NK missle can hit east coast = fake news ?

don't you and the left VOW to bitch at whatever he does regardless if you were wanting it done or not?
LOL LOL MANY LOLS back atcha.

are you saying that 'red lines' drawn but not enforced are no longer fair game for criticism?

gee, I wonder why a partisan hack like you would take that position...
no, he is saying if he did do what he said he was going to do, you would be bitching about that.

It's not about me. It's about Trump. It's about the defenders of Trump no matter what he does or doesn't do.
i rest my cast.

it doesn't matter - it's all trump and all wrong - anyone who says otherwise is branded a defender of trump and not who they really are - tired of juvenile bullshit.

but thank you for proving me correct so quickly. you attack anything trump does and anyone who may disagree with you then try and take some jacked up liberal bullshit highroad for your arrogance.

shit don't fly anymore son.

If you think you know me so well, why don't you tell us all what Trump has done that I should be praising him for,
but I'm attacking him instead.

Oops, iceberg has fled the interview. Big surprise.
are you saying that 'red lines' drawn but not enforced are no longer fair game for criticism?

gee, I wonder why a partisan hack like you would take that position...
no, he is saying if he did do what he said he was going to do, you would be bitching about that.

It's not about me. It's about Trump. It's about the defenders of Trump no matter what he does or doesn't do.
i rest my cast.

it doesn't matter - it's all trump and all wrong - anyone who says otherwise is branded a defender of trump and not who they really are - tired of juvenile bullshit.

but thank you for proving me correct so quickly. you attack anything trump does and anyone who may disagree with you then try and take some jacked up liberal bullshit highroad for your arrogance.

shit don't fly anymore son.

If you think you know me so well, why don't you tell us all what Trump has done that I should be praising him for,
but I'm attacking him instead.

Oops, iceberg has fled the interview. Big surprise.
Lol like you got him... you still havent even caught the point..
no, he is saying if he did do what he said he was going to do, you would be bitching about that.

It's not about me. It's about Trump. It's about the defenders of Trump no matter what he does or doesn't do.
i rest my cast.

it doesn't matter - it's all trump and all wrong - anyone who says otherwise is branded a defender of trump and not who they really are - tired of juvenile bullshit.

but thank you for proving me correct so quickly. you attack anything trump does and anyone who may disagree with you then try and take some jacked up liberal bullshit highroad for your arrogance.

shit don't fly anymore son.

If you think you know me so well, why don't you tell us all what Trump has done that I should be praising him for,
but I'm attacking him instead.

Oops, iceberg has fled the interview. Big surprise.
Lol like you got him... you still havent even caught the point..

Hey, if you have times to cite where I should have in principle and in my positions praised Trump and I attacked him instead,
by all means, post them.
no, he is saying if he did do what he said he was going to do, you would be bitching about that.

It's not about me. It's about Trump. It's about the defenders of Trump no matter what he does or doesn't do.
i rest my cast.

it doesn't matter - it's all trump and all wrong - anyone who says otherwise is branded a defender of trump and not who they really are - tired of juvenile bullshit.

but thank you for proving me correct so quickly. you attack anything trump does and anyone who may disagree with you then try and take some jacked up liberal bullshit highroad for your arrogance.

shit don't fly anymore son.

If you think you know me so well, why don't you tell us all what Trump has done that I should be praising him for,
but I'm attacking him instead.

Oops, iceberg has fled the interview. Big surprise.
Lol like you got him... you still havent even caught the point..
i give up after awhile. eventually even a turd changes expressions in the rain. liberals won't regardless and forever push their I'M RIGHT ALWAYS crap and i just don't play long anymore.

if he wants to run around thinking he won some internet trophy i hope he shines the hell out of that virtual victory. my apathy can't get any lower to his views at this point anyway.
He said he would if kim harmed us or one of our allies. He also said we are locked and loaded, if it happens. His words need to be fully looked at, not just snippets.
What did he say? He has said we will handle it, not how, to my understanding.
He did. He tried diplomatically and China complied by closing NK businesses and cutting off their supply of oil.
It, unfortunately hasn’t worked.
Didn't Trump vow to DO something if NK kept this up?

umm yea. like 5 missile launches ago.. lol
thats not what he initially said he was going to do, though.
My thing is, say what you mean, mean what you say. Trump does the COMPLETE oppposite most of the time, it seems..
Like 2 or 3 months ago he said if he did it again, he would rain down "fire and brimestone" or something to that effect. That was 4 or 5 missile launches ago..
If he keeps this up, this is going to be his "red line" gaffe
...and your beloved D Party will gladly join him...as they did when he attacked Syria based on lies.

I know, I know.........and that is why I'm not too happy with democrats either......Scared shitless of seeming "unpatriotic."
You are making progress my son.

There is little difference between to two criminal gangs....and when it comes to war, there is NO DIFFERENCE.

