nations for doing just that by threatening them?
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?

Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made. Didn't seem to stop that senior muslim diplomat from speaking his mind. The anti-semitism that goes on in the UN ever since that nation was created is quite disturbing, and I see no reason why the US shouldn't speak out against it. I feel no shame for that.
Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made.

We have an obligation to demand more for our investment. And if our investment fails, we have an obligation to spend our resources in more productive ways. Those are the thoughts that come to mind when we consider the resolution before us today. Instead, there is a larger point to make. The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation.

We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations. And we will remember it when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit. America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the UN and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the UN. And this vote will be remembered.

Nikki Haley's U.N. Speech Has Consequences
If the US stopped giving money to the UN and it's anti-American members, that shit hole would go belly up. The US has been bankrolling that monstrosity since it began. Time to invest that money in America.
I think you should have a broader perspective. If those countries are not OUR friend/ally, they will be someone's. We rely on our friends and allies all the time; you are taking that for granted but you shouldn't. The vast majority of countries in the world have a reasonable argument for criticizing Trump's declaration about Jerusalem, same as Trump has an argument in favor of it.
If we want to become an isolated country with no one to back us up when we're in a tight spot, okay. Do it your way.
You don't find it ironic that on the one hand she insists on nations being able to assert their sovereign rights to say what want while SILENCING other nations for doing just that by threatening them?
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?

Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made. Didn't seem to stop that senior muslim diplomat from speaking his mind. The anti-semitism that goes on in the UN ever since that nation was created is quite disturbing, and I see no reason why the US shouldn't speak out against it. I feel no shame for that.
Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made.

We have an obligation to demand more for our investment. And if our investment fails, we have an obligation to spend our resources in more productive ways. Those are the thoughts that come to mind when we consider the resolution before us today. Instead, there is a larger point to make. The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation.

We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations. And we will remember it when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit. America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the UN and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the UN. And this vote will be remembered.

Nikki Haley's U.N. Speech Has Consequences
If the US stopped giving money to the UN and it's anti-American members, that shit hole would go belly up. The US has been bankrolling that monstrosity since it began. Time to invest that money in America.
I think you should have a broader perspective. If those countries are not OUR friend/ally, they will be someone's. We rely on our friends and allies all the time; you are taking that for granted but you shouldn't. The vast majority of countries in the world have a reasonable argument for criticizing Trump's declaration about Jerusalem, same as Trump has an argument in favor of it.
If we want to become an isolated country with no one to back us up when we're in a tight spot, okay. Do it your way.
We do not need the UN to have friends. The UN should change their name to United Muslims. That would better describe that pestilence.
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?

Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made. Didn't seem to stop that senior muslim diplomat from speaking his mind. The anti-semitism that goes on in the UN ever since that nation was created is quite disturbing, and I see no reason why the US shouldn't speak out against it. I feel no shame for that.
Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made.

We have an obligation to demand more for our investment. And if our investment fails, we have an obligation to spend our resources in more productive ways. Those are the thoughts that come to mind when we consider the resolution before us today. Instead, there is a larger point to make. The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation.

We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations. And we will remember it when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit. America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the UN and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the UN. And this vote will be remembered.

Nikki Haley's U.N. Speech Has Consequences
If the US stopped giving money to the UN and it's anti-American members, that shit hole would go belly up. The US has been bankrolling that monstrosity since it began. Time to invest that money in America.
I think you should have a broader perspective. If those countries are not OUR friend/ally, they will be someone's. We rely on our friends and allies all the time; you are taking that for granted but you shouldn't. The vast majority of countries in the world have a reasonable argument for criticizing Trump's declaration about Jerusalem, same as Trump has an argument in favor of it.
If we want to become an isolated country with no one to back us up when we're in a tight spot, okay. Do it your way.
We do not need the UN to have friends. The UN should change their name to United Muslims. That would better describe that pestilence.
It wouldn't be the U.N. if it didn't include everyone, including Muslims. ALL the organizations that the U.S. is a member of enhance our status and ability to influence others. As much as you would like it, we are not in this alone. When our greatest allies and economic partners vote against Trump's decision, it is one thing. It is quite another to turn around and say he's shutting off the funding because of it. That is absolutely the attitude of a King, or a Kim Jong Un. Besides being strategically stupid.
She is the propaganda minister for the orange turd and threatened all the rest of the world. The entire human population is waiting for the end of Lying Trump's slithering head to go back in it's hole when a human is once again elected to office in the US.

What a disgrace America is to all the rest of humanity now.

Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made. Didn't seem to stop that senior muslim diplomat from speaking his mind. The anti-semitism that goes on in the UN ever since that nation was created is quite disturbing, and I see no reason why the US shouldn't speak out against it. I feel no shame for that.
Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made.

We have an obligation to demand more for our investment. And if our investment fails, we have an obligation to spend our resources in more productive ways. Those are the thoughts that come to mind when we consider the resolution before us today. Instead, there is a larger point to make. The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation.

We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations. And we will remember it when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit. America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the UN and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the UN. And this vote will be remembered.

Nikki Haley's U.N. Speech Has Consequences
If the US stopped giving money to the UN and it's anti-American members, that shit hole would go belly up. The US has been bankrolling that monstrosity since it began. Time to invest that money in America.
I think you should have a broader perspective. If those countries are not OUR friend/ally, they will be someone's. We rely on our friends and allies all the time; you are taking that for granted but you shouldn't. The vast majority of countries in the world have a reasonable argument for criticizing Trump's declaration about Jerusalem, same as Trump has an argument in favor of it.
If we want to become an isolated country with no one to back us up when we're in a tight spot, okay. Do it your way.
We do not need the UN to have friends. The UN should change their name to United Muslims. That would better describe that pestilence.
It wouldn't be the U.N. if it didn't include everyone, including Muslims. ALL the organizations that the U.S. is a member of enhance our status and ability to influence others. As much as you would like it, we are not in this alone. When our greatest allies and economic partners vote against Trump's decision, it is one thing. It is quite another to turn around and say he's shutting off the funding because of it. That is absolutely the attitude of a King, or a Kim Jong Un. Besides being strategically stupid.
Do you drink Evian water? It looks as if you do.
You don't find it ironic that on the one hand she insists on nations being able to assert their sovereign rights to say what want while SILENCING other nations for doing just that by threatening them?
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?

Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made. Didn't seem to stop that senior muslim diplomat from speaking his mind. The anti-semitism that goes on in the UN ever since that nation was created is quite disturbing, and I see no reason why the US shouldn't speak out against it. I feel no shame for that.
Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made.

We have an obligation to demand more for our investment. And if our investment fails, we have an obligation to spend our resources in more productive ways. Those are the thoughts that come to mind when we consider the resolution before us today. Instead, there is a larger point to make. The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation.

We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations. And we will remember it when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit. America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the UN and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the UN. And this vote will be remembered.

Nikki Haley's U.N. Speech Has Consequences
If the US stopped giving money to the UN and it's anti-American members, that shit hole would go belly up. The US has been bankrolling that monstrosity since it began. Time to invest that money in America.
I think you should have a broader perspective. If those countries are not OUR friend/ally, they will be someone's. We rely on our friends and allies all the time; you are taking that for granted but you shouldn't. The vast majority of countries in the world have a reasonable argument for criticizing Trump's declaration about Jerusalem, same as Trump has an argument in favor of it.
If we want to become an isolated country with no one to back us up when we're in a tight spot, okay. Do it your way.

The original idea of the UN was very good. Unfortunately it met the harsh reality that is humanity. Mankind is too corrupt, and too motivated by self interest for the UN to function. It should be disbanded and the useful parts of it spun off to continue with the good work that they do. But the governing body is incompetent at best, save for those who are outright criminals and rely on those who are incompetent to do their nefarious deeds. They should be kicked to the curb.
The original idea of the UN was very good. Unfortunately it met the harsh reality that is humanity. Mankind is too corrupt, and too motivated by self interest for the UN to function. It should be disbanded and the useful parts of it spun off to continue with the good work that they do. But the governing body is incompetent at best, save for those who are outright criminals and rely on those who are incompetent to do their nefarious deeds. They should be kicked to the curb.
193 out of the 195 countries on earth are members. The UN is not perfect, the US veto power is a perfect example, but it's the best we have.

The zionists' claims that the UN is an antisemitic Muslim organization is absurd.
The original idea of the UN was very good. Unfortunately it met the harsh reality that is humanity. Mankind is too corrupt, and too motivated by self interest for the UN to function. It should be disbanded and the useful parts of it spun off to continue with the good work that they do. But the governing body is incompetent at best, save for those who are outright criminals and rely on those who are incompetent to do their nefarious deeds. They should be kicked to the curb.
193 out of the 195 countries on earth are members. The UN is not perfect, the US veto power is a perfect example, but it's the best we have.

The zionists' claims that the UN is an antisemitic Muslim organization is absurd.

