Nikki Haley's career is over


By the way- I love your citation- lots of good information- like this

Confederate Government Resolves to Take Forts

Of course they would just like the Continental Army resolved to take Ft Ticonderoga and other British facilities once the US declared sovereignty.

Ft Sumter was there to protect the people of South Carolina and not the NE Yankess that lived a thousand miles north.

However, that does not negate the fact that there was truce in place that Lincoln broke or that the real hostilities started the day the filthy ass Union Army crossed the Potomac River to kill Americans.

The South seceded from the Union but that was not the act of war. That was a political act. Lincoln created the act of war by raising an Army and invading the secession states. Despicable!

By the way- I love your citation- lots of good information- like this

Confederate Government Resolves to Take Forts

However, that does not negate the fact that there was truce in place that Lincoln broke or that the real hostilities started the day the filthy ass Union Army crossed the Potomac River to kill Americans.

The South seceded from the Union but that was not the act of war. That was a political act. Lincoln created the act of war by raising an Army and invading the secession states. Despicable!

There was no 'truce' in place- and your own citation establishes that.

Lincoln didn't raise any army until the Confederate States made the decision to attack the Army of the United States of America.

Your beloved Confederacy choose to attack the loyal troops of the United States.

And suffered the consequences.

By the way- I love your citation- lots of good information- like this

Confederate Government Resolves to Take Forts

However, that does not negate the fact that there was truce in place that Lincoln broke or that the real hostilities started the day the filthy ass Union Army crossed the Potomac River to kill Americans.

The South seceded from the Union but that was not the act of war. That was a political act. Lincoln created the act of war by raising an Army and invading the secession states. Despicable!

There was no 'truce' in place- and your own citation establishes that.

Lincoln didn't raise any army until the Confederate States made the decision to attack the Army of the United States of America.

Your beloved Confederacy choose to attack the loyal troops of the United States.

And suffered the consequences.

The article very well explained the truce. You just didn't understand it.
fyi. Removing the con flag from the state house in Floriduh was pretty meaningless as our state flag is really just a fancied up rebel flag.

is it? i didn't realize that... you still have to give them credit for the gesture/change, though, no?
Yes, they do get some credit but it is a damn shame that nine people had to die before they decided we shouldn't be honoring traitors and racists.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh Ravi?
So you are okay with being PC about the con flag? Don't want to hurt racists feelings?

By the way- I love your citation- lots of good information- like this

Confederate Government Resolves to Take Forts

However, that does not negate the fact that there was truce in place that Lincoln broke or that the real hostilities started the day the filthy ass Union Army crossed the Potomac River to kill Americans.

The South seceded from the Union but that was not the act of war. That was a political act. Lincoln created the act of war by raising an Army and invading the secession states. Despicable!

There was no 'truce' in place- and your own citation establishes that.

Lincoln didn't raise any army until the Confederate States made the decision to attack the Army of the United States of America.

Your beloved Confederacy choose to attack the loyal troops of the United States.

And suffered the consequences.

The article very well explained the truce. You just didn't understand it.
Hey, your floriduh con avie is wrong. It should stop at palm beach county. And we are tired of supporting you.

Some incredibly... um... id... um... interesting posts from both sides of the political spectrum.

I'm pretty sure that Haley slit her own throat coming out against the Flag.

Too bad.

First, you're probably wrong, but this happens often enough that you should be used to it by now. She's an amazingly popular governor, when I moved here I was very surprised by just how popular. She has brought many jobs to the state, and not just Boeing. Mercedes and Volvo are both here or preparing to build a factory here. Last year, BMW announced a $1 billion expansion for its Spartanburg factory, making it their largest and resulting in a 10% increase in jobs.

Second, unless she wishes to seek a higher office, she's done in politics. This is her second term, she can not run for a third. Well, that's not exactly true, I believe she can run again four years after the end of her second term. Is seeking a higher office a possibility? I suppose it is, but I've not heard anything out her camp on the subject so I'm guessing she plans on finishing her term as governor...Unlike some other governor who shall remain nameless...

But I could be wrong, it happens more often than I care to admit...

I'm all for taking the flag down, but she did flip-flop along with most on the Right.

