Nikki Haley's career is over

"Slit her own throat" is pretty strong language even in a metaphor don't you think? She is bowing to political pressure but she will still retain here core base and maybe pick up a few votes for appearing so "moderate"

And her national name recognition just multiplied ten fold.

I think she suddenly became a viable national candidate.
What we are fighting against now is the Liberal American Taliban trying to curtail what they think are politically incorrect ideas.

:lol: confederate soldiers were always considered traitors...this is NOT a new idea.

Four of the states that conceded from the Union were signatories to the Declaration of Independence. The descendents of George Washinton fought on the side of the South.

If anybody were traitors it was the NE Libtards that went against the Constitution using the power of the Federal government to undermine states rights.

The South was right to separate themselves from the Union. The Union was the traitors.

However, putting all that aside the great majority of Confederate soldiers simply fought to protect their homes and families from an invasion of brutal filthy ass governemnt troops hell bent on killing destroying Americans. They are the real heroes of the war.

My great, great, great grandfather fought under this flag to protect his state from thugs.

She'll likely lose some votes locally but nationally she gained by a huge margin.

Give her respect for simply making the right call and trying to drag the entire south, that is forever melancholy over losing, into reality.

She didn't make the right call. She caved into stupid mindless politically correctness. Politicians do things like that much too often and that is despicable.

If she would have stood up to the hate of the American Taliban and stood up for the brave men that fought to defend South Carolina she would have been considered a real hero by many Americans.

Instead she is a weak minded typical politician.
Poor bitter clinger.
What we are fighting against now is the Liberal American Taliban trying to curtail what they think are politically incorrect ideas.

:lol: confederate soldiers were always considered traitors...this is NOT a new idea.

Four of the states that conceded from the Union were signatories to the Declaration of Independence. The descendents of George Washinton fought on the side of the South.

If anybody were traitors it was the NE Libtards that went against the Constitution using the power of the Federal government to undermine states rights.

The South was right to separate themselves from the Union. The Union was the traitors.

However, putting all that aside the great majority of Confederate soldiers simply fought to protect their homes and families from an invasion of brutal filthy ass governemnt troops hell bent on killing destroying Americans. They are the real heroes of the war.

My great, great, great grandfather fought under this flag to protect his state from thugs.

Your G x3 grandfather was a loser traitor. But buck up...maybe some enterprising soul will come out with confederate flag tissues or hankies for all you bitter clingers to cry into.
SC is an occupied state that has had self determination and freedom taken away from them by force..

The people chose to secede from the filthy Union and then they were forced by military action to be incorporated. Kind of like the Balkan States of the old Soviet Union.
Filthy Union from a state that held humans in bondage?

Excuse me but there was slavery in the US decades and decades before the Civil War, all during the Civil War and for almost a year after the Civil War. The United States wrote the book on slavery.

We sure did and it took 600,000 deaths to end it

The asshole that started the war said it was not to end slavery

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause." The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume V, "Letter to Horace Greeley" (August 22, 1862), p. 388.
President Lincoln didn't start the Civil War...that was done by the loser traitors of South Carolina when they fired on Ft Sumter. I see you've had a poor Southern education.
The Confederacy Established

South Carolina was the first to secede, on December 20, 1860, followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas. On February 8, 1861, representatives of those states announced the formation of the Confederate States of America, with its capital at Montgomery, Alabama. Jefferson Davis of Mississippi—a Mexican War hero and former secretary of war—was chosen as president. His vice president was Alexander Stephens of Georgia, who had served in the U.S. House of Representatives.

After Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to suppress the Southern rebellion, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia also seceded and joined the Confederacy, except for 48 counties of western Virginia that broke away and formed the Union-loyal state of West Virginia. Non-states affiliated with the Confederacy were the Confederate Territory of Arizona and members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory (Oklahoma). Once Virginia joined the Confederacy, the national government was transferred to the city of Richmond there.

Slavery in the Confederate Constitution

Article IX, Section 4 prohibited any law "denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves"; sections 1 and 2 prohibited "The importation of negroes of the African race from any foreign country other than the slaveholding States or Territories of the United States of America" and gave the Congress power to prohibit "the introduction of slaves from any State not a member of, or Territory not belonging to, this Confederacy."