You are seeing the light...now....it must be so uplifting.
The only bummer is Trumps willingness to get us into a war for his megalomaniac goals of making himself look powerful and to have bragging rights...
Just like Big Ears (but you LOVED him), just like W (and you hated him), just like Bubba (and you loved him), just like the rest of them all the way back to JFK who pushed peace at all costs and got his head blown off for it.
No I don't support war for profit margins of large corporations.. Iraq was such a move...Now fighting terrorism is justifiable...Syria another joke of a war for destabilization in the area along with Libya..Which makes perfect sense if you exist by the divide and conquer theory..
Now, do you have any proof to yer allegations about me being a leftist, a dem or supporting anything our govt. does please provide it or stop slinging shit to cover your Orange Napoleon...
Didn't Trump vow to DO something if NK kept this up?

don't you and the left VOW to bitch at whatever he does regardless if you were wanting it done or not?
LOL LOL MANY LOLS back atcha.
Can you explain why Trump is letting a short bitch eat his lunch, or do you want to insult anything that resembles your constant support for him when he draws a red line and then forgets about it?
...and the D and R parties will gladly promote the lie, so they can take the country to war AGAIN.

WAR is the ONLY alternative for the orange charlatan to divert the world's attention from his Mueller "problems."

Have you seen the new law suit Mueller is now facing from judicial watch, going to be interesting.

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Judicial Watch DONATE NOW

Judicial Watch Sues Justice Department for Mueller Russian Special Counsel Budget


October 10, 2017
Mueller’s Budget Under Wraps

(Washington, DC)Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) concerning the budget and administrative records of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Justice (No. 1:17-cv-02079)).

The lawsuit was filed after the Department of Justice failed to respond to an July 10, 2017 FOIA request seeking the following:

  1. A copy of the budget prepared and submitted by Robert S. Mueller III or his staff in his capacity as appointed “Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.” Temporal scope of this request is from 17May2017 to 10July2017.
  2. A copy of all guidance memoranda and communications by which the Justice Management Division will review the Special Counsel’s Office’s “Statement of Expenditures” prior to or for the purpose of making each public. Temporal scope of this request is from 1June2017 to present.
  3. A copy of each document scoping, regulating, or governing the Special Counsel’s Office appointed under the leadership of Mueller III. Temporal scope of this request is from 17May2017 to present.
the missle landed next to Japan , but there’s one “scientician” everyone is quoting saying that this thing can hit DC.

Everyone is Just excepting this is true. Could it be the war machine at work? It’s not like this guy had access to the missile how can you be so sure of its capabilities?
It's a fact.

North Korea now has a missile capable of hitting Donald Trump's ginormous ass on the golf course.
It's not about me. It's about Trump. It's about the defenders of Trump no matter what he does or doesn't do.
i rest my cast.

it doesn't matter - it's all trump and all wrong - anyone who says otherwise is branded a defender of trump and not who they really are - tired of juvenile bullshit.

but thank you for proving me correct so quickly. you attack anything trump does and anyone who may disagree with you then try and take some jacked up liberal bullshit highroad for your arrogance.

shit don't fly anymore son.

If you think you know me so well, why don't you tell us all what Trump has done that I should be praising him for,
but I'm attacking him instead.

Oops, iceberg has fled the interview. Big surprise.
Lol like you got him... you still havent even caught the point..
i give up after awhile. eventually even a turd changes expressions in the rain. liberals won't regardless and forever push their I'M RIGHT ALWAYS crap and i just don't play long anymore.

if he wants to run around thinking he won some internet trophy i hope he shines the hell out of that virtual victory. my apathy can't get any lower to his views at this point anyway.

lol, the classic guy falling on his ass and then claiming he meant to do that. good one.

You accused me of something. I asked you to back it up with evidence. You couldn't, because your accusation was a lie.

End of story.
the missle landed next to Japan , but there’s one “scientician” everyone is quoting saying that this thing can hit DC.

Everyone is Just excepting this is true. Could it be the war machine at work? It’s not like this guy had access to the missile how can you be so sure of its capabilities?
It's a fact.

North Korea now has a missile capable of hitting Donald Trump's ginormous ass on the golf course.

Would that be an A-hole in one??
Didn't Trump vow to DO something if NK kept this up?

don't you and the left VOW to bitch at whatever he does regardless if you were wanting it done or not?
LOL LOL MANY LOLS back atcha.
Can you explain why Trump is letting a short bitch eat his lunch, or do you want to insult anything that resembles your constant support for him when he draws a red line and then forgets about it?
heh - you funny.

again - i defend overall rights and processes, not people. people who attack people regardless of right or wrong continue to confuse this with defending the person.

trumps a dick who gets on a lot of peoples nerves. he demands his attention and he'll tweet your little nose to get it. and the left, like pavlovian dogs, eat it up and respond just as he wants you to. i've called both sides 3 year old children and i guess you miss that so you can lob out generic bullshit and go AH HA GOT YOU!!!

great. you got me. now what?
the missle landed next to Japan , but there’s one “scientician” everyone is quoting saying that this thing can hit DC.

Everyone is Just excepting this is true. Could it be the war machine at work? It’s not like this guy had access to the missile how can you be so sure of its capabilities?
It's a fact.

North Korea now has a missile capable of hitting Donald Trump's ginormous ass on the golf course.
well they can get within miles at a great distance so he does have a big target.
During North Korea's next missile test, we should have one of our Aegis destroyers knock it out of the sky.

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