What "flip-flop?" Do you have a link to some statement she made supporting the flying of the flag?

I don't think she flip flopped. She said it wasn't her call to make, and it wasn't. I faulted her for saying to hell with it, I'm flying the stars and bars at half mast even though the law says that's not my call. But she came out strong on calling for a total removal. And, it's not pandering ... not after the shooting. SC enacted it's flag law in response to civil rights. That makes SC's flag issue different. The flag is used as a symbol of pre-civil war history. It's a symbol of opposition to civil rights.

Now Scott Walker, he flipflopped massively, but that's no surprise

Scott Walker Was Against The Confederate Flag Before He Was OK With It Before He Was Against It Again

The flag was never lowered to half mast, it is impossible to do so as it is not on a pulley system and is padlocked in place, and it is also against the law...

A law that was not enacted in response to the Civil Rights movement. The flag was raised on the flagpole on top of the capitol dome in protest against the court-ordered desegregation of the schools. In 2000, A Democrat governor signed into law a bill passed by a Democrat controlled senate that put the flag where it is now and granted it the protections everyone is bitching about. Though the fact of the matter is this, the 2/3 vote required by the law to make any changes to the display of the flag could be made ineffective by the vote of a simple majority on a new law dealing with it...

The fact of the matter is, ridding the State House of the flag would make great economic sense... Especially for some of our colleges as the NCAA refuses to allow South Carolina to host NCAA athletic events whose locations are determined in advance.

That stupid bitch won by the White vote in SC, many of them true bloodied Southerners.

A large number of them will be pissed at the bitch and she will play hell getting reelected against a Democrat. She may not even make it through the primaries next time around.

She is a traitor to the good people of South Carolina and she deserves her political fate.

You're just a fucking idiot.

This is what happens when foreign influence rises to leadership levels. There is no connection to the American experience.

What "foreign influence?" She was born and raised in South Carolina. Her immigrant parents started a business that grew into a multi-million dollar company for which she worked. Before being elected governor, she served in the South Carolina House of Representatives. Her husband serves in the South Carolina Army National Guard and did a year long tour in Afghanistan.

Sounds like one hell of a connection to the "American experience..."
I hope you're right.
The GOP could use some moderation.

Right back to claiming that, Candy?
Never claimed anything else.

Who nominated and elected someone who had one of the most "extreme" far left voting records?
I guess you're talking about Obama. That would be the American people 332-206. Did you like that? I can remind you about it again later if you did....(or didn't).

Why aren't you calling for "moderation" from Democrats?

Extreme progressiveness is not a symptom of cave-man thinking. Believing that angels determine your outcome, that the earth is thousands of years old, that you can just blast your way out of every situation (after you blast your way into it)...this is the thinking that needs modernization.

Neither is conservatism a symptom of "cave-man thinking",
Sure it is.

Why else would you think you have any right to tell a woman she has to go through several invasive medical procedures to exercise her rights?

Candy...although you on the Left continually make that charge.
And they are right.

I'm an atheist and a conservative. So please spare me the nonsense about angels.
Didn't know that.
Also didn't care.

My point about Obama is that you call the GOP "extreme"...yet they nominate moderates...
Obama is a moderate too..ask any true liberal. Ask Nancy Pelosi.

while at the same time you pretend that the Democrats aren't "extreme"...yet they nominated a Senator with one of the most liberal voting records on the Hill. How do you explain that?

Again, if you're a progressive, you're not a caveman. I see where your intelectual challenges are hurting you in this conversation.

Some incredibly... um... id... um... interesting posts from both sides of the political spectrum.

First, you're probably wrong, but this happens often enough that you should be used to it by now. She's an amazingly popular governor, when I moved here I was very surprised by just how popular. She has brought many jobs to the state, and not just Boeing. Mercedes and Volvo are both here or preparing to build a factory here. Last year, BMW announced a $1 billion expansion for its Spartanburg factory, making it their largest and resulting in a 10% increase in jobs.

Second, unless she wishes to seek a higher office, she's done in politics. This is her second term, she can not run for a third. Well, that's not exactly true, I believe she can run again four years after the end of her second term. Is seeking a higher office a possibility? I suppose it is, but I've not heard anything out her camp on the subject so I'm guessing she plans on finishing her term as governor...Unlike some other governor who shall remain nameless...