Article IV guaranteed the right of citizens to travel with their slaves and other property without risk of having their right of ownership impaired. No slave or other person held in service could become free as a result of escaping to another state. Any new territories were required to recognize slavery "as it now exists in the Confederate States." Many Southerners expected to conquer and colonize Cuba and other states of the Caribbean and Central America.

Effects of the Confederate Constitution

By limiting the power of the central government, the founders of the Confederacy also limited its ability to make war. States could refuse use of their militia to the Confederate government and sometimes did if they felt the men were needed for defense at home. The constitution also severely restricted the government’s ability to raise money, a situation made more acute by the expense of war. Inflation soared, resulting in "bread riots" in many places, including the capital of Richmond.

On April 2, 1865, that capital fell to Union forces. President Davis and his cabinet fled with the treasury; he intended to reestablish the government west of the Mississippi, but on May 10 he was captured near Irwinville, Georgia.

The Confederacy had lasted barely four years. Whether it could have ultimately been successful had it won the war or if there had been no war is questionable. Even within its brief lifetime, some states of the Confederacy were already threatening to secede from it over dissatisfaction with the Davis Administration.

That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.
Here we have the type of fossil that personifies the GOP, folks.

Another bitter clinger?
What we are fighting against now is the Liberal American Taliban trying to curtail what they think are politically incorrect ideas.

:lol: confederate soldiers were always considered traitors...this is NOT a new idea.

Four of the states that conceded from the Union were signatories to the Declaration of Independence. The descendents of George Washinton fought on the side of the South.

If anybody were traitors it was the NE Libtards that went against the Constitution using the power of the Federal government to undermine states rights.

The South was right to separate themselves from the Union. The Union was the traitors.

However, putting all that aside the great majority of Confederate soldiers simply fought to protect their homes and families from an invasion of brutal filthy ass governemnt troops hell bent on killing destroying Americans. They are the real heroes of the war.

My great, great, great grandfather fought under this flag to protect his state from thugs.


The original 13 states forming the "United States of America" were established by the Articles of Confederation, ratified on March 1, 1781. The Articles created a loose confederation of sovereign states and a weak central government, leaving most of the power with the state governments. The need for a stronger federal government soon became apparent and eventually led to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The present United States Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation on March 4, 1789.

The original 13 states recognized by the Articles of Confederation were (in chronological order):
  1. Delaware (ratified the Constitution on December 7, 1787)
  2. Pennsylvania (ratified the Constitution on December 12, 1787)
  3. New Jersey (ratified the Constitution on December 18, 1787)
  4. Georgia (ratified the Constitution on January 2, 1788)
  5. Connecticut (ratified the Constitution on January 9, 1788)
  6. Massachusetts (ratified the Constitution on February 6, 1788)
  7. Maryland (ratified the Constitution on April 28, 1788)
  8. South Carolina (ratified the Constitution on May 23, 1788)
  9. New Hampshire (ratified the Constitution on June 21, 1788)
  10. Virginia (ratified the Constitution on June 25, 1788)
  11. New York (ratified the Constitution on July 26, 1788)
  12. North Carolina (ratified the Constitution on November 21, 1789)
  13. Rhode Island (ratified the Constitution on May 29, 1790)
The Original 13 States of the United States of America

Some incredibly... um... id... um... interesting posts from both sides of the political spectrum.

I'm pretty sure that Haley slit her own throat coming out against the Flag.

Too bad.

First, you're probably wrong, but this happens often enough that you should be used to it by now. She's an amazingly popular governor, when I moved here I was very surprised by just how popular. She has brought many jobs to the state, and not just Boeing. Mercedes and Volvo are both here or preparing to build a factory here. Last year, BMW announced a $1 billion expansion for its Spartanburg factory, making it their largest and resulting in a 10% increase in jobs.

Second, unless she wishes to seek a higher office, she's done in politics. This is her second term, she can not run for a third. Well, that's not exactly true, I believe she can run again four years after the end of her second term. Is seeking a higher office a possibility? I suppose it is, but I've not heard anything out her camp on the subject so I'm guessing she plans on finishing her term as governor...Unlike some other governor who shall remain nameless...

