Nixon and China: Obama and Iran


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Perhaps some of you are old enough to remember the reactions of US and Asian conservatives when Dick and Henry reached out to Mao. While it's still too early to tell how Obama's phone call to Rouhani will play out, yet another war in the Middle East appears to have been shelved for at least six months.

Eugene Robinson @ Truthdig:

"Critics complain that the agreement recognizes Iran’s right to enrich uranium, if only in low concentrations that are useless for bomb-making. In fact, the Geneva accord is deliberately ambiguous on this issue.

"But it should be clear by now that sanctions, however draconian, will never halt Iran’s enrichment program. In 2006, when the first U.N. sanctions were applied, Iran had at most 3,000 functioning centrifuges that produced enriched uranium at a concentration of just 3.5 percent.

"Now Iran has at least 18,000 centrifuges and is able to enrich uranium to the level of 20 percent—which is nine-tenths of the way toward making fuel for a bomb.

"Under the Geneva pact, half of Iran’s 20 percent uranium will be diluted and no more will be produced.

"A military strike that eliminated half of the potential fuel for a 'breakout' bomb—and wiped out the capability to make more—would surely be reckoned a success.

"It is just plain dumb to attack Kerry and Obama for achieving the same thing without firing a shot."

IMHO, this agreement came about primarily because US conservatives hate Obama more than they love war; however, even if I'm right, that doesn't mean the world isn't a more peaceful place today than it was a month ago.
"It may be that Iran is incapable of becoming a responsible actor on the world stage as long as it is led by the mullahs. But there was a time when it was hard to imagine China being anything but a pariah as long as it was led by the Maoists—yet now, Beijing is the capital of one of the world’s economic superpowers, with Mao’s picture still watching over Tiananmen Square.

Regimes do evolve, sometimes in ways that make the world a safer place. Obama is boldly asking this question: Can it happen in Iran?"

Can it?

Eugene Robinson: The Benefits of a Deal - Truthdig

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