But I could be wrong, it happens more often than I care to admit...

What "flip-flop?" Do you have a link to some statement she made supporting the flying of the flag?

The flag was never lowered to half mast, it is impossible to do so as it is not on a pulley system and is padlocked in place, and it is also against the law...

A law that was not enacted in response to the Civil Rights movement. The flag was raised on the flagpole on top of the capitol dome in protest against the court-ordered desegregation of the schools. In 2000, A Democrat governor signed into law a bill passed by a Democrat controlled senate that put the flag where it is now and granted it the protections everyone is bitching about. Though the fact of the matter is this, the 2/3 vote required by the law to make any changes to the display of the flag could be made ineffective by the vote of a simple majority on a new law dealing with it...

The fact of the matter is, ridding the State House of the flag would make great economic sense... Especially for some of our colleges as the NCAA refuses to allow South Carolina to host NCAA athletic events whose locations are determined in advance.

You're just a fucking idiot.

What "foreign influence?" She was born and raised in South Carolina. Her immigrant parents started a business that grew into a multi-million dollar company for which she worked. Before being elected governor, she served in the South Carolina House of Representatives. Her husband serves in the South Carolina Army National Guard and did a year long tour in Afghanistan.

Sounds like one hell of a connection to the "American experience..."
I hope you're right.
The GOP could use some moderation.

Right back to claiming that, Candy?
Never claimed anything else.

Who nominated and elected someone who had one of the most "extreme" far left voting records?
I guess you're talking about Obama. That would be the American people 332-206. Did you like that? I can remind you about it again later if you did....(or didn't).

Why aren't you calling for "moderation" from Democrats?

Extreme progressiveness is not a symptom of cave-man thinking. Believing that angels determine your outcome, that the earth is thousands of years old, that you can just blast your way out of every situation (after you blast your way into it)...this is the thinking that needs modernization.

Neither is conservatism a symptom of "cave-man thinking",
Sure it is.

Why else would you think you have any right to tell a woman she has to go through several invasive medical procedures to exercise her rights?

Candy...although you on the Left continually make that charge.
And they are right.

I'm an atheist and a conservative. So please spare me the nonsense about angels.
Didn't know that.
Also didn't care.

My point about Obama is that you call the GOP "extreme"...yet they nominate moderates...
Obama is a moderate too..ask any true liberal. Ask Nancy Pelosi.

while at the same time you pretend that the Democrats aren't "extreme"...yet they nominated a Senator with one of the most liberal voting records on the Hill. How do you explain that?

Again, if you're a progressive, you're not a caveman. I see where your intelectual challenges are hurting you in this conversation.

Hate to burst another stereotype bubble for you, Candy...but I'm pro-choice.

How exactly is Obama a moderate when his voting record in the Senate was rated one of the most liberal? Because he wasn't able to pass all of the far left stuff he wanted to? Because the American people said whoa after the first mid term election?

Oh, and Candy? If you're going to try and insult me over a lack of intellect...try and spell the word correctly! You'll look a lot more "intellectual"!
I hope you're right.
The GOP could use some moderation.

Right back to claiming that, Candy?
Never claimed anything else.

Who nominated and elected someone who had one of the most "extreme" far left voting records?
I guess you're talking about Obama. That would be the American people 332-206. Did you like that? I can remind you about it again later if you did....(or didn't).

Why aren't you calling for "moderation" from Democrats?

Extreme progressiveness is not a symptom of cave-man thinking. Believing that angels determine your outcome, that the earth is thousands of years old, that you can just blast your way out of every situation (after you blast your way into it)...this is the thinking that needs modernization.

Neither is conservatism a symptom of "cave-man thinking",
Sure it is.

Why else would you think you have any right to tell a woman she has to go through several invasive medical procedures to exercise her rights?

Candy...although you on the Left continually make that charge.
And they are right.

I'm an atheist and a conservative. So please spare me the nonsense about angels.
Didn't know that.
Also didn't care.