But I could be wrong, it happens more often than I care to admit...

I'm all for taking the flag down, but she did flip-flop along with most on the Right.

What "flip-flop?" Do you have a link to some statement she made supporting the flying of the flag?

I don't think she flip flopped. She said it wasn't her call to make, and it wasn't. I faulted her for saying to hell with it, I'm flying the stars and bars at half mast even though the law says that's not my call. But she came out strong on calling for a total removal. And, it's not pandering ... not after the shooting. SC enacted it's flag law in response to civil rights. That makes SC's flag issue different. The flag is used as a symbol of pre-civil war history. It's a symbol of opposition to civil rights.

Now Scott Walker, he flipflopped massively, but that's no surprise

Scott Walker Was Against The Confederate Flag Before He Was OK With It Before He Was Against It Again

The flag was never lowered to half mast, it is impossible to do so as it is not on a pulley system and is padlocked in place, and it is also against the law...

A law that was not enacted in response to the Civil Rights movement. The flag was raised on the flagpole on top of the capitol dome in protest against the court-ordered desegregation of the schools. In 2000, A Democrat governor signed into law a bill passed by a Democrat controlled senate that put the flag where it is now and granted it the protections everyone is bitching about. Though the fact of the matter is this, the 2/3 vote required by the law to make any changes to the display of the flag could be made ineffective by the vote of a simple majority on a new law dealing with it...

The fact of the matter is, ridding the State House of the flag would make great economic sense... Especially for some of our colleges as the NCAA refuses to allow South Carolina to host NCAA athletic events whose locations are determined in advance.

That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.

You're just a fucking idiot.

This is what happens when foreign influence rises to leadership levels. There is no connection to the American experience.

What "foreign influence?" She was born and raised in South Carolina. Her immigrant parents started a business that grew into a multi-million dollar company for which she worked. Before being elected governor, she served in the South Carolina House of Representatives. Her husband serves in the South Carolina Army National Guard and did a year long tour in Afghanistan.

Sounds like one hell of a connection to the "American experience..."
I hope you're right.
The GOP could use some moderation.

Right back to claiming that, Candy?
Never claimed anything else.

Who nominated and elected someone who had one of the most "extreme" far left voting records?
I guess you're talking about Obama. That would be the American people 332-206. Did you like that? I can remind you about it again later if you did....(or didn't).

Why aren't you calling for "moderation" from Democrats?

Extreme progressiveness is not a symptom of cave-man thinking. Believing that angels determine your outcome, that the earth is thousands of years old, that you can just blast your way out of every situation (after you blast your way into it)...this is the thinking that needs modernization.

Neither is conservatism a symptom of "cave-man thinking", Candy...although you on the Left continually make that charge.

I'm an atheist and a conservative. So please spare me the nonsense about angels.

My point about Obama is that you call the GOP "extreme"...yet they nominate moderates...while at the same time you pretend that the Democrats aren't "extreme"...yet they nominated a Senator with one of the most liberal voting records on the Hill. How do you explain that?
That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.
Here we have the type of fossil that personifies the GOP, folks.

Another bitter clinger?

More bullshit.

Some incredibly... um... id... um... interesting posts from both sides of the political spectrum.

I'm pretty sure that Haley slit her own throat coming out against the Flag.

Too bad.

First, you're probably wrong, but this happens often enough that you should be used to it by now. She's an amazingly popular governor, when I moved here I was very surprised by just how popular. She has brought many jobs to the state, and not just Boeing. Mercedes and Volvo are both here or preparing to build a factory here. Last year, BMW announced a $1 billion expansion for its Spartanburg factory, making it their largest and resulting in a 10% increase in jobs.

Second, unless she wishes to seek a higher office, she's done in politics. This is her second term, she can not run for a third. Well, that's not exactly true, I believe she can run again four years after the end of her second term. Is seeking a higher office a possibility? I suppose it is, but I've not heard anything out her camp on the subject so I'm guessing she plans on finishing her term as governor...Unlike some other governor who shall remain nameless...