It is not the best we have. It is one of the worst organizations to have ever been instituted on this planet. Thanks to the UN tens of thousands of people have died needlessly through their corrupt actions. The Rwandan mass murder is directly attributable to the UNs actions. Furthermore, if you want to find sex slaves to rescue, just go to almost any UN base and you will find plenty of women and children to rescue.
She is the propaganda minister for the orange turd and threatened all the rest of the world. The entire human population is waiting for the end of Lying Trump's slithering head to go back in it's hole when a human is once again elected to office in the US.

What a disgrace America is to all the rest of humanity now.

Awesome. Musta been a great speech.
AMBASSADOR BADASS STRIKES AGAIN! She doesn't play their silly games.

Nikki Haley Silences Muslim Diplomat With Only 13 Words

The United States remains defiant this week in the face of mounting criticism from the United Nations regarding President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

As The Western Journal previously reported, the U.S. vetoed a measure that would have reversed Trump’s pronouncement. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley went on to criticize the member states who support that security council resolution and a similarly worded non-binding measure that was approved Thursday by the General Assembly.

One Reuters reporter tweeted Wednesday that a “senior diplomat from a Muslim country” shot back at Haley after reading a letter she reportedly sent explaining that Trump intended to keep a close eye on which nations voted against his Jerusalem decision.

Nikki Haley Sets the Record Straight After Senior Muslim Diplomat Called US a 'Blatant Bully'

You don't find it ironic that on the one hand she insists on nations being able to assert their sovereign rights to say what want while SILENCING other nations for doing just that by threatening them?
I wasn't aware of all that "vote with us or we won't give you anymore money" thing until last night. It mortified me that Trump and his ambassador took such a juvenile stance in front of the UN. Whether or not declaring Jerusalem as the capital of Israel was a good/understandable thing to do or not is a whole other issue I'm not trying to debate.
What IS mortifying me is the diplomacy-by-the-8th-grade-class that took place, including the thank you party for the countries who didn't vote against us.

I'm just mortified for us. Doesn't anyone know how to feel shame anymore?

Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made. Didn't seem to stop that senior muslim diplomat from speaking his mind. The anti-semitism that goes on in the UN ever since that nation was created is quite disturbing, and I see no reason why the US shouldn't speak out against it. I feel no shame for that.
Nowhere in the link or anywhere else did I see or hear Nikki Haley say that the US would withhold money from those countries that do not vote against us in the UN. Nor did I see any silencing of other nations or any threats made.

We have an obligation to demand more for our investment. And if our investment fails, we have an obligation to spend our resources in more productive ways. Those are the thoughts that come to mind when we consider the resolution before us today. Instead, there is a larger point to make. The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation.

We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations. And we will remember it when so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit. America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that. But this vote will make a difference on how Americans look at the UN and on how we look at countries who disrespect us in the UN. And this vote will be remembered.

Nikki Haley's U.N. Speech Has Consequences

Thanks for the excerpt from her speech, hadn't seen or heard that before. Not sure I would characterize what she sad as 'silencing' anyone though, and maybe it's about time the US stood up and told the rest of the world not to take us for granted. We are not going to go to war over something as minor as this, nor are we going to stop sending aid to whoever needs it regardless of how they vote in the UN. But lining up and even helping our adversaries is a different matter and I got no problem letting everyone else know we aren't going to take a slap in the face with no pushback. Cuz that's what that vote was IMHO. And I do not characterize that as juvenile either.

Now this business of a thank you party IS a bit juvenile to my mind, but it DOES send a message around the world and here at home too. Not too sure how wise that is as far as international politics goes, but I think maybe we need to let the arab world know that we are solidly supporting Israel. Here at home I think that is a winner, although very few people want to get embroiled in another war in the ME.

We've seen the likes of Lying Trump before as well as Nikki Goebbels. The scene in the video will be played out again soon enough by Nikki Knickerdropper as the criminals in the White House push the world slowly towards war.

The image and reputation of the United States is already in tatters now, brought about Lying Trump, a self-admitted sexual predator that endorsed an accused pedophile. And this is who cons follow. These are their values now. Or more correctly, complete lack of values.

We've seen the likes of Lying Trump before as well as Nikki Goebbels. The scene in the video will be played out again soon enough by Nikki Knickerdropper as the criminals in the White House push the world slowly towards war.

The image and reputation of the United States is already in tatters now, brought about Lying Trump, a self-admitted sexual predator that endorsed an accused pedophile. And this is who cons follow. These are their values now. Or more correctly, complete lack of values.

Now, there is perspective.

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