My point about Obama is that you call the GOP "extreme"...yet they nominate moderates...
Obama is a moderate too..ask any true liberal. Ask Nancy Pelosi.

while at the same time you pretend that the Democrats aren't "extreme"...yet they nominated a Senator with one of the most liberal voting records on the Hill. How do you explain that?

Again, if you're a progressive, you're not a caveman. I see where your intelectual challenges are hurting you in this conversation.

Hate to burst another stereotype bubble for you, Candy...but I'm pro-choice.
Also didn't know.
Also didn't care.

How exactly is Obama a moderate when his voting record in the Senate was rated one of the most liberal?
For the third time silly boy, President Obama is a moderate or Center-Left President.

Because he wasn't able to pass all of the far left stuff he wanted to? Because the American people said whoa after the first mid term election?
Oh, and Candy? If you're going to try and insult me over a lack of intellect...try and spell the word correctly! You'll look a lot more "intellectual"!

Your cave-man teachings betray you...always have, always will.
Right back to claiming that, Candy?
Never claimed anything else.

Who nominated and elected someone who had one of the most "extreme" far left voting records?
I guess you're talking about Obama. That would be the American people 332-206. Did you like that? I can remind you about it again later if you did....(or didn't).

Why aren't you calling for "moderation" from Democrats?

Extreme progressiveness is not a symptom of cave-man thinking. Believing that angels determine your outcome, that the earth is thousands of years old, that you can just blast your way out of every situation (after you blast your way into it)...this is the thinking that needs modernization.

Neither is conservatism a symptom of "cave-man thinking",
Sure it is.

Why else would you think you have any right to tell a woman she has to go through several invasive medical procedures to exercise her rights?

Candy...although you on the Left continually make that charge.
And they are right.

I'm an atheist and a conservative. So please spare me the nonsense about angels.
Didn't know that.
Also didn't care.

My point about Obama is that you call the GOP "extreme"...yet they nominate moderates...
Obama is a moderate too..ask any true liberal. Ask Nancy Pelosi.

while at the same time you pretend that the Democrats aren't "extreme"...yet they nominated a Senator with one of the most liberal voting records on the Hill. How do you explain that?

Again, if you're a progressive, you're not a caveman. I see where your intelectual challenges are hurting you in this conversation.

Hate to burst another stereotype bubble for you, Candy...but I'm pro-choice.
Also didn't know.
Also didn't care.

How exactly is Obama a moderate when his voting record in the Senate was rated one of the most liberal?
For the third time silly boy, President Obama is a moderate or Center-Left President.

Because he wasn't able to pass all of the far left stuff he wanted to? Because the American people said whoa after the first mid term election?
Oh, and Candy? If you're going to try and insult me over a lack of intellect...try and spell the word correctly! You'll look a lot more "intellectual"!

Your cave-man teachings betray you...always have, always will.

Is he moderate by choice or by necessity? I would make the case that you mistake Obama's inability to pass liberal legislation as his being a moderate.

What pray tell makes me a "cave man"? I've got an undergraduate degree in History which I followed up with an MBA. Sorry to burst yet another of your stereotypes, Candy but I was raised in about as liberal a college town as you'll find anywhere, Amherst, Massachusetts. But you probably don't care about that either...right?

It seems to me, Candy that you don't care about much other than your own world view. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is extreme and a Neanderthal.
Never claimed anything else.

I guess you're talking about Obama. That would be the American people 332-206. Did you like that? I can remind you about it again later if you did....(or didn't).

Extreme progressiveness is not a symptom of cave-man thinking. Believing that angels determine your outcome, that the earth is thousands of years old, that you can just blast your way out of every situation (after you blast your way into it)...this is the thinking that needs modernization.

Neither is conservatism a symptom of "cave-man thinking",
Sure it is.

Why else would you think you have any right to tell a woman she has to go through several invasive medical procedures to exercise her rights?

Candy...although you on the Left continually make that charge.
And they are right.

I'm an atheist and a conservative. So please spare me the nonsense about angels.
Didn't know that.
Also didn't care.

My point about Obama is that you call the GOP "extreme"...yet they nominate moderates...
Obama is a moderate too..ask any true liberal. Ask Nancy Pelosi.

while at the same time you pretend that the Democrats aren't "extreme"...yet they nominated a Senator with one of the most liberal voting records on the Hill. How do you explain that?

