No autopsy on Scalia/US marshal protection was NOT there at time of death

Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead over the phone. She said no autopsy was necessary and that the death certificate will say the cause of death was natural.

Additionally, there appear to be violations of Texas law requiring an autopsy.

The miraculous ability of Judge Cinderela Guevara to determine the cause of death over the phone and the lack of an autopsy are irregular, to say the least.
Much as I detest the Obama traitor and his thuggish, malcontent supporters, logic suggests that if Obama had any means of disposing a SC justice like this, he would have done it long ago; when he had more time to replace him. Scalia was a 79-year-old extremely fat lardass so it's very likely his heart attack happened on its own. There are plenty of good, PROVEN reasons to hate that Sharpton-jizz-bucket black racist without resorting to conspiracy theories.
Whenever someone with as much power as a Supreme Court Justice dies, especially when no one is present at the time of death, an autopsy SHOULD be performed. It should be mandatory.

So the family's request is of no consequence? You as a RW DEMAND THAT THE LAW INTERVENE!!!!

Very "libertarian" of you.
I do have one question, though. Was Dick Cheney on the premises? In that case, perhaps an autopsy should be in order...
Justice Scalia Dead Following 30-Year Battle With Social Progress
Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara pronounced Scalia dead over the phone. She said no autopsy was necessary and that the death certificate will say the cause of death was natural.

Additionally, there appear to be violations of Texas law requiring an autopsy.

The miraculous ability of Judge Cinderela Guevara to determine the cause of death over the phone and the lack of an autopsy are irregular, to say the least.
Looks like another Jade Helms ....
Much as I detest the Obama traitor and his thuggish, malcontent supporters, logic suggests that if Obama had any means of disposing a SC justice like this, he would have done it long ago; when he had more time to replace him. Scalia was a 79-year-old extremely fat lardass so it's very likely his heart attack happened on its own. There are plenty of good, PROVEN reasons to hate that Sharpton-jizz-bucket black racist without resorting to conspiracy theories.
Whenever someone with as much power as a Supreme Court Justice dies, especially when no one is present at the time of death, an autopsy SHOULD be performed. It should be mandatory.

So the family's request is of no consequence? You as a RW DEMAND THAT THE LAW INTERVENE!!!!

Very "libertarian" of you.
We don't know that the family wasn't threatened, do we?
Much as I detest the Obama traitor and his thuggish, malcontent supporters, logic suggests that if Obama had any means of disposing a SC justice like this, he would have done it long ago; when he had more time to replace him. Scalia was a 79-year-old extremely fat lardass so it's very likely his heart attack happened on its own. There are plenty of good, PROVEN reasons to hate that Sharpton-jizz-bucket black racist without resorting to conspiracy theories.
Whenever someone with as much power as a Supreme Court Justice dies, especially when no one is present at the time of death, an autopsy SHOULD be performed. It should be mandatory.

So the family's request is of no consequence? You as a RW DEMAND THAT THE LAW INTERVENE!!!!

Very "libertarian" of you.
We don't know that the family wasn't threatened, do we?
Occam's Razor.
The saying Critical Thinking The Other National Deficit had liberals in mind when it was thought of. Plain and simple. Some of the most gullible ignorant bastards I have ever experienced.
no one, is stopping anyone from performing an autopsy, other than the family, who knows he was ill, and who apparently don't want his body cut up.

I'd like to see an autopsy to shut all of you tin foil hatters and conspirators up...

without one, you mad hatters will spin some awful lies for the next 50 years, and regurgitate them so much, you will actually come to believe them...

you are sickos, to the nth degree.... and stupid ones at that....

May Scalia rest in peace....
The saying Critical Thinking The Other National Deficit had liberals in mind when it was thought of. Plain and simple. Some of the most gullible ignorant bastards I have ever experienced.

English please.
The family can request an autopsy.

Case closed.
No. All Americans have an interest in this because it affects all of us. If there was foul play involved we need to know. If there wasn't, fine, but we won't know without an autopsy.
We need an investigation! 79 year old men do not just drop dead.
. Not if their in excellent health they don't, and I know plenty of old folks that are in excellent health. The dems don't because their playing God with healthcare... It is amazing to them to see people surviving Obama Care... LOL.
Much as I detest the Obama traitor and his thuggish, malcontent supporters, logic suggests that if Obama had any means of disposing a SC justice like this, he would have done it long ago; when he had more time to replace him. Scalia was a 79-year-old extremely fat lardass so it's very likely his heart attack happened on its own. There are plenty of good, PROVEN reasons to hate that Sharpton-jizz-bucket black racist without resorting to conspiracy theories.
Whenever someone with as much power as a Supreme Court Justice dies, especially when no one is present at the time of death, an autopsy SHOULD be performed. It should be mandatory.

So the family's request is of no consequence? You as a RW DEMAND THAT THE LAW INTERVENE!!!!

Very "libertarian" of you.

Are you addressing me? Forget it, it doesn't matter, I don't know what the hell you're talking about; even though I assume Scalia's heart attack is probably an obese old man having a heart attack, I support having an autopsy just to be certain. Now what is so unreasonable about that? You violent, anti-social, liberal animal who needs one of those Hannibal Lecter bite masks.

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