But I could be wrong, it happens more often than I care to admit...

I'm all for taking the flag down, but she did flip-flop along with most on the Right.

What "flip-flop?" Do you have a link to some statement she made supporting the flying of the flag?

I don't think she flip flopped. She said it wasn't her call to make, and it wasn't. I faulted her for saying to hell with it, I'm flying the stars and bars at half mast even though the law says that's not my call. But she came out strong on calling for a total removal. And, it's not pandering ... not after the shooting. SC enacted it's flag law in response to civil rights. That makes SC's flag issue different. The flag is used as a symbol of pre-civil war history. It's a symbol of opposition to civil rights.

Now Scott Walker, he flipflopped massively, but that's no surprise

Scott Walker Was Against The Confederate Flag Before He Was OK With It Before He Was Against It Again

The flag was never lowered to half mast, it is impossible to do so as it is not on a pulley system and is padlocked in place, and it is also against the law...

A law that was not enacted in response to the Civil Rights movement. The flag was raised on the flagpole on top of the capitol dome in protest against the court-ordered desegregation of the schools. In 2000, A Democrat governor signed into law a bill passed by a Democrat controlled senate that put the flag where it is now and granted it the protections everyone is bitching about. Though the fact of the matter is this, the 2/3 vote required by the law to make any changes to the display of the flag could be made ineffective by the vote of a simple majority on a new law dealing with it...

The fact of the matter is, ridding the State House of the flag would make great economic sense... Especially for some of our colleges as the NCAA refuses to allow South Carolina to host NCAA athletic events whose locations are determined in advance.

That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.

You're just a fucking idiot.

This is what happens when foreign influence rises to leadership levels. There is no connection to the American experience.

What "foreign influence?" She was born and raised in South Carolina. Her immigrant parents started a business that grew into a multi-million dollar company for which she worked. Before being elected governor, she served in the South Carolina House of Representatives. Her husband serves in the South Carolina Army National Guard and did a year long tour in Afghanistan.

Sounds like one hell of a connection to the "American experience..."
I hope you're right.
The GOP could use some moderation.

Right back to claiming that, Candy?
Never claimed anything else.

Who nominated and elected someone who had one of the most "extreme" far left voting records?
I guess you're talking about Obama. That would be the American people 332-206. Did you like that? I can remind you about it again later if you did....(or didn't).

Why aren't you calling for "moderation" from Democrats?

Extreme progressiveness is not a symptom of cave-man thinking. Believing that angels determine your outcome, that the earth is thousands of years old, that you can just blast your way out of every situation (after you blast your way into it)...this is the thinking that needs modernization.

Neither is conservatism a symptom of "cave-man thinking", Candy...although you on the Left continually make that charge.

I'm an atheist and a conservative. So please spare me the nonsense about angels.

My point about Obama is that you call the GOP "extreme"...yet they nominate moderates...while at the same time you pretend that the Democrats aren't "extreme"...yet they nominated a Senator with one of the most liberal voting records on the Hill. How do you explain that?

Answer: The Gop nominates moderates only when they run as RW clowns. The dems nominated a liberal elitist who ran as the Great Unifier. And we are royally screwed.

Why are you quoting Lincoln?

He didn't fire the shots that started the Civil War.

The asshole who started the war would be General P.G.T. Beauregard

Typical Moon Bat ignorance. That is what comes from only having a Jr High School history text book that was written by the winners understanding of the war.

Presidency Buchanan established an informal but nevertheless active truce at Ft Sumter with South Carolina in order to prevent hostilities. Not only Ft Sumter but other places because he knew the issue of Federal property in the Secession State needed to be resolved peacefully. In fact he handed over other federal facilities in other states.

However, almost immediately upon becoming President that lunatic Lincoln took it upon himself to break the truce in order to initiate hostilities. He did without the consent of Congress or even the advice of his Cabinet because they would not have approved.

He sent a military supply ship to the fort in direct violation of the truce. It was not a supply run to a beleaguered fort under siege. Most of the troops lived off post and were receiving food and necessities from the local economy.

