NIXON and some similarities in today's bizarro times


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

You cant break out of your worldview can you? Try to imagine a reverse Watergate. A mirror image. Because what watergate established was that the Press could break the law while the President couldn't. It was the beginning of the enthronement of the media as sovereign and unassailable.
Until Trump.
You cant break out of your worldview can you? Try to imagine a reverse Watergate. A mirror image. Because what watergate established was that the Press could break the law while the President couldn't. It was the beginning of the enthronement of the media as sovereign and unassailable.
Until Trump.
And, thankfully, the press is protected by the 1st Amendment to The Constitution of the United States. If it were up to Trump, all we would have are the daily lies of Fox News.
You cant break out of your worldview can you? Try to imagine a reverse Watergate. A mirror image. Because what watergate established was that the Press could break the law while the President couldn't. It was the beginning of the enthronement of the media as sovereign and unassailable.
Until Trump.
But how did the press break the law?

The Press's 1st amendment right, is so that they can hunt down every bit about the govt they can get their hands on....leaked is preferred.... that means it was something big brother govt was trying to hide, from we the people....!!!!

As long it is not top secret classified that would harm our country and protect our national security sources, from bodily harm... the press used to abide by that rule....

The Pentagon Papers were top secret and the court ruled that too was ok, because it was telling us what our govt was lying to us about, ...their doings in Cambodia...

AND OUR GOVERNMENT CAN NOT do a darn thing to them to stop it, according to our constitution.
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!

Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!
You cant break out of your worldview can you? Try to imagine a reverse Watergate. A mirror image. Because what watergate established was that the Press could break the law while the President couldn't. It was the beginning of the enthronement of the media as sovereign and unassailable.
Until Trump.
Because what watergate established was that the Press could break the law while the President couldn't.
Specifically, what statute(s) was/were broken by the Press?

Specifically, what news organization(s) of the Press violated that/those statute(s)?

Specifically, through what type of procedure(s) was/were this/these alleged new legal precedent(s) establishing the Press possessing this immunity from prosecution for crimes while leaving the POTUS in jeopardy for them?

I crave to see your evidence proving your assertion!!!!
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


That guy in your picture is the one with the "pathological disease" that can't be cured, right?
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Nixon and Trump shared the same contempt for the rule of law, that a president is ‘above the law,’ and that something is ‘legal’ because the president says it is.

Nixon and Trump were equally arrogant – both believing they ‘know what’s best’ for the country.

Nixon and Trump obsessed over perceived ‘enemies,’ both convinced they were being ‘plotted against,’ both ‘victims’ of those ‘disloyal.’

And both Nixon and Trump were equally unfit to be president.
Because what watergate established was that the Press could break the law while the President couldn't. It was the beginning of the enthronement of the media as sovereign and unassailable.

The Fourth Estate is a segment of society that wields an indirect but significant influence on society even though it is not a formally recognized part of the political system. The most commonly recognized part of the fourth estate is the news media, or press.

Fourth Estate - Wikipedia
The Fourth Estate is a segment of society that wields an indirect but significant influence on society even though it is not a formally recognized part of the political system.

That’s more like it.
So what do you think of a “segment of society” which wields “significant influence” and power over said society...which is above reproach or even question by the very elected members of that society?
You cant break out of your worldview can you? Try to imagine a reverse Watergate. A mirror image. Because what watergate established was that the Press could break the law while the President couldn't. It was the beginning of the enthronement of the media as sovereign and unassailable.
Until Trump.
And, thankfully, the press is protected by the 1st Amendment to The Constitution of the United States. If it were up to Trump, all we would have are the daily lies of Fox News.

And if Obama would of had his way Fox News would have been shut down and any other right leaning news source. That is the power of the 1st Amendment.
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Funny how the press didn't WORK when it came to abuses by the Obama Administration! Nixon was hounded from office by the press because he spied on his political enemies and tried to use the IRS against them. Obama used fraudulently obtained FISA warrants to spy on his political enemy and actually DID use the IRS against his political enemies! Did the press hound him? Not so much...
I am not obsessed with the Watergate thing, but the theory is Nixon deleted something on a tape related to the conspiracy of MOSSAD and or CIA assasinating JFK. Why anyone ever would record confidential meetings is bizarre, enter douchebag Cohen...The main difference is Cohen allegedly was trying to address Playboy playmates The Donald banged, just like EVERY normal male would want to bang for a weekend. The Watergate thing that Nixon deleted obviously was something more like attacking our democracy the way the "intelligence agencies" are doing to this very day. Remember the jewish/zionist/occultist Schumer say the "intelligence agencies" have more power than elected officials. This is the battle we are in. The people vs. the swamp. And the swamp is slowly but surely being drained as Mueller's witch hunt is total fail.
Boy oh boy, was Nixon pissed at the Washington Post! Whew!

There are some similarities with this whitehouse press secretaries and Trump....

they are the same.... just similar....

Yo, who reads the Washington Post? Not I, it`s a Socialist Enabler Newspaper like the N.Y. Times !!!!!!!!!!!!


They did a heck of a job informing the USA's public during Watergate! Most all, through gov't ''leakers''.....

The press WORKED just as our Founders intended!

Funny how the press didn't WORK when it came to abuses by the Obama Administration! Nixon was hounded from office by the press because he spied on his political enemies and tried to use the IRS against them. Obama used fraudulently obtained FISA warrants to spy on his political enemy and actually DID use the IRS against his political enemies! Did the press hound him? Not so much...

Lies you have been programmed to receive. :(

There was no illegal Fisa warrant on Page, there was no spying on the Trump campaign, the Page FISA was approved and issued after he had resigned and quit the campaign. :rolleyes:

There was years of investigations on Lerner and the IRS and hundreds of thousands of emails gone thru, hearings for hours on end, endless dog and pony shows, and not one email that showed Obama involved or even aware of the steps Lerner took to handle the overload of applicants for 501c charities, due to the Supreme court ruling on Citizens United.

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