Nikki Haley's career is over

I hope her career is not over.

But I fear it is.

Why? What voters do you think she disenfranchised by doing the right thing?

The white camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, sister-fucking redneck morons. And unfortunately, they still make up most of South Carolina's population. So her career could very well be over. It's pretty sad.

Do you have statistics to back that racial slur? Just asking.

Ever been there? Or any other States in the South? Make no mistake about it, she's only pissed off the white racist camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, inbred rednecks. And they do still control that State.
What we are fighting against now is the Liberal American Taliban trying to curtail what they think are politically incorrect ideas.

:lol: confederate soldiers were always considered traitors...this is NOT a new idea.

The end of combat in spring 1865 offered an opportunity to attend to the dead...

Many of the missing soldiers of the Union Army lay in graves scattered across the South, often unmarked and unrecorded. In the fall of 1865, U.S. Quartermaster General Montgomery Meigs ordered an assessment of the condition and location of graves to ensure their protection, an increasingly urgent issue in face of growing bitterness and defiance in the defeated South. Units of northern soldiers searched across the battle fronts of the war for slain Yankees, inaugurating what became over the next six years a massive federally supported reburial program. Ultimately, 303,536 Union soldiers were reinterred in 74 new national cemeteries, and Congress officially established the national cemetery system. Careful attention to the content of graves and to the documentation that poured in from families and former comrades permitted the identification of 54 percent of the reburied soldiers. Some thirty thousand of the reinterred were black soldiers. Just as they were segregated into the U.S. Colored Troops in life, so in death they were buried in areas designated “colored” on the drawings that mapped the new national cemeteries.

This federal effort included only Union soldiers. Outraged at the official neglect of their dead, white southern civilians, largely women, mobilized private means to accomplish what federal resources would not. In Petersburg, Virginia, for example, the Ladies Memorial Association oversaw the reinterment of 30,000 dead Confederates in the city’s Blanford Cemetery. What was to become the cult of the Lost Cause in the latter decades of the century found an origin in the rituals of Confederate reburials.

The federal reburial program represented an extraordinary departure for the United States Government, an indication of the very different sort of nation that had emerged from civil war. The program’s extensiveness, its cost, and its location in the Federal Government would have been unimaginable before the war created its legions of dead, a constituency of the slain and their mourners, who would change the very definition of the nation and its obligations. The memory of the Civil War dead would remain a force in American politics and American life well into the 20th century and beyond.

Death and Dying--Civil War Era National Cemeteries Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary
What we are fighting against now is the Liberal American Taliban trying to curtail what they think are politically incorrect ideas.

:lol: confederate soldiers were always considered traitors...this is NOT a new idea.

The end of combat in spring 1865 offered an opportunity to attend to the dead...

Many of the missing soldiers of the Union Army lay in graves scattered across the South, often unmarked and unrecorded. In the fall of 1865, U.S. Quartermaster General Montgomery Meigs ordered an assessment of the condition and location of graves to ensure their protection, an increasingly urgent issue in face of growing bitterness and defiance in the defeated South. Units of northern soldiers searched across the battle fronts of the war for slain Yankees, inaugurating what became over the next six years a massive federally supported reburial program. Ultimately, 303,536 Union soldiers were reinterred in 74 new national cemeteries, and Congress officially established the national cemetery system. Careful attention to the content of graves and to the documentation that poured in from families and former comrades permitted the identification of 54 percent of the reburied soldiers. Some thirty thousand of the reinterred were black soldiers. Just as they were segregated into the U.S. Colored Troops in life, so in death they were buried in areas designated “colored” on the drawings that mapped the new national cemeteries.

This federal effort included only Union soldiers. Outraged at the official neglect of their dead, white southern civilians, largely women, mobilized private means to accomplish what federal resources would not. In Petersburg, Virginia, for example, the Ladies Memorial Association oversaw the reinterment of 30,000 dead Confederates in the city’s Blanford Cemetery. What was to become the cult of the Lost Cause in the latter decades of the century found an origin in the rituals of Confederate reburials.

The federal reburial program represented an extraordinary departure for the United States Government, an indication of the very different sort of nation that had emerged from civil war. The program’s extensiveness, its cost, and its location in the Federal Government would have been unimaginable before the war created its legions of dead, a constituency of the slain and their mourners, who would change the very definition of the nation and its obligations. The memory of the Civil War dead would remain a force in American politics and American life well into the 20th century and beyond.

Death and Dying--Civil War Era National Cemeteries Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary

Yes, the Confederacy was never part of America. Its Flag should no longer fly on Government lands. The only thing it stands for now is violence and bigotry. Time to take it down.
That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.
Here we have the type of fossil that personifies the GOP, folks.
What we are fighting against now is the Liberal American Taliban trying to curtail what they think are politically incorrect ideas.

:lol: confederate soldiers were always considered traitors...this is NOT a new idea.

The end of combat in spring 1865 offered an opportunity to attend to the dead...

Many of the missing soldiers of the Union Army lay in graves scattered across the South, often unmarked and unrecorded. In the fall of 1865, U.S. Quartermaster General Montgomery Meigs ordered an assessment of the condition and location of graves to ensure their protection, an increasingly urgent issue in face of growing bitterness and defiance in the defeated South. Units of northern soldiers searched across the battle fronts of the war for slain Yankees, inaugurating what became over the next six years a massive federally supported reburial program. Ultimately, 303,536 Union soldiers were reinterred in 74 new national cemeteries, and Congress officially established the national cemetery system. Careful attention to the content of graves and to the documentation that poured in from families and former comrades permitted the identification of 54 percent of the reburied soldiers. Some thirty thousand of the reinterred were black soldiers. Just as they were segregated into the U.S. Colored Troops in life, so in death they were buried in areas designated “colored” on the drawings that mapped the new national cemeteries.