Lincoln started the war at Ft Sumter by breaking the truce.

Of course Ft Sumter has always been a red herring. The real war started the day the filthy ass Union troops crossed the Potomac River to kill Americans and take arms away from the American people.

Commentary The Truce at Fort Sumter

Your G x3 grandfather was a loser traitor. But buck up...maybe some enterprising soul will come out with confederate flag tissues or hankies for all you bitter clingers to cry into.

Instead of making stupid statement about things you know nothing about why don't you educate yourself?

My GF(3) wrote 161 letters during the war that explained his actions and why he fought to defend his homeland against the invaders.

My family donated those letters to the University of Florida and they are in the Library along with other letters from other solders.

Instead of being an ass why don't you go and read the letters before making dumbasss comments? That way you won't look like a fool so much.
The south lost, deal with it. They weren't patriots, they weren't 'fighting the good fight'. They wanted to keep their economy based on owning other human beings.

And they got their heads bashed in. Ta da!
I hope her career is not over.

But I fear it is.

Why? What voters do you think she disenfranchised by doing the right thing?

The white camo-wearing, gun-hoarding, sister-fucking redneck morons. And unfortunately, they still make up most of South Carolina's population. So her career could very well be over. It's pretty sad.

If you would get those 'roids' removed you would be a perfect asshole!

Why are you quoting Lincoln?

He didn't fire the shots that started the Civil War.

The asshole who started the war would be General P.G.T. Beauregard

Typical Moon Bat ignorance. That is what comes from only having a Jr High School history text book that was written by the winners understanding of the war.

Presidency Buchanan established an informal but nevertheless active truce at Ft Sumter with South Carolina in order to prevent hostilities. Not only Ft Sumter but other places because he knew the issue of Federal property in the Secession State needed to be resolved peacefully. In fact he handed over other federal facilities in other states.

However, almost immediately upon becoming President that lunatic Lincoln took it upon himself to break the truce in order to initiate hostilities. He did without the consent of Congress or even the advice of his Cabinet because they would not have approved.

He sent a military supply ship to the fort in direct violation of the truce. It was not a supply run to a beleaguered fort under siege. Most of the troops lived off post and were receiving food and necessities from the local economy.

Lincoln started the war at Ft Sumter by breaking the truce.

Of course Ft Sumter has always been a red herring. The real war started the day the filthy ass Union troops crossed the Potomac River to kill Americans and take arms away from the American people.

Commentary The Truce at Fort Sumter

Your own citation contradicts you.

When Anderson moved to Fort Sumter, he disrupted one of a series of fragile agreements, sometimes called "truces," established between the Buchanan administration and South Carolina. On December 10, before Anderson's move and before South Carolina seceded, a group of South Carolina congressmen called upon the President for a "pledge" that he would not reinforce or in any way change the military situation at Charleston pending anticipated negotiations between the state and the federal government. In return, South Carolina would not attack the forts. Buchanan refused to sign such a statement, but he offered verbal assurances that he did not intend to reinforce the forts under present circumstances. The congressmen understood Buchanan also to say that they would be informed if the President changed his policy.

This "truce" was subject to different interpretations. The South Carolinians considered Buchanan pledged as a gentleman not to change the status of the forts, including a move by Anderson from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter, and to inform them of any change in policy. The President, however, did not think he had made a firm commitment with a group who had no authority to enter into reciprocal agreements. Instead, he considered that they had arrived at something like a mutual understanding of present intentions. Wha tever the ambiguity, two things are clear. Buchanan, who had initially considered reinforcing Anderson, had changed his mind. He adopted, at least for the moment, a policy of maintaining the status quo. In addition, Buchanan refused to consider abandoning Sumter or other forts still under government control.