Again, if you're a progressive, you're not a caveman. I see where your intelectual challenges are hurting you in this conversation.

Hate to burst another stereotype bubble for you, Candy...but I'm pro-choice.
Also didn't know.
Also didn't care.

How exactly is Obama a moderate when his voting record in the Senate was rated one of the most liberal?
For the third time silly boy, President Obama is a moderate or Center-Left President.

Because he wasn't able to pass all of the far left stuff he wanted to? Because the American people said whoa after the first mid term election?
Oh, and Candy? If you're going to try and insult me over a lack of intellect...try and spell the word correctly! You'll look a lot more "intellectual"!

Your cave-man teachings betray you...always have, always will.

Is he moderate by choice or by necessity? I would make the case that you mistake Obama's inability to pass liberal legislation as his being a moderate.
Facts like the ACA being less liberal than it would have been with a classical liberal in office, his wiliness to bargain with welfare/SS benefits, etc... It's amazing what happens when you pay attention.

What pray tell makes me a "cave man"? I've got an undergraduate degree in History which I followed up with an MBA. Sorry to burst yet another of your stereotypes, Candy but I was raised in about as liberal a college town as you'll find anywhere, Amherst, Massachusetts. But you probably don't care about that either...right?

If you're a conservative, you are a caveman. Period.

It seems to me, Candy that you don't care about much other than your own world view. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is extreme and a Neanderthal.

If you're a conservative, you're a Neanderthal. Hell, look at the conservatives here who are just about as detestable as you can get. Do you agree with them that "We have a minority problem" in this nation? Yes or no?

Look at your GOP/Conservative candidates. I use the term assuming you're a conservative; next you'll be telling me you're not. It seems to me that you're just here to argue and try to put the best light on a Party/Ideology the world is leaving behind (much like the Confederacy) and anyone who correctly pegs conservatives on the whole as a backwards group is not accounting for a few that may have had a lucid moment during the last 30 years and wised up to a degree. The second leading delegate recipient is against contraception. Not public funding of contraception...I mean the practice of contraception. The flag issue is pretty much as cut and dried as it could be but a number of the candidates running for the GOP nomination are cowed into silence lest they lose a little support with the meathead crowd.
She should not be re-elected for a knee jerk reaction that caved in to the moment. Strong leaders don't do that. If she was REALLY politically brave, she would have taken the opposite stand. Her weakness will be rewarded at the polls. Profiles in courage she is NOT!
Neither is conservatism a symptom of "cave-man thinking",
Sure it is.

Why else would you think you have any right to tell a woman she has to go through several invasive medical procedures to exercise her rights?

Candy...although you on the Left continually make that charge.
And they are right.

I'm an atheist and a conservative. So please spare me the nonsense about angels.
Didn't know that.
Also didn't care.

My point about Obama is that you call the GOP "extreme"...yet they nominate moderates...
Obama is a moderate too..ask any true liberal. Ask Nancy Pelosi.

while at the same time you pretend that the Democrats aren't "extreme"...yet they nominated a Senator with one of the most liberal voting records on the Hill. How do you explain that?

Again, if you're a progressive, you're not a caveman. I see where your intelectual challenges are hurting you in this conversation.

Hate to burst another stereotype bubble for you, Candy...but I'm pro-choice.
Also didn't know.
Also didn't care.

How exactly is Obama a moderate when his voting record in the Senate was rated one of the most liberal?
For the third time silly boy, President Obama is a moderate or Center-Left President.

Because he wasn't able to pass all of the far left stuff he wanted to? Because the American people said whoa after the first mid term election?
Oh, and Candy? If you're going to try and insult me over a lack of intellect...try and spell the word correctly! You'll look a lot more "intellectual"!

Your cave-man teachings betray you...always have, always will.

Is he moderate by choice or by necessity? I would make the case that you mistake Obama's inability to pass liberal legislation as his being a moderate.
Facts like the ACA being less liberal than it would have been with a classical liberal in office, his wiliness to bargain with welfare/SS benefits, etc... It's amazing what happens when you pay attention.