This federal effort included only Union soldiers. Outraged at the official neglect of their dead, white southern civilians, largely women, mobilized private means to accomplish what federal resources would not. In Petersburg, Virginia, for example, the Ladies Memorial Association oversaw the reinterment of 30,000 dead Confederates in the city’s Blanford Cemetery. What was to become the cult of the Lost Cause in the latter decades of the century found an origin in the rituals of Confederate reburials.

The federal reburial program represented an extraordinary departure for the United States Government, an indication of the very different sort of nation that had emerged from civil war. The program’s extensiveness, its cost, and its location in the Federal Government would have been unimaginable before the war created its legions of dead, a constituency of the slain and their mourners, who would change the very definition of the nation and its obligations. The memory of the Civil War dead would remain a force in American politics and American life well into the 20th century and beyond.

Death and Dying--Civil War Era National Cemeteries Discover Our Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary

Actually only the field level officers and high politicians were considered "traitors" and banned from further involvement in politics until the "redeemers" swept in in 1876 and nullified federal controls. The soldiers were paroled and allowed to return to civilian life.
That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.
Here we have the type of fossil that personifies the GOP, folks.

What we are fighting against now is

^ still fighting the civil war... :meow:

the Liberal American Taliban trying to curtail what they think are politically incorrect ideas.


South Carolina leaders call for removal of Confederate flag; Republicans reject white supremacist donations

"It's time to move the flag from the capitol grounds," South Carolina's Republican governor Nikki Haley said of the flag, which was a symbol of the pro-slavery South during the Civil War.

"This is a moment in which we can say that the flag, while an integral part of our past, does not represent the future of our great state."

Charleston shooting South Carolina leaders call for removal of Confederate flag Republicans reject white supremacist donations - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation


June 20, 2015

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush said in a statement that "My position on how to address the Confederate flag is clear. In Florida we acted, moving the flag from the state grounds to a museum where it belonged."

In 2001, Bush ordered the removal of the Confederate flag from the Florida State Capitol, where it had flown since 1978.

But Bush's statement didn't explicitly call on South Carolina to do the same: "This is obviously a very sensitive time in South Carolina and our prayers are with the families, the AME church community and the entire state. Following a period of mourning there will rightly be a discussion among leaders in the state about how South Carolina should move forward, and I'm confident they will do the right thing."

Mitt Romney s opposition to Confederate flag puts GOP s current presidential candidates on the spot - The Washington Post
What we are fighting against now is

^ still fighting the civil war... :meow:

the Liberal American Taliban trying to curtail what they think are politically incorrect ideas.


South Carolina leaders call for removal of Confederate flag; Republicans reject white supremacist donations

"It's time to move the flag from the capitol grounds," South Carolina's Republican governor Nikki Haley said of the flag, which was a symbol of the pro-slavery South during the Civil War.

"This is a moment in which we can say that the flag, while an integral part of our past, does not represent the future of our great state."

Charleston shooting South Carolina leaders call for removal of Confederate flag Republicans reject white supremacist donations - ABC News Australian Broadcasting Corporation


June 20, 2015

Former Florida governor Jeb Bush said in a statement that "My position on how to address the Confederate flag is clear. In Florida we acted, moving the flag from the state grounds to a museum where it belonged."

In 2001, Bush ordered the removal of the Confederate flag from the Florida State Capitol, where it had flown since 1978.

But Bush's statement didn't explicitly call on South Carolina to do the same: "This is obviously a very sensitive time in South Carolina and our prayers are with the families, the AME church community and the entire state. Following a period of mourning there will rightly be a discussion among leaders in the state about how South Carolina should move forward, and I'm confident they will do the right thing."

Mitt Romney s opposition to Confederate flag puts GOP s current presidential candidates on the spot - The Washington Post
fyi. Removing the con flag from the state house in Floriduh was pretty meaningless as our state flag is really just a fancied up rebel flag.
That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.

right, the elected republican governor is a traitor but those who idolize traitors and their purposely divisive symbols are just swell.

fyi. Removing the con flag from the state house in Floriduh was pretty meaningless as our state flag is really just a fancied up rebel flag.

is it? i didn't realize that... you still have to give them credit for the gesture/change, though, no?
fyi. Removing the con flag from the state house in Floriduh was pretty meaningless as our state flag is really just a fancied up rebel flag.

is it? i didn't realize that... you still have to give them credit for the gesture/change, though, no?
Yes, they do get some credit but it is a damn shame that nine people had to die before they decided we shouldn't be honoring traitors and racists.
"Slit her own throat" is pretty strong language even in a metaphor don't you think? She is bowing to political pressure but she will still retain here core base and maybe pick up a few votes for appearing so "moderate"
fyi. Removing the con flag from the state house in Floriduh was pretty meaningless as our state flag is really just a fancied up rebel flag.

is it? i didn't realize that... you still have to give them credit for the gesture/change, though, no?
Yes, they do get some credit but it is a damn shame that nine people had to die before they decided we shouldn't be honoring traitors and racists.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh Ravi?
SC is an occupied state that has had self determination and freedom taken away from them by force..

The people chose to secede from the filthy Union and then they were forced by military action to be incorporated. Kind of like the Balkan States of the old Soviet Union.
Filthy Union from a state that held humans in bondage?

Excuse me but there was slavery in the US decades and decades before the Civil War, all during the Civil War and for almost a year after the Civil War. The United States wrote the book on slavery.

We sure did and it took 600,000 deaths to end it

The asshole that started the war said it was not to end slavery

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume V, "Letter to Horace Greeley" (August 22, 1862), p. 388.

Why are you quoting Lincoln?

He didn't fire the shots that started the Civil War.

The asshole who started the war would be General P.G.T. Beauregard

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