After South Carolina seceded (December 20, 1861) and Anderson moved to Fort Sumter, Buchanan was pressured to order Anderson to return to Fort Moultrie as well as to remove federal forces from all its forts in South Carolina. But encouraged by pro-Union cabinet members, especially fellow Pennsylvanian, Secretary of State Jeremiah S. Black, and irritated by the badgering of pro-secessionist southerners, the President refused to do either. As for the "truce," Buchanan explained that Anderson had acted on his own responsibility, that his move was not aggressive, and that South Carolina's subsequent takeover of the forts abandoned by Anderson made his return impossible. Most significantly, Buchanan announced his determination to maintain Sumter and to defend it against attack. On December 31, the President had sufficiently stiffened his resolve to hold Sumter and he initiated measures to reinforce it. On January 5, 1861, the Star of the West sailed from New York with troops and supplies to relieve the fort.

The failure of this expedition led to another arrangement, or "truce," at Fort Sumter. Following the Star of the West incident, Anderson and Governor Francis W. Pickens of South Carolina agreed that neither side would resort to arms until the issue of Sumter's possession was resolved by new negotiations in Washington. While these negotiations, undertaken by an agent of the governor, dragged on through January, President Buchanan refused to consider another relief expedition. Aid would be sent to Sumter only if Anderson requested additional supplies or reinforcements for his safety or defense. The administration, therefore, placed the responsibility for relief on Anderson, making clear to the commander that it wanted to avoid a conflict. Anderson, who shared Buchanan's hopes, did not request relief.

On February 6, 1861, Buchanan finally brought the negotiations with South Carolina to a conclusion by rejecting South Carolina's demand that he relinquish Sumter. He thereby ended the "truce" established by Anderson and the governor at Charleston. For the remainder of his term, however, the President preserved the status quo.

No one forced the Confederacy to open fire on Union troops- but the day that 'lunatic' Beauregard decided to open fire on Union troops, the war began.

Why are you quoting Lincoln?

He didn't fire the shots that started the Civil War.

The asshole who started the war would be General P.G.T. Beauregard

Typical Moon Bat ignorance. That is what comes from only having a Jr High School history text book that was written by the winners understanding of the war.

Presidency Buchanan established an informal but nevertheless active truce at Ft Sumter with South Carolina in order to prevent hostilities. Not only Ft Sumter but other places because he knew the issue of Federal property in the Secession State needed to be resolved peacefully. In fact he handed over other federal facilities in other states.

However, almost immediately upon becoming President that lunatic Lincoln took it upon himself to break the truce in order to initiate hostilities. He did without the consent of Congress or even the advice of his Cabinet because they would not have approved.

He sent a military supply ship to the fort in direct violation of the truce. It was not a supply run to a beleaguered fort under siege. Most of the troops lived off post and were receiving food and necessities from the local economy.

Lincoln started the war at Ft Sumter by breaking the truce.

Of course Ft Sumter has always been a red herring. The real war started the day the filthy ass Union troops crossed the Potomac River to kill Americans and take arms away from the American people.

Commentary The Truce at Fort Sumter

By the way- I love your citation- lots of good information- like this

Confederate Government Resolves to Take Forts
The provisional Confederate government, after assuming responsibility for questions concerning forts, arsensals, and other federal property within the states of the Confederacy, resolved on February 15 that "immediate steps should be taken to obtain po ssession of forts Sumter and Pickens . . . either by negotiations or force." It authorized President-elect Davis to carry the resolution into effect. Under this authority, Davis took charge of the military operations in Charleston Harbor on February 22, 1861. Ironically, Davis and Anderson were old friends. During the Black Hawk War, the two young West Point graduates were in charge of guarding the captured Indian leader.

That is 5 days before Lincoln even arrives in Washington- the Confederacy is authorizing the use of force against Union troops.
What we are fighting against now is the Liberal American Taliban trying to curtail what they think are politically incorrect ideas.

:lol: confederate soldiers were always considered traitors...this is NOT a new idea.

Four of the states that conceded from the Union were signatories to the Declaration of Independence. The descendents of George Washinton fought on the side of the South.

If anybody were traitors it was the NE Libtards that went against the Constitution using the power of the Federal government to undermine states rights.

The South was right to separate themselves from the Union. The Union was the traitors.

All to protect the institution of slavery.

Your grandfather was probably fighting to protect his state.

But the Confederate States became the Confederate States in order to protect their economic interest in slavery.

By applauding the decision to secede, you applaud their defense of slavery.

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