What pray tell makes me a "cave man"? I've got an undergraduate degree in History which I followed up with an MBA. Sorry to burst yet another of your stereotypes, Candy but I was raised in about as liberal a college town as you'll find anywhere, Amherst, Massachusetts. But you probably don't care about that either...right?

If you're a conservative, you are a caveman. Period.

It seems to me, Candy that you don't care about much other than your own world view. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is extreme and a Neanderthal.

If you're a conservative, you're a Neanderthal. Hell, look at the conservatives here who are just about as detestable as you can get. Do you agree with them that "We have a minority problem" in this nation? Yes or no?

Look at your GOP/Conservative candidates. I use the term assuming you're a conservative; next you'll be telling me you're not. It seems to me that you're just here to argue and try to put the best light on a Party/Ideology the world is leaving behind (much like the Confederacy) and anyone who correctly pegs conservatives on the whole as a backwards group is not accounting for a few that may have had a lucid moment during the last 30 years and wised up to a degree. The second leading delegate recipient is against contraception. Not public funding of contraception...I mean the practice of contraception. The flag issue is pretty much as cut and dried as it could be but a number of the candidates running for the GOP nomination are cowed into silence lest they lose a little support with the meathead crowd.

Is this some kind of performance, or are you really a mindless partisan shell?
fyi. Removing the con flag from the state house in Floriduh was pretty meaningless as our state flag is really just a fancied up rebel flag.

is it? i didn't realize that... you still have to give them credit for the gesture/change, though, no?
Yes, they do get some credit but it is a damn shame that nine people had to die before they decided we shouldn't be honoring traitors and racists.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh Ravi?
So you are okay with being PC about the con flag? Don't want to hurt racists feelings?

LOL, calling my views "PC"? You need a ticket back to reality Ravi.
fyi. Removing the con flag from the state house in Floriduh was pretty meaningless as our state flag is really just a fancied up rebel flag.

is it? i didn't realize that... you still have to give them credit for the gesture/change, though, no?
Yes, they do get some credit but it is a damn shame that nine people had to die before they decided we shouldn't be honoring traitors and racists.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh Ravi?
So you are okay with being PC about the con flag? Don't want to hurt racists feelings?

LOL, calling my views "PC"? You need a ticket back to reality Ravi.
They are absolutely PC. You want to use taxpayer money to maintain con flags on public property so you won't offend a bunch of racist nutters. The irony is awesome.
Neither is conservatism a symptom of "cave-man thinking",
Sure it is.

Why else would you think you have any right to tell a woman she has to go through several invasive medical procedures to exercise her rights?

Candy...although you on the Left continually make that charge.
And they are right.

I'm an atheist and a conservative. So please spare me the nonsense about angels.
Didn't know that.
Also didn't care.

My point about Obama is that you call the GOP "extreme"...yet they nominate moderates...
Obama is a moderate too..ask any true liberal. Ask Nancy Pelosi.

while at the same time you pretend that the Democrats aren't "extreme"...yet they nominated a Senator with one of the most liberal voting records on the Hill. How do you explain that?

Again, if you're a progressive, you're not a caveman. I see where your intelectual challenges are hurting you in this conversation.

Hate to burst another stereotype bubble for you, Candy...but I'm pro-choice.
Also didn't know.
Also didn't care.

How exactly is Obama a moderate when his voting record in the Senate was rated one of the most liberal?
For the third time silly boy, President Obama is a moderate or Center-Left President.

Because he wasn't able to pass all of the far left stuff he wanted to? Because the American people said whoa after the first mid term election?
Oh, and Candy? If you're going to try and insult me over a lack of intellect...try and spell the word correctly! You'll look a lot more "intellectual"!

Your cave-man teachings betray you...always have, always will.

Is he moderate by choice or by necessity? I would make the case that you mistake Obama's inability to pass liberal legislation as his being a moderate.
Facts like the ACA being less liberal than it would have been with a classical liberal in office, his wiliness to bargain with welfare/SS benefits, etc... It's amazing what happens when you pay attention.

What pray tell makes me a "cave man"? I've got an undergraduate degree in History which I followed up with an MBA. Sorry to burst yet another of your stereotypes, Candy but I was raised in about as liberal a college town as you'll find anywhere, Amherst, Massachusetts. But you probably don't care about that either...right?

If you're a conservative, you are a caveman. Period.

It seems to me, Candy that you don't care about much other than your own world view. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is extreme and a Neanderthal.

If you're a conservative, you're a Neanderthal. Hell, look at the conservatives here who are just about as detestable as you can get. Do you agree with them that "We have a minority problem" in this nation? Yes or no?

Look at your GOP/Conservative candidates. I use the term assuming you're a conservative; next you'll be telling me you're not. It seems to me that you're just here to argue and try to put the best light on a Party/Ideology the world is leaving behind (much like the Confederacy) and anyone who correctly pegs conservatives on the whole as a backwards group is not accounting for a few that may have had a lucid moment during the last 30 years and wised up to a degree. The second leading delegate recipient is against contraception. Not public funding of contraception...I mean the practice of contraception. The flag issue is pretty much as cut and dried as it could be but a number of the candidates running for the GOP nomination are cowed into silence lest they lose a little support with the meathead crowd. really are comfortable wearing your ideological blinders, aren't you, Candy?
is it? i didn't realize that... you still have to give them credit for the gesture/change, though, no?
Yes, they do get some credit but it is a damn shame that nine people had to die before they decided we shouldn't be honoring traitors and racists.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh Ravi?
So you are okay with being PC about the con flag? Don't want to hurt racists feelings?

LOL, calling my views "PC"? You need a ticket back to reality Ravi.
They are absolutely PC. You want to use taxpayer money to maintain con flags on public property so you won't offend a bunch of racist nutters. The irony is awesome.

Nice try, not so tough guy. Your concern for taxpayer money is false on its face.

I'm sure if the flags were maintained by private money you would find some other excuse to get rid of them.

The issue isn't the flag at all, its the false sense of moral outrage that has been made up by the media. I haven't seen a single protest over this, except on MSM websites, prog websites, and politicians.

It's flim flam, hokum, wool cast over your eyes to distract from real problems and concerns. and you fell for it.
Yes, they do get some credit but it is a damn shame that nine people had to die before they decided we shouldn't be honoring traitors and racists.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh Ravi?
So you are okay with being PC about the con flag? Don't want to hurt racists feelings?

LOL, calling my views "PC"? You need a ticket back to reality Ravi.
They are absolutely PC. You want to use taxpayer money to maintain con flags on public property so you won't offend a bunch of racist nutters. The irony is awesome.

Nice try, not so tough guy. Your concern for taxpayer money is false on its face.

I'm sure if the flags were maintained by private money you would find some other excuse to get rid of them.

The issue isn't the flag at all, its the false sense of moral outrage that has been made up by the media. I haven't seen a single protest over this, except on MSM websites, prog websites, and politicians.

It's flim flam, hokum, wool cast over your eyes to distract from real problems and concerns. and you fell for it.
No flag should be on public property EXCEPT federal or state flags. Period. And you're right, I'm, not a tough guy. :rolleyes:
Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh Ravi?
So you are okay with being PC about the con flag? Don't want to hurt racists feelings?

LOL, calling my views "PC"? You need a ticket back to reality Ravi.
They are absolutely PC. You want to use taxpayer money to maintain con flags on public property so you won't offend a bunch of racist nutters. The irony is awesome.

Nice try, not so tough guy. Your concern for taxpayer money is false on its face.

I'm sure if the flags were maintained by private money you would find some other excuse to get rid of them.

The issue isn't the flag at all, its the false sense of moral outrage that has been made up by the media. I haven't seen a single protest over this, except on MSM websites, prog websites, and politicians.

It's flim flam, hokum, wool cast over your eyes to distract from real problems and concerns. and you fell for it.
No flag should be on public property EXCEPT federal or state flags. Period. And you're right, I'm, not a tough guy. :rolleyes:

While I agree the one on the capital building should go, the one on the CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL is part of the freaking memorial.

Even Mandela knew to leave some symbols of the past so as not to create strife, i.e. allowing the Rugby Springboks to keep their name